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October 8th, 2011, 11:41
I arrived in pattaya on Wednesday after spending 6 days in Saigon. What can I say? No gay life whatsoever. There are, however, men sitting on their scooters ON EVERY CORNER offering girls. When I said I was interested in guys, they always offered to take me to a massage place with lots of guys available. or they could deliver them to my hotel. I had no inclination to get into a taxi with them and go to some unknown massage parlour, and my hotel (the Caravelle) would not take too kindly to me bringing back a prostitute, so I gave it all a miss.
Now, back in pattaya I can enjoy as many guys as I want.
On the first night I headed straight for Goodboys in Sunee Plaza. There were 2 other customers. After chuck-wowing a guy there (I like a bit of sleaze. Actually I LOVE a LOT of sleaze)I decided to go across to Krazy Dragon. I stepped outside and straight into knee deep water. Well, not quite knee deep but the rain was falling in bucketloads and the street was completely flooded. I waded over to KD and went inside. There was 1 customer. The place was also flooded and all the chairs were stacked up on the tables and waiters were busily shovelling the water outside. I sat down on the couch but it was a waste of time. There were only 4 boys there and none of them was particularly attractive. I went outside and waited for the rain to clear. I wanted to head to Happy Boys to pick up my usual boy but thought I'd never make it back to my hotel. So instead, i headed off to Happy Place. It was unusually quiet, I guess because customers were kept away by the flooding. I ended up offing one of the boys there. Walking back to the hotel he reminded me that he was runner-up in the Big Banana contest I attended in July. I apologized for not recognising him, but then, I wasn't looking at any of the boys' faces!
Back in the room he performed admirably and his cock was very impressive. And hard as a rock. He is a "man" so we just 69'ed. His "samoking" technique was awesome. He stayed the night with me.
Last night I went back to Happy Place and it was very busy. I intended to off a guy I've had my eye on for some time. But I had an hour before the show so decided to go for a bit of a wander. I walked down the adjacent soi - where A Bomb is and was dragged into an upstairs bar called Jetstar. As I walked up the stairs I could hear the warning bell ringing telling the boys the ATM machine would soon arrive and to put on their best "happy to see you" face. Unfortunately, the boys were rather disappoiting. All gay, so all fuckable, but not very attractive. The bar was screening a porno on an overhead plasma screen and the same movie was being projected onto a large screen behind the stage. It is a sad indictment on the place that I would have preferred to watch the movie, not the guys. But i thought that would be a bit rude. I finished my drink and left.
I walked a bit further along the soi and found myself beinmg dragged into another bar. (I'm easily dragged.) At first i wasn't imnpressed. And then I saw him. A handsome lad with a beautiful smile. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. I called him over and we chatted. I asked if I could fuck him and although he said ok, it was obvious he was reluctant. I asked him a number of times, and then asked the mama san who assured me "he do everything." So I offed him for the night. Normally i negotiate a fee before we leave the bar, but he was so attractive i didn't bother. Back in the room we were in bed enjoying each other's bodies (well, at least I was enjoying his) when he suddenly asked me to fuck him! What can i say - he moaned and groaned with pleasure and actually came on the sheets without me, or him, touching his cock! I'd never experienced this before. Incredible. After the deed we cuddled up together and went to sleep. He was very passionate and spent a lot of time stroking my body and kissing me.
In ther morning, he grabbed a condom and the lube without me even saying anything.
When it came time for him to leave, I gave him the normal amount; i.e. the long time fee which the guys always ask for and an amount confirmed as appropriate by a couple of bar owners I have spoken to.
When I handed it over, he looked a little unhappy and then asked for another 500. Normally i would refuse but as I didn't come to any agreement beforehand with him, and as he performed so admirably, I didn't even argue.

Thai Dyed
October 8th, 2011, 16:05
I loved your report so who the fuck gives a shit about the moral hysterics who try to infect this forum, eh? Keep those great stories coming a447. OK?

October 8th, 2011, 18:11
Most bars in Boystown are currently not worth a visit. The best example for a bar to avoid would be Copa: Went there about 10 days ago around 9.30 pm. There were 2 other customers and 2 "guys" on stage. One of them was a maybe 30yo fem with an ugly face, the other one a skinny & tattooed fem. After a few min. another unattractive guy joined the other two and later on an additional guy arrived. All 4 of them were very far from attracting me. There were no other boys sitting around. Nevertheless my Gin Tonic cost 190 Baht (the same goes for all beers). A total rip off.

Toy Boys was very quiet, too. At last they had one attractive guy on stage. I have known him from Nice Boys were I had taken him for some private entertainment. He is 100% "man", however, thus I just chatted a little bit with him and finally tipped him. Only 1 other customer and approx. 8 or 9 boys in total.

Vassa in the small soi opposite Happy Place featured only fem guys. Approx. 7 or 8 on the small stage (the bar itself is very small) and 3 or 4 more sitting and waiting for their turn. Nevertheless there were enough customers to fill the bar to approx. 60% capacity.

Happy Place: Very nice gesture that they provide you with a cold towel on arrival. However their guys were not my taste, although some of them were almost OK. The most handsome was the doorman Tae, with whom I had a brief chat - seems to be a nice guy.

October 8th, 2011, 23:46
Great report! Thanks for sharing. I wonder about the high number of long-timers you had. I prefer long-time, but most boys, even if they agreed when I offed them, find a way to get away after short-time. What am I doing wrong?

I walked down the adjacent soi - where A Bomb is and was dragged into an upstairs bar called Jetstar.
You're probably talking about Jet Set Karoke.

October 9th, 2011, 01:33
I see another Sunee plaza favorite cafe has been now taken over by the pincer movement of the Arab Spring, MINK CAFE.

The good News if EUROBOYS Will be Opening 20th OCTOBER so as one door closes, another opens :occasion9:

October 9th, 2011, 03:44
I walked a bit further along the soi and found myself beinmg dragged into another bar. (I'm easily dragged.) At first i wasn't imnpressed. And then I saw him. A handsome lad with a beautiful smile. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. I called him over and we chatted. .

I like your attitude. Do you mind telling us which bar you were dragged into where you met this beauty? Or are you keeping him for yourself?

October 9th, 2011, 16:06
Hi christian. i always negotiate the deal before i step out of the bar with the boy. i give him 1 price for short time and 1 for long time then i tell him i only want long time. no long time no pay. Also i spend some time chatting and continually stress i am only interedted in long time. i have only had 1 boy from memory who went after he came so to speak.

Last night i dropped into Abomb. very impressive bunch of guys and all "men." Not a fem in sight. i was most impressed with the size of their packages. they wear jocks that let you clearly see the size of their cocks. Some huge ones lurking behind the lycra. number 67 had a hardon and kept rubbing it and looking at me. however i end up going to happy place. the guy i offed a few days ago sat with me and we watched the show.it was fantastic, especially the breakdancers. Awesome. Neal you r a winner with these guys. 2 huge hardons feature later in the show. my guy said " we go isaan club now. ok? Not far. (it was). Only stay 1 hour." (we didnt). "i like drinking." (he doesnt). "you enjoy."(i didnt). Haha..at least it was something entirely different. later we came back to the room where i enjoyed the delights only a 18 cm cock can offer.

October 9th, 2011, 17:45
... later we came back to the room where i enjoyed the delights only a 18 cm cock can offer.

I'm not a size queen dear, but 18cm is only marginally over average and nothing at all to boast about.


October 9th, 2011, 18:39
18 cm is marginally over average?? Any references to back hst info up? If so pls give us the website. Suggest you google Kinsey as he has different statisics, based on more research than i presume you have ever done. And i mean scientific research.
So give us your sources.

