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December 24th, 2011, 05:36
Many of us complain about the people we meet while in Thailand and I have spied some people doing things that could be described as lowlife, crude and piggish. It is possible that I don't know the whole story. Like the time I was in a gogo bar and came in just in time to see the guys rotate on the tables, one of the guys was talking and I guess, flirting with a customer who turned the guy around and began to yank down his shorts leaving him with only his socks on his feet and his hands covering his nakedness. Once the guy was stripped nude, the customer finished his drink as he rose from his seat and walked out of the bar with a smile on his face.

I thought it was an act of rudeness and poor taste but maybe I don't know the full story. Maybe those two have an understanding that I, being a short time holiday maker, know nothing about. As I think back on that event, I don't remember the stripped guy being upset. The host didn't seem to care and no one was surprised other than me. So maybe there was more to it than meets the eye.

Then there was the guys I met while going to the bars. I met some truly nice guys who were fellow customers in the gogo bars. Many of them I met at Happy Place. On this trip I had won 2000 baht credit at Happy Place but had a hard time using it because guys I met at the bar would pay my tab for me. So I would go in, order my drink, a drink for the guy I would invite from the stage. During my time there I would find myself having a pleasant conversation with a fellow customer sitting near me. If I liked them enough I would buy them a drink and have the bill put in my check-bin, but before they would leave they would reach over and grab the checks from my bin when they were paying for their drinks. It happened so often that I had to play defense when it came to my checks to keep them out of the hands of guys who wanted to pick up my tab for me.

Another time at Happy Place... I was sitting in the back talking with a guy who was on his final night in Pattaya. We decided to go see another show at a different bar once the was started and ended at Happy Place. I went to the mens room and when I was in there a very handsome Thai guy entered and I could tell right away that he was shy. Everything about him told me that he was not from Pattaya. He was dressed as if he were an office worker or going on an interview. As I passed him on my way out, we both seem to smile and nod at each other. I rejoined my new friend and was surprised to find that the cute guy from the bathroom returned to sit next to his Thai friend in the seat in front of me.

Before me and my new friend left the bar, I struck up a conversation with the two Thai guys sitting in front of me to find that they were both on vacation from Bangkok and were returning in the morning. I asked them were they were going after leaving Happy Place to be told they were going to sleep. I told them where me and my new friend were going. The cute guy I liked asked me what time we were going and I told him "10 Minutes from now." He pulled out his phone and I asked to see his phone. Once he handed me his phone I used it to call my phone. He had a pleased look on his smiling face when I handed him back his phone and once we left the bar I sent him a SMS telling him it was very nice to meet him.

Well... They both followed us to the bar I told them we were going to but they didn't stay long and after they left I received a sms from him telling me to contact him when I arrive in Bangkok. Once the show was over, my new friend and I parted ways. I can't say for sure but I am certain that I finished the night walking up and down walking street before I took the baht bus back to Jomtien beach to go back to my room.

Well I did get to meet my friend in Bangkok once he got off work. We went on a date and it had to be one of the best moments of my life. There was no guarantee of sex so I had to work hard to charm him out of his pants and into my bed. We ended the date back at my hotel where we touched, kissed and and did as much as we could do with our clothes on. Yes, some buttons became undone and zippers were lowered but that was as far as it went. We said good night to each other and made plans for a 2nd date to follow.

Our second date almost didn't happen due to the floods but it did happen. We had dinner at a yuppy style Thai restaurant on one of the side streets of Silom. Had a coffee at Silom Complex and returned to my room where we watched the news about the flood. As we watched the news I pulled off his shoes and began to massage his feet. He made himself more comfortable on the sofa as I moved my massage further up his legs. He complimented my efforts. We continued to watch the news as I massaged him and ply random light kisses to his sexy legs. He excused himself to the shower and came out in a towel. I also took a shower and invited him to the bedroom to continue the massage. By then it was dark so I was able to light candles and play some of my favorite jazz music. For 2 hours I massaged his body from the bottom of his feet to the tips of his ears and everyplace in-between before our towels were removed and I did my best as doing a body to body oil massage where I was rewarded with groans of satisfaction and desire. We did everything that night. Some things twice and when I think back on that night with him I remember it as being nothing short of magic.

We still keep in touch by way of SMS. Just a random sms here and there as I know he can not afford to waste money.

There are other memories of nice guys I have met while in Thailand. I met a few from this board that were a lot of fun to be around. I met so many people and had so many adventures... It would take my many, many posts and many many days to tell the tales of my Thailand holiday.

