View Full Version : Handphones at Changi Airpoprt

November 7th, 2011, 15:26
On a recent visit to Singapore my handphone was taken for 'inspection' upon arrival, in the customs area. I cannot recall that ever being done before and all I can think of is that they were checking for porno videos [which I do not have]. I had thought that those days were well past in Singapore...years ago I had business video cassettes for a trade fair seized and sent to the censor, getting them back 3 days later after trade fair was finished. When are they going to grow up?

November 7th, 2011, 15:33
Were you talking on the phone anywhere between when you got off the plane to the immigration or customs area?
The reason I ask is because at many airports around the world I see signs that prohibit talking on phones or taking pictures of any kind. Its a security precaution supossedly for terrorism. Anyway if you were, they may have seen you using it and wanted to inspect the phone for that reason. Sure coming from Thailand, they may have wanted to see if you had a child porn on there also. Maybe there is a way to copy child porn to the phone, take it through customs and then make a dvd from it and sell it. I dont know just trying to give you some possibilities.

November 8th, 2011, 09:03
Oh-handphone- or HP for short-that is the only in Malaysia/Indonesia used word for that thing. Here in Thaild it is ''mobuy''-in Germany ''handy''-also a word that no englishman will understand directly.

November 10th, 2011, 09:50
Were you talking on the phone anywhere between when you got off the plane to the immigration or customs area?
The reason I ask is because at many airports around the world I see signs that prohibit talking on phones or taking pictures of any kind. Its a security precaution supossedly for terrorism. Anyway if you were, they may have seen you using it and wanted to inspect the phone for that reason. Sure coming from Thailand, they may have wanted to see if you had a child porn on there also. Maybe there is a way to copy child porn to the phone, take it through customs and then make a dvd from it and sell it. I dont know just trying to give you some possibilities.

No I never do and had not yet turned it on, all my things had just gone through the incoming detector and when collecting the small items from the plastic basket the customs officer took the handphone from me and gave it to someone else 20 metres away for approval> Maybe checked if I had any videos?????

November 10th, 2011, 10:13
Yes, if you did not have it on or in your hand then I have to agree with you that they were almost certainly looking for pictures. And this is why taking pictures and putting them on laptops, cameras, cds or dvds or phones is a very bad idea that could land you in a heap of problems.

November 11th, 2011, 03:28
Just curious. Did you get your phone back on the spot, Danny99?

I think this can probably happen anywhere.

November 14th, 2011, 12:18
Just curious. Did you get your phone back on the spot, Danny99?

I think this can probably happen anywhere.
Whole process only took 2-3 minutes [with me protesting about the fucking police state...I do that from time to time, not really a show of anger but just to make sure that my adrenalin glands are still working!]...funny thing is I cannot recall them checking my laptop? Back there again Dec 1 so will watch and see what exactly they do!

November 16th, 2011, 04:59
On a recent visit to Singapore my handphone was taken for 'inspection' upon arrival, in the customs area. I cannot recall that ever being done before and all I can think of is that they were checking for porno videos [which I do not have]. I had thought that those days were well past in Singapore...years ago I had business video cassettes for a trade fair seized and sent to the censor, getting them back 3 days later after trade fair was finished. When are they going to grow up?

I would imagine that they took your handphone for inspection because you had not declared it to Customs on your arrival. Customs regulations in Singapore permit the importation of no more than two handphones per passenger without a dealer's license. If you had had chewing gum with you, they would have confiscated it as it is a prohibited import in Singapore. Other countries have similar restrictions on the import of electronic goods, cameras, etc. Others restrict imports of foodstuffs, medications, cigarettes, and treasonable materials. Nothing to do with growing up.

November 18th, 2011, 22:12
me protesting about the fucking police state...
Oh FFS... that again? 2-3 mins sounds totally reasonable. They have an important job to do. If you had it your way there would be ZERO law enforcement. They probably just nodded away while thinking, "dis man is stupid lah!" LOL

Customs regulations in Singapore permit the importation of no more than two handphones per passenger without a dealer's license.
Hmmm.... well that is an interesting fact to find out now! I usually travel with at least three phones and have carried four mobile phones through Singapore before... shite! :bootyshake:

November 27th, 2011, 10:25
They have an important job to do. If you had it your way there would be ZERO law enforcement. They probably just nodded away while thinking, "dis man is stupid lah!"

Pray tell WHAT SECURITY? This is on ENTERING Sinagpore after customs scanning through machines. On departure makes sense as handphones have been used to trigger bombs....but on arrival...get real!

.......Sometimes little man in uniform have too much power, maybe compensates for small member?

Khor tose
November 27th, 2011, 23:07
I and my BF recently traveled to and from Singapore and had no hassles at all. Sorry you had a problem. Maybe he was having a bad day and just wanted to f... with someone.

December 2nd, 2011, 20:16
Pray tell WHAT SECURITY? This is on ENTERING Sinagpore after customs scanning through machines. On departure makes sense as handphones have been used to trigger bombs....but on arrival...get real!

.......Sometimes little man in uniform have too much power, maybe compensates for small member?
How would you know? Do you happen to be an expert on national security and border protection in Singapore? They could've been checking for any number of things you and I aren't aware of.

Big whoop! They took your phone for 2-3 minutes.

Singaporean police, security and immigration personnel are by far the most courteous and thoughtful I have come across anywhere, not to mention efficient. They're so breathtakingly warm and NICE dealing with them actually lifts my mood when I've been traveling for a long time.

There was no reason whatsoever for you to yell and scream "police state"... You must've looked like a complete moron doing that.

Do you do the same thing when you re-enter Australia and they want to check on the food in your baggage? (With good reason). I reckon you're one of those tunnel vision people. You only think about yourself in your own little world and have little awareness of the realities and requirements of society around you. The moment something inconveniences you, you start yelling and screaming...