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View Full Version : Russians and Russian Families Invading Jomtien Beach!

December 26th, 2011, 16:08
I have just had enough today and I am venting, sorry!
What the f... is this with the Russians plopping down in the middle of all the sections and just appear to be trying to take over Jomtien Beach??!! I mean today I arrived at my usual section and usual chair and right in front of me a Russian family with two kids. Nothing seemed to bother them and it seemed that no matter where in the section I moved, there was yet another family of Russians close by.
They don't cause trouble and neither do I but I don't enjoy playing the way I do with the boys with families so close by. They don't seem to care or get a hint that Jomtien is a gay beach!

I know that a few Russians stray into the bar at show time but up til now, I really did not understand why people get so offended sometimes when they run into them at the bar. Now I do!

Well I vented, I don't feel better about it and the poor vendor who has the section I like to sit in has the same predicament. She sees very little revenue all year round and when someone extra wants to sit, she surely is not interested in turning them away.

December 26th, 2011, 19:26
Anyone who hasn't been to Pattaya for a few years will certainly be struck by the recent proliferation of signs in the Cyrillic alphabet.

Browsing the market fruit and vegetable stalls the other day, I was amazed to see that even the little hand-written price markers now have the produce labelled in Russian!

December 26th, 2011, 21:50
I hadn't seen that but I mentioned to one of my friends today that I though it only a matter of a few months before the ice cream, video and massage boys all started calling out their wares in Russian!

December 27th, 2011, 04:38
Yes I see them everywhere this christmas , they dont speak a word english most of them so always speaking russian . And some of them are very rude.

As long as they dont bother me im fine , but they should understand that Pattaya is not only a russian paradise, its also a gay paradise.

December 27th, 2011, 05:04
we have the same problem here in the canary islands
never met such a rude stuck up
I always get the impresion they are looking down at me
and think they are something specail. :dontknow:

December 27th, 2011, 05:13
The Ruskies are not only rude but, also, crude and not pleasant people to be around. It appears to be a lack of class and is endemic in their culture. They appear to be the closest thing todays society has to barbarians. I did not know until this week that they do not even need visas to come to Thailand. A reciprocal agreement between Thailand and Russia is the reason for this.

Our feelings toward Russians is echoed throughout the Western world. I don't hate them but don't care to be around them.

December 27th, 2011, 05:53
But.... There are some sexy Russian guys online that enjoy sharing their xrated pictures. A soft spoken Russian accent spoken from the lips of a hot guy can send chills down my spine.

December 27th, 2011, 07:06
But.... There are some sexy Russian guys online that enjoy sharing their xrated pictures. A soft spoken Russian accent spoken from the lips of a hot guy can send chills down my spine.
so fuck off to russia then .. how easy is that .. see how many of them want to pay for all your needs and wants ... i used to enjoy your posts ... but now think you have the LMTU genes .. ie full of bull shyte
isnt it always the way that the russians tend to follow the rest of the world ......... so 10 or 20 years after normal races enjoy thailand/pattaya then the reds come along .. fill the places full of their wankered way of holidaying .. and if things havent gone down hill far enough they sure as hell push it down as far as it can go .. so where next ? vietnam or cambodia ??

December 27th, 2011, 08:24
But.... There are some sexy Russian guys online that enjoy sharing their xrated pictures. A soft spoken Russian accent spoken from the lips of a hot guy can send chills down my spine.
so fuck off to russia then .. how easy is that .. see how many of them want to pay for all your needs and wants ... i used to enjoy your posts ... but now think you have the LMTU genes .. ie full of bull shyte
isnt it always the way that the russians tend to follow the rest of the world ......... so 10 or 20 years after normal races enjoy thailand/pattaya then the reds come along .. fill the places full of their wankered way of holidaying .. and if things havent gone down hill far enough they sure as hell push it down as far as it can go .. so where next ? vietnam or cambodia ??


Agree with Brithai, eff off to Siberia Fucknaway, and save us from your boring egotistical postings on this form.
If you bother to ask the Thais, most despise the rude pig ignorant Russians who are doing their best to ruin Pattaya.

December 27th, 2011, 08:27
Wow! What has provoked this attack on Buckanaway? I don't read many of his posts but he seemed nice to me.

