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October 15th, 2011, 18:53
Well you maniacs, it's that time again.

In a few hours I will be munching down my last italian beef sandwhich at O'Hare Airport in anticipation of the launch of Adventure #19. I don't socialize on the internet during my adventures and just don't want Spike to post one of those "deceased member" slogans.

My work relies's on technology...my laptop is my thrid arm...I keep very tight schedules...travel all over North America in the course of my work...and in about 5 minutes will not need to look at another computer screen for 3 months and that suits me just fine. There is no clock on the wall of my apartment in Jomtien, nor will the watch I'm wearing now be on my wrist for too much longer. I'm about to get connected to" life" again...what an exhilerating feeling!

Sab has been staying in my apartment, thus providing him free rent while he continues his schooling, although will be moving back in with his friends shortly after I arrive. This was pre-arranged and not necessarily to his liking, but I want my free space and don't think it's a good idea getting too close to him while Thep is on his sabatical.

This will be my first trip staying through the holidays and looking foward to it all, although have a heavy feeling inside being away from my family members during this period as well. I booked this late return home due to the fact that Thep, with a little luck and a good tail wind, just may qualify for the Hononable Kings amnesty which is expected to be announced shortly after his birthday (Dec 5). If in fact he qualifies, he may not get released until 30 days after the announcement is made, thus the reason I booked my return flight home in early January.

Thep fell ill in early September...did not receive any treastment in Nongh Palai Prison...stopped eating...was reduced to a skeleton...and lost his ability to walk. Shortly after his parents arrived from Si Saket, they (Nong Palai) sent him via ambulance to an outside hospital. He was diagnosed with bronchial pnuemonia which had gone untreated and put him in critical condition. After 3 days on a resperator he starting to recover. His parents stayed by his side 24/7 for the next 3 weeks. Still not having enough strength to walk, although eating on his own, they (Nong Palai) insisted on his return to prison. He was returned to Nong Palai just 2 weeks ago and lodging in the prison hospital until he's fully recovered.

His father had to return to Si Saket to tend to the farm, and his mother rented a room close to Nong Palai and visits him each day to make sure he's getting food. She will return home to Si Saket as well as soon as I arrive on Monday.

Needless to say, this has been a very difficult period for all concerned.

I will be making my daily trips to Nong Palai to look after Thep as always, although look forward to strapping on my bass guitar and jamming a bit as well. I have written a few songs (including lyrics) over the past few months and look forward to having some fun coverting the lyrics to Thai and meshing a little western sound with Isaan.

I will be spending 5 days with Thep's family in Si Saket during Loy Krathong - as Nong Palai will not permit vistors during this period and really look forward to returning. They (the family members) haven't seen me since Thep's incarceration which has been over a year now - and I miss fishing with Pan and Ape (Thep's adopted little brothers), having my ankles bitten by Tauhoo (my dog), sitting around chugging beers with the farm boys at night (hmmmmmm) and staring into his grandmother's toothless smile. I also want to get some work done on the second level of our home to get things ready for Thep's return.

The lights to my office are now dimmed and my legendary backpack is hanging on the doorknob just waiting to hop on my back for another ride....so I won't keep it waiting.

Chat with you all in 3 months...take care...and don't kill each other...555.

Mai pen rai

October 15th, 2011, 22:24
i would write to tell you i wish you all the best and hope all goes well for you and your boyfriend .. but being as you wont read it i shant bother :sign3:

October 15th, 2011, 22:57
Dodger check your personal messages here

October 16th, 2011, 00:04
Best of luck to you and Thep, Dodger - and safe travels.

October 16th, 2011, 20:02
Sounds like Thep may have simply passed away if his parents hadn't come to get hospital transfer and treatment sorted. Glad he made it... Have a great trip!

October 17th, 2011, 01:12
As ever Dodger, have a great time. I wish you well with Thep and hope he will get the amnesty from HM The King. Good luck on that score.


October 17th, 2011, 04:40
You will only probably read these at a very later date Dodger, but once you do post again we are hoping that you have good news to tell the members about Thep...Choc Dee anyway.