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View Full Version : Please Post Your Pics!

October 14th, 2011, 21:53
I am sure that everyone would enjoy seeing pictures of where you have gone, what you saw, the boys you had, your boyfreinds, you etc. R Rated pics acceptable. Boys that definitely look over 18. Soft core accepted meaning frontal nudes in good taste, rear shots but please no sex scenes and no boys appearing to be under 18.
Come on let's get this Gallery Forum back up and going and share your pics!
Visit the Gallery Forum. Go to Board Features and select drop down box Gallery. Pics will be reviewed before they become live, so if you are in doubt, send it anyway and we will decide and delete anything that we feel crosses the line.

October 14th, 2011, 22:32

Some websites which allow galleries have the viwer's ability to "right click/save picture" disabled.

Some posters may be reluctant to post their pics on SGT knowing that they can be saved and copied by viewers (I've just tried it)

Might it be worthwhile looking into the possibility of preventing this - or does nobody care?


October 14th, 2011, 22:41
Very good suggestion and I will forward it to ES right now. He will post when it is blocked. You might have to look at the thread at the top of this forum and look under the sticky that announces changes to the board. I think this is a very easy fix and can be done quickly, maybe even today! Thanks and keep the suggetions coming BUT please post them in that thread about changes as ES reads them many times a day and its the same as suggesting it to him directly. :salute:

October 14th, 2011, 22:56
Most pictures once posted on a site can be copied easily. Disabling the right click facility only stops it being done that way, so if you don't want a picture copied don't post it in any site.

October 14th, 2011, 23:02
Some websites which allow galleries have the viwer's ability to "right click/save picture" disabled.
A policy I very much dislike. Many things on the internet are not for eternity, so when I see a picture of a cute guy, I want to save it. If it's disabled, I have to do is I approached other moderators and the decision was that instructing people how to circumvent the system to save copywritten photos is a violation of this boards Rules and Guidelines.

So before disabling saving of pictures, maybe the mods/owner should run a poll to see how many people want it disabled.

October 14th, 2011, 23:07
A simple solution would be to ask members not to post photos that they do not want saved by someone else. You don't need to change anything at all

October 14th, 2011, 23:27
Well it seems a simple suggestion, welcomed by the Owner, is sufficient to excite some people to vigorously defend their right to copy other peoples pics!.

Of course there are people who will be perfectly happy to post pics for other people to save and copy - and that's great - but equally there will be some who will not want the pics they post to be used in that way.
Yes of course we can choose not to post any pics - but that would be a loss to the board.

I really think that to demand some kind of entitlement to save other people's pics is a bit much!


October 14th, 2011, 23:33
There are a number of ways to save photos posted online. I don't expect DaBoss to know, but perhaps he could ask Spike what the fine print is on ownership of anything posted to the forum here and post that info in a thread to clearly advise members front. Most wouldn't go digging through the fine print to find that - it might even have been in the registration agreement. Just my two satang on it.

Where I come from photos like he mentioned containing "full frontal nudity" aren't R-rated, but it would certainly liven up some people's web albums, that's for sure!

October 15th, 2011, 00:30
Reviewing the sign up, there is nothing stated. the Guidelines prohibit copywritten photos and written material from being uploaded. There is nothing as far as items being downloaded and I don't know for sure but I would assume that this would be a very difficult task. I would discourage it as much as I can.

October 15th, 2011, 04:18
Disabling right-click is a bad idea. It would just be a hindrance to normal board usage and is no barrier to anyone from saving any info they want. If they post it anywhere else on the web, one of two things will happen: A) no one will notice or give a fuck B) it will get a lot of attention and they will likeky be called-out as a fraud.

One thing we do have is an option to add a watermark to all images which would be kind of a dead give away if someone tries to claim your images as their own. Let me check the settings on that. Not sure if it can be set as a user level option, meaning you can select whether or not to watermark your image when uploading.

October 15th, 2011, 04:45
OK, it isn't a viewer level option. I set the admin level so no one can view images without a watermark except in their own albums. I'm using the default phpbbgallery logo watermark that came with the gallery mod for now. I'll change it to a sawatdee-gay-thailand logo soon. At least this tells people that the image was taken from somewhere if they copy and re-upload it somewhere.