December 27th, 2011, 08:43
Attack on Buckinaway.....people here have nothing better to do than BITCH....Pattaya does not belong to the Gay World ( excluding Russian gays of course) read your posts, how shameful...I have met many nice Russian couples and individuals...they are a shy race and afraid to speak English...take time and try and strike up a conversation. It might amaze you, they are human. They do not look at us like we are different, they go about their business and enjoy their holiday. Before the Russians everyone complained about the Germans...who will we target next...this culture has just had the opportunity to enjoy life's rewards after centuries of oppression...who are we to tell them go someplace else...and by the Way the Thais hare us also....Tis the Season to be Jolly....do unto others as you want done to you...BE HUMAN BEINGS.... instead of frustrated OLD QUEENS...

December 27th, 2011, 10:01
Brithai..a bit strong towards Bucknaway.

Having said that I too think that Russians are horrible, a low classs of people who are better left by themselves. However their general behaviour does actually make the rest of us look considerably better in the eyes of the Thais. My friend who speaks Thai told me that we have gone up considerably in the Thais estimation since the Russians and Arabs appeared.

I did enjoy the spectacle late one evening along beach road. A furious Thai lady dragged a Russian woman off a baht bus by her hair and proceeded to slap her around in the middle of the road while screaming in English "you pay me 1500 Baht."
Meanwhile the Russian womans husband was haplessly trying to call the police until he realised that this would do him no good. More arguments followed before agreement was reached and all the time the Thai was shouting "if you go police station you pay 5000 baht."
It was very funny.

December 27th, 2011, 15:18
I cannot condone these "low class of people" comments that have been posted.

In the first place if those sorts of bigoted comments were made against Jews or Black people, the poster would (rightly) be taken to task.

In the second place, take a look at some of the gin-soaked, raddled old queens who have been run out of the own Countries for various criminal offences and immoral conduct and who are now at large in Pattaya - now THERE'S low class.


December 27th, 2011, 15:22
An apology from those two posters wouldn't come amiss.
Using such dubious arguments as "normal races", "reds", .... reminds us of a time everyone hoped to be behind us 65 years ago.....

You are perfectly entitled to not like a post. But using such concepts degrade you.

"Britain rules the waves", and "What is good for Britain, is good for the world" are really outdated.

"Peace on earth to all the men of good will"

December 27th, 2011, 16:00
Well no, I don't condone hopping up on Bucknaway for his views and I don't condone using racial slurs. That being said I still think it very insensitive when a beach is obviously gay that families, no matter what country they are from, plop their families right down in the thick of things and don't realize the disruption it causes to everyone else that is there. Sure, it is an open beach but I still think it very insensitive and offensive to us as well as their children!

I think it comes from the fact that as a gay man I was always put down and ridiculed for being openly gay all my life. Now I have a place to go where I can feel "normal" (?), feel at ease and now I feel like the invasion of families into my treasured area is encroached on.

Now with respect to their country of origin, I find their behavior, manerisms, their pushiness, etc, offensive. Someone once wrote a post on this board about them and why they always came off so rude, crude and ill mannered. Maybe at the end of the page it will come up as a past article.

And as an after thought, you can also ask why it is the "Russian people" are being asked to pay a deposit or in advance at the beach for chairs/restaurants because they order food and drink and feel that they can walk off without paying. Why in many bars I know that it is only the Russian people who we hear about who are caught stuffing check bins down their socks in order not to pay! To pay for drinks as they are served and off fees and boys tips before the boy or girl leaves the bar. Do you think we are only picking on and watching the Russians? No, I think it is because they are caught doing this as a normal course of business. Certainly where there is smoke there is fire!

December 27th, 2011, 16:12
i thought talks of fire where banned now ??? :evil4:
i guess its progress the ruskies always seem to get to places 20 years after everyone else....
once they turn up they tend to drive other people on to pastures new ...
shame kquill didnt hang about a bit longer ... im sure he could have sold us all his new business and taken loads of bookings ??
id imagine the way to rid the reds on the beach is just to act as before? tho i doubt it would be anything to them..
get ur tackle out justme and wave it in a few faces if that dont work nothing will !!!

