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View Full Version : A few days in Bkk, not flooded !

October 30th, 2011, 11:19
I arrived in Bkk from Jomtien last Thursday.
Heiko from Poseidon had called Lukas from Tarntawan and I was assured that everything in Bkk-Silom was ok.
And it is up to now Sunday morning. Sun is shining and everything (still ?) dry.
Funny atmosphere, few people in the streets, (holidays, exodus ?). Some business closed. Some boarded up to one meter, some with a lot or a few sandbags, some nothing.
Business as usual for most of the street vendors, but quite a few stalls empty last night in Patpong.
Went to MBK, crowded as usual, caught a movie at SiamтАЩs, many people.
Bars and gogos : Telephone very good, last night the waiters were shirtless and fluo painted ! Good idea for Halloween.
Went twice to Boys Bangkok, Thursday half full and last night Saturday packed. Two different shows, and both very good ! Not too many people in the rest of the soi.
Went to Tawan, to please a thai friend. You really must be into very beefy guys, most past their prime, not to say sell by date, to like it. The first part of the show is appalling, Lip synch by stiff katoeys Second part see comment above.
Went to Babylon, a fair mix but few people.

Had the occasion to visit the Christian Hospital for a wound at my foot made in Jomtien, and which I had neglected. Care at least as good as any western hospital plus the smile and the warm thai welcome.

Off to Myanmar tomorrow morning, flood allowing !

Rather a long post for someone who is more a lurker than a poster.

October 30th, 2011, 11:45
Why in Heavens would anyone want to go to Myanmar?

October 30th, 2011, 15:30
You are right about tawan. I don't want to say anything bad about the guys so I will only say that the bar should try to add some younger guys.

October 30th, 2011, 16:47
Why in Heavens would anyone want to go to Myanmar?

Because there are some things like wat-ta-na-tam, maybe not for everyone !

And I want something more than just talk about fem boys, bar prices, off fees or the best burger

As I said earlier "De gustibus et coloribus..." but then again not everyone has had a classical instruction. So translated : one should not discuss from tastes and colours.

Cheers !

October 30th, 2011, 20:18
Why in Heavens would anyone want to go to Myanmar?

Because Burma, as I name it, is a very interesting place to visit. And really nice people there too.

October 31st, 2011, 03:53
I found my visit there to be very depressing. Nice people and beautiful country, but a repressive government with poverty everywhere. If I want to get away from Thailand, I'll take Vietnam, Cambodia or Malaysia anyday.

October 31st, 2011, 06:33

I found it a fascinating Country with well educated though not necessarily well informed people and very safe in the capital as it was

[attachment=1:1k2rz7v6]Hawkers and Taxis, Rangoon..jpg[/attachment:1k2rz7v6]
