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View Full Version : Idea for Gaypattayan Drink

May 13th, 2006, 14:02
Earlier it was suggested that a special drink would soon be offered at Niddy's Nook to honor Gaypattayan. I think this is a worhtwhile gester that would be more so if a portion of the sale from that drink (or all the profit) would go to one of Alan's charities. I have know Gaypattayan for several years. He is certainly a worker for our community and asks nothing for all his work.

American Teacher-old
May 13th, 2006, 14:43
Earlier it was suggested that a special drink would soon be offered at Niddy's Nook to honor Gaypattayan. I think this is a worhtwhile gester that would be more so if a portion of the sale from that drink (or all the profit) would go to one of Alan's charities. I have know Gaypattayan for several years. He is certainly a worker for our community and asks nothing for all his work.

I like this idea too. When Alan returns I will discuss the possibility with him. Thanks for the suggestion!


May 13th, 2006, 14:58
it has at least one portion of gin in it and I will be glad to donate my throat for charitable services. :drunken:

May 13th, 2006, 16:42
I suggest that you take the basic recipe for A long slow comfortable screw up against the Wall add some mango juice and serve it with an inflated pink condom to advertise safe sex!

Long Slow Comfortable Screw Up Against the Wall

Drink Recipes ┬╗ Frozen Drink Recipes
Drink Ingredients

* 1 part Vodka
* 1 part Sloe Gin
* 1 part Southern Comfort
* Orange juice
* Galliano
Directions: Mix together the vodka, sloe gin, and Southern Comfort in a tall glass over ice; fill with orange juice and then float 1 part Galliano on top to make the wall.

May 13th, 2006, 20:22
Can you ensure it has at least one portion of gin in it and I will be glad to donate my throat for charitable services. :drunken:

Like, what else is new? Has she a hole in her whole body that hasn't been given away more times than clap!

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The gaypattayan:
Rlit's Tangmo shake with a shot of Mae-kong whisky.
Garnish with a rainbow-umbrella.

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The Pink Pearl:
┬╜ jigger grenadine
1 jigger nam ma-nao.
1 jigger triple sex
2 egg whites (or equal amount of...something of similar look and consistency.)
4┬╜ jiggers gin
Shake it baby! Over 3/4 Cup cracked ice.
Strain into a large champagne glass.
garnish with a cherry or, in Pearls case, a Durian.

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Tequila Sour:
1 part sugar syrup
2 parts lemon or lime juice
5 part tequila

Shake over 3/4 C cracked ice & serve a thimble-full-at-a-time in warm navel.