December 27th, 2011, 16:48
Lukylok: You are absolutely right and as soon as I have time I shall be personally writing to every Rusian to offer a heartfelt apology. Meanwhile you can read the article below.

http://inpattayanow.com/2011/12/19/opin ... -are-mugs/ (http://inpattayanow.com/2011/12/19/opinion/mcdonalds-in-pattaya-are-mugs/)

December 27th, 2011, 17:41
they didn't bother me one bit...I'm far too thick skinned and "entitled"to worry about what others think...sat in front of Tui's 3 days in a row,,,perused gay porn dvds....waved the odd boy over (not as many as in the past...)...joked and fondled....if the russians don't like it they can move...I'm not!!

December 27th, 2011, 18:14
Arsenal, is that the best you can come up with - the Russians use McDonald's toilets without buying a burger?


Try walking about in the centre of any UK city - you'll find pubs and restaurants all with signs proclaiming that "the toilets are for the use of patrons only" and as I haven't noticed Manchester being invaded by Russian tourists all wanting to pee for free, I can only assume that these grievous offences are committed equally by non-Russians


December 27th, 2011, 18:39
have to 100% agree with justme :occasion5:

December 27th, 2011, 19:41
I cannot condone these "low class of people" comments that have been posted.

In the first place if those sorts of bigoted comments were made against Jews or Black people, the poster would (rightly) be taken to task.

In the second place, take a look at some of the gin-soaked, raddled old queens who have been run out of the own Countries for various criminal offences and immoral conduct and who are now at large in Pattaya - now THERE'S low class.

Yes, now that you mention it the Scots are a pretty low class breed. Some would say scum. LOL

December 27th, 2011, 19:51
... the Scots are a pretty low class breed. Some would say scum...

That remark tells us all we need to know about you.

Now, go and put your swastika armband on, there's a good little racist.


December 27th, 2011, 19:53
Anyone who hasn't been to Pattaya for a few years will certainly be struck by the recent proliferation of signs in the Cyrillic alphabet.

Browsing the market fruit and vegetable stalls the other day, I was amazed to see that even the little hand-written price markers now have the produce labelled in Russian!

There is a soi near Pattaya Park that i walked down one evening a month or so ago -- like a little moscow !! on this same soi
i -act saw a young Thai fruit seller being asked by a russian couple (by them holding up the fruit they wanted )how much ?? --and he ans the price in Russian !!!!!!

PattayaB--i am far from a frustrated qween but i would be pretty much in agreement with the rest of the posters in being negative towards the Russians that visit here !
They are( by and large) the most ill mannered uncouth people i have ever come across !!
Its generaly not a nice experience to have to meet them most days in Pattaya -
,,,,drunk on songtaews ,in niteclubs ,in shops --everywhere generally --they are just downrite rude !!!!
The women are almost worse than the men !!
I have had many experiences with them-enough to fill pages -heres 1

A friend from Bkk visited lately to stay for the weekend
I took him out for the nite and he asked if his russian friend (not gik ) could tag along ,no prob i said
Started with the copa show (my friend likes all that type of shows )
Ordered 3 drinks ,the russian guy quizzing the waiter Hard ! on the check biin before he even tasted his own drink !
On to WWB s --here he wouldnt have a drink ,-- -- ,was so damm grumpy ,on to dave ,drank plenty but didnt want to split check bin ,was totally rude to any boy he considered to be a bar boy ,he was a nightmare to have at our table
He stayed the nite in my place and the next day my Bf took them around Pattaya-- - he came back so angry that evening from the russians behaviour all that day ---
My Bkk friend was so sorry about his invite --i would not let the russian stay in my house the second nite -- i cannot stand bad manners !!

Having said all that there was one day i took ill on the beach (kidney stone ) --i was so faint i had sit down while walking to the motorbike taxis at the
police box -- --many people passed by and it was a russian lady that came over,asked was i ok ,went to 7 11 ,got me cold water ,would not take payment !! --

But thats the only good experience v the many bad ones !! -
Do they not teach good manners in Russia ??

December 27th, 2011, 20:05
I am simply saying that it is unfair to categorise every Russian based on a few experiences with Russian tourists (who were probably inebriated) in Pattaya.