October 9th, 2011, 18:45
I see another Sunee plaza favorite cafe has been now taken over by the pincer movement of the Arab Spring, MINK CAFE.

The good News if EUROBOYS Will be Opening 20th OCTOBER so as one door closes, another opens :occasion9:

Got a message from Big Mike boss of Euroboys as I had enquired if the opening was going ahead as planned on 20th this month - he will not open until he has at least 25 boys available for work there - so we might have to wait a few more weeks as he does not have this number fulfilled yet . Sigh.

October 10th, 2011, 19:35
Headed off to Goodboys last night to chuck wow my favourite guy. He's very handsome. Mind you, he doesn't have much competition. There were 2 customers and very few boys. While I was doing the deed the mamasan came in with food for the boys. You should have seen it - it was a feeding frenzy, as though the poor lads hadn't eaten in a month. By the look of some of them, this could sadly be true!
I then went to Funny Boys. A few cuties (number 62 and 9 stood out) but otherwise, nothing special. The place was packed out.
Headed off to the bar where I met the awesome guy i wrote about earlier. The mamsan recognised me and came rushing up to me. "Your boy waiting inside for you." "Ok. I'll be back later."
I then went to Happy Place and was immediately joined by the guy I offed the previous 2 nights - the one who took me to the Isaan bar. he ordered a drink and promptly went to sleep on my shoulder! So much for my charisma. Never mind. When awake he is real fun to chat with. has a fantastic personality and is very funny. He loves to tease the ladyboys in the bar. After the show I went back to the bar to meet my guy. I went inside, sat down and ordered an overpriced drink. I started looking for him but he was nowhere in sight. I called over the mamasan. "Where is number 35?" I asked. "Number 35? We don't have number 35 work this bar," she lied. So I gave her his name. "I go check.....Sorry, he no work tonight. But you can have other boy." Barspeak for "Too late, mate. He's been offed."
It was now after 12 so I went back to Happy Place. I started talking to number 000 who was sitting outside on his bike. He's the bald cutie with the massive cock he so proudly shows on stage every night through the lycra. He can't keep his hands off it. (nor could I, given the chance!) Having a hardon all night makes you wonder if he can perform in bed. I'm sure he can. He is such a funny guy and I love talking to him. I offered to off him but he doesn't have and id card right now and my hotel is very strict. He said it would be ok - he looks over 18 and is, in fact 26) but I decided not to take the chance. Just then another guy I've had my eye on for a while came out to chat. So I offed him. He is a very sweet, shy type but he loves to practise his English. Back in the room we had a very interesting chat before getting down to business. He gave an awesome bj and finished with a massive cumshot. Covered himself, me and the sheets! We slept together but he wasn;t all that interested in cuddling up together. In the morning he also didn't seem all that keen to have sex, but I managed to persuade him. But he would only chuck wow me. He then got up to get changed. Not so fast! Haven't finished yet! I asked him to chuck wow for me, which he did seemingly willingly, and rewarded me with yet another huge cumshot. When I handed him his compensation - what I have been told is the going rate and what has always been accepted without argument - he said it wasn't enough and asked for more. As I had forgotten to negoatiate with him before I offed him, I guess I didn't have a leg to stand on so I paid him without complaint.
He is the second guy this week who has asked for more money. This has never happened to me over the past 6 years I have been visiting pattaya. 14 times in all. I'm just wondering if the boys are now demanding what are, in fact, Bangkok prices. If so (and I hope it isn't) I think I will give pattaya a miss from now on and just stay in Bangkok. Much more to do during the day.

October 10th, 2011, 19:54
Hi A447
Thanks for the trip report!

Interesting that 2 off your offs should request additional payment...

You don't mention what your payscale is...But i would think that a boy would want at least 1400B for overnight with 2 ejaculations... so what IS your pay scale?

October 10th, 2011, 20:42
Yes it is true that the guy's expectations have gone up in Pattaya during the past 1 year, the main reason being BKK guys are coming down to work in Pattaya bars during the weekends and high season.

Mainly Funny Boys, Kawaai, Lucky 7, the guys are expecting and demanding 2000 Bhat for longtime. They talk among themselves and knows which customer pays well. If they know that you pay well they are all willing and jumpy. I had a friend stay for 3 months and he was not willing to pay more than the Pattaya rates. Whenever, he came in with us he never got the treatment that we got. It was very obvious. They can be brutal and treat him like 2nd class citizen. That bad.

On the other hand, my friend tells me that Sunnee Plaza guys are not demanding and very pleasant to deal with. Me and my friends dont go there because of it's reputation.

So you are corect, Pattaya Boyztown and Pattayaland are no better than BKK. Pattaya beaches are not attractive as before and dirty as hell, no nightlife for gays, nothing much to do in the mornings and top of it the Old School Bar Owners are not willing to change, instead sit on those chairs and gossip.

Pattaya is a write-off.

RIP :headbang: :headbang:

October 10th, 2011, 23:04
I offered to off him but he doesn't have and id card right now...
He didn't possess an ID card (lost or whatever) or forgot it at home? Fortunately, I had no failed offings because boys forgot their ID cards (I had a few of them, but my hotels had no strict policy), only one boy who couldn't come with me to DJ station because he forgot his ID card (and of course, he told me at the checkpoint, even though he knew since an hour before where I wanted to go!)

Pleaes keep reporting. All I can ask for are some paragraphs to facilitate reading.

On the other hand, my friend tells me that Sunnee Plaza guys are not demanding and very pleasant to deal with. Me and my friends dont go there because of it's reputation.

What reputation? Reminds me of a conversation I had with a Thai friend in Bangkok. He warned me not to go to Pattaya, because it's full of prostitutes. That's the reason why I go there!

October 10th, 2011, 23:37
Colmx i pay 1500 long time.
Slave, thanks for the info. I figured much.
Am with my favourite guy at the moment.Gotta go. Got business to attend to....hehe

October 10th, 2011, 23:59
I visited X-Boys (in Pattaya) 2 weeks ago. They have some good-looking boys on stage, one or two are actually stunners. I have taken two boys from this bar for a private meeting and one was OK (said to be the most popular boy in this bar; I was told by others he gets offed every day), the other was significantly above average: He was more handsome than the 1st one and also more accomdating. He is a versatile guy and not shy at all...
The one thing that got me very upset was the bar's smoking "policy". I went there shortly before their show started and thus the bar filled up quickly. When the show started we (me and my companion) were sourrounded by about 10 to 12 people within a approx. 3m radius. More than half of them smoked and they were provided with ash trays without any comments by the bar's staff. After a few minutes I sat inside a smokehouse. I would not have got angry if the smokers just had one quick fag to survive until the show ended. However, almost all of them fell into the category chain-smoker. I have to add, that these people came in several separate groups, thus it was not one single bunch of especially inconsiderate folk.
I am not militant anti-smoking, but this was too much. No further visit to this bar. I always came with a companion and most of the times bought one or two drinks for the boys and as I said I took two boys off (one of them twice). Thus I generated some turnover and profit there, in any case much more than any of these smokers, who just came for the show and afterwards left without any boy-drink or even off fee. Do the maths.

October 11th, 2011, 15:42
Well, my favourite guy is no longer my favourite guy! More later.

