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February 6th, 2012, 08:01
During my recent trip, I noticed that a few of the gogo bars had their dancers in jeans ( no shirts ) instead of their usual underwear / skimpy briefs. I am not sure I can remember them all, but Wild West Boys was certainly one of them. Pretty sure Nice Boys was another. All staff in jeans. Neither of these visits were near closing time. I think there was at least one more, but I cannot remember which bar. :banghead:

Is this a new trend? It was disappointing and caused us to walk right back out of a couple of places.

Good Boys and GUY Club both had their dancers in jeans, but I believe that is their normal attire for them.

Anyone else noticing this or have any idea why they are doing this?

February 6th, 2012, 08:28
For almost 6 months now some bars have been experimenting with the "jeans" look. As always, some customers think it is sexy and some do not.
It really comes down to the cry from you, the customers, who keep asking bar owners to try and come up with new ideas and things to do. At HP we tried it one night to see the reaction as we had heard about it and wanted to try doing the jean look for about an hour. Personally I thought the jean look was nice for a short time each night but the customer reaction was God awful and customers walked out. We listened.

February 6th, 2012, 08:46
How can you check if they have leg tattoos if they are wearing jeans?

February 6th, 2012, 08:51
Well in our case we wanted to have them in jeans for about an hour so you would have just had to wait an hour to see them in a bikini but I guess if some places are doing it all night you woud have to wait til you got them in your room. Right?

February 6th, 2012, 09:10
One bar ( nice boys?) used to have a split group. Most dancers in briefs with a handful in jeans. That seemed ok to me. Some customers might prefer the jean look and it filled a need. This last trip, everyone in jeans, which I did not like at all.

I think Copa used to have their dancers in jeans for the very last part of the night, after the last show for 20 minutes or so until the bar closed. Seemed like a good idea as well. I haven't been in Copa for some time, so do not know what they are doing now.

I don't begrudge anyone for trying something new and it is usually a good thing to have variety and choices. For me, I want my gogo dancers to be wearing very little. As long as some of my favorite bars stick to the briefs, I shall remain happy.

February 6th, 2012, 09:31
It's very personal, but most of the times I find a boy in a FITTING jeans much more attractive than a boy wearing those skimpy wight tighties.

February 6th, 2012, 10:04
It may have something to do with it is against the law to have boys in briefs on stage or tables very very rarely enforced but can be if the police so wish.
And in the last few weeks they have made it clear they want to close as many bars as possible. :dontknow:

February 6th, 2012, 12:00
...And in the last few weeks they [the police] have made it clear they want to close as many bars as possible.

How has that intention manifested itself? Verbally? In action?

What exactly is the intention? Just to raise tea money by the threat? To effect a moral transformation? To close bars temporarily for some reason? To bring about permanent closure?

Is it directed specifically to gay bars? To straight bars too? To Pattaya bars only? To all Thai bars?

As you are in the hot seat, Mark (the one just inside the door and to the left), and sound as though you are pretty definite on this assertion, please enlighten us further.

February 6th, 2012, 14:55
Just check your local local news, last month a total of 16 bars 14 lady and 2 boy bars have been served 1 month closure orders in Jomtien all for miner licensing infractions being open late ext.
No body is looking for tee money on this one in January most police officers receive there new posting and like to be seen to be doing there jobs.
Walking street has had 2 bars closed but for more serious reasons underage girls and foreign workers.

February 7th, 2012, 00:55
I remember only Good Boys and GUY Club with boys in Jeans, definitely not Wild West Boys. From a year ago, I remember Jupiter 2002 in Bangkok with most boys in Boxer shorts and sleeveless T-shirt.

I prefer boys in underwear.

February 7th, 2012, 04:58
I always found that the end of show in BBB when the boys came on stage in jeans was the best part of it..Maybe a mixture of both jeans and white undies would be nice..for me it would anyway...best of both worlds..

February 7th, 2012, 05:36
Wildwestboys have had the boys in jeans after the midnight show for some years now.

I used to like the contrast at Nice Boys where they would dressed into street clothes and rotate onto the rear stage. Some boys do look better or sexier dressed.

I remember taking off from WWB a boy in jeans who seemed to have a decent package, when we got to the condo he sheepishly showed me his undies were in his pocket. That would be rare for a Thai, but I enjoyed it , he knew what he had for sale.

February 7th, 2012, 05:59
I used to like the contrast at Nice Boys where they would dressed into street clothes and rotate onto the rear stage. Some boys do look better or sexier dressed.

The guys in Nice boys in the jeans aka Coyotes are all straight boys and will be top only
They also cost 100B more to off than the rank and file gogo boys (and are all so sexy!)

The boys in their underwear are either gay... or willing to do more
(or so the mamasan told me anyway!)

I think WWB has their boys in Jeans very early (before 9) and after the last show
The gogo boys are usually in ther underwear in the lead up to the 10.30 show
Whilst the show boys tend to wear their jeans always (on the occasions that they need additional income and decide to look for an off)
Again the Show boys have a premium off fee...

BBB seems to be always jeans these days...

February 7th, 2012, 11:02
As justme says some like it and some dont
Personally i like the shirtless jean wearing look look ,much better than the skinny nellie look that one sees in the gogo bars

If i visit Nice boys i find i am als drawn to the jean clad boys lined up at the back --- i know they are all poochai !!--but hey we all know that there is different levels of poochai in Thailand :laughing3: !!