It's as ludicrous as saying that every American is a fat, loudmouth, every German is arrogant, the French don't wash their socks, and the English are all inbred upper-class twits.

I've never understood the propensity of a persecuted minority like poofs to be so bigoted and judgemental - I think it must stem from low self-esteem.


December 27th, 2011, 20:18
well scotty i agree with all of that apart from the bit about the english :laughing3:
i surpose you can only judge people as you find them ... and if most of the ones posters on here have come across seem to be ignorant arrogant arse whipes then thats how they see them ... im sure there are nice russians they just dont go to pattaya ...

December 27th, 2011, 20:56
Scottie you left out the Scots. I always heard they don't like to wash down there so they can have that good musty smell of a well oiled groin! :love4:

Well it seems that most of the Russians that we seem to run into down here are just ill mannered, drunk and obnoxious people that should be caged.
I will remind the group here on the forum that last Christmas a year ago, 2 Russian men and a woman, all big and fat like I, came into the bar at about midnight. Ordered drinks and consumed them. At that point they demanded to know where the show was. They were advised taht the show was a 10:30 and that it was long over. They said they would not pay for the drinks and when told that they needed to pay for what they ordered and consumed, they picked up their beer bottles and glasses and started throwing them around the bar smashing them and mirrors. Customers ran for the doors, the police came and made them pay a big whopping 600 baht and let them go. We on the other hand lost all the business for a Christmas eve.
nope, sorry, i don't like them., never will. :dontknow:

December 27th, 2011, 21:02
well look on the bright side at least you didnt have to look at yourself untill the mirrors got fixed :bootyshake:
maybe you should do a poll see how many people like/ dislike russians ...
looks like they got 2 admirers thus far ( if thats how you spell admirers )

December 27th, 2011, 21:49
I don't like the way most russians behave on the beach or in the bars any more than anyone else.
They are very often noisy, obnoxious, and loud mouthed.

But I like even less the contemptuous and racial arguments used in criticizing Bucknaway's post.

If the russians don't have any moral, it doesn't make you greater if you haven't either.

December 27th, 2011, 21:59
is calling russians red racist?? .. try saying that after a few pints :tongue3:
i do wish for the old days ... the days before everything said wasnt used to brand the person who said it a racist
the funny thing is i bet if a black person went on holiday to russia he would get so much abuse it wouldnt be true!!
did you know some russian football clubs wont sign black players because their fans wont allow it !!!!
but lets all be nice and shiny and smile all the time because we arnt like that :happy7:

December 27th, 2011, 22:15
And YES. SGT is back on form with all the usual suspects going at it hammer and tong. Excellent. This does make for some fun reading. And who would have had Scotty down as a great humanitarian. Personally I consider the Scots to be a high class of people having travelled all over that country. And sorry Scotty, there is nothing you can say that will change my mind on that Och aye the noo.

December 27th, 2011, 22:36
.... who would have had Scotty down as a great humanitarian.....

Everybody knows I'm a cuddly, happy-go-lucky, caring-sharing person who always tries to see the other person's point of view..


December 28th, 2011, 00:33
yes i see they have their own russian channels now on cable tv in pattaya, im assuming they also have advertisements back home in russia for holidays to thailand & its a 2way thing judging by the numbers of them in pattaya!
its their time now, they are flocking here, i went to the island via the ferry & my friend & i out of a full loaded big ferry boat must have been the only people who were not russians, infact as we left at peak time they had 2 boats running, again full of them!
what nationality will be next i wonder?
your going to have to get used to it, their everywhere now, even funding the new condo boom! dah! = (yes in russian)
justme you should stick with mark now from KD bar, make them pay upfront or they can use the door to exit! im afraid if their making trouble in any of the gogos im in, i will leave immediately & that bar will loose a potential off fee & drink for the boy etc.

December 28th, 2011, 02:16
I have the ideal solution - can some of you fantastically successful multi-millionaires not just chip in and buy the beach?
Then you could have Security put in to keep those pesky Ruskies out.