I began at Happy Place. Very quiet, on account of the rain, I guess. So I went over to Xboys. I got a cutie to sit with me while we watched the show. It began with the traditional big cock show. But each guy only stayed on stage for about 30 seconds - not enough time to take it all in, so to speak. But some very impressive members. This was followed by a limp dance routine and then a wishy-washy "beat me with the rubber hose" act. There was a vapid hula hoop act and then some unimaginative singing routine. All in all the show could best be described as...flaccid.
I then went across the street to Cupidol to pick up my favourite guy from the other night. I bought him a drink and, of course, he was after an off. SO I negotiated the deal - he was to do exactly as before, i.e. I fuck him, he sleeps with me and I fuck him again. He was to stay until 10 am (no rushing off at 6 am like he tried to do last time). "Sure, no probrem." So I offed him. On the way to the hotel I dropped into 7/11 for some condoms (amazing how many of those things you go through in Thailand!). I foolishly asked him if he wanted anything. So he goes and fills up the basket. Sweets, drinks and facial care products.
We get back to the room. When I come out of the shower he is talking to a friend on his mobile. We then hopped into bed and the fun started. During this time his mobile rang. But he didn't answer it. "It ok," he said and we continued on. Afterwards he went an took a shower. When he came out his phone rang again. I suppose you can guess the rest.
- "My friend sick. Must go hospitan. Sorry, cannot sleep with you."
- "But you said you would spend the night with me like before."
- "Sorry. He alone. Must go."
As I usually only have long time, I was really pissed off. He got changed and waited for his money. I threw 500 baht at him and told him to get out. He demanded more. "No," I said. "Now I have to go to find another boy and pay another off fee! I have already paid your bar 400 baht, now I have to pay another 400."
He gave me a very menacing look. I got a scared. But I remembered my hotel always phones the room before they hand back the boy's id card. I managed to get him out the door, but not before he had grabbed his things from the fridge and put his other purchases in his bag.
Stay away from him. He is bad news. his name is Frank and he is number 40 at Cupidol Don't let his smile fool you.

I then headed back to Happy Place intending to off the bald cute guy, but he wasn't there. Nor were the customers. Only one other who was sitting outside with the boy I offed the previous night. Aftger the bar closed I asked him where the action was and he told me about that new gay bar on Walking Street called Guy Bar or something. About half way down on the left. So off I went.
It's a very small bar - long and narrow with tables and chairs down one side. One boy dances at a time on a small stage above the customers.
I spotted a handsome boy so I got him to sit with me. But we couldn't talk because the music was deafening, echoing through the small area. I had to leave. Beer 150 baht from memory.

I wandered back to my hotel past Boyz Boyz Boyz.
"We have show now!"
I looked at the sign outside which states that the show begins at 12:15. I was there at 12:25. I went inside, only to find out that the show was nearly over.
But I saw an even better show in the bar. worth the 180 drink charge. Sitting to the side of the stage was a group of drunk (are there any other?) Japanese men. One stood up and started dancing but kind of fell down the stairs. A waiter rushed over and ushered him back to his seat. The he gets up with a handful of 100 baht notes and staggers along the line of performers (about 20 on stage) and hands then each a note. He then walks back along the line and hands them each another note. When he gets to the end of the line, he still has a fist full of money so he just throws in up onto the stage. You should have seen it. It was the funniest thing ever. Forget the dance routine - all the boys dived headlong onto the money and an unholy money fight took place. To their credit, the ladyboys continued on with their "singing."
After the show, when the performers were walking out the door the Japanese guy grabbed a wallet from one of his companions and handed more money to one of the "girls." Seeing this 2 others joined in hoping for some money. Sadly for them, his friend's wallet was now empty.

Today I got up and thought about having a massage. I was sitting outside on the verandah checking out the boys from the massage place next to my hotel - the Ambiance. Just as I was about to make my move another farang walked over and chose him and they went past me into the hotel!
Undaunted I walked over to Narcissus massage 2 sois across from Boyztown. Was greeted by a very handsome young lad so upstairs we went. Forget the massage - he gave me a great bj and then I chuck wowed him. A very enjoyable time was had by me. Not sure about him, though. hehe....
500 baht for the basic massage and 1000 baht tip. Well worth it.
Time to prepare for tonight.

October 11th, 2011, 17:48
Colmx i pay 1500 long time.
Slave, thanks for the info. I figured much.
Am with my favourite guy at the moment.Gotta go. Got business to attend to....hehe
That sounds more than fair to me!
I'm surprised (and dismayed) to hear that boys are demanding more than that

October 11th, 2011, 17:50
Sitting to the side of the stage was a group of drunk (are there any other?) Japanese men. One stood up and started dancing but kind of fell down the stairs.
That same group ended up in Dave Manclub after BBB last night!
They were even more drunk at that stage and all insisted on either stripping or getting completely naked and running around the stage...
It was not a pretty site!

October 11th, 2011, 20:24
Sitting to the side of the stage was a group of drunk (are there any other?) Japanese men. One stood up and started dancing but kind of fell down the stairs.
That same group ended up in Dave Manclub after BBB last night!
They were even more drunk at that stage and all insisted on either stripping or getting completely naked and running around the stage...
It was not a pretty site!

Well i for one hope to see them there tonite ----- beats looking at Smoke and Kimoo schreeching their way through their "shows "

October 11th, 2011, 22:12
Sunee reputation is often mentioned as a bad thing, but the prices are lower, you have many beer bars you can enjoy yourself, in the Go Go bars the boys are friendly and can be apraoched, you can visit with many bars.
You can have boys on stages and table dancing boys. i do not want to say anything bad about BoysTown Bars, there are many good bars in Boystown, butI would give sunee a change.

October 13th, 2011, 07:10
Sunee reputation is often mentioned as a bad thing, but the prices are lower, you have many beer bars you can enjoy yourself, in the Go Go bars the boys are friendly and can be apraoched, you can visit with many bars.
You can have boys on stages and table dancing boys. i do not want to say anything bad about BoysTown Bars, there are many good bars in Boystown, butI would give sunee a change.
Sunee love it na---- :hello1:

October 13th, 2011, 10:21
wow. Maybe your boy's friend really did need to go to hospital. Or maybe it was just an excuse. But frankly I think you reacted totally the opposite to how I would have. I also prefer to sleep alone and never do a long time off, so maybe it's just me. But losing your temper, throwing money at him and berating him isn't likely to do your cause much good that night or in subsequent nights. Do you really NEED to have a boy to spend all night every night? Did you NEED to go back out, pay another off fee, etc? I would have just called it a night and gone to bed.

October 13th, 2011, 16:37
Hi Fed,
I didnt really lose my temper and rant and raved but i dd let him know i was very angry.I also told him he was lying. It has only happened a couple of times during my 14 visits to thailand but it is a common occurence as i have heard about it many times. The boys rush back to the bar for another off. Or go out with their mates with the money they have just earned. Also it was so blatantly obvious - many of these country boys think they are the first boy the customer has ever offed. And, ok, I didnt really throw the money at him, but certainly did not smile and thank him for his services as I usually do.
As for long time, that is just the way I am and no, I dont want to sleep alone. I do that back home! That is why I insist that the boy knows that before I off him. Had I not requested long time I would not have complained. Btw, I have spent decades living in Asia and am well aware that losing your temper is not the way to go. It doesnt get you anywhere.
I am now in bangkok but beforr I forget I must mention David gogo club 2 sois across from Boyztown. I was bearhugged and dragged inside by the mmasan. " ok sit down" she said. "Where are the boys??" I asked. "What you drink?" "But where are the gogo boyd?? The stage was empty. She then pointed to 4 fully dressed boys who were just standing around.
A gogo bar with no gogo boys - must be a first!
Also dont bother going to Boyzboyzboyz. Cos there aint any. Just 6 or so middle aged men on stage WEARING JEANS!! I can see better just walking along beach road.

October 14th, 2011, 00:47
As for long time, that is just the way I am and no, I dont want to sleep alone. I do that back home! That is why I insist that the boy knows that before I off him. Had I not requested long time I would not have complained.
Same for me, I want to wake on some cute's side and have a cuddle (and maybe more) before getting up. However I'm too soft: if boys I offed for long time want to leave, I still pay them full short time (1000 Baht).