I cannot see the watermark on this one. Not because I am an administrator, but because it is my image in my own personal album:


This one I see a watermark when I click the thumbnail to see the full size image because it is from someone else's personal album:


October 15th, 2011, 07:51
Three quick comments
Disabling the "right click" is a waste of time. People can still get the image by a variety of ways. The right click disable really makes no difference
The watermark as proposed is also a waste of time. If people want that picture of the boy in traditional costume they can still get it and just crop the bottom off. The only watermarks that work are one right over the middle of the picture - and that may ruin the point of it.
People should be aware that ANY image on the internet can be stolen. If you don't want your pictures taken don't post them. Ask permission of your "victim" (the person you're photoing) first if he minds his photos going online

I used to be a professional male photographer and had to get model release forms and proof of age forms for all my models, yet still I had one model try to get me to remove the photos of him when they went online. It caused huge problems for both of us, DESPITE the form clearly saying that was one possible use for them, and my explaining it to every model when they came to the shoot. The fact he later became a famous star had little to do with it. He forgot the days when he was "broke".

October 15th, 2011, 08:05
Three quick comments
Disabling the "right click" is a waste of time. People can still get the image by a variety of ways. The right click disable really makes no difference......
.........People should be aware that ANY image on the internet can be stolen. If you don't want your pictures taken don't post them.

I agree, but apparently this is an issue with a few here.

The watermark as proposed is also a waste of time. If people want that picture of the boy in traditional costume they can still get it and just crop the bottom off. The only watermarks that work are one right over the middle of the picture - and that may ruin the point of it.

The watermark can easilly be moved to the middle of the image and made more transparent.

Rush, Yet Again
October 15th, 2011, 15:16
I think itтАЩs great that you guys are trying to upgrade the board and add new features and areas of interest. ItтАЩs great that you are willing to listen to membersтАЩ suggestions, too.

But all fires donтАЩt need to be put out.

There is no 100% sure fire way of keeping someone from copying photos posted on the internet. Trying to offer copy-proof image posting provides a false sense of security against unauthorized use. And boy will you hear about it if someone thinks you protected their images from being copied and then finds them in use elsewhere.

Sometimes the responsibility needs to be left with your membership. This is one of them.

If the idea that someone might use your pictures elsewhere bothers you, donтАЩt post them.

If you feel the need to insert a picture distorting watermark on your images, have at it.

Participation in the photo galleries is at the discretion of each member; whether or not they want to allow others to enjoy their pictures as they see fit is too.

As far as the risque shots go, since it seems someone wants to take issue with those, why not require they be set aside in a clearly marked sub-album? Then those who might be shocked, offended, or surprised to see what a penis looks like can easily protect their sensibilities.

October 15th, 2011, 16:40
We have some beautiful pictures coming in each and every day and would like to thank all those members that are sharing thier special moments will the membership! Keep them coming!

October 15th, 2011, 17:20
When do we see the pics??

October 15th, 2011, 17:25
To see everyone's pics all you do is go to the Board Features above and click to reveal the drop down box. Select Gallery and go inside and look at everyone's pictures and have a great time!

October 15th, 2011, 21:22
One option users have is to restrict access to friends (people on friends list) using the drop-down menu when creating the album or by clicking "edit album" on the main page of an existing album. This feature is also accessible via Contrrol Panel> User Control Panel> Gallery> Manage Albums.

October 16th, 2011, 03:50
Some posters may be reluctant to post their pics on SGT knowing that they can be saved and copied by viewers (I've just tried it)
Why would they not want their pictured to be saved and copied?

If you don't want others to see your pictures, well, don't publish them on the internet. The situation with saving and copying is a bit more difficult. I want to save pictures of cute boys for "personal purposes", with no intend to publish them elsewhere (I didn't even get this idea until I read other posts here).

Well, scottish-guy, currently I see only one way to show me your pictures on a computer without me being able to save and copy them: you have to invite me to your place and make sure I have no picture-recording device on me.

Apart from that, I appreciate everyone's submissions (so far, the only pictures I posted have been those in my trip reports), and for me, nudity doesn't have to be artistic!

October 16th, 2011, 06:48
Some posters may be reluctant to post their pics on SGT knowing that they can be saved and copied by viewers (I've just tried it)
Why would they not want their pictured to be saved and copied?

Well when I had a brief look at the galleries some people had posted pics of themselves and their bf.
Maybe they are happy to have total strangers copying and saving them - if so, fine
Or maybe they didn't realise that could be done?

:dontknow: :dontknow:

..If you don't want others to see your pictures, well, don't publish them on the internet.

Yes dear, I'm not thick, I'd figured that for myself!
HOWEVER, surely the intention is to have the maximum number of members participating in posting pics?
You don't get that by telling folk "if you don't want people to copy and save your pics and have a wank over them, then don't post them!"
You achieve that by saying to people "feel free to post pics of yourself or your bf, we have taken what steps we can to ensure nobody can copy and save them"

Christianpfc - what exactly is the matter with you?
You sound exactly like the predators I have posted about previously who think because you bring a boy into a bar or restaurant that it is open season to try to get into his knickers.
What you appear to be saying is that if I choose to post pics of myself and/or my bf (for example) then you have some kind of right to copy them!
I'm sorry, you don't - and I'm disturbed that you think you have.
Hence, as things stand, I won't be posting any pics for you to put into your little collection.