Of course it would all have to go in a go-go boy's name, but I'm sure thats not a problem.
As for finance - I'm sure Beachlover could throw in a million or two.
Christianpfc and LatintopXXX must be worth a few bob as they spend feck all (1/2 a bottle of Naam and a 10 Baht fingering is a night on the town between them)
And as for the "Big Boys" - well, it would be but a drop in the Ocean to them.

Job done! Happy Days!


December 28th, 2011, 03:12
I was shocked to see how many look as if they are suffering from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. So many of then have a dull look on their face. I was at the immigration office in Pattaya and got my picture took by the cute deaf boy that works in the shop next door. He was being verbally abused buy a Russian woman who did not even realize he was deaf.

Captain Swing
December 28th, 2011, 03:51
I was last in Jomtien a year ago and I too was surprised to see families with young children there. It didn't occur to me to question their right to be there. It didn't occur to me that they were all Russian either. Frankly, they didn't bother me and I didn't bother them. Without being too Pollyanna-ish about it, can't it be seen as a good thing? They are probably staying nearby. Would you rather they hustle along to another spot, saying "Come along, Igor, we can't sit here, this place is full of faggots?" Isn't it slightly encouraging that they are comfortable setting their fat Russian asses ( and their children) down among "us." In the words of the great philosopher Rodney King "Can't we all just get along?"

December 28th, 2011, 04:44
Captain my Captain! LOL! Just teasing.
Yes, we can all get along. When riding on the baht bus, we sit their politely and share the ride. When out to dinner, we don't maul each other and be disrespectful of other people sitting in the restaurant in front of them and their children. At the movies or zoo or some place where children are their with their parents, while we may take a quick kiss or hold hands, except for latintopxxx, I would think that most of us are a bit more respectful of others and don't play so much grab ass and cock and do as much smootching etc. When some of my boys that I have know for years here come around they like to smootch and cuddle and all nd I like to feel at ease, and that's why I travel every other day to an area which I have always felt comfortable. I don't take my boys to the straight sections and flaunt my sexuality in front of so called straight people off Beach Road. Call me old fashion but I am respectful of what I do in front of others. I am not a one of a straight couple that think it is OK to stop everywhere in Central Festival mall and deep throat their mates like some straight people do where everyone has to deal with it. I am not saying that I reach down and fondle boys on the beach and make out but there are things that are considered OK on the beach that I just prefer not to engage in doing with 5 and 8 year old girls and boys watching in awe at!
Why can't they realize it the same way I do and take the baht bus down to their area?

December 28th, 2011, 05:56
I think it must stem from low self-esteem. :occasion9:

From your posts, it does appear that you suffer from this problem. :rolling:

December 28th, 2011, 06:20
I find them very obnoxious.What took the cake was one in the festive mall trying to get a better price on a lunch he ordered. The Thai would not give in.Low class.

A good friend of mine is Russian...and he admits that they are obnoxious. :dontknow:

December 28th, 2011, 16:30
Latinpox, while you are in Pattaya, drop by Happy Place and introduce yourself to Neal. I'll be there soon and would be interested to check with Neal if he saw you there.

Krazy Dragon is masculine???? a447 is right...i must have wondered into the wrong bar in the wrong country/continent...last time I looked they were all under 25, slim and "boyish"...definitely not Tawan material..

Hang on a minute!

Over at Sunee I walked up to Crazy Dragon again and this time was ushered into the darkness and got my THB 110 beer. There were about 6 customers and I counted 8 boys - or I should say men, as they all looked much older than average,


Well if the boys in Krazy dragon aren't manly enough thn boyztown Would be a better bet. Krazy dragon is about as
Manly as they get in sunee. I finished my drink and left as the boys were too big for my liking :p

Looks like you have just proven me right. You WERE in the wrong country/continent.

December 28th, 2011, 23:31
Wrong country? Wrong continent?

He's on the Wrong planet


December 29th, 2011, 10:44
I saw/heard Russians everywhere in Pattaya. A large number of them did seem to be of the "redneck" variety.

What was weird was two times on the baht bus, some young Russian guys wanted me to go drinking with them on Walking Street. They weren't arrogant or rude at all. Didn't seem very worldly but otherwise nice enough... should I have gone with them? I had other things to do, otherwise I might have gone, just to get to know them.

