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View Full Version : Deleting Some Posts and Threads

February 5th, 2012, 23:10
OK, I have calmed a bit as the indians have quieted and as I have already blasted the 5 or 6 of them, (not ban but yelled) I will explain what, and why to the rest of the tribe.

This board is for semi peaceful discussions of what, why and how. In the beginning when the guidelines were established, the mods did their utmost to adhere to them. We really did and I really have to salute jinks as he was not happy although he never said it to me I could feel him laughing at me and saying, Oh DaBoss you will learn that this way will not work. Ya know? I found out that he was correct.

The words flaming and trolling as it states in the guidelines are very discretionary words and it all is a matter of what one interprets as flaming. I said in the early beginning that cock, cunt, fuck asshole and many other terms are fully acceptable in my standard of acceptance.
I don't care if you say.... so in so, you are just an asshole if you think that, or hey fuck nut you are really an asshole and here is why.....

What offends me to the point of losing it is when one goes on and on and says something similar to ...hey you are a marxist fucking idiot that doesn't know his ass from his cock and your putrid shit ass should be thrown off this fucking board! You are a blood sucking troll and anyone that listens to you is an idiot also.

Does anyone catch the difference? :sign5:

What offends me is when a poster crawls on their belly and makes such a post as in #2 and the post is deleted or there are several posts like that and I decide to delete the entire thread because it has been so contaminated that it cannot be saved and others start pointing out the Guidelines or talking about the fact that you are adults and I should not delete this as you can sort through it yourselves. Or someone, name unmentioned joins in and eggs it on and then talks about these "Guidelines".
Well the Guidelines do not call for YOU to weight through this crap and decide what to read and what to ignore, it calls for us to delete
posts like #2 as the post is meant to inflame and start a fight.

Getting back to jinks. I insisted that reasons and mods name be on each and every deletion like the Guidelines call for.
It did not work. It just made some posters more angry and they started calling out that they demanded to know what was deleted and for it to be put back. Demanded? Uh excuse me? Demand you say? Ha Ha Ha! I say!!

Now I have created an area for fighting. It is in the Global Forum and it is titled Latintopxxx fighting et al or something like that.
That is where the fighting is to be, NOT HERE. It is kinda like a smoking and non-smoking area. You can smoke there but you cannot smoke here. Here is for the people that do not want each and every thread disrupted and hijacked. OK now it has been pointed out that prior to me purchasing this board there were threads that I was involved with that had disruptions and hijacking. My explanation?
My posts as a poster and my responsiblities as an owner are now quite different. Please do not confuse the two as the past is the past.

Now, I have asked a few who did not understand what has been going on to GO and LOOK at the Global Forum and the fighting thread. Read it. See all the pages of, I know you are but what am I and he called me a bad name first and you may just wonder why my delete key went crazy. I will attempt once again to restore peace to this side of the board and if I have to use my delete key again, post what and why, but you need to come 1/2 way and try and understand and not challenge or do as the Guidelines state and do it one time in the proper forum and then if you still disagree, by PM. Don't flare it up on the board and try to be a martyr, it won't work. Trust me.

I hope after you read the fighting thread you may start to understand and if you don't well you post what you wish where you want to post it and I will do as I see fit. Stop blaming poor jinks as I do believe that I have been doing all the deleting and moving in the last few days all by my wittle wonley self. jinks and Butterflap have had nothing to do with it but they have been watching in disgust and dismay.

Thank you for your attention and understanding. Play on!

February 6th, 2012, 00:17
Butterflap ????

February 6th, 2012, 04:04
Yups, Butterflap. We luvs her dearly as we almost hung her, remember?