October 14th, 2011, 01:33
a447 well done, if the guy thinks your going to smile at him & overpay him for a quicky then like many others, you need to show them the real world, none of this thai 'i love you, i lie you' & my friend is waiting to spend your money now thank you & goodbye!
if he thinks this is acceptable how many other falangs are going to get stuffed over by greedy lyeing guys. We all need to set a standard & stick to it
a447 paid his off fee as he was going to LT him which was agreed to in the bar, i hate that when you then have to go spend more money & time to find a suitable replacement at short notice.
i hope you complain to the mamasun next time & at least get a free drink out of the bar etc id make sure you point the guy out in the bar also so others can see its not acceptable to trick people like this

October 14th, 2011, 15:16
...i hope you complain to the mamasun next time & at least get a free drink out of the bar etc id make sure you point the guy out in the bar...

Yes, Shuey, this will gain a447 a whole new level of respectability among the bar "staff". All the boys will admire and respect the way a447 came into the bar, pointed a boy out, and announced that he doesn't deliver in bed.

Why not go further, why not have posters printed up with the boy's photo, and entitled "Shit in the Sack"?
These could be put up all over Boyztown- almost as a public service - so that all future customers would know to avoid this boy.
Honour amongst Whoremongers - that's what we need.

Alternatively a447 could carry on doing exactly as he has been doing: putting it down to experience and get on with finding a better shag.
This approach seems eminently sensible - rather than over-the-top and hysterical.


October 14th, 2011, 16:33
his name is Frank and he is number 40 at Cupidol Don't let his smile fool you.

As was pointed out to me by Martin911 last night... he also works as a Coyote in The Club... so i would guess that it was a call from his second job that prevented him from staying overnight...

Easier to try the "sick friend" line than to try and explain this situation to an expectant farang!

October 14th, 2011, 21:01
Frank als seems to me to be a really nice boy ,not at all menacing as you say was the way he looked at you in the room --he left you to go to his second job at The Club i would imagine -- which is what he has to do to survive .

Also the fact that you "threw 500 bhat at him " (which frankly is quite insulting for the guy !!! ) prob wasnt the best move either --
You may find other guys in the future may not go with you because u may be branded as mean !!

Yes he said in the bar he would do longtime -- but cmon its a pattaya sex arrangement --not any iron clad contract --be realistic
This happens !!!!

So he didnt stay to cuddle u for the nite -- easily solved for a farang -thay can just open GR or go out to the bars and get another guy ---not the end of the earth !!!

October 15th, 2011, 00:26
personally i would say just because you are spending money on something it doesnt mean you will always get what you want ..
how many times have you paid for a meal and not totaly enjoyed it . or had a rude cabbie . gone to a football match and been bored shiteless ... etc etc .. nothing is perfect and certainly not in pattaya
it happens just move on and go again ..

October 15th, 2011, 10:10
a447 well done, if the guy thinks your going to smile at him & overpay him for a quicky then like many others, you need to show them the real world, none of this thai 'i love you, i lie you' & my friend is waiting to spend your money now thank you & goodbye!
if he thinks this is acceptable how many other falangs are going to get stuffed over by greedy lyeing guys. We all need to set a standard & stick to it
a447 paid his off fee as he was going to LT him which was agreed to in the bar, i hate that when you then have to go spend more money & time to find a suitable replacement at short notice.
i hope you complain to the mamasun next time & at least get a free drink out of the bar etc id make sure you point the guy out in the bar also so others can see its not acceptable to trick people like this

Yes indeed "a447 well done " --you show the poor thai guy who is boss !!!!! god forbid that he might have a mind of his own and that mabye he didnt want to stay and cuddle the farang all night - that mabye it was because he had to go to another job where he has to parade himself around in underwear(again ) so that if he is lucky he will get himself another cute farang (haha )
What did u say he did to a447 -- (trick u said!- jesus wept )

-i think u and your attitude will reap so much benifits for you !!!!!!!! -- sad sad sad !!
And yes you set your standards --- and stick to them you hear --lets show the thai mbs we mean business !! bollocks --i hope none of the many good decent thai guys i know never ever ends up with you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes BL this is me being a smart arse again !!!!!!!!!!! 55555555555555

F**kstick !!

October 15th, 2011, 14:14
he left you to go to his second job at The Club

If he had a second job why did he agree to the arrangement? He was being dishonest. Maybe you are happy with that situation but, as a paying customer, I'm not. When I asked him at least 5 times over the period of sitting and chatting in the bar his answer was always the same. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." It wasn't "No, no, no, no, no." What didn't he understand about this? What do YOU not understand by this?

personally i would say just because you are spending money on something it doesnt mean you will always get what you want ..

Yes, it does. In your opinion then, should it be ok for me not to pay him the agreed amount? I could then simply ay to him that "it doesn't mean you will always get what you want."

mabye he didnt want to stay and cuddle the farang all night

Well, he should have said so. he was being dishonest. And you seem to condone this blatant dishonesty. I can't condone it. Sorry.

Also the fact that you "threw 500 bhat at him "

As stated in a later post above (after i had calmed down) I didn't actually throw the money at him.

easily solved for a farang -thay can just open GR or go out to the bars and get another guy

Shouldn't have to solve anything. The deal was agreed to willing in the bar before the off.

Easier to try the "sick friend" line than to try and explain this situation to an expectant farang!

Her didn't seem to have a problem explaining in the room. It was all set up - been there, done that..the dreaded emergency phone call always AFTER the sex, nit before to ensure the boy gets paid.

I'm amazed that some people allow themselves to walked over by these guys. They are consummate pros who know exactly what they are doing. The are just naive to think that some of us are aware of their lying ways and refuse to put up with it.

If you want to, that's your choice. Not mine, though. Why encourage such behaviour by appearing to condone it??

October 15th, 2011, 20:46
Hmm mabye you should consider suing Frank/the bar/city of Pattaya as you seem to feel that you have been cheated (or excuse the pun - screwed /not screwed ) from the Ironclad agreement that you had with the boy/bar

No matter what way u look at if the guy had sex with you at least once, you sholud have paid him the short time rate
Instead you threw all the toys out of the pram and told him what you thought of him --

If you are coming here 10/14 times i would have thought you would be a little more understanding and chalked it down to experience !!
Nope --you instead choose to put info up on the board advising people to stay away from a guy that didnt satisify all your needs !!!
Poor farang !!!!/bad Thai boy!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Nope i dont think so !!!

You go on about blatant dishonesty -- get real --its the Pattaya sex industry --- dont expect too much !!-

And you call them consumate pros ----many many are not --- also at hell of a lot of the guys have been let down lots of times by farang here promising them sun moon and stars until the farang goes home or moves on to the next boy -- its cert a 2 way street !!!

October 15th, 2011, 22:11
well i think all sides have had their say on the matter now ... apart from the thai boy .. and hes not likely to do so on here anyway ... so lets not carry on going over the same same old thing for another 3 or 4 weeks .. as i said its not the end of the world .. just the end of the sex :crybaby:
and you dont have to choose him again .. forget about it and get on with enjoying your holiday..
and remember you are there to enjoy yourself .. hes there because he has to be.. slight difference i think ..

October 16th, 2011, 01:27
well i think all sides have had their say on the matter now ... apart from the thai boy ..
and me, me ,me, I want to add my 2 Satang as well!

Her didn't seem to have a problem explaining in the room. It was all set up - been there, done that..the dreaded emergency phone call always AFTER the sex, nit before to ensure the boy gets paid.