December 29th, 2011, 12:45
I was there in November and they had already started to invade the gay Dongtan beach. There is several miles of beach and yet they come to sit in the gay section. For a couple of days I had a particularly attractive boy in tow, bought him a brief speedo and took him to the beach but got lots of stares from Russian couples.

December 29th, 2011, 13:08
I have been coming to Thailand over the last 10 years. Seeing all the Russians in the last 3 or 4 years is quite disappointing. I have known and hired a few Russians over the years but find most to be unworthy, dishonest obnoxious, rude and pushy least to say more drunk red-faced than most tourist. The boys I know say they are cheap and have no respect for Thais or their culture тАж I never felt this way against a class of people or country, but now I fully understand why the Germans had such an agenda toward them not so many years ago.

December 29th, 2011, 14:58
... I fully understand why the Germans had such an agenda toward them not so many years ago.

Absolutely disgraceful comment - over 13.5 million Russian (Soviet) civilian deaths during WW2 - men, women, and children non-combatants - and you come on this forum condoning this because a few Russian tourists and workers have annoyed you??

Your comment ought not to be deleted but left here as evidence of the sick and twisted individual you clearly are.


Brad the Impala
December 29th, 2011, 15:12
I never felt this way against a class of people or country, but now I fully understand why the Germans had such an agenda toward them not so many years ago.

I think that two World Wars might have been a factor of at least equal importance to perceived rudeness!

December 29th, 2011, 15:19
I never felt this way against a class of people or country, but now I fully understand why the Germans had such an agenda toward them not so many years ago.

I think that two World Wars might have been a factor of at least equal importance to perceived rudeness!

A factor yes, but Nazi ideology on the Slav races went far deeper than resentment over two wars and the punitive Versailles Treaty - Hitler perceived the Slav peoples as "Untermenschen" - sub-human and therefore had no compunction in seeking to eradicate them

psd1315 seems to want to rename SGF as Mein Kampf.

December 29th, 2011, 16:48
Well put, Scottish-guy. Couldn't agree more.

December 30th, 2011, 04:33
Back to the subject

Will there be more and more russians invading Pattaya in 2012 ? Yes

Will they still have bad manners and probably ruin the day for you and your boy at the gay beach ? Yes

So maybe its time to leave Pattaya and move on to Sihanoukville Cambodia , friendlier locals and cute boys, cheaper food and drinks , and the best thing of it all , theres no russians there. :8(

December 30th, 2011, 10:20
Back to the subject

Will there be more and more russians invading Pattaya in 2012 ? Yes

Will they still have bad manners and probably ruin the day for you and your boy at the gay beach ? Yes

So maybe its time to leave Pattaya and move on to Sihanoukville Cambodia , friendlier locals and cute boys, cheaper food and drinks , and the best thing of it all , theres no russians there. :8(

Actually, the Russians are there, and behaving in the same way as they do in Pattaya.

December 30th, 2011, 16:23
During my last stay in october they have been everywhere. Every bahtbus from or to Furama was full with them. In my hotel about 60% of all customers. Next year will try other countries again and only visit one time Pattaya. Some times their bad manners are under every normal level of behaviour. I am already happy for my first visit to Sri Lanka and will spend longer time in KL. Found a nice 650sqft residence near Bukit Bintang for my stay. Never needed any cent for fun in KL.

January 8th, 2012, 00:52
I know there seems to be a lot of resentment surrounding the Russians on the beach. I gotta say though that some of the gay guys have the fittest bodies!
I mean I now I'm a major rice addict but those Russian guys have great bodies. They seem to go down well the the Thai beach boys too. They always seem
to swarming around them. Not that I think that the Russians would pay them of course. Does n't seem to matter though.... :bounce:

January 8th, 2012, 11:00
I just read this on Inpattayanow, which fairly reflects with what has happened on Dongtan Beach in the past few years as Russians move in.

http://inpattayanow.com/2011/10/17/insi ... -beachski/ (http://inpattayanow.com/2011/10/17/inside-pattaya/dongtanski-beachski/)