October 16th, 2011, 20:13
I agree there's no point disabling right clicks. It's annoying and just creates a very low barrier to copying. Plus, some people may not mind their pictures being saved. What if someone posts a map or poster with the intention for people to save and use it?

Saying if you don't want people to copy your photos then don't post them is the most honest and practical thing to do.

Personally, I don't care if someone uses one of the photos I've posted here elsewhere as long as they don't take credit and claim that they took the photo. But when it comes to photos produced for commercial reasons or using them for commercial purposes, it's totally different...

Christianpfc - what exactly is the matter with you?... What you appear to be saying is that if I choose to post pics of myself and/or my bf (for example) then you have some kind of right to copy them!
ROFL... You think he's just going to be copying them? :rolling:

October 16th, 2011, 20:53
Christianpfc - what exactly is the matter with you?... What you appear to be saying is that if I choose to post pics of myself and/or my bf (for example) then you have some kind of right to copy them!
ROFL... You think he's just going to be copying them? :rolling:

You make my point for me.

October 16th, 2011, 21:03
Awww come on Scotty, I want to see your willie. Quay yai or quay lek? Do you think I will recognize who you are if I see it? Yum Yum!
:sign12: :sign12: :sign12:

October 16th, 2011, 21:21
Awww come on Scotty, I want to see your willie. Quay yai or quay lek? Do you think I will recognize who you are if I see it? Yum Yum!
:sign12: :sign12: :sign12:

I can't fit my willy pics within the pic size allowed.


October 16th, 2011, 21:47
I can't fit my willy pics within the pic size allowed.:occasion9:

Who's Willy another Jock?

October 17th, 2011, 03:46
...and have a wank over them...
You've sussed me out!

"we have taken what steps we can to ensure nobody can copy and save them"

Disabling right click gives a false sense of security. I assume everything posted on the internet can be saved and copied and will stay forever (I recently read somewhere, such information is like a piece of wood floating in the sea: you can't see it, you don't know where it is, and you have no chance to get it back, but your enemies might find it and use it against you). This is quite the opposite of what I wrote before (that things are not necessarily eternal), but it's of no use for me if a picture I want for "personal purposes" is not where it used to be on the net, but on other people's harddrives.

I once almost changed the name of a folder in photobucket, as a result the pictures embedded in my trip reports would have become unavailable (still there on photobucket, but not the in the link in the trip report). Thence my policy to save important stuff on my computer - unfortunately not consitently, all I have left of the fabulous shamelessmack blog are a few files and printouts - which just reinforces my policy!

What you appear to be saying is that if I choose to post pics of myself and/or my bf (for example) then you have some kind of right to copy them!
I'm sorry, you don't - and I'm disturbed that you think you have.
Hence, as things stand, I won't be posting any pics for you to put into your little collection.
I don't need a right to save pictures, I just need the technical possibility, which I have, and I will do so for "personal purposes".
(Please don't take this personal, it has nothing to do with you. So far I didn't even get the idea that disabling right click serves to protect pictures against copying, it's the case on galeries on gayromeo, I just thought this is a technical issue as the pictures are in a gallery.)

But to show you that I have some ethics: In all the pictures I posted from my holidays, I blurred the faces of me and my Thai friends, because I didn't ask them if it's ok to show them on the internet. Furthermore, I don't name or number boys from gogo bars in my trip reports, as the information that I had good or bad sex with boy number xx from yy bar is completely meaningless to other members and again I didn't ask the boy if I can name him publicly.

(This just happened on another thread: Frank, number 40 from Cupidol (if I remember correctly) didn't stay overnight though he agreed to long time. I would rather suggest to the owners/mods to not allow naming of boys in bars or gayromeo profiles, simply because whatever is said is very difficult to verify, and even if you can verify it, it's almost meaningless to others. But I admit: at the same time, I'm curious to read such stories.)

October 17th, 2011, 18:53
if I choose to post pics of myself and/or my bf (for example) then you have some kind of right to copy them!
I just need the technical possibility... and I will do so for "personal purposes".

I can't fit my willy pics within the pic size allowed.
Your ego had to be strapped onto the roof racks too didn't it? :rolling:

October 18th, 2011, 01:04
[quote=scottish-guy]if I choose to post pics of myself and/or my bf (for example) then you have some kind of right to copy them!
I just need the technical possibility... and I will do so for "personal purposes".

I can't fit my willy pics within the pic size allowed.
Your ego had to be strapped onto the roof racks too didn't it? :rolling:[/quote:2w0w38b2]

no but his cock had to be :party