View Full Version : blog about gay saunas in Hong Kong and gay life in general

October 31st, 2011, 22:04
blog about gay saunas in Hong Kong and gay life in general

I recently found this blog:


This is comparable to shamelessmack (hope his blog goes public again), the style is a bit more polarizing, I like it very much.

November 2nd, 2011, 10:20
Awesome find... thanks, Christian! It'll make for good reading.

November 11th, 2011, 03:34
Haha... This stuff makes for great light reading! I've had this blog on my phone and have been flicking through it in between meetings and while sitting in cabs ever since...

Bit shocking sometimes but I agree it's a great blog on gay life and culture in general, not just in Hong Kong. It also has a lot of funny commentary on the whole "gay white man in Asia" thing.

I thought this analogue/observation was funny...

Tighty Whitey

"OMG!" shrieked the white fag in the chatroom, "I can't believe that the guys here are rejecting me because I'm white!! WTF...?? What's WRONG with you people??!!"

The chatroom remained silent. The white fag's desperation was palpable. The walls of the chatroom were closing in on him and he was gasping for air and validation.

FuelMix smirked.

The fag was too insignificant for FuelMix to bless with a personal response and besides, watching a fag writhe in his death throes as Reality savaged him was fascinating. Moreover, schadenfreude is meant to be shared globally via a blog like this.

So let's see......when white man rejects a fag on ethnic grounds, it's a "preference". When foreign fag rejects a white fag, it's racist. FuelMix has already written about this under the label, "Gay Racism" and simply directs his fascinated readers there.

But there is a larger, more fundamental (and for whites, a much more uncomfortable) issue: the rise of Asia. White man's history in Asia of rape, pillage, plunder, war profiteering, colonialism, overt racism and the embarrassing Eurasian bastard child, has given way to the realization that something is shifting in the world. See for example, what FuelMix wrote in the posts, The New Nomads, The New Nomads Part 2 and Going South?

FuelMix maintains that Asia has some way to go before it can be truly regarded as an international power bloc, but it's global influence can certainly be seen and felt. With it, has come a regional self-confidence, tertiary education in the West, a demand for multi-lingualism, wads of cash and a realization that for generations, the West has fundamentally abused and disrespected Asia and Asians - and still does. Remember that Asians are tied to their families - that's where the wealth is - and they are keenly aware of the suffering and humiliation of their ancestors.

The difference now, is that the Asian response is overt: "Fuck you. You're white. I'm good looking too, hot on my own terms and I have a choice - and you're not it".

For the white, on a societal level, this kind of overt rejection is hard to swallow. A bridged nose and blue eyes don't go quite as far as they used to and they sure as hell don't get the respect or subservience they used to. It's not helped by the falling economic standards in the West plus the manufactured and marketed wars triggered by the West using the worn excuse of national security.

Whites haven't appreciated the historical, cultural, spiritual and commercial links that are the common bond between the eastern Mediterranean to the Yangtze Delta. They stretch back thousands of years. They're not going to be broken by some Western-imposed standard of "democracy" and some white definition of "terrorism".

In Asia, at a visceral level, white man is seen as a dangerous liar, a war profiteer and a warmongerer. In other words, "sure, we'll mix with you, have drinks and dinner with you, sell you some drugs, we might even suck your cock now and then, pick what little brain you have, but we won't trust you for anything. And when we reject you because you're white, get used to it".

That's the "preference" - Asian style.

From: http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/ ... hitey.html (http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/2010/01/tighty-whitey.html)

I've never been into white guys myself (though I have Asian friends who are) but I find these changing dynamics interesting. It kind of sounds like Asians have been screwed for decades and the balance of power is changing LOL (I say all this in a good natured way).

November 11th, 2011, 05:04
Some interesting postings there, when he tries to talk about politics or current affairs though, it turns pretty incomprehensible pretty quickly.

For instance, in the above post, one has to wonder if the Chinese are so much on the same wavelenght as the Middle Eastern Muslims (thousands of years of cultural, spititual links, etc...) how is it that they cannot get on with the Uighurs within their own borders?