February 7th, 2012, 12:23
I think variety is attractive in the gogo's and its boring to always see the boys in white y-fronts. Maybe a mixture on the stage of shirtless jeans, white underwear and lurex thongs would be a turn -on.

February 8th, 2012, 02:02
If I wanted to see people fully clothed, then I would visit a host bar.

Better to see the smallest possible briefs in gogo bars.

Much more erotic & simplifies the task of avoiding excessive of hair & tattoos.

February 8th, 2012, 03:24
Wildwestboys have had the boys in jeans after the midnight show for some years now.

I used to like the contrast at Nice Boys where they would dressed into street clothes and rotate onto the rear stage. Some boys do look better or sexier dressed.

I remember taking off from WWB a boy in jeans who seemed to have a decent package, when we got to the condo he sheepishly showed me his undies were in his pocket. That would be rare for a Thai, but I enjoyed it , he knew what he had for sale.

a bit more honest that ozzie guys who put socks in their jocks and speedos. am confused about host bars. which bars in pattaya are host bars.

February 8th, 2012, 07:59
During my recent trip, I noticed that a few of the gogo bars had their dancers in jeans ( no shirts ) instead of their usual underwear / skimpy briefs.
Is this a new trend? It was disappointing and caused us to walk right back out of a couple of places.

No- IF-it is only a revival of some old ''trend''-remember Midnight Cowboy-90ies, BKK here-Sapan Kwai? They also wore cowboy hats-upper body naked (some had red hankies around neck)-was quite nice to look at. In the time that group of YMCA etc-with Indian type singers etc. was topofthebill.
Somehow never ever a new idea comes up-it is only recycling

February 8th, 2012, 09:39
During my recent trip, I noticed that a few of the gogo bars had their dancers in jeans ( no shirts ) instead of their usual underwear / skimpy briefs.
Is this a new trend? It was disappointing and caused us to walk right back out of a couple of places.

No- IF-it is only a revival of some old ''trend''-remember Midnight Cowboy-90ies, BKK here-Sapan Kwai? They also wore cowboy hats-upper body naked (some had red hankies around neck)-was quite nice to look at. In the time that group of YMCA etc-with Indian type singers etc. was topofthebill.
Somehow never ever a new idea comes up-it is only recycling

Fair point Pong. I realize this has been going on in some gogo bars for some time. (good boys, GUY club, surely others outside of PTY). It just struck me this trip that I was seeing many more jeans then previously, and at bars that usually didn't have them before.

I will draw the line if bell-bottoms start showing up. If the Thai boys are wearing jeans, they better be the tight skinny version. :sign5:

February 12th, 2012, 08:45
Maybe a sexy towel night would be fun?
Oh and how about a silhouette Curtain can show the guy changing from underwear to sexy towel?

February 13th, 2012, 23:36
gogo dancers in jeans does annoy me! although some do rota some nights & go back to wearing just bakini whites as usual, if you dont like jeans in gogos either, simple dont go near the guy until they are back in bakini & tell them this, they will soon get the massage! :argue:

Gogo jeans?? i say f*ck that, its NO NO JEANS :laughing3:

February 14th, 2012, 00:25
Maybe a sexy towel night would be fun?
Oh and how about a silhouette Curtain can show the guy changing from underwear to sexy towel?
mmmmm now you is talking!! a sexy towel night ... why i never thought of this ill never know .. maybe its because i never get almost sexually assualted every time i walk thu the pattaya gay areas ... then again if i did buggered if id be worried about a sexy towel night id never make it into a bar ..

February 14th, 2012, 00:43
gogo dancers in jeans does annoy me! although some do rota some nights & go back to wearing just bakini whites as usual, if you dont like jeans in gogos either, simple dont go near the guy until they are back in bakini & tell them this, they will soon get the massage! :argue:

Gogo jeans?? i say f*ck that, its NO NO JEANS :laughing3:

You should a bridge --AND Get Over IT

jeans !! my my whats the world coming too

February 14th, 2012, 07:54
mmmmm now you is talking!! a sexy towel night ... why i never thought of this ill never know .. maybe its because i never get almost sexually assualted every time i walk thu the pattaya gay areas ... then again if i did buggered if id be worried about a sexy towel night id never make it into a bar ..

If you like that idea than how a bout a "Blind Criss-Cross Switch" compitetion with the guys? 4 guys compete 2 on 2. Blind fold them and both groups step into their own sack that should come up past the waist so that one or both guys will have to use one hand to hold the sack-up. Then the music starts and they guys have a set amount of time to switch underwear with each other. The first who are able to switch and drop the sack to the floor wins.

February 14th, 2012, 22:36
gogo dancers in jeans does annoy me! although some do rota some nights & go back to wearing just bakini whites as usual, if you dont like jeans in gogos either, simple dont go near the guy until they are back in bakini & tell them this, they will soon get the massage! :argue:

Gogo jeans?? i say f*ck that, its NO NO JEANS :laughing3:

You should a bridge --AND Get Over IT

jeans !! my my whats the world coming too

hi martin, if i want to see clothed guys i will go to a beer bar & therefore pay cheaper prices for drinks also, its really not rocket science here, if we all thought the same & had the same thoughts on things how boring would the world be!

ps-please check your PM thank you