View Full Version : Lost in Translation - Funnies!

December 21st, 2011, 02:40
How about the seafood restaurant I patronised in Phuket, which had a dish featuring "Crap Meat" on the menu.

I have a photo of the menu somewhere.

Any others?


December 21st, 2011, 02:46

December 21st, 2011, 04:42

Brithai you need to be more flexible - if you had posted something something like this, it would have had relevence:

...Last week in Sunee Plaza I got chatting to a Dane - not a Great Dane, he was only 5' 6", he had only 2 legs, and couldn't lick his own balls - but he told me that in Denmark his friends have house parties where they all chew SPUNK.

Apparently it's a salt liquorice pastille.

I'm quite partial to a mouthful of spunk myself, and I'm not even Danish.

December 21st, 2011, 05:03
Him: Come downstairs when you're a lady!
Me: What?!?! When I'm a lady?
Him: Yeah, when you're lady! (he means when I'm ready)

Him: I want to be a chet!
Me: What??? What's a chet?
Him: You know, a chet!
Me: Nope, no idea what you're talking about.
Him: YOU KNOW! When you goto a restaurant and order food, the person that makes you food!
Me: Ohhh, a chef!
Him: Yeah, a chet!

Me: Uhhh, two bottles of Leo
Her: Ok, two bottoms of Leo!

Her: Cute dog, what's his name?
Me: Boxer
Her: Hi Bawker!

Her: Have you got your dog a waxin?
Me: You want me to wax my dog???
Her: Yeah, waxin!
Me: Ohhh, you mean vaccine!

Him: Ohh, she got a wirat on her computer!
Me: What? A rat on her computer?
Him: No, wirat!
Me: Ohhh, you mean virus!

December 21st, 2011, 14:11

Brithai you need to be more flexible - if you had posted something something like this, it would have had relevence:

...Last week in Sunee Plaza I got chatting to a Dane - not a Great Dane, he was only 5' 6", he had only 2 legs, and couldn't lick his own balls - but he told me that in Denmark his friends have house parties where they all chew SPUNK.

Apparently it's a salt liquorice pastille.

I'm quite partial to a mouthful of spunk myself, and I'm not even Danish.
yes but then people would accuse me of being LMTU as its all lies ... im surprised you didnt leave the link in !!
http://www.bridgeandtunnelclub.com/detr ... hcandy.htm (http://www.bridgeandtunnelclub.com/detritus/danishcandy.htm)
cdmatt i take it you got the me/him/her dictionary last christmas .. seems you can work out what he/she means pretty quickly ..
does he/she call you a klunt often ??

December 21st, 2011, 21:31
Couldn't find my "Crap Meat" menu pic - but here's some others (I don't claim I took these personally)






December 22nd, 2011, 02:39
This was taken in the toilets at the gay beach Jomtien But the Chinese one has to be my favourite

December 22nd, 2011, 14:57
were there many of you in the queue :hah:

January 3rd, 2012, 09:07
This one (not in Thailand) reminded me of Latintopxxx so I snapped a shot of it...


January 3rd, 2012, 09:19
This was taken in the toilets at the gay beach Jomtien But the Chinese one has to be my favourite

I took a photo of the sign in the bathroom at Dongtan also. :sign5:

It was no longer there as of my last visit in December....wonder what happened to it.
Someone take it as a souvenir?

January 3rd, 2012, 13:39

January 3rd, 2012, 18:36
Last month I was in Hua Hin and through SGT I met up with Smiles who wanted to take me to a new gay bar that had opened a few miles out of Hua Hin. We where both on motor cycles so Smiles said I should just follow him. (you can see him on his motorcy in the distance). After seeing this sign I just had to stop and take a photo.
Happy new year everyone.

[attachment=0:16pp7c4b]start 2012 as you mean to carry on-16-300x225.jpg[/attachment:16pp7c4b]

January 3rd, 2012, 18:48
" ... Last month I was in Hua Hin and through SGT I met up with Smiles who (is apparently a prick) ... "

:laughing3: Noticed a post above Giggsy's by Gaybutton. Must be about the second time in 7 years he's posted something in this here den of ....
Did you know Giggsy, calling another Member a prick would have you booted off his Board in seconds.
I tried getting that done by Da Boss, but he told me to fuck off. Classy dude, that mother ...

January 3rd, 2012, 19:47
" ... Last month I was in Hua Hin and through SGT I met up with Smiles who (is apparently a prick) ... "

:laughing3: Noticed a post above Giggsy's by Gaybutton. Must be about the second time in 7 years he's posted something in this here den of ....
Did you know Giggsy, calling another Member a prick would have you booted off his Board in seconds.
I tried getting that done by Da Boss, but he told me to fuck off. Classy dude, that mother ...

Smiles I hope you are not comparing DaBoss with Gaybutton as that might well get you kicked off this board in minutes.
How is Snapshot lately ? We have not had any updates on him recently.

January 4th, 2012, 20:08
Last month I was in Hua Hin and through SGT I met up with Smiles who wanted to take me to a new gay bar that had opened a few miles out of Hua Hin.
Okay, Smiles, where were you taking giggsy? A new bar a few miles outside town? In the day time?

January 5th, 2012, 07:14
Come on quiet1, you can't expect us to give out that information to all and sundry. This is privileged information only known by a select few. But I do believe old supshot is doing all inclusive 3 day tours of the local gay bars in and around Hua Hin for a very reasonable price.

January 7th, 2012, 11:17
Okay, Smiles, where were you taking giggsy? A new bar a few miles outside town? In the day time?
We had to go in the daytime as snapshot was holding a firework party on Hua Hin beach later that evening. Luckily I had my camcorder with me and managed to get some of the firework display for you to see. It was supposed to last 12 minutes but you know Thais, they like to get it over with as soon as possible. Well thats what Smiles tells me.


January 9th, 2012, 07:02





May 16th, 2013, 05:51
I personally took this photo of the Menu from a Restaurant opposite the Poppa Palace Hotel. Patong.

Dish Number 21 sounded a little downmarket, I didn't try it!!