Whe I say it turns incomprehensible , I mean I understand his general thrust ("you Whiteys are not the top dogs anymore, Yay!") but anything he attempts to explain to expand beyond that is literally, almost impossible to understand (I don't know if he attended a western or Chinese school, but whoever taught him did not teach him how to make a logical argument unfortunately).

November 11th, 2011, 23:25
I'm hooked and in not much time I will have read all of it. I'm sure you (Beachlover) will love his rants about fat Whites with their Chinese moneyboys. (Or maybe not, the Chinese get their share as well.)

November 14th, 2011, 13:57
This is FuelMix, the author of the Fuel Injected Male. I learned about this Board a few days ago when looking at my web stats and noticed that this Board was driving readers to the blog. I'm grateful for the attention that you have given it.

A previous commenter complained that my post "Tighty Whitey" lacked logic and coherence, especially the reference to the Western failure to appreciated the age old links between the Yangtze Delta and the Eastern Mediterranean. He queried that if this was the case, then China should not be having trouble with the Muslim Uighurs. An understanding of geopolitics and history will help:

* Several countries in the Middle East were artificially created by the British, without regard to tribal loyalites or ethnic wishes.
* The Uighurs are one of a large number of ethnic minorities in China. The practice of Islam was protected and allowed - even in the Cultural Revolution;
* The Chinese province of Xinjiang (with Urumqi as its capital), contains the largest number of Uighurs in China.
* Xinjiang borders the countries of Kazakhstan and Kyrgystan, who (together with the other "stans"), plus Russia, are members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
* The SCO is viewed by the US as a direct threat to NATO's eastward push.
* The US has military bases in both Kazakhstan and Kyrgystan to support is wars in Afghanistan to encircle Iran, and to control oil and natural gas pipelines to the Eastern Mediterranean.
* The US is nervous since both Kazakhstan and Kyrgystan have flatly said they will not renew the leases for the bases.
* The US is covertly funding Uighur agitation in Xinjiang as a means of causing destablization in that area and to impede closer SCO integration in Central Asia. In other words, there is much more to the agitation on the streets than meets the eye.

Trust that clarifies it. I would respecfully suggest there are no issues on logic or coherence in that or in any other post.

The same commenter also queried the standard of my education: Western post-Tertiary.

For the record, the blog is neither anti-white nor anti- any other race. It does strip away political correctness to put issues and behaviour into sharper focus. The blog has never pretended to have the answers. It simply prods a gay man to think and act for themselves, in a way that traditional gay media can't or won't.

I hope your readers will continue to explore the blog. There's a lot there. If there are suggestions as to gay topics that might be covered, feel free to send an e-mail via the blog.

Thank you again for noticing the blog.


November 15th, 2011, 09:27
nice to see that you follow mup and look after the questions.
My own impression of HKG-Chinese-mainly based on fora lie this,told me they often suffer from FFF and SMD= fear from farang (=the often white foreigner in Thai) and small dick syndrome-maybe these are interrelated? Maybe interesting point for some other blog?

November 16th, 2011, 07:12
FuelMix said:

"The US is covertly funding Uighur agitation in Xinjiang as a means of causing destablization in that area and to impede closer SCO integration in Central Asia. In other words, there is much more to the agitation on the streets than meets the eye.

Trust that clarifies it. "

It does not really clarify it to be honest. Whether or not the USA is fomenting Uighur agitation, they would only be able to do so if the Uighurs were unhappy in the first place. Obviously a lot of them ARE unhappy at Chinese rule, which is why I am sceptical that China will be any better at dealing with Muslim Central Asia (when and if it replaces US hegemony) than the US is.

Also, if the USA is funding Uighur agitation, I think it would be an extremely foolish move on the part of the USA, considering that much of the organised Uighur resistance is supposed to be linked to Islamic fundamentalism (if not al Qaeda outright). Although I can well imagine the US State Department having a certain amount of 'schadenfreude' at the PRC's problems in Xinjiang, I find it hard to imagine that they would be dumb enough to actually FUND Uighur resistance.