I'm amazed that some people allow themselves to walked over by these guys. They are consummate pros who know exactly what they are doing. The are just naive to think that some of us are aware of their lying ways and refuse to put up with it.

If you want to, that's your choice. Not mine, though. Why encourage such behaviour by appearing to condone it??
I completely agree, and it has happend to me as well, many times (however I only ask once if a boy can stay long time, the answer was yes in most cases*, but now I know that "yes" doesn't mean "yes"). As a Farang, I can only lose: the boy doesn't stay over night, going back to the bar claiming the off-fee back doesn't make the boy stay over night (it only gives me a bad reputation), reducing the tip below short-time gives me a bad reputation as well, so I pay short time (1000 Baht) and sleep alone or look for another boy. They know that they can get away with it, but I rather rejoice in the fact that I can travel quarter around the world for a sex holiday than being annoyed about boys who don't stay long time despite they agreed to it.

This is Thailand! I had to adopt that things run differently than in Europe, but now I don't rely on boy's agreement for long time.

For such cases, I have "backup-boys" in hostbars in Sunee, where I can go quickly from Howards Guesthouse (where I use to stay) and off them without further drinks.

*The only case where long-time was not possible whas a boy who was assumedly (that's what mamasan told me) picked up later by his mother so he can go to school the following day. Even though he was assumedly (that's what mamasan told me) over 18, the idea of having sex with some whose mother will later come to take him home so he doesn't miss school the following is a bit scary to me, so I didn't off him.

October 16th, 2011, 02:02
*The only case where long-time was not possible whas a boy who was assumedly (that's what mamasan told me) picked up later by his mother so he can go to school the following day. Even though he was assumedly (that's what mamasan told me) over 18, the idea of having sex with some whose mother will later come to take him home so he doesn't miss school the following is a bit scary to me, so I didn't off him.
maybe you should have long timed him ... you could have had a 3's up and become his step father
why you no think

October 16th, 2011, 09:54
well i think all sides have had their say on the matter now ... apart from the thai boy ..
and me, me ,me, I want to add my 2 Satang as well!

Her didn't seem to have a problem explaining in the room. It was all set up - been there, done that..the dreaded emergency phone call always AFTER the sex, nit before to ensure the boy gets paid.

I'm amazed that some people allow themselves to walked over by these guys. They are consummate pros who know exactly what they are doing. The are just naive to think that some of us are aware of their lying ways and refuse to put up with it.

If you want to, that's your choice. Not mine, though. Why encourage such behaviour by appearing to condone it??
I completely agree, and it has happend to me as well, many times (however I only ask once if a boy can stay long time, the answer was yes in most cases*, but now I know that "yes" doesn't mean "yes"). As a Farang, I can only lose: the boy doesn't stay over night, going back to the bar claiming the off-fee back doesn't make the boy stay over night (it only gives me a bad reputation), reducing the tip below short-time gives me a bad reputation as well, so I pay short time (1000 Baht) and sleep alone or look for another boy. They know that they can get away with it, but I rather rejoice in the fact that I can travel quarter around the world for a sex holiday than being annoyed about boys who don't stay long time despite they agreed to it.

This is Thailand! I had to adopt that things run differently than in Europe, but now I don't rely on boy's agreement for long time.

For such cases, I have "backup-boys" in hostbars in Sunee, where I can go quickly from Howards Guesthouse (where I use to stay) and off them without further drinks.

*The only case where long-time was not possible whas a boy who was assumedly (that's what mamasan told me) picked up later by his mother so he can go to school the following day. Even though he was assumedly (that's what mamasan told me) over 18, the idea of having sex with some whose mother will later come to take him home so he doesn't miss school the following is a bit scary to me, so I didn't off him.

Yes thats what you do in Thailand --learn to go with the flow --its a 2 way street - IE -the (normally ) overweight older farang gets to have sex with a guy at least half or even a third (normally ) of his age !!!!
In return the Thai boy gives back his young sexy body for a few hours of (possibly ) something he would rather not be doing in exchange for some small (in comparison to what the farang normally buys his dinner for in his home country ) amount of money --

And in Franks (lets not forget what bar he works in /and his number -all supplied by a447 ) case it was a very insulting small amount of money (mabye not what a447 spends on dinner- lets say his lunch )!!!!!
All because he didnt honour whatever " Agreement " that he gave poor a447 in the bar !!!
Hmm did u ever stop to think that it was something about u that made him want to leave !!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway he seemed to be over the trauma of letting a447 down a few hours ago when i met him in the Club --still has that big smile on his face !! --sexy guy !!

get realastic guys !!!!

And Christian if you are as young as you cliam to be --what are you doing paying bar boys to have sex with you --yes its Thailand --but not all gay boys are Moneyboys !!!!!!!!!!!! --your taking the easy option (and you should never ever believe what a mamasan tells you !!)
Plenty of normal gay guys on Gr /grindr/postjung /camfrog just looking for hookups !!!!!!!!

October 16th, 2011, 10:04
And Christian if you are as young as you cliam to be --what are you doing paying bar boys to have sex with you --

OK I have to stop you with that one.
I have been paying other boys for sex since I was 16 or 17 years old.
i could show you pics of me when I was young and I was tall, lean and nice looking, but I knew what kind of boy I liked, what I wanted as far as sexual gratification, and I did not want to go out and play the games people play. So let's cut to the chase, pay for the type of boy I wanted, tell him what I want to do, and when I am finished, if I want you back I will call you. If not? I won't.
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

October 16th, 2011, 11:01
And Christian if you are as young as you cliam to be --what are you doing paying bar boys to have sex with you --yes its Thailand --but not all gay boys are Moneyboys !!!!!!!!!!!! --your taking the easy option (and you should never ever believe what a mamasan tells you !!)
Plenty of normal gay guys on Gr /grindr/postjung /camfrog just looking for hookups !!!!!!!!

Even young and attractive guys are not immune to offing a guy from a gogo bar. Hell, I have been to the strip clubs in Delaware and see some HOT guys throwing dollars at the strippers there.

Here in Thailand I can get enough free sex to keep me busy but I enjoy going to a bar, finding something I like, and enjoying a night of paid fun.

I am not saying that I am a spring chicken, but I am not past my prime either and no one has ever kicked me out of bed yet.

Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Bucknaway. I have to say, he certainly does NOT have to pay for it!

October 16th, 2011, 16:57
Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Bucknaway. I have to say, he certainly does NOT have to pay for it!
he probably wouldnt have paid you even if you had of asked him to boss man :hello1:
but hey hey why do so many people get crazy just because someone pays for sex who happens to be young and good looking ... work it out ??? if it wasnt for the older guys who do pay then maybe the *boys* wouldnt be there in the first place .. so it all goes hand in hand .. 'ohh no misses dont mock francis' besides im 49 and ive had plenty of free sex last year in the saunas etc so its not just the young guys who can ..

October 16th, 2011, 19:25
'ohh no misses dont mock francis' .

Naughty, naughty......oh no....don't...... no.....I have an affliction


October 16th, 2011, 19:49
And Christian if you are as young as you cliam to be --what are you doing paying bar boys to have sex with you --

OK I have to stop you with that one.
I have been paying other boys for sex since I was 16 or 17 years old.
i could show you pics of me when I was young and I was tall, lean and nice looking, but I knew what kind of boy I liked, what I wanted as far as sexual gratification, and I did not want to go out and play the games people play. So let's cut to the chase, pay for the type of boy I wanted, tell him what I want to do, and when I am finished, if I want you back I will call you. If not? I won't.
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

You have only ever had "paid for sex " --is that what you mean by the above ---
I dont get why a young 16/17 yo would Have to pay for sex !! Unless you are into extreme stuff -- lol

October 16th, 2011, 19:58
.... Plenty of normal gay guys on Gr /grindr/postjung /camfrog just looking for hookups !!!!!!!!

