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View Full Version : about dress up as a drag queen

January 28th, 2012, 09:15
Hi guys,

Always like to go to the land of smile. But this time, I want to try something different.

I am wondering where can I find a shop or a person in BKK to help me dress up as a drag queen. Can anyone share information with me??

Yes, I am a man, but I want to know how would I look like as the other gender (do not laugh at me:)


January 28th, 2012, 11:40
Lordy I hope this isn't bad boy billy as he is scary enough as he is.

January 29th, 2012, 08:06
sure can-here in BKK are several shops esp. catering to those. Think you are better off posting or reading the advice on dedicated fora like thailadyboy or the like.

January 29th, 2012, 09:10
To MildSevenBlue, hi.

As I did for some Aussie friends a while back, I suggest you might want to research this quite a lot more. Then maybe not indulge yourself while in Thailand.

What Westerners see as "boys in drag" or "cocks in frocks" has a whole different slant in LoS. Katoey are (pretty much) accepted as a 'third sex' - both lady-boys and cut-and-tucks. Westerners 'frocking up' for some fun doesn't win many brownie-points with Thai people. Derision would be a more likely outcome.

Finding out how to take a Thai approach to this subject would be time well spent.

Best wishes.

January 29th, 2012, 14:54
To MildSevenBlue, hi.

As I did for some Aussie friends a while back, I suggest you might want to research this quite a lot more. Then maybe not indulge yourself while in Thailand.

What Westerners see as "boys in drag" or "cocks in frocks" has a whole different slant in LoS. Katoey are (pretty much) accepted as a 'third sex' - both lady-boys and cut-and-tucks. Westerners 'frocking up' for some fun doesn't win many brownie-points with Thai people. Derision would be a more likely outcome.

Finding out how to take a Thai approach to this subject would be time well spent.

Best wishes.

Thank you very much for your kind suggestion!!!

Really appreciated!!