The truth is that this trip was supposed to be my last trip to Thailand but I had so much fun and left before I could get to the weekend market or Chinatown due to the flood that I am planning to return again in 2012

I didn't get to meet any kickboxers fresh from the fight and didn't get hit on by anymore police officers and no one tried to rape me but this trip had to be the best vacation I have had in Thailand so far.

The one sad thing is that my return trip will only be 2 weeks long as I won't be able to take 4 week off from work as I am use to.

December 31st, 2011, 02:41
try use WhatsApp mobile apps if you and your cute Thai friend both have smart phone. It works just like SMS texting.
This is how I keep in touch with my Thai friends.

January 1st, 2012, 00:01
Thanks, that is the program we use to send text, pictures and video back and forth. He has an Iphone also and sent me a link for the app when I was in Pattaya. As it turns out, I had the app on my phone and had never used it.

Now I use to to chat with a few different friends in Thailand. Once I started using the app, it was able to look at the phone numbers saved in my contacts and show me if any of those contacts also use the app.

January 1st, 2012, 06:24
Happy New Year from New Zealand Buck. It's already after midday January 1 2012.

Thanks for post. As ever an interesting read and I note how different your posts are now than 4 years ago. Calmer somehow. Perhaps that is why your trip went so well this time? Maybe it is just the knowledge you picked up along the way or a combination of both ... probably.

I am sure you will have a fantastic time on your next sojourn even though it is of the abbreviated type that I usually have to take also.

Good fortune, Buck,

January 1st, 2012, 15:44
Happy New Year from New Zealand Buck. It's already after midday January 1 2012.

Thanks for post. As ever an interesting read and I note how different your posts are now than 4 years ago. Calmer somehow. Perhaps that is why your trip went so well this time? Maybe it is just the knowledge you picked up along the way or a combination of both ... probably.

I am sure you will have a fantastic time on your next sojourn even though it is of the abbreviated type that I usually have to take also.

Good fortune, Buck,
i have also noted the change in reports over the years ( from reading back before smiles attacks :happy7: )
seems a mid life crisis in happening.. from paying for sex with guys a few years ago it seems now-a-days he cant even pay for his own beer as everyone wants to buy it for him ....
wait untill the next report and im sure all the boys in every bar will be paying their own offs to go with him and then tip him for the nights pleasure :lam:

January 1st, 2012, 22:56
Happy New Year from New Zealand Buck. It's already after midday January 1 2012.

Thanks for post. As ever an interesting read and I note how different your posts are now than 4 years ago. Calmer somehow. Perhaps that is why your trip went so well this time? Maybe it is just the knowledge you picked up along the way or a combination of both ... probably.

I am sure you will have a fantastic time on your next sojourn even though it is of the abbreviated type that I usually have to take also.

Good fortune, Buck,
i have also noted the change in reports over the years ( from reading back before smiles attacks :happy7: )
seems a mid life crisis in happening.. from paying for sex with guys a few years ago it seems now-a-days he cant even pay for his own beer as everyone wants to buy it for him ....
wait untill the next report and im sure all the boys in every bar will be paying their own offs to go with him and then tip him for the nights pleasure :lam:

You must be new here. That has already happened and just as a reminder, I was already asked to perform in a porno with some Thai women and on every visit there is always at least one fellow vacationer who offers to pay me for sex but I simply chalk up the proposition as part of the nature of Thailand.

I have also yet to tell the tale of the handsome guy I met on the beach who was dead set on stealing from me and how I handled the situation.

I was in Pattaya for a little over 2 weeks and I never went to bed before 5am because I loved meeting the guys of the night who were off from work and who were open to spending some time with a nice guy on vacation and to that I will also tell the story of the guy I met along the dark walk along Johmtien beach as I slowly strolled back to my condo. I will tell you that he was a construction worker who was working on the building going up next to the View Talay 5.

I also want to tell the tale of the time I was confronted by a ladyboy on a dark deserted street and what I said to them that stopped them from pressuring me as they stepped aside and wished me to have a good and safe night.

Oh.... Life is so good. If you're not making the most of it than you're wasting it! :glasses7:

January 1st, 2012, 23:09
well ive never seen beachy or bucky in the same room together .... who knows ...
do all these working guys you meet at 5am go straight off to work after meeting you .. im all for a good night out and a few beers .. but if i got to be at work for 7am i prefer to be in bed somewhat earlier than 5am and alone..
was the builder still working ? must be on good overtime at that time of the night .. you should make a film of your adventures ... billy liars thai holidays ... i look forward to watching .. :party

January 2nd, 2012, 02:19
Will the movie be in 3D, so that Bucky's cock (which must surely be 12inches or more) will leap out the screen at us?