Given your previous explanation of why a young, slim, fit, Thai boy (for example) would wish to degrade himself by having sex with an old farang resembling a walrus (ie. for $$$$$) - please explain why these "normal" guys on the sites you mention would want to degrade themselves for free. In your explanation, please exclude the odd one or two in a million who may have a grandfather fetish.

October 16th, 2011, 20:11
Given your previous explanation of why a young, slim, fit, Thai boy (for example) would wish to degrade himself by having sex with an old farang resembling a walrus (ie. for $$$$$) - please explain why these "normal" guys on the sites you mention would want to degrade themselves for free. In your explanation, please exclude the odd one or two in a million who may have a grandfather fetish.

Please Scotty don't encourage him, I for one would rather not hear about it.

October 16th, 2011, 20:39
Christianpfc's comment about having "back up boys" is hilarious. You're like the most organised whore monger... ever! :sign5:

And Christian if you are as young as you cliam to be --what are you doing paying bar boys to have sex with you --
I paid for sex with one guy (a gogo boy in Phuket) when I was 20 or 21. I saw him a few more times but he's the only guy I've ever paid for sex. The sex was insane (hence why I saw him a few more times!) and it was a nice experience. But I've no desire to do it again as (1) I've no need, (2) the reward was limited/narrow in nature, (3) I don't find it very fulfilling. Even if I did do it again, I wouldn't make it a substitute for genuine encounters as Christian does.

So yeah... I'm sure there's plenty of other young guys who've done it, especially when they've got sexy gogo boys standing in front of them in their underwear. What I'm curious about is why Christian would totally substitute genuine encounters for paid encounters altogether...

October 16th, 2011, 20:48
I reckon you guys are making a bigger deal of this than A447 did!

seems to me to be a really nice boy ,not at all menacing as you say was the way he looked at you in the room --he left you to go to his second job at The Club i would imagine -- which is what he has to do to survive .
No, the guy deliberately lied because he wanted to make more money. He should've either kept his promise or not taken the job at all.

I agree when you say gogo boys and moneyboys should always be treated with respect but come on, you're over pulling at the heart strings here. At the end of the day, they chose to do what they do. This guy chose to lie. You can say he's a nice guy but why excuse him for deliberately deceiving a customer?

F**kstick !!
That's the spirit! :rolling:

October 16th, 2011, 23:23
Given your previous explanation of why a young, slim, fit, Thai boy (for example) would wish to degrade himself by having sex with an old farang resembling a walrus (ie. for $$$$$) - please explain why these "normal" guys on the sites you mention would want to degrade themselves for free. In your explanation, please exclude the odd one or two in a million who may have a grandfather fetish.

Please Scotty don't encourage him, I for one would rather not hear about it.

Then close your eyes/ears dear !!
When i used the word normal i guess what i was trying to say is Non moneyboys - --there is so much more to Gay Thailand than Pattaya/Silom --plenty of guys looking to hook up togetherwith Thais/Farang/older where money does not change hands etc everybody has different tastes( and grandfather fetishs i guess ) --just like it is in any other country

i think its a pity that so many people coming to Thailand associate sex with money only --
I have friends here( Non bar boys if u know what i mean ) that get really angry about this - one friend from Bkk is so fed up about pattaya people asking him what bar he works in when he is here w me -- He comes from Nam Wong Wan -- 19yo and he told me that he was never ever asked that Q( before he came to pattaya ) -

First time i met him was in a club and after sex i gave him money ( as you do here) The look on his face -- he was not happy -- - Same guy has never been to Silom bar scene in his life -

Heard the same from other BKK guys also re farang in particular thinking that just because they Thai that means thay are moneyboys
Me and bf invited a GR guy over to his room in bkk last week --we had fun then when he was leaving i gave him money -- again he was not impressed - and i was left embarassed-
now i know its rare ,almost all want to be paid --because its the system here

- but how the hell do you know where u stand --i think its almost the same bad to ask somebody if they are a Mb as when you leave it to after sex and pay money --- i almost never talk money with a guy i meet before sex (i only want to know if they will bottom ,thats enough info for me !! ) --and i rarely have a problem over that policy !!

I visit Manila reg and there its almost opposite to Silom /pattaya --not ALL about money --

Anybody else get embarassed like that over assuming that the Thai boy was a MB??

You can open your eyes/ears now Combat !!!

October 16th, 2011, 23:38
And Christian if you are as young as you cliam to be --what are you doing paying bar boys to have sex with you --yes its Thailand --but not all gay boys are Moneyboys !!!!!!!!!!!! --your taking the easy option (and you should never ever believe what a mamasan tells you !!)
Plenty of normal gay guys on Gr /grindr/postjung /camfrog just looking for hookups !!!!!!!!

Even young and attractive guys are not immune to offing a guy from a gogo bar. Hell, I have been to the strip clubs in Delaware and see some HOT guys throwing dollars at the strippers there.

Here in Thailand I can get enough free sex to keep me busy but I enjoy going to a bar, finding something I like, and enjoying a night of paid fun.

I am not saying that I am a spring chicken, but I am not past my prime either and no one has ever kicked me out of bed yet.

Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Bucknaway. I have to say, he certainly does NOT have to pay for it!

Yes i have seen that in Thailand also --where a young guy (bar boy ) taking off another guy from a diff bar !!! --i guess it keeps it simple --just sex then bye bye!!

0r as what is written on a T shirt that a good friend of mine at home wears when he goes out on the pull --

Dont Be
Texting !

October 16th, 2011, 23:47
You can open your eyes/ears now Combat !!!

Obviously you can't recognise a tongue in cheek comment martin.

First time i met him was in a club and after sex i gave him money

So you also presumed he was a money boy too?

Oh and except for boys working in a Go-Go Bar etc.. I have never ever presumed that they were/are a Money Boy, quite the opposite in fact. I would add that anyone who lives and works in Thailand over a number of years would know how in most cases to spot those that were after payment.

October 17th, 2011, 00:36

You can open your eyes/ears now Combat !!!

Obviously you can't recognise a tongue in cheek comment martin.

First time i met him was in a club and after sex i gave him money

So you also presumed he was a money boy too?

Oh and except for boys working in a Go-Go Bar etc.. I have never ever presumed that they were/are a Money Boy, quite the opposite in fact. I would add that anyone who lives and works in Thailand over a number of years would know how in most cases to spot those that were after payment.

i always find when the boys starts to write out a reciept its safe to assume hes a money boy .
otherwise i wish them well and hope to see them again :dontknow:

October 17th, 2011, 03:08
Even if I did do it again, I wouldn't make it a substitute for genuine encounters as Christian does.

So yeah... I'm sure there's plenty of other young guys who've done it, especially when they've got sexy gogo boys standing in front of them in their underwear. What I'm curious about is why Christian would totally substitute genuine encounters for paid encounters altogether...

If you read my reports carefully, you will find out that about half of my encounters with Thai boys are paid for and the other half without direct transfer of money (however I usually pay for all transportation, food, entertainment). I'm quite picky, so finding boys who are my type is not easy, I have to go to four gogo bars on average. When I'm not with a friend in the evening, I go to bars as there is nothing else I would consider worth doing alone (gay discos for hook up usually become busy only after midnight).

With boys from gogo bars there are no surprises like body hair or tattoos (I dislike both; surprisingly, I never found body hair or tattoos on boys I hooked up in street clothes), and there are no negotiations (I once had a conversation similar to this: "Can you suck my dick?" - "No sorry, I don't like sucking." - "Can I fuck you?" - "I don't like fucking." - "Are you sure you are gay?"). Furthermore, sex with moneyboys was better than with non-moneyboys on my last holiday, I will continue collecting date to see if this trend continues.

