View Full Version : Drinking water machines

November 15th, 2011, 12:03
My ex in Bangkok says he still can't find bottled water and is using the Filtered water machines you see on the street. How safe are those things? "Farang" safe? LOL. You have to wonder how good a job they actually do purifying the water...

November 15th, 2011, 12:26
Bottled water is now getting back on the shelves intermittently. I have seen it in several 7/11's and Family Marts and in Foodland, Tops and Villa but you have to shop around and I have seen notices rationing it to 2 bottles per customer per day. It may be in the shops one day but the next day there is no resupply.
The situation is getting better but buy it when you can.

November 15th, 2011, 16:29
Those machines do an adequate job of filtering city water if they are properly maintained, but usually they aren't.

November 15th, 2011, 17:45
Those machines do an adequate job of filtering city water if they are properly maintained, but usually they aren't.

I believe a very high proportion of all types of osmosis machines are adequately maintained and both my partner and I have used them for a very long time. I would add that neither of us have suffered any ill effects.
We top up the fridge water dispenser and use the stuff in cooking etc. Whilst costs are not uppermost in my mind, it certainly is a very good cost effective way to get a natural resource. A 6 litre bottle filled from the machine is around 8 baht!!! Buy a 6 litre Nestle bottle at around 40 baht and once used make that the carrier for the machine. Simple.

November 15th, 2011, 18:02
I have never used one of these machines so I can't answer that but the other two alternatives that I DO have are:
I have an inexpensive office type dispensing machine I bought at Home Pro. I buy those large bottles of water at 30 baht each or 40 for spring water. Saves room in the rfridge, gets it cold or hot and that is one way.

The second thing I did was to pay about 7,000 baht give or take a few thousand depending on the purification process for a small filter system that we had installed near the stove. Mine I think was 8,000 baht and goes through a three tier filter system and also through and ultra violet process to kill all the bacteria. Also available at Home Pro and many other similar stores. Filters are changed about once a year. they call you they make an appointment and come and change the filters. and the boys that come change mine are dolls!

November 16th, 2011, 02:06
BFs old apartment used to ahave one of those water dispensing machines

We used it for years without any side effects... we would only use each bottle 4-5 times before throwing them out and starting again

Only issue was whose turn it was to go down and fill the water bottles!

November 16th, 2011, 23:50
From December 2010 to February 2011 I mainly drank water from these machines and never had a health problem.