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November 8th, 2011, 05:59
While in Pattaya, I filled my time with having a different guy in the morning, in the noon and in the night. I was becoming such a slut that I began to blush when I escorted a different guy past security. Only a few guys were invited back for a 2nd or 3rd visit. Some of them surprised me by coming to my room uninvited and one guy just walked right in without knocking or ringing the doorbell.

Many of the guys I met were not shy to tell me that they wanted to try having sex with a black guy and I didn't have a problem with that because I wanted to have sex with a Thai guy. It was kinda fun to be exotic and attractive to guys that I found to be exotic and attractive. I also did my best to give them a memorable experience and I am sure I have done things with them that they will long remember and may not experience often with any other person.

One thing I look back on and laugh about is when I was in Jomtien complex at a host bar. The manager of the bar was working hard to get me to off him, not one of his guys, he wanted me to off him because he said he always wanted to try it with a black guy. He went on to tell me that it would only cost 2000 baht. I laugh and told him I was a bottom guy. He was only to happy to point out that he was a top and he would like to try screwing me and it would only cost me 1700 baht. I just told him he was naughty. He then went on to beg me to off him and we could go to a room he has in the complex and it would cost me only 1200 baht. Well I was glad that the cost was going down but I was not interested in having him climb on-top of me. He was not my type but I will never tell a Thai guy that they are not my type and pretend to be flattered and shy to their advances.

On my final days there I met a Thai guy on gayromeo. We met for afternoon sex. I did my best to perform and he seemed happy enough and invited me to dinner. I accepted and later that night he picked me up and we had dinner with his friends. He paid the bill and then we were off to a karaoke bar where he ordered a bottle and mixers for us all. When the time came I was ready to pay but again he picked up the bill telling me that he is not a money-boy and he has own money. We went back to my place for some fun and met again after he went home. He then presented me with an expensive gift that I could not accept. He pleaded with me to take it saying that he didn't want me to forget him when I returned to the USA. To prove to me that he didn't want anything from me he offered to take me shopping to buy for me the things I wanted and joked that I would be his kept boy saying, "I have sexy boy -- you."

He continued with offering gifts of money, items and promises of taking care of me. When we were apart my phone was abuzz with sms messages from him or phone calls. So much so that I began to regret having the phone with me.

When I moved onto Bangkok, it got worse with calls and SMS messages talking him out of coming to Bangkok and taking time off from work.
Even now I am getting sms messages from him and now he has let me know to watch my mail because he sent me a package. Yes, I gave him my home address before I knew what this was becoming.

Is this how Thai guy's date?

Just now I got a SMS from him telling me that he sent me something. His English is not so good and I don't have a flipping clue as to what he sent me but I know I don't want it. All I wanted was fun and sex. I told him this and from his sms messages I know he understands this, I also understand that he wants me to be his boyfriend.

So for now it is like he and I are playing chess. If I win, we end up sex-buddies. If he wins, we date. Yep... He will have the honor of dating a whoring slut that has slept with more Thai guys in a weekend than he can remember. Lucky him....... :8(

I know I shouldn't but I am going to reply to his sms... I only hope that over time it all settles out and his feelings are not hurt.

November 8th, 2011, 06:26
My advice on this would be to just ignore him --Thai//Asian guys can get very possesive and tiresome in their pursuit of you --
Almost like silly young teenage girls !!
Unless you really like this guy leave it be -- alsonot a good idea to give out home adress/phone numbers

The messages poss will get more and more of begging/pleading type to one of anger /nasty towards to yourself !!!

In Manila a few weeks ago i met a guy on GR --invited him over to play one evening --i asked if he had any friend that might want to join and he said yes !!
So the 2 guys arrived ,both v cute ,but i liked the original guy i had invited more --so we flirted/chatted etc for a while then retired to the bedroom --all played for a while til i noticed original guy was getting a little jealous of his friend ,in Tagalog he told his pal to roll over and go to sleep--i took second to the other bed room in condo --and Left him to sleep !!!

played with first guy for a few hours til 2 am until it was time for me to go out to meet other friends at a club

Said my goodbyes to both etc ,said " Mabye" we might meet again,no false promises by me so as he might infer that this was anything other than a GR hook up !!!--and we parted in good form

Next day at 8am the calls and texts started rolling in --i didnt ans any till i got fully awake later in the day -- but i went from being " a wonderful guy that he really wanted to meet again" (earlier texts) to being a complete bitch that had simply used him !!!! (bit of a joke because he enjoyed himself so much while having sex w me ) by the last of 20 odd texts by 6 the same evening !!!!!!!!!!!!

Clingy types best to be avoided from the outset
Strange that somebody like the guy u describe Bucky (independent etc ) would be like this --

November 8th, 2011, 06:31
I told him this and from his sms messages I know he understands this, I also understand that he wants me to be his boyfriend.