October 17th, 2011, 03:52
You can open your eyes/ears now Combat !!!

Obviously you can't recognise a tongue in cheek comment martin.

First time i met him was in a club and after sex i gave him money

So you also presumed he was a money boy too?

Oh and except for boys working in a Go-Go Bar etc.. I have never ever presumed that they were/are a Money Boy, quite the opposite in fact. I would add that anyone who lives and works in Thailand over a number of years would know how in most cases to spot those that were after payment.

LOL obviously Combat neither can you re T I C :laughing3:

Yes unfortunately i presumed the boy was a money boy --
He comes from BKK but i met him in T &T, a well known Pattaya gay club 7/8 months ago , which had many bar boys present etc- i asked him did he want to come home for a drink with me (and as i said in my earlier post i only ever enquire from a guy if he likes to bottom,, im not one with a long list of questions /money etc!!) , he stayed all nite with me and BF -and yes when he was leaving i handed him 2000-and it upset him a lot --
And i was so sorry that i had made that presumption about him, i felt really bad ,but luckily i was able to use all my considerable charms to get him to forgive my indiscretion and we are quite close now - -

Well if you can spot a non MB in Pattaya/Silom/ Gay Romeo from a working boy then i applaud you -- im coming here 9 years,practicaly living here last 2.5 years --and i cannot als tell
Ive a good friend here -living and working for 10 years and most of the time he Cannot tell if a guy is MB or not -- ive had this disscussion with many farang --but they dont seem to be experts in this field either !!

As i said its a pity its like that re Thailand -- but thankfully its seems to be confined to the Pattaya/Silom areas from what i can see --thats what i was reffering to in the earlier post ,sorry if i did not make that more clear .

Prehaps Combat you might consider writing a book /post a short clip on Youtube on how to tell a MB from a non MB given your experience in this area !!! im sure the rest of would be so grateful !!
That was another T I C comment by the way :occasion9: :occasion9:

October 17th, 2011, 04:19
I once had a conversation similar to this: "Can you suck my dick?" - "No sorry, I don't like sucking." - "Can I fuck you?" - "I don't like fucking." - "Are you sure you are gay?"). Furthermore, sex with moneyboys was better than with non-moneyboys on my last holiday, I will continue collecting date to see if this trend continues

My how very forward of you !!! having/starting a conversation with "can you suck my dick" --- so based on the "data you have collected " to date --
(priceless ! :laughing3: ) might i enquire as to how sucessful this chat up line has been for you ?? :wav:
(if you could enclose a few charts/graphs etc would be extremly helpful !! )


October 17th, 2011, 04:37
im coming here 9 years,practicaly living here last 2.5 years --and i cannot als tell

Keep practicing, get a few (lot) more years under your belt, and you might just learn Martin, good luck with it too.........

October 17th, 2011, 09:16
well i think all sides have had their say on the matter now ... apart from the thai boy ..
and me, me ,me, I want to add my 2 Satang as well!

Her didn't seem to have a problem explaining in the room. It was all set up - been there, done that..the dreaded emergency phone call always AFTER the sex, nit before to ensure the boy gets paid.

I'm amazed that some people allow themselves to walked over by these guys. They are consummate pros who know exactly what they are doing. The are just naive to think that some of us are aware of their lying ways and refuse to put up with it.

If you want to, that's your choice. Not mine, though. Why encourage such behaviour by appearing to condone it??
I completely agree, and it has happend to me as well, many times (however I only ask once if a boy can stay long time, the answer was yes in most cases*, but now I know that "yes" doesn't mean "yes"). As a Farang, I can only lose: the boy doesn't stay over night, going back to the bar claiming the off-fee back doesn't make the boy stay over night (it only gives me a bad reputation), reducing the tip below short-time gives me a bad reputation as well, so I pay short time (1000 Baht) and sleep alone or look for another boy. They know that they can get away with it, but I rather rejoice in the fact that I can travel quarter around the world for a sex holiday than being annoyed about boys who don't stay long time despite they agreed to it.

This is Thailand! I had to adopt that things run differently than in Europe, but now I don't rely on boy's agreement for long time.

For such cases, I have "backup-boys" in hostbars in Sunee, where I can go quickly from Howards Guesthouse (where I use to stay) and off them without further drinks.

*The only case where long-time was not possible whas a boy who was assumedly (that's what mamasan told me) picked up later by his mother so he can go to school the following day. Even though he was assumedly (that's what mamasan told me) over 18, the idea of having sex with some whose mother will later come to take him home so he doesn't miss school the following is a bit scary to me, so I didn't off him.

Yes thats what you do in Thailand --learn to go with the flow --its a 2 way street - IE -the (normally ) overweight older farang gets to have sex with a guy at least half or even a third (normally ) of his age !!!!
In return the Thai boy gives back his young sexy body for a few hours of (possibly ) something he would rather not be doing in exchange for some small (in comparison to what the farang normally buys his dinner for in his home country ) amount of money --

And in Franks (lets not forget what bar he works in /and his number -all supplied by a447 ) case it was a very insulting small amount of money (mabye not what a447 spends on dinner- lets say his lunch )!!!!!
All because he didnt honour whatever " Agreement " that he gave poor a447 in the bar !!!
Hmm did u ever stop to think that it was something about u that made him want to leave !!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway he seemed to be over the trauma of letting a447 down a few hours ago when i met him in the Club --still has that big smile on his face !! --sexy guy !!

get realastic guys !!!!

And Christian if you are as young as you cliam to be --what are you doing paying bar boys to have sex with you --yes its Thailand --but not all gay boys are Moneyboys !!!!!!!!!!!! --your taking the easy option (and you should never ever believe what a mamasan tells you !!)
Plenty of normal gay guys on Gr /grindr/postjung /camfrog just looking for hookups !!!!!!!!

Just checked this post. Martin911, your defence of the Thai guy is a noble one but possibly clouded by the extended amount of time you spend in Thailand. Remember A447( a decent poster here) is only here for a short time and did ask the guy many times to stay overnight. The boy should have come clean. Many are good guys but many also know how to work the system and the customer. There are other choices for the Thai guy to make a living if he so decides so don't forget this is an easy way for the guy to shortcut to make good money here in Thailand. On this occasion IMHO he should have been upfront with A447. There is a guy in A Bomb I've known for 3/4 yrs now who works the bar and a late night place who will be earning over 90,000 bht this month and it aint high season yet so don't feel too sorry for the Thai guys man. You must be looking through rose tinted glasses man.... :laughing3: I'm sure you would have felt the same many years ago on your first few visits here

October 17th, 2011, 09:46
Few times bad experiences. Having a head-ache, friend is sick must go, forgot the keys ..... BS.

This time I was determined to punish. Went to a bar with few of my friends picked up a cute guy, my friends picked up their guys from the same bar and also we picked 2 of their friends had a good time in the bar paid around 3500 Bhat in bills and the whole rowd went to Dave.

Had a great time paid another 6000 Bhat bill and ent back to the Hotel had party there too ate paid another 2500 Bhat food bill.

That was all good. Its party time meant to be enjoyed. My guy was hugging all the time. Party finished friends left and we went to bed. It was alomost 4 in the morning.

As we got on the bed his phone rang. Then he said he has a headache. I got the devil into me. Then he rolled down to sleep and in 5 minues fast a sleep. I let him to fall asleep on purpose.

I got up tapped on his ass and said "Get up, Dress up and get the fuck-out of here" Told him normally I would have given him 2500, but here is the 500 and you can fuck off. A I gave the 500 he look at me in a funny way. I put the money back in the Wallet and said nothing for you and leave the place. He left.