Could you point to any authoritative source for the funding claim? I would be very interested in reading it.

November 16th, 2011, 09:41
>>>>Whether or not the USA is fomenting Uighur agitation, they would only be able to do so if the Uighurs were unhappy in the first place. Obviously a lot of them ARE unhappy at Chinese rule, which is why I am sceptical that China will be any better at dealing with Muslim Central Asia (when and if it replaces US hegemony) than the US is.<<<<

1. There is a difference between an ethnic group being unhappy yet passive in the first place; and being goaded and funded into agitation by foreign Western countries intent on their own hegemonic agenda in the region. In the latter, the "suppressed" ethnic group become pawns in a larger game. There's no intention to make their lives any better than it presently is under Chinese rule. In fact the US-led meddling in Central Asia and Xinjiang is known in the US and UK foreign policy circles as "The Great Game". One of its fundamental tenets is to break up larger countries using ethnic minorities as a wedge thereby forcing NATO's influence eastwards. (Remember Yugoslavia in the 1990s....? It was broken up into a number of countries using the killing of ethnic minorities as the first excuse for intervention. That was NATO's first Eastward push).

2. Do a Google search on CIA and Uighurs and see what pops up.

3. Here are 2 to get you started:
(1) The Geopolitical Agenda Behind The 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.
(2) The Uighurs: Britain's Double Edged Razor To Cut Up China And Beyond

3. >>>>Also, if the USA is funding Uighur agitation, I think it would be an extremely foolish move on the part of the USA, considering that much of the organised Uighur resistance is supposed to be linked to Islamic fundamentalism (if not al Qaeda outright). <<<<

The US funded the Libyan rebels to overthrow Gaddaffi, while simultaneously expressing concern that they could be linked to Al Qaeda. (Now they're scratching their heads wondering how to get their weapons back from them.....).

November 16th, 2011, 17:37
Hi FuelMax,

The links you gave didn't work, you made some mistake with putting them in as URL links.

However, i was able to Google them.

The first was a site run by a rather tedious conspiracy theorist who saw the hand of the CIA in virtually every historical occurance in Eastern Europe and Asia over the last 20 years.Obviously some of what he claims was true, (and nobody would deny that the USA had an agenda in that area over that time), but where he parts company with reality is in claiming that the USA and UK had the means change these governments as part of a "grand scheme". Mostly it was just the USA being clever enough to see what way the wind was blowing when corrupt autocracies were beginning to totter anyway.

You second link was to a completely bonkers article put up by the Lyndon Larouche organisation.

You do realise that Lyndon LaRouche is a complete nutter don't you?

November 16th, 2011, 17:46
For those who have never heard of Lyndon LaRouche, here is a wikipedia page on his views:


One of his more amusing delusions is that the British Royal family are part of a plot to control the world.

As the article states: "LaRouche has always been stridently anti-British and has included Queen Elizabeth II, the British Royal Family, and others, in his list of conspirators who are said to control the world's political economy and the international drug trade."

I understand that he believes that the Duke of Edinburgh is the main drug kingpin. :rolling:

Needless to say, he is also a raving homophobe and anti-Semite.

November 16th, 2011, 22:52
Scepticism and rejection are healthy.

(Subject to the observation that history is replete with examples of "nutters" shown to be accurate - later rather than sooner).

You might wish to browse http://www.thedailybell.com/ This is an investment and news site. It tracks the geo-political, social and financial memes of the Anglo-American elite. The site is Free Market / Libertarian / pro-Austrian School of Economics.

November 17th, 2011, 12:30
Bringing this Board back on topic, readers are reminded to check out my bloghttp://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/. New posts have been added.

