View Full Version : True Love in China

October 22nd, 2011, 23:12
These boys are so beautiful and what a great couple.

I think I should visit China one day.


October 23rd, 2011, 00:45
I have found many of the most beatiful boys in the world in mainland China. Not so much Hong Kong but mainland. Innocent and beautiful!

October 23rd, 2011, 01:28
hope the ones you found where better than the two in that video ... far from gorguss ... more boy next door types ... i.e. average

October 23rd, 2011, 02:01
Maybe average for your standards , its not always about the looks in a relationship.

If you can find both the looks and a good heart consider yourself lucky .

October 23rd, 2011, 19:35
Lots of Chinese guys are good looking but some Mainland Chinese guys who grew up there can be challenging to get along with... I don't know, there's something about the mentality they're raised with. I've had Mainland Chinese girls (from wealthy families, mind you) throw themselves at me, making lists of their attributes, as if they're a new car model. I'm sure it's a compliment but it's soooo off putting.

The Mainland Chinese can also be incredibly money and materially obsessed. Yes, I know I am too sometimes, but THEY do it to the extreme. To the point where it can overrule everything, especially happiness. I tend to prefer guys from Taiwan or Hong Kong for relationships and such.

I've a friend who married a girl from a wealthy Mainland Chinese family and there's a LOT of stuff that goes into keeping face and such.

For example, the groom's Father is expected to buy the groom (and his new bride) a brand new home (WTF?). There's a large loss of face if he can't afford this. We're talking about a $1-$2 million purchase here. The groom's Father (who is also fairly wealthy) wasn't having any of this and made excuses. The groom is just starting out and obviously can't afford a place on his own. So the Mother, realising the predicament her son was in went behind the Father's back to authorise the funds for a new place... saved everyone's face. Oh the dramas!

Anyway... Here's a funny video with a bride going hysterical when gay guy's male lover turning up on his wedding day.

It looks like incidental footage but there's rumors it's actually an ad. Can't remember where I found it...

(With subtitles)


October 25th, 2011, 19:15
[quote="Beachlover"]Lots of Chinese guys are good looking but some Mainland Chinese guys who grew up there can be challenging to get along with... I don't know, there's something about the mentality they're raised with. I've had Mainland Chinese girls (from wealthy families, mind you) throw themselves at me, making lists of their attributes, as if they're a new car model. I'm sure it's a compliment but it's soooo off putting.
The Mainland Chinese can also be incredibly money and materially obsessed. Yes, I know I am too sometimes, but THEY do it to the extreme.

Yup-well known from Mainland girls. After all they have the choice. Even the dumbest of farmgirls from way back down yunda in China are prized. And SjangHai girls are said to be the most demanding-in material gifts for even a slight marriage proposal.
Still wonder how China's gray leaders in their 70/80ies have any preplanning on the amount of single guys and the Chinese homofobia due to the 1child policy and abortions of girls. But frankly- handsome boys are more the exception as the rule-whereas I really think it is opposite in Thaild.

October 25th, 2011, 23:04
SjangHai girls are said to be the most demanding-in material gifts for even a slight marriage proposal.
Yep... the friend I mentioned in the story above married a Shanghai girl!

This reminds me I have another acquaintance who invited me to his wedding and married a not very sophisticated countryside girl...