So for now it is like he and I are playing chess. If I win, we end up sex-buddies. If he wins, we date. Yep... He will have the honor of dating a whoring slut that has slept with more Thai guys in a weekend than he can remember. Lucky him....... :8(

I know I shouldn't but I am going to reply to his sms... I only hope that over time it all settles out and his feelings are not hurt.

This kind of complication is why i prefer paid sex!

A farang friend of mine does not enjoy paid sex and spent 3 holidays searching for the elusive non-money boys in Pattaya... even brought them down from BKK to join him.... And brought 2 guys over from Taiwan

Thing is he is always miserable with these guys... Chasing him, calling him, SMS-ing, spying on him... some might even say stalking him!
As the saying goes "there is no such thing as free sex in pattaya"... you either pay for it with your money... or you pay for it with your sanity/freedom!

(and before the flames start... yes i know not everybody is a moneyboy etc etc the comment is meant as tongue in cheek whilst being semi-serious)

November 8th, 2011, 06:33
Strange that somebody like the guy u describe Bucky (independent etc ) would be like this --
Sounds like Rich-Parents-Little-Emperor syndrome!

November 8th, 2011, 06:54
I told him this and from his sms messages I know he understands this, I also understand that he wants me to be his boyfriend.

So for now it is like he and I are playing chess. If I win, we end up sex-buddies. If he wins, we date. Yep... He will have the honor of dating a whoring slut that has slept with more Thai guys in a weekend than he can remember. Lucky him....... :8(

I know I shouldn't but I am going to reply to his sms... I only hope that over time it all settles out and his feelings are not hurt.

This kind of complication is why i prefer paid sex!

A farang friend of mine does not enjoy paid sex and spent 3 holidays searching for the elusive non-money boys in Pattaya... even brought them down from BKK to join him.... And brought 2 guys over from Taiwan

Thing is he is always miserable with these guys... Chasing him, calling him, SMS-ing, spying on him... some might even say stalking him!
As the saying goes "there is no such thing as free sex in pattaya"... you either pay for it with your money... or you pay for it with your sanity/freedom!

(and before the flames start... yes i know not everybody is a moneyboy etc etc the comment is meant as tongue in cheek whilst being semi-serious)

I really like this saying....but I must be doing something wrong. I pay with money and my sanity and my freedom. You would think I could keep one of them :sign5:

November 8th, 2011, 07:07
I told him this and from his sms messages I know he understands this, I also understand that he wants me to be his boyfriend.

So for now it is like he and I are playing chess. If I win, we end up sex-buddies. If he wins, we date. Yep... He will have the honor of dating a whoring slut that has slept with more Thai guys in a weekend than he can remember. Lucky him....... :8(

I know I shouldn't but I am going to reply to his sms... I only hope that over time it all settles out and his feelings are not hurt.

This kind of complication is why i prefer paid sex!

A farang friend of mine does not enjoy paid sex and spent 3 holidays searching for the elusive non-money boys in Pattaya... even brought them down from BKK to join him.... And brought 2 guys over from Taiwan

Thing is he is always miserable with these guys... Chasing him, calling him, SMS-ing, spying on him... some might even say stalking him!
As the saying goes "there is no such thing as free sex in pattaya"... you either pay for it with your money... or you pay for it with your sanity/freedom!

(and before the flames start... yes i know not everybody is a moneyboy etc etc the comment is meant as tongue in cheek whilst being semi-serious)

As one well known restaurant owner in pattaya has said many times before " if you want love in Pattaya ,rent it !!"

November 9th, 2011, 05:03
Boys are different . I have also been offered gifts from a Thai after to me was a normal sex date . Yes I prefer not the money boy scene if possible. Sometimes it works , sometimes you have to be prepared for more than just fun.

If he is not so good in english , try to ask a Thai you know to deliver the message. That its over. So you can move on.

But giving your home address away , well you asked for it I guess ;)

November 9th, 2011, 06:16
... When we were apart my phone was abuzz with sms messages from him or phone calls. So much so that I began to regret having the phone with me.

When I moved onto Bangkok, it got worse with calls and SMS messages talking him out of coming to Bangkok and taking time off from work.
Even now I am getting sms messages from him ...

I have 2 phones. One for work and one for play. You can also get 2 sim card phones.
Only give the play phone number to the boys and when it gets annoying then change the sim card.

November 9th, 2011, 16:19
Buck what the others are telling you is true, but that's for them that get a "money boy" that they pay the bills for...even if they import them here, they still are paying. For some reason this guy really seems to like you....I would reply to him and try and reason that you do not feel good about being showered with gifts....and you should take the relationship slowly...do not pay attention to all of us that say "dump him" jealousy seems to bring out our best remarks. Try meeting with him again on your next trip. Sounds great keep us posted....you found a gem.