January 2nd, 2012, 02:28
Before fantasizing, you should meet the man : he really is VERY good looking, and being black is definetely an advantage.
I don't know if it is reputation or reality, we chase the same boys, :crybaby: , but the tha├о boys have a definite attraction for him !
And if he is around, I'll always be second :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

I met him also and have to agree he is not bad looking. Older and as I have many more that are my type, I would not go out of my way for him but I can definitely see why other people would. I would say if he already were in bed with me I certaintly would not throw him out but then again, I don't throw many out once they are there! :evil4:

January 2nd, 2012, 05:40
I don't know why the guys on here refuse to think anyone on here would be the slightest bit attractive to others. I have seen and met many guys on holiday in Thailand who turned me on and I was lucky enough to have fun with a few of them.

I would like to meet the guys here that think it impossible to be liked in Thailand.

I think a lot of the guys are on defense when they walk the streets or go to the clubs. One night when I was at Happy Place, I was sat next to a guy in the back row. He wore a serious look on his face and sat with his arms tightly crossed. I leaned over and said something to him but I don't remember what I said. I do remember that he returned my words with a grunt and a nod. We were watching the guys on the stage, I do remember that. So I leaned over to him again and told him that his crossed arms tells me that he does not want to be bothered and the look on the face says to look at the arms and with that I offered a smile and a nudge with my elbow. Soon we were engaged in conversation and hung out at a few bars till it was closing time.

Now when I am in Thailand, if I am sitting next to a guy sitting alone, I will start-up a conversation and see if I can make a new friend.

I have come to realize that I don't travel to find fun, I am fun and when I travel, I bring fun along with me.

I don't relate my Thai experiences here to boast or to hurt the feeling of others, I post to let others know what life can be like while in Thailand. That is why I come to this board, I like to know what others have done in Thailand because then I know that there is a chance for me to experience something similar to what they wrote about.

Is every moment perfect in Thailand? No... Have I ever felt as if I was being ripped off? Yes. Did I ever lose my temper at a Thai Person? Yes, at a baht bus driver who demanded 50 baht from me when others paid 10 and I got so mad at him I threw the money at him.... Yeah, I know... That was a bad mistake.

Has a guy ever tried to play me for a sap and treat me like an ATM? Oh yeah... He kept me hanging on for more sex but I walked away from him, hailed a taxi and left him as he called my name over and over and then rang my phone and sms'ed me. See, I can put up with a lot but I refuse to put up with anyone being inconsiderate to me. An example is when I was dating a guy in Maryland, about 90 minutes from me by car. I was driving to see him one night and he knew it. When I got near his house he told me to meet him at his sisters house and then began to give me directions on how to get there. The next time I talked to him I was home and he asked me where I was at? I told him I was home because I knew how to get home but I didn't know how to get to his sisters. The bad news is that we are over, the good news is that we are friends and now we laugh about that moment in our life.

I can deal with a guy wanted to use me for my money because I can say yes or no, but be rude to me? On my vacation? Oh, hell no! :tongue3: Not when there is a city full of guys that I have yet to meet, I am sure there is one or two that will respect our friendship :occasion5:

January 2nd, 2012, 06:25
dear mister bucky please accept when i say i dont dislike you .. hell i dont even know you .. its just that i dont have time for bullshite stories .. and im sure a few of yours are ... as long as you are having fun i guess thats all that matters . . life never easy so enjoy it ...
p.s every story you tell doesnt have to be about sex either

January 2nd, 2012, 06:39
Your choice buy my life is my life and it must mean that I live one heck of a life for anyone to chalk up my days as impossible. I tell others that I am Gods favorite, maybe I truly am..... :tongue3:

January 2nd, 2012, 06:46
dear mister bucky please accept when i say i dont dislike you .. hell i dont even know you .. its just that i dont have time for bullshite stories .. and im sure a few of yours are ... as long as you are having fun i guess thats all that matters . . life never easy so enjoy it ...
p.s every story you tell doesnt have to be about sex either

Haha..... Of all that I post........ You're hung up on the sex? Lol

I have written about people and places and you have you draw the line when I talk about sex? Lol

