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January 2nd, 2012, 00:19
I was sitting at the bar welcoming guests as I sometimes do and this nice young man came up to me. He looked a bit like he wanted to have a talk with me so I turned my attention to him. Wire rimmed glasses, short curly hair and a very nice slender body of maybe late 20's.
He had a very thick German accent which was a bit difficult for me to understand at first but really a very handsome lad. As he stuck out his hand to shake mine, I had to ask him to repeat himself because I really did not think that I heard him correctly, but I knew I had.
"Hello, I am Christianpfc"' he said and of course instantly I looked at his small cloth shoulder bag and realized there had to be some 1/2 bottles of water in there to prove it and yes there was! Well we talked and laughed and I watched his expressions as he spoke and I have to honestly say that although he may sound a bit off center with his lists of expenses, stories of his 1/2 bottles of water, for anyone, well at least for me, this young man would be quite a catch for someone to take home!
Quite a pleasurable experience and a sweet, good looking young man. I will have sweet dreams tonight. Thanks for coming by the bar tonight Christian and I hope to see you again. Of course I will pay for the water!
:3some: :sign12:

January 2nd, 2012, 01:21
how very sweet ... did he give you a plastic tour d'eiffel??
isnt it nice when people who you *chat* to have the bottle to say hello.
well done christian :salute:

January 2nd, 2012, 02:06
Wait till you go upstairs and discover he's taken all the toilet paper and soap.


January 2nd, 2012, 02:45

January 2nd, 2012, 06:35
Ok..I guess I miss something here. Where does PFC come in and what does half bottles of water have to do with anything. Does he dring them only half way then on to the next. And why did you have to look into his backpack. i do get the point that he wasa good looker but i need furthur interpretation. maybe its the new year that has me foggy?

Billy :party

January 2nd, 2012, 08:00
Oh Billy, Billy, Billy! All you have to do is pull up christianpfc on the member list and read his prior posts. Happy reading! When you read the last 6 months of posts you have answers and a lot of funny reading except where he got the "pfc" from. Lots of entertainment from Christian.

January 3rd, 2012, 00:53
Oh yes!!!Now I remember. Yes quite a character. I usually just quicky scan the messages and not pay too much attention to the authors because it is such a soap opera often wondering can this really be true. So I have a lots of grains of salt hanging aroung to toss around. Ha but none of it will deter me from returning to the LOS in March.

But that PFC has me baffled still.

Ciao :dontknow:


January 3rd, 2012, 03:17
... that PFC has me baffled still.

Parsimonious and Frugal Character

:bis: :bis: :bis:

January 3rd, 2012, 04:32
But that PFC has me baffled still.

PFC=Private First Class/Gefreite Der Bundswehr.

January 3rd, 2012, 08:48
See! Told you he wasn't an arsehole... just a bit odd. And we love him for it. :rolling:

January 3rd, 2012, 13:43
Thank you for the nice words, Neal.

PFC = Private First Class (the English equivalent of "Obergefreiter", the rang I had when I left the army in Germany). I just had to add something to my first name, to avoid possible confusions with other Christians (Christian was a popular name when I was born).

And for all those who still wonder: everything I write is true (or at least as I remember, with some embellishments), I don't have enough imagination to make it up.

did he give you a plastic tour d'eiffel??
As I wrote before, the miniature Eiffel towers are made of metal.

January 3rd, 2012, 14:36
Truly fascinating. :8(

January 3rd, 2012, 15:21
PFC = Private First Class eh?

So - does this mean they have Second class privates in Germany?

I do believe there was a wartime rhyme suggesting such things - sung to the tune of "Colonel Bogey" - in which Herr Goebbels came off worst