January 8th, 2012, 11:39
I feel with the history of communistic Soviet Union, the Russians are bit "rough" on the edges and certainly lack people skills due to their culture and past. I am sure the "new generation" 30 yr down are a different breed. ( And I have met some of the younger generation that are friendly and speak English.) Most Western families would respect a "gay area" on the beach and choose to sit somewhere else (after all, who wants to hear a bunch of screaming kids); but the Russians seem to not understand ones various "territories" or space. :party

January 8th, 2012, 18:48
Have been in China for awhile (brrr) and catching up now on the board. If anyone thinks the "old queens" in Pattaya make too much noise about the Russians, just ask someone from the larger cities of the PRC what they think.
Not my cup of tea, but maybe convenient. I'm making my first trip to Pattaya in a long time in a couple of weeks with a straight friend who hasn't been here before. He's gay-friendly, but I'll tell him it's really the Russian beach and see if he tries to pick up any of those hot mamas. :bootyshake:
Germans, Russians, who's next?? The Indians, of course.

January 8th, 2012, 19:28
Russians are said to be one of the most homophobic nationalities in Europe. Have there been any issues or conflicts?

January 8th, 2012, 21:39
Russians are said to be one of the most homophobic nationalities in Europe. Have there been any issues or conflicts?

Well, there were some noisy obnoxious Russians in the gay section last month. Already drunk by 1:00pm, but they were gay rather than homophobic.

I also do not welcome the presence of Russian families in the gay section, but I do not let it affect my day. If there's a sweet Thai guy sharing my lounger, we'll just carry on smooching like normal.

The gay section needs a few more rainbow flags & possible even a couple of concessions that ban Russians.

January 9th, 2012, 04:57
I never felt this way against a class of people or country, but now I fully understand why the Germans had such an agenda toward them not so many years ago.

I think that two World Wars might have been a factor of at least equal importance to perceived rudeness!
:tongue3: ...wait until the majority of the Pattaya tourist are Chinese. Coming Soon!!

January 9th, 2012, 06:35
....Germans, Russians, who's next?? The Indians, of course.

Hmmm I dunno - did the Americans not more or less wipe them out?
I hear they are confined to a few reservations these days.
The head-dresses would look good as they mince through Sunee Plaza mind you.

January 9th, 2012, 08:10
Scotty!! That was the American Indians you are talking about. I think he was referring to the India Indians! And unless I missed something the americans didn't almost wipe out the Chinese it was the Japanese. Ughh! :tongue3:
Put the Johnnie Black down dear its time to go to the Betty Ford clinic. :leb:

January 9th, 2012, 11:42
"Caviar, ka!" I can hear it now....

Not that accuracy is a great priority hereabouts, but yes, I was thinking of the Indians my Thai friends hold in such high esteem.

The we-were-here-first Americans Indians did have more than a bad time of it, though many of their present-day descendants are "confined" to reservations with rather highly profitable casinos. Which may well mean an influx of that population to Pattaya in a half generation or so, with appropriate complaints.

January 9th, 2012, 13:21
The we-were-here-first Americans Indians did have more than a bad time of it, though many of their present-day descendants are "confined" to reservations with rather highly profitable casinos.

I don't want to be blamed for an off topic comment but I don't think the American Indians are "confined" anywhere. While the land reservations are built on, most people would not want, it was given to them and cannot be taken away. It is their choice to live there free or go elsewhere and pay like every other US citizen. Yes, they had a very bad time and it only continues to show us that our past and how we got to here today is not always very nice!
IMHO!! :3some:

January 9th, 2012, 13:37
Of course. Hence the quotation marks on "confined", which were meant to be ironic. It also seemed a waste of energy to point out that Native American Indians do not wander about in tribal dress save for tribal gatherings. Given that it is indeed, off-topic, I'll excuse myself and practice my Cyrillic alphabet for the shock of my impending visit to Pattaya.

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 10th, 2012, 15:12
But.... There are some sexy Russian guys online that enjoy sharing their xrated pictures. A soft spoken Russian accent spoken from the lips of a hot guy can send chills down my spine.

I'm with the Buckster on this.

I love hearing that Russian language...sooooo sexy.:sign5:

I love it when they look at me as though I don;t exist or I'm a piece of dirt. :party

but that's just me I guess. :crazy: