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View Full Version : Creepy Crawly Bugs - Heights - Water - Phobias

January 25th, 2012, 15:07
Share all your different phobias here on this thread. Is it bugs, altitude, water? Who knows but share! :dontknow:

January 25th, 2012, 15:33
Apart from my phobia about cockroaches, bugs, insects etc (which I have already revealed on another thread) I have a phobia around big cocks.

IMHO anything over 7 inches is grotesque and wholly unnecessary.
In my view, the same approach ought to be taken to oversized cocks as with the tails on certain breeds of dog.

I am aware that some members(!) will disagree - specifically those where 9" wouldn't even touch the sides (in view of the board policy on libel, I'm not mentioning any names)


January 25th, 2012, 22:50
may i ask why this is in the thailand forum ... and does latincock count as a bug ???
seems to me you are slacking daboss ... now bend over ... on second thoughts .. dont :violent1:

January 26th, 2012, 00:00
scotty boy...jealousy will gey you everywhere...if u beg nicely...on your knees...I may oblige if in a good mood..
brithai....reply is yes...lovebug....

January 26th, 2012, 00:47
brithai it is in Gay Thailand cause I put it there. I am not so strict on making sure things are done exactly to code. If you don't like it, don't read it. LOL!

January 26th, 2012, 00:48
brithai it is in Gay Thailand cause I put it there. I am not so strict on making sure things are done exactly to code. If you don't like it, don't read it. LOL!

i didnt read it my friend told me about it ...ner ner big nose :happy7:

January 26th, 2012, 07:36
On the subject of cockroaches, did you know that 1) their skeletons are on the outside of their bodies 2) they bleed white blood and 3) if beheaded they can live for another week. There, I hope those cosy little snippets help some of you to overcome your phobias. :evil4:

January 26th, 2012, 09:06
" ... if beheaded [cockroaches] can live for another week ... "
Not sure about the length of time, but I can confirm that these hardy little buggers still manage to pull themselves along the ground ~ probably not with a smile on their faces ~ with half their body having been removed sometime over night by what I assume to be one of our pet geckos.
The little darling had only two front legs left and something fleshy and white-ish was hanging out his/her open end . . . kind of like the delicious innards of a prawn leg.
I flushed him down the toilet . . . went down rather like a cool surfer riding a whirlpool.

January 26th, 2012, 18:07
...seems to me you are slacking daboss ... now bend over ...

Which reminds me of that song by the Waterboys.... about seeing the whole of the moon.


January 28th, 2012, 17:37
Quite a few months back I alluded to a minor fear of heights, which is heightened so to speak during my trips to thailand.

Over the years I have been a consistent reader of the Pattaya Mail and Pattaya People and every few months I read of some Farang that has pitched himself or possibly been pitched off the balcony of a high rise flat and landed with a heavy thud and a quick demise on the solid ground below. Now when in thailand if I get too close to the edge of a balcony a small fear of falling over the edge grips me.

Additionally, I often look up while passing a block of high rise flats expecting to see the odd Farang deep in the grips of depression dropping head first toward me with the top of my head as their intended landing spot. Oh...I get a chill.