They include:

* Principles of Faggotry 47
* A reader's review of QQ Fitness Sauna in Wanchai, Hong Kong
* Masters And Slaves
* Not My Type

November 17th, 2011, 20:27
...history is replete with examples of "nutters" shown to be accurate - later rather than sooner

It is even more replete with examples of nutters who turned out, quite simply, to be nutters.

November 18th, 2011, 03:49
Scepticism and rejection are healthy.

(Subject to the observation that history is replete with examples of "nutters" shown to be accurate - later rather than sooner).

You might wish to browse http://www.thedailybell.com/ This is an investment and news site. It tracks the geo-political, social and financial memes of the Anglo-American elite. The site is Free Market / Libertarian / pro-Austrian School of Economics.

I agree scepticism is healthy.

I am all for reading a mixture of news sites, even Libertarian ones, but I think you ought to have your scepticism antennae powered up especially high for them, particularly with regard to the "Austrian School of Economics" devotees.

They tend to have a one-track mind, and believe their own remedy will cure every ill. In times of crisis, like the current Great Recession, every crank and fanatic will look a bit more plausible.

I am suspicious of Libertarian economists using their style of Economic analysis to propose a cure for problems not directly related to Economics, especially in foreign policy and international diplomacy. Economists tend to think they can apply their economic theories to every issue (the Marxists on the other side of the aisle with their ideas of тАЬscientific socialismтАЭ have the same failing). Libertarians in the USA in particular have a notion that isolationism would be a far more of a trouble-free option for America than it would turn out to be in actuality (and I am someone who in general thinks that the USA should massively disengage from its current level of worldwide foreign policy commitments and meddling).

But their views should be read, certainly.

November 21st, 2011, 12:51
Hello Readers.........the latest post entitled "Double Penetration ?" is now on my gay blog http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/

December 5th, 2011, 18:52
Hey FuelMix... Please forgive my laziness. I'm sure I could find the answers to these two questions in your blog but I've only read part of it so far. Slowly working my way through it.

1. Are you Hong-Kong Chinese?

2. Have you written much about the gay bars and nightclubs in Hong Kong? I notice you write a lot about the saunas but I haven't come across anything useful about the bars and nightclubs yet... such as, which ones are busy, on which nights and how to find them.

March 25th, 2012, 15:25
Been a while since I updated my posts on this Board. So just a quick shout out to let you know there are tons of new posts on the Fuel Injected Male blog. You'll find it here: http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/

April 12th, 2012, 09:47
Greetings gentlemen

Have you been checking into the Fuel Injected Male gay blog? http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/

Well you should.

There's tons of stuff to explore. It 's the unabashed gay blog that encourages readers to think for themselves. With a steady growing global audience, it is, like Herpes, on everybody's lips.

And speaking of thinking for yourself, presented in its entirety on the blog, the official and now freely available documentary that's generating a worldwide buzz: Foster Gamble's, "Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take?"

April 12th, 2012, 10:28
For the more mature reader exploring http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/ the following Labels on the blog are recommended:

1. Gay Ageism

2. Finance and Fags

3. Fag Future 2011 - 2020 Found nowhere else on the web, an overview of Global Gay Trends and Predictions including West vs Asia. How will gay men manage in these dramatically shifting times?

To find these Labels, just go to the blog and scroll down the Right Hand side. Then click on the Label of your choice and the series of posts will open up.

April 12th, 2012, 16:17
Whe I say it turns incomprehensible , I mean I understand his general thrust ("you Whiteys are not the top dogs anymore, Yay!") but anything he attempts to explain to expand beyond that is literally, almost impossible to understand (I don't know if he attended a western or Chinese school, but whoever taught him did not teach him how to make a logical argument unfortunately).

I agree but for a different reason.

Its all nonsense really complete nonsense.

I have a lot of experience in Hong Kong over the years and can tell you exactly what this so called "racial preference" thing is all about.

Its not rocket science its face pure and simple.

You wont find local Chinese or Hong Kongers wanting to work as domestics for expats either anymore, or even waiters or hotel cleaning staff less and less, this has by no means always been the case.

