View Full Version : You Don't Have To Go To Thailand

December 30th, 2011, 08:28
Well, here's a revelation - I went out last night (Friday) in Glasgow - first time in a long time - and had a really good time!!

I was dressed in dinner trousers (went firstly to a high-class restaurant for a meal), gold dinner jacket and a black fedora hat.
I thought it would be fun!

Thereafter we hit 3 or 4 gay bars and without any prompting I was offered (separately) by two local boys around 16/18 (AOC 16) to go to the local Disco/Night Club - in both cases THEM paying ME in!!!

There's life in the old dog (bitch?) yet!!

So, I'm left wondering - apart from the weather, why do i go to Thailand?
I could stay home and save a bloody fortune!!

I'll be back out next week, on my own!


December 30th, 2011, 09:29
So you had one good night... but are you going to have a night like that EVERY night in Glasgow? :occasion9:

Plenty of reason to still go to Thailand for me. I can have a good night out in almost every major South-east Asian city and about half the cities in Australia BUT I still love Thailand because it has everything you need to have a good time... whether partying or relaxing.

I mean, find me another country, which does all of these things as well as Thailand does...

- Accommodation... top quality, better than Australia

- Massage and spa... can't be beat

- Food... everywhere you go, fantastic choices for both casual and high-end dining

- Shopping... awesome local stuff, maybe not as good as Singapore/Hong Kong for international brands but they're still there

- Language and ease of getting around... always easy to find someone who speaks English

- Amenities... stuff like convenience stores, groceries and laundry is never a problem in Thailand

- Beaches and outdoor beauty... heaps of it and outdoor activities

- Connectivity... only 9hrs from Australia and direct flights to most surrounding major cities

- Variety... never ending supply of new and interesting places to explore

- Nightlife... still awesome. Thai guys are charming, good looking, fun to hang out with, really friendly and easy to make friends with! You go to other countries and it can be a real mixed bag and language can be an issue.

To top it all off, affordability is fantastic so you can afford a higher tier of service than you'd normally pay for.

Thailand... can't beat it!

December 30th, 2011, 11:12
It's for the temples, street dogs, and old screeching Issan women, you see...

December 30th, 2011, 16:25
I was offered (separately) by two local boys around 16/18 (AOC 16) to go to the local Disco/Night Club :sign5:

Good that you at least had the decency not to take advantage of some blind kids. :jok:

December 30th, 2011, 17:09
Now, THAT'S funny


December 30th, 2011, 21:59
well i think either your eyes sight is going and they where far older that you've said .. or they where after getting you so pissed they could nick your hat and jacket ... i bet you looked fab dear :evil4:
or is this the scottish version of ... i go with you .. you no pay :dontknow:

December 30th, 2011, 22:56
They had probably just been discharged from The Priory Hospital. If anyone saw them come on to you they will go straight back

December 31st, 2011, 01:44
OK Scottish. Put the Johnnie Black down and check in. You really have gone over the edge now. Time for a little rehab love.

December 31st, 2011, 07:23
Don't tell us how good Glasgow is. Tell the Russians.

December 31st, 2011, 15:44
You are all cynical bitches! :sign5:

This really happened - just as I described it - and the boys were neither blind, nor ugly, nor over 40.
Neither were they together - it was 2 separate instances within an hour.

I'm as astounded as anybody else - such is my new-found pulling power I might not even bother with the liposuction, gastric band, plastic surgery, and hair transplant which I had planned for 2012!!


January 2nd, 2012, 17:52
Be careful Scotty.

I've noticed in the gay personal adds in a few newspapers here in England, there seems to be a huge number of ads placed by guys 18 -25 looking for over 70's, who must have their own home etc etc. All sounds very dodgy. Maybe they don't restrict themselves to ads in newspapers but go off out looking for rich older guys too (not that i'm suggesting you are over 70).
I'd hate for you to be found by your friends hand cuffed naked to a radiator and all your worldly good vanished.

And don't bother with a hair transplant.....you don't want to end up as ugly as Wayne Rooney.

January 3rd, 2012, 03:26
Be careful Scotty.....you don't want to end up as ugly as Wayne Rooney.

Too late!