January 2nd, 2012, 07:23
oh ho a god squad member ... best to pass on by ... read the rest of the bible baby .. im sure you will realise you are not a favorite ... you belive what you will .. i shall leave you alone for this and the next life .. :angryfire:

January 2nd, 2012, 08:01
oh ho a god squad member ... best to pass on by ... read the rest of the bible baby .. im sure you will realise you are not a favorite ... you belive what you will .. i shall leave you alone for this and the next life .. :angryfire:

Am I lucky or what? This has to be more proof that God is smiling down on me. :bis:

What a wonderful world. :love4:

January 2nd, 2012, 08:43
dear mister bucky please accept when i say i dont dislike you
Neither do I but I'm beginning to understand why some posters are hostile to him. Just a bit too much bullshit.

January 2nd, 2012, 08:48
dear mister bucky please accept when i say i dont dislike you
Neither do I but I'm beginning to understand why some posters are hostile to him. Just a bit too much bullshit.

It's okay. Hostility on a message board is just like quenching your thirst by looking at pictures of refreshing drinks.

Sorry guys, I am in too good a mood to be bothered by message board stone throwing.


January 2nd, 2012, 09:28
I don't know why the guys on here refuse to think anyone on here would be the slightest bit attractive to others.
Probably because they don't see themselves as being attractive and can't fathom in their little minds that other foreigners might not fit the same mold.

Keep writing, Bucky!

I was in Pattaya for a little over 2 weeks and I never went to bed before 5am because I loved meeting the guys of the night who were off from work and who were open to spending some time with a nice guy on vacation and to that I will also tell the story of the guy I met along the dark walk along Johmtien beach as I slowly strolled back to my condo. I will tell you that he was a construction worker who was working on the building going up next to the View Talay 5
I get hit on by guys on Jomtien Beach around 6-7am when I'm going for my morning run... I stopped to chat to them a couple of times and they're all gogo boys who finished work and went out clubbing before finishing up with a few beers on the beach... usually a bit drunk and silly by then.

its just that i dont have time for bullshite stories .. and im sure a few of yours are ...
You found the time to reply four times to this thread... each time with similar jabs and accusations at Bucky.

January 2nd, 2012, 15:49
I don't know why the guys on here refuse to think anyone on here would be the slightest bit attractive to others.

Yes, keep writing bucknaway. It seems there are many older falangs that think of Thailand as a playground for the over 50's, and complain when either women or good looking younger falang guys are around to take attention away from them. It means they have to resort to getting their wallets out and waving their ATM cards in the air to get noticed again!

January 2nd, 2012, 17:22
deary me beachy .. you have lowered yourself it seems .. chatting to go go boys on jomtien beach .. i hoped you spat at them and told them they are the scum of the earth !!!
i didnt realise i was telling bucky i didnt belive all of his stories .. how very perceptive of you .. :happy7: as it happens i belive a few of his are true ... now about some of yo.............................

Brad the Impala
January 3rd, 2012, 04:36
deary me beachy .. you have lowered yourself it seems .. chatting to go go boys on jomtien beach .. i hoped you spat at them and told them they are the scum of the earth !!!
i didnt realise i was telling bucky i didnt belive all of his stories .. how very perceptive of you .. :happy7: as it happens i belive a few of his are true ... now about some of yo.............................

If there is a disagreement on the forum, brithai is bound to be in there stirring away!

January 3rd, 2012, 08:03
deary me beachy .. you have lowered yourself it seems .. chatting to go go boys on jomtien beach .. i hoped you spat at them and told them they are the scum of the earth !!!
i didnt realise i was telling bucky i didnt belive all of his stories .. how very perceptive of you .. :happy7: as it happens i belive a few of his are true ... now about some of yo.............................

If there is a disagreement on the forum, brithai is bound to be in there stirring away!

I kinda noticed that. I'm only on the boards on a part time basis and only go into 2 or 3 threads when I do visit, so I am not familiar with who is a bitter clinger here. But after going into another post, I was able to connect the dots.... I was in the middle of putting up another post but I thought better of it. I mean it is a new year. And who wants to start off 2012 in one posters flame war? A dear friend of mine often told me that I don't have to attend every fight I am invited to :kap:

January 3rd, 2012, 10:39
A dear friend of mine often told me that I don't have to attend every fight I am invited to :kap:

Someone once said, 'Never get into fights with ugly people - they have nothing to lose.' Over many years of attending message boards I have found that the only answer to malicious sniping is to ignore it completely. Believe me, they hate that.

January 4th, 2012, 00:29
So true.