With greater economic prosperity and for a greater number of people in Hong Kong, second but mostly third generation away from the original refugees from China and many are doing quite well, brings with it in fact the rather more pertinent point, that of locals aspiring to be like the expats themselves.

Its not a matter of now that the colonials have gone and we are boss, but rather now we are well off we want to be boss full stop.

This means we want domestics we don't want to be domestics, this means we want to go to Thailand and make whoopie with Thai boys, we don't want to be seen as the whoopie boys, this means we wouldn't be seen dead in a relationship with a white expat simply because this would be in their minds a very glaring admission true or not of being so stone broke that they have no choice in the matter. Its too much face to lose far too much.
The latter point being why in Hong Kong being seen as a white mans bitch is seriously frowned upon these days, again this wasn't always the case and still isn't in some cases.

The more glaring examples of this are if the gay "white man" for example and there are many such cases in Hong Kong is very well heeled and well known for being such then this is a completely different story, then its ok and they are not only happy to be the bitch but out and proud of it too.

Middle class aspirations have changed a lot of the excitement of what was once a very fun place where anything was possible, they are though slowly waking up to what they are missing by being so constrained. The results are the same but this recently has more to do with the fact that they are now seriously feeling threatened by the percieved notion of Beijing tightening its influence in the territory, and the very real and literal swamping of Hong-Kong by mainlanders. Their very identity is in danger of vanishing completely.

This is the important point today, they rather identify with the colonials ie the British now than with China, Hong Kong was made and fashioned by the British and those that fled here from China mostly from Shanghai, they see themselves as the same right now and not the ex-colonial slaves.

So stick around things could again get interesting in Hong Kong for everyone.

April 14th, 2012, 00:28
Reader's Review of a gay sauna in Shanghai - Studio 2006 - now uploaded on http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/

April 14th, 2012, 00:35
Fag Future 2011 - 2020 attracting attention on http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/

April 15th, 2012, 14:49
Well gentlemen......

U ABBA What It Takes...?


April 22nd, 2012, 15:17
"Sodomy Based Marriage" ??

Check it out on http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/

April 23rd, 2012, 05:48
I won't quote Bob33 long post, but I had a Hongkong boy live with me for over 2 years whilst he studied. It was interesting that when he got angry it was with the ""ChinaPeople" who came down from the North, steal our jobs and our way of life.

I always thought it was racist but he never could, so I gave up. It would be interesting to see if that was one off, or the current trend.

April 23rd, 2012, 06:18
I used to sometimes visit Hng Kong and China. It was explained to me that people from China used to sneak across or have permission to cross for a short time ad=nd get jobs and stay longer than they were supposed to and work at below standard wages all similar to Mexico and USA. Yes, many people in Hong Kong feel that way.

April 23rd, 2012, 20:18
The current sentiment in HKG is one of massive resentment and anger at what is seen as Mainland Chinese "infestation". It has been reported in the media that HKG locals have described the Mainland Chinese as "locusts" that descend on the place and strip everything. Much has been said about their alleged lack of social graces and manners as well as the perceived arrogance with which they strut around town.

There is some truth in this. HKG's economy is being massively distorted by the flood of cash particularly in real estate and retail. It's fascinating to watch the Mainland Chinese descend on supermarkets and literally strip the shelves bare. The downside is that in both real estate and retail, it has caused inflationary bubbles which the HKG people have to absorb. That is not going down well.

The fundamental anger is the loss of a unique HKG identity.

The anger is also being directed at Mainland Chinese women who simply come to HKG to give birth (often in defiance of the official China One Child Policy), because ethnic Chinese babies born in HKG automatically get permanent residence. They are showing up at Emergency to give birth. It's quite ludicrous as there are not enough beds for HKG women going into labour. There's been uproar over this and the HKG Government is now responding by prosecuting agencies and middlemen actively involved in bringing pregnant Mainland Chinese women into HKG on "Birth Tours". There is growing pressure on the HKG Government to remove the automatic right of residence to these babies.

