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View Full Version : Montys birthday party pics and video.Yummy dance boys

December 11th, 2011, 06:17
There is a separate thread from MarkPompey on gaytingtong with pics and a video of the street boys breakdancing troup These are the same guys I believe that perform at happyplace bar 3 nights a week. I went down to see them before I left on the wrong night.

Here is the link to the thread


The link for the vid did not work Here it is The dancers are not the bar boys who have the tatts

Not sure about those street boys. The longer I watch the harder I get, or is it the harder I get the longer I watch??


Not sure what I am doing wrong but I am sure someone will tell me.

December 11th, 2011, 09:48
Yes this is the B Boys that can be seen Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays at happy Place Bar Soi 2 Boyztown area.
Fridays they perform in their boxer shorts!

December 11th, 2011, 15:45
Whilst I can admire the "dancing", I'm at a loss to understand why anybody would be sexually aroused by it.

There must be more sex maniacs in Pattaya than I thought.


December 11th, 2011, 15:59
You may not have seen any of the shows in particular when the boys wear kilts. I can assure that every time they do a handstand they give a nod or wave to the appreciative audience. Of course Neal heads the queue.

After all he is big, not huge but not past it.[ he tells me]

There are rumours published on this forum, one of the boys likes to get down to his birthday suit at NAB just before sunrise. It is part of the street dancing tradition, so we must not stand in his way. On second thoughts no way!!!!

December 11th, 2011, 20:17
There are rumours published on this forum, one of the boys likes to get down to his birthday suit at NAB just before sunrise.

I think that this happens in The Club and not NAB.... But i understand that teh Club has scaled their show back... so not sure if it happens any more... I'm sure Martin911 was there last night and can confirm if it has been happening recently

December 11th, 2011, 20:30
Yes this is the B Boys that can be seen Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays at happy Place Bar Soi 2 Boyztown area.
Fridays they perform in their boxer shorts!
When they've finished performing can they be Offed through the bar ... or would it be private negotiations outside?

We dont know if they can be offed and who is available. You are more than welcome to make any negotiations inside or outside with no off fee. If you get one tell me! I want!

December 11th, 2011, 22:20
You may not have seen any of the shows ....

Au contraire, my dear wombat - I have seen their shows a few times.
I haven't seen them in Happy Place but I saw them a few times in one of the bars on Soi1 - maybe X Boys or Lucky 777 I can't recall.

It seems you find these displays sexually exciting, I'm just saying I don't.

Whilst I admire the athleticism, dancing, and all-round entertainment value, I do not become sexually aroused by the show and I cannot imagine why anyone would - unless perhaps they'd spent a decade in a straitjacket under solitary confinement and thus been unable to see a living soul or have a wank for 10 years. Now, if the cap fits, darling....

By the way, is this you "checking in"?


[attachment=0:eg93trm7]Wombat's Hideway.jpg[/attachment:eg93trm7]

December 11th, 2011, 22:26
i must be getting as miserable as some of the others on here ... as i find this sort of dancing really fustrating and annoying ... always seems to me just when one of them of getting going .. they go ... to many fits and starts for my likeing ... give me the ballet anyday or not ... as for it being sexual ... well other than looking fit (except the fat one) i also cant see where the sexual bit comes in !!!

December 11th, 2011, 22:29
Not sure about those street boys. The longer I watch the harder I get, or is it the harder I get the longer I watch??
I'm with you.

Scotty is prude.