View Full Version : More Euro Disasters

December 10th, 2011, 15:35
Sorry to be serious for a minute.

I guess in 5/10 years time it really will be a USE. United states of Europe that is.....God help anyone who lives in Europe it's all going down the toilet.

Thank fuck I'm British :party

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... Id=1029663 (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2071952/Eurozone-crisis-David-Cameron-vetoes-EU-treaty-save-euro.html?questionId=&channelId=1&pollId=1029663)

December 11th, 2011, 11:01
Europeans and their unrealistic entitlement syndrome... Do you reckon that's the root cause of the economic mess there?

I only guess as I haven't been following it closely.

December 12th, 2011, 19:56
Europeans and their unrealistic entitlement syndrome... Do you reckon that's the root cause of the economic mess there?

I only guess as I haven't been following it closely.

For once I agree with you Beachy. It's all a fucking mess. Those wankers in Brussels don't live in the real world. That mess has still managed to topple two govts though. Italy and Greece both toppled without an election. Spain, Italy next and the Irish are just fucked. 23% VAT in Ireland now...what a joke :tif:

December 13th, 2011, 00:24
From the year dot to 1945: endless regular wars between the great powers of Europe leaving millions dead over the centuries.

1945 onwards: no wars whatsoever between the great powers of Europe, thanks to the deliberate enmeshing and interdependency of the national economies within the EEC/EC/EU and the consequent diminution of nationalism and jingoism.

The EU has, all things considered, been the best thing to happen in Europe in hundreds of years. Roll on a United States of Europe and what a shame that it seems the UK won't be a member.

December 13th, 2011, 00:32
From the year dot to 1945: endless regular wars between the great powers of Europe leaving millions dead over the centuries.

In fact the whole world lost so many to wars.

Don't forget the millions who no longer die as a result of infections and plagues as a reult of better heath care and medicine.

YES, we are all responsible for the over population and the mess that is yet to come.

When the euro becomes worthless, the pound and dollar will follow.

China, Russia, India and Japan will buy everything and we will all have to get new passports.

December 13th, 2011, 14:52
From the year dot to 1945: endless regular wars between the great powers of Europe leaving millions dead over the centuries.

1945 onwards: no wars whatsoever between the great powers of Europe, thanks to the deliberate enmeshing and interdependency of the national economies within the EEC/EC/EU and the consequent diminution of nationalism and jingoism.

The EU has, all things considered, been the best thing to happen in Europe in hundreds of years. Roll on a United States of Europe and what a shame that it seems the UK won't be a member.

An interesting view. Not one I subscribe to. The culture of southern Europe can never match the stronger economies of say Germany. I see nothing other than Germany or France ( which hides behind Germany) wanting to take the lead of a Federal Europe. The reality is that if you research the financials the whole Euro fantasy is a disaster waiting to happen. Don't get me started on that Sarkozy weazel. That guy really is a joke

December 13th, 2011, 14:54
From the year dot to 1945: endless regular wars between the great powers of Europe leaving millions dead over the centuries.

In fact the whole world lost so many to wars.

Don't forget the millions who no longer die as a result of infections and plagues as a reult of better heath care and medicine.

YES, we are all responsible for the over population and the mess that is yet to come.

When the euro becomes worthless, the pound and dollar will follow.

China, Russia, India and Japan will buy everything and we will all have to get new passports.

Japan? I think they are in the shit too Jinks :happy7:

December 13th, 2011, 22:10
For once I agree with you Beachy. It's all a fucking mess. Those wankers in Brussels don't live in the real world. That mess has still managed to topple two govts though. Italy and Greece both toppled without an election. Spain, Italy next and the Irish are just fucked. 23% VAT in Ireland now...what a joke :tif:
Sometimes you wonder what planet theyтАЩre on...

I donтАЩt follow it closely but glancing at headlines... It just seems every time a European countryтАЩs economy is going down the toilet, the government introduces some rational and sensible measures needed to cut back costs here, improve productivity there...

What do their people do? They throw a tantrum, riot, refuse to accept they're up shit creek and need to get out and find a paddle.

A few months later, it happens again! SAME headlines, different country.

Anyone I know in Asia who made it above the poverty line on the their own steam has worked their arse off. In Australia, I concede we're very fortunate to ride on the back of the resources boom but other than a few pockets of easy street, most people I know who've made it anywhere also worked their arses off.

Where as over in Europe, they riot just because they have to work an extra two years or not get a pay rise for three years!

China, Russia, India and Japan will buy everything and we will all have to get new passports.
India's population will exceed China's in years to come. But I'm not sure if this means their economy will do the same.

China is already buying everything and they're getting smarter about growing their sovereign wealth fund, appointing external advisors and such. Western countries have had the technological and educational advantage for decades but the speed at which China is catching up is breathtaking. They're either developing technology (i.e. often stealing it) themselves or just buying the Western companies that have developed it.

I wonder how it will be 50 years from now...

December 13th, 2011, 22:37
I wonder how it will be 50 years from now...

I intend to set a new record and be around to see it.

December 14th, 2011, 02:57
Sorry to be serious for a minute.

I guess in 5/10 years time it really will be a USE. United states of Europe that is.....God help anyone who lives in Europe it's all going down the toilet.

Thank fuck I'm British

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... Id=1029663 (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2071952/Eurozone-crisis-David-Cameron-vetoes-EU-treaty-save-euro.html?questionId=&channelId=1&pollId=1029663)

Ah the good old Daily Mail - you can always rely on it for truth and consistency can't you.

Can't you?

Two thirds fear new UK recession as survey says Britain is the second worst place to live in Europe

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z1gRvX6H9X (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2061855/Two-thirds-fear-new-UK-recession-survey-says-Britain-second-worst-place-live-Europe.html#ixzz1gRvX6H9X)

It's simple - if the UK was doing so well and the Eurozone was tanking then the exchange rate would not be standing at a measly 1.16 to the ┬г.

Truth is, the Eurozone IS tanking but the UK is as deep in the shit as the rest - the UK has the highest total foreign debt in Europe - 7.3 trillion Euros = 4.38 times GDP in foreign debt = HIGHER than Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain etc.

The difference is that the UK has high value assets that these other counties do not - but don't be fooled, the UK is up shit creek and in 2014 you will see the paddle taken back - mark my words.


December 18th, 2011, 19:11
oh dear all these arm chair economists....if europe collapses the rest of the world will get pulled down with it...even mighty China, who the hell do you think buys all the crap they manufacture??
As for the other upstarts like Brazil and Australia...they supply China with raws...so do you get the picture...
No one is an island, Europe + US still hold the vast majority of the worlds wealth/purchasing power and it is in everyone's interest to keep this part of the world in ahealthy state despite the stupidity of their leaders...