To keep this thread on topic, I'd like to tell you that my blog has written about the phenomenon of the Mainland Chinese Gay-For-Pay hustlers also infesting HKG. You can find the posts by going to:

Scroll down the Right Hand side under "Labels"
Click on "Gay Escorts"

If you want to see pictures of the current crop of Chinese male hustlers presently in town, you can check them out on the home page of http://www.gayhk.com

These guys stay in town for a few days and are then replaced by a new crop.

April 24th, 2012, 02:09
To keep this thread on topic, I'd like to tell you that my blog has written about the phenomenon of the Mainland Chinese Gay-For-Pay hustlers also infesting HKG.
Infesting? For many people, more money boys is a good thing. Except, perhaps for the native moneyboys.

April 27th, 2012, 22:57
Hong Kong gay sauna updates:

QQ Fitness
Ni Chome

on http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/

April 27th, 2012, 23:01
"Triggers of Fear And Hostility"

on http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/

May 3rd, 2012, 01:33
Gentlemen....check out the latest instalment of Fag Future 2011 - 2020 Part 6.

The Return of the Barter Economy In The West

on http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/

May 15th, 2012, 23:27
1. The current sentiment in HKG is one of massive resentment and anger at what is seen as Mainland Chinese "infestation".

2. It's fascinating to watch the Mainland Chinese descend on supermarkets and literally strip the shelves bare.
Sorry to say I really do find these points so simplistic as to be basically not true.

1. As a long time Hong Kong Permanent Resident (more than 30 years), I have noticed little resentment about the mainland "infestation". True, real estate prices have gone ballistic. But that was also the case in the early-1980s and the mid-1990s, long before the Chinese started visiting Hong Kong in droves. Hot money from China was coming into Hong Kong and Macau long before both were handed back to China. Apart from property, talk to anyone in the retail, hotel and tourism sectors (i.e. a substantial number of the Hong Kong population) and they are literally delirious that so many Chinese are visiting Hong Kong. The tourist numbers are way beyond anyone's expectations 10 years ago. Tourism receipts were one of the reasons the Hong kong government was able to give every Permanent Resident a cash rebate of US$770 in the budget last year! Did anyone complain about that? And sure, some mainland visitors are less polite than others. But then in the 1980s and 90s, western tourists often used to complain about the rudeness and lack of civility of the local Cantonese. So, not much has really changed, except that Putonghua (Mandarin) is now heard almost more often than the local Cantonese.

2. Sorry, Fuelmix, but this just isn't the case. Why would mainland tourists even consider stripping supermarket shelves bare when all major Chinese cities have their own, often larger, supermarkets, their Watsons and other personal stores, etc.? Most Chinese tourists head for the up-market boutiques where Hong Kong prices are still cheaper than those on the mainland. In the 1980s, Louis Vuitton stores had to have guards to avoid too many Japanese getting in to the store at any one time and to maintain orderly queues outside. Now in Louis Vuitton's Landmark store, it's the Chinese who have to wait in line!

One area where there is indeed resentment is mainland women coming to HKG and overstaying their visas to have their babies. But the government has already announced that this issue is being tackled.

On the other hand, one benefit of the loosening of visa regulations is that many more gays from the mainland now come to Hong Kong for long shopping and sex week-ends. I have met some gorgeous guys from Shanghai and elsewhere in the saunas!

May 20th, 2012, 09:19
My own impression of HKG-Chinese-mainly based on fora lie this,told me they often suffer from small dick syndrome-maybe these are interrelated?

What is this 'fantasy' some westerners have relating to Asians and I quote 'small dicks' [must be an American, as no one else uses this word as thus]. I have seen small appendages on many white males, from many different countries, and have seen some humungous ones on many Asians. Just recently at BAli aiport I was forced to use one of a row of urinals in company with a schoolboy group returning to Taiwan [Chinese nationals of course]. WOW my fingers were itching and my mouth was twitching, what a line of perfect specimens! And most being hung out without any inhibitions.