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View Full Version : Questions for the American ambassador to Thailand

December 7th, 2011, 15:23
I am in a position to posit questions to the American ambassador to Thailand.
The trouble is, I don't actually have any questions of her.
Well I do really want to know why the USA is acting so supportive of Yingluck and by proxy Thaksin specifically but I know that won't get a straight answer.

If you do, please PM me with their content, and if I think they are good questions (be respectful please even if you don't like her) I will submit them.
Yes this is legit.
If I do select your question(s) that doesn't necessarily mean that question will be asked of the ambassador. But they MIGHT be.
If you don't believe me, bugger off and don't waste your time posting insults.

Thank you.

December 7th, 2011, 15:32
"If you don't believe me, bugger off and don't waste your time posting insults"

Jesus, defensive much !! ?? Christ it's only a lowly Ambassador you're meeting it's not like you're meeting God or anything so I wouldn't imagine anyone would be surprised or too disbelieving that someone / anyone would get chatting to an Ambassador, or perhaps with N.Ireland being so small we just see ours all the time and it's no big deal, oh and before you say it's not that I dont believe you ( for the reasons stated above) so this isn't an insult just a comment on the harsh and somewhat unnecessary "bugger off" comment perhaps.

December 7th, 2011, 15:34
You are way too presumptuous. I didn't say I was meeting her or would even want to meet her, which I don't. I said I have been asked to submit questions of her and yes there will be a record available of questions asked and answered.

I reckon some of you may be interested in her responses enough to have questions for her. I don't, so I'm offering a favor to anyone who does. (As long as the questions are asked respectfully and not ridiculous.)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Oh, BTW, if you do have questions, submit them before 3 am in the morning of Thursday 8 December Thailand time or it will too late to consider them.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

December 7th, 2011, 15:44
yeah ok presumptuous, I'll take that, but as I said it was more the strangely somewhat unnecessary and totally the out of the blue "if you don't believe me bugger off" comment I was referring to. Anyway, ok whatever and I hope you get the answers to the questions which you may or may not ask which may or may not then be answered, sounds like fun - oh and if you dont believe I mean that bugger off ! ( ok I'm joking at the last bit but you see where I'm coming from perhaps ?) - or maybe not, anyway, seriously hope whatever your doing goes well for you.