November 9th, 2011, 23:51
Buck what the others are telling you is true, but that's for them that get a "money boy" that they pay the bills for...even if they import them here, they still are paying. For some reason this guy really seems to like you....I would reply to him and try and reason that you do not feel good about being showered with gifts....and you should take the relationship slowly...do not pay attention to all of us that say "dump him" jealousy seems to bring out our best remarks. Try meeting with him again on your next trip. Sounds great keep us posted....you found a gem.

Sorry to contradict you --- but u refer to the others " them that get a moneyboy"-- the guy i met in manila was cert no money boy and ive met other guys here with that type of stalker syndrome that have not been moneyboys neither --- stalkers yes can be MBs types for sure --but its not exclusive to them

From my experience -- i think its more of an Asian thing --that for many Asians having a Westerner Bf is kind of a kudos for an Asian guy/lady --so some seem hellbent on chasing us
Mabye PBob u like that sort of attention from somebody --but (for me ) it gets tiresome and as i said possibly ends up getting nasty if the asian guy does not get what he wants !! --and what ive told bucky has abs nothing to the type of jealously you reffered to in your post --- i thought it sounded sensible advice --

November 10th, 2011, 01:17
Bucky, sweetie, there is ONE thing you must never do:

Never on any account take this wonderful rent-free boy who is completely besotted with you, on one of your trips through Sunee.
As you have already told us, all the working boys cannot resist rushing up as soon as they spot you, to start groping your cock and balls , and I fear it could escalate into a bloodbath with all these rent and non-rent boys boys fighting each other over who should get a piece of you.


November 11th, 2011, 07:07
... When we were apart my phone was abuzz with sms messages from him or phone calls. So much so that I began to regret having the phone with me.

When I moved onto Bangkok, it got worse with calls and SMS messages talking him out of coming to Bangkok and taking time off from work.
Even now I am getting sms messages from him ...

I have 2 phones. One for work and one for play. You can also get 2 sim card phones.
Only give the play phone number to the boys and when it gets annoying then change the sim card.

I don't want to simply ignore him. I am going to try to deal with him the same way I would deal with this situation here in the USA. Already I am feeling the choking sensation of a relationship with the constant calls, e-mails and sms messages. Yesterday I found that the Postal Service tried to deliver a package to me from Thailand. My friend sent me a message telling me he sent me something expensive and that it is not a copy. Today I received a new message from him telling me that he just sent me another gift.

I don't know how I am going to handle this, but I am not going to run and hide from this problem I created for myself. I only know that I will face it head on using a soft touch. I have almost a year to let him down easy and if I do it right we both will be happy and end up friends.

November 11th, 2011, 23:14
Yes, there can be a bit of drama. I have this on camfrog as well. You are in the lucky situation: fuck first, drama later. If I have too much drama before we even met, I will probably not meet the person.

Do you reply to all his messages? If yes, this sends a signal that you are interested. So I would not reply to all messages and increase the time between message and reply. This doesn't solve the problem with the parcels he sends you. But that's your own fault if you give away your address.

However if he is that rich and you like him you can become his boyfriend or kept boy and live with him in Thailand. (If that's your thing - I'm such a slut, I would go that far to stay in Thailand.)

From my observations, there seems to be an occasional misunderstanding: I come to Thailand as a sex tourist, no matter if with money boys are normal boys. I'm not looking for a relationship. However some of the normal boys just want fun (so do I) but others are obviously looking for a foreign boyfriend, and this where the drama starts.

December 3rd, 2011, 11:02
Bucky... I think you're doing the right thing. Let him down softly.

Yes, some Asian guys can be like this and I have had similar experiences. They see someone who is very desirable in their eyes and think going all out to get them is actually constructive. The truth is, if someone doesn't like you, showering them with gifts and pestering them isn't going to change that. I don't know why some just don't get that.

As one well known restaurant owner in pattaya has said many times before " if you want love in Pattaya ,rent it !!"
That's because he's a fat, ugly, awkward, boring lard arse with zero self awareness and no charm or character whatsoever. No offense intended and not going to name him.

It's one of the dumbest quotes ever. He should apply that advice to himself alone, rather than tarring the whole of Thailand with the same brush.

P.S. I think he made that reference to Thailand, not Pattaya (or so that's the way it's always been quoted by someone).

In Manila a few weeks ago i met a guy on GR...
I have nothing against Filipino guys and some of my best friends are Filipinos who are perfectly normal, nice people. But after a few recent encounters (none of whom I actually slept with) I now have my guard up the moment someone in a nightclub tells me they're Filipino... it's like an alarm for me. They're just a nightmare sometimes. Clingy, awkward, way over the top and with very little class.