I did not go to the Bar for the next few days. One day Mamasan came to my hotel and told me that he heard about what the guy did and he had fired him from the bar.

Guys dont regret. If they dont fulfill their part of their contract fire them without a penny. :party

October 17th, 2011, 11:43
Few times bad experiences. Having a head-ache, friend is sick must go, forgot the keys ..... BS.

This time I was determined to punish. Went to a bar with few of my friends picked up a cute guy, my friends picked up their guys from the same bar and also we picked 2 of their friends had a good time in the bar paid around 3500 Bhat in bills and the whole rowd went to Dave.

Had a great time paid another 6000 Bhat bill and ent back to the Hotel had party there too ate paid another 2500 Bhat food bill.

That was all good. Its party time meant to be enjoyed. My guy was hugging all the time. Party finished friends left and we went to bed. It was alomost 4 in the morning.

As we got on the bed his phone rang. Then he said he has a headache. I got the devil into me. Then he rolled down to sleep and in 5 minues fast a sleep. I let him to fall asleep on purpose.

I got up tapped on his ass and said "Get up, Dress up and get the fuck-out of here" Told him normally I would have given him 2500, but here is the 500 and you can fuck off. A I gave the 500 he look at me in a funny way. I put the money back in the Wallet and said nothing for you and leave the place. He left.

I did not go to the Bar for the next few days. One day Mamasan came to my hotel and told me that he heard about what the guy did and he had fired him from the bar.

Guys dont regret. If they dont fulfill their part of their contract fire them without a penny. :party

That's the thing in Thailand nowadays. The economy is growing quite well and there are options for the guys here to earn decent money outside of the sex industry. In many cases it's an easier option to engage in pay for play. Just my opinion.

October 17th, 2011, 16:20
Colmx i pay 1500 long time.
Slave, thanks for the info. I figured much.
Am with my favourite guy at the moment.Gotta go. Got business to attend to....hehe
That sounds more than fair to me!
I'm surprised (and dismayed) to hear that boys are demanding more than that

Just to update on this
Offed a boy from a Pattayaland bar last night
Stayed with me a fairly short time 00.50-04.50 - the first 3.5 hours were in an Issan Club and Dave

When i gave him 1400 at the end for his tip, he counted it twice, then looked at me and counted it out a 3rd time pretending to look for more money amongst stuck notes...

He then just looked at me again and walked out of the room.
I had to follow him down to let him out with security card... he bareky said goodbye

A few minutes later i met him again in teh 7-11 and he completely blanked me...
Seems like tip expectations are burgeoning here!

No tip or sex was discussed before the off (unlike others i never discuss waht will be done in the bar - thats all part of the discovery process for me later in the night - some you win some you loose!)

By the way A447 - hope the critical post from those of us criticizing your must-stay-overnight or vastly reduced tip policy do not but you off posting your excellent trip reports

As Lexus points out above your trip reports are an excellent resource for the board and always make great reading (even if they do cause controversy!)

October 17th, 2011, 19:46
If you read my reports carefully, you will find out that about half of my encounters with Thai boys are paid for and the other half without direct transfer of money (however I usually pay for all transportation, food, entertainment). I'm quite picky, so finding boys who are my type is not easy, I have to go to four gogo bars on average...
Fair enough... I was wrong about implying you substitute genuine for paid entirely. It's 50/50 then.

I think you already described the reasons before and that's fair enough. I don't know what to say. You seem to be insanely picky.

October 17th, 2011, 20:05
i think its a pity that so many people coming to Thailand associate sex with money only --
I have friends here( Non bar boys if u know what i mean ) that get really angry about this - one friend from Bkk is so fed up about pattaya people asking him what bar he works in when he is here
Totally agree!

I'm not against the paid sex industry in Thailand but I think it's a massive shame so many guys never or rarely get away from it because that's all they bother with.

Thailand is an awesome destination for single gay guys without the paid sex stuff. Thai guys are so friendly, welcoming and open to meeting and getting to know you. They're great fun to hang with and have a certain charm I love, not to mention good looks! I go to gay nightclubs in lots of Asian cities and in no other place have I found it as fun, non-intimidating and easy to meet and chat up gay locals as it is in Bangkok.

Heard the same from other BKK guys also re farang in particular thinking that just because they Thai that means thay are moneyboys
I also think it's a shame Thais get stigmatised by the commercial sex industry but I don't know if that's reason enough to be against it. I do think people should use a little more care when referring to "Thais" and "Thai guys" and "Thai boys" online in regards to the commercial sex scene... so it doesn't look like they're referring to all Thais or Thai guys in general.

I really dislike it when someone says, "Thai boys are only with you for the money". That's such a general comment but it ONLY applies to the moneyboy scene!

First time i met him was in a club and after sex i gave him money ( as you do here) The look on his face -- he was not happy... Me and bf invited a GR guy over to his room in bkk last week --we had fun then when he was leaving i gave him money -- again he was not impressed - and i was left embarassed
Huh? Why do you keep making the same mistake over and over again?!

Come on... that's not cool. You're going to make these guys feel pretty dirty if you keep doing that.

October 17th, 2011, 20:26
im coming here 9 years,practicaly living here last 2.5 years --and i cannot als tell

Keep practicing, get a few (lot) more years under your belt, and you might just learn Martin, good luck with it too.........

I"might just learn " -- thank you for that, im an truly touched that you think it possible i might just be able to learn and be like you re the telling of mbs .
I cant wait 55555555555.
But i will try to enjoy the practising C :party

October 17th, 2011, 20:46
I"might just learn " -- thank you for that, im an truly touched that you think it possible i might just be able to learn and be like you re the telling of mbs .
I cant wait 55555555555.
But i will try to enjoy the practising C :party

Good boy, I'm pleased that you are going to try. :love4:

October 17th, 2011, 20:46
Hey BL relax --i dont keep making that mistake over and over again !!!

I think mabye thrice this year --and when i do i cert make up for it to the guy

I am to one who posted that its a shame it happens here ,my "bkkGUY " whom i reffered to to before is with me a lot and ive seen his face when people ask him what bar he is in (this happens in Pattaya )
he is on his way down from bkk to go out with us tonite (change of plans colmx !! ) and will it poss happen again tonite -- its unfortunate --and im not one who goes around pattaya holding hands or whatever like some farang do looking like ive just bought a boy !!!

Its the Same with my longtime BF --only ever happens in Pattaya?silom areas --never at his uni/home town/other Thai areas

When we are in the rachada/Ot to Kor/ non silom gay places -it has never been asked of them !! -

I treat the guys that im with in the best poss way,,as i said before spending more time/having a longtime relationship here makes you see much more of the human side to the sex industry ,than you would possibly see on the shorter trips --as im sure Colmx would agree with also !!!
,im pretty sure you wont find many that will say i have made them feel "dirty " as you put it

October 17th, 2011, 20:57
I"might just learn " -- thank you for that, im an truly touched that you think it possible i might just be able to learn and be like you re the telling of mbs .
I cant wait 55555555555.
But i will try to enjoy the practising C :party

Good boy, I'm pleased that you are going to try. :love4:

Nope i never said im" going to try" !!!

Ive been trying all along :happy7: --i just meant im going to practise more !!! :idea1:


October 18th, 2011, 01:00
Just checked this post. Martin911, your defence of the Thai guy is a noble one but possibly clouded by the extended amount of time you spend in Thailand. Remember A447( a decent poster here) is only here for a short time and did ask the guy many times to stay overnight. The boy should have come clean. Many are good guys but many also know how to work the system and the customer. There are other choices for the Thai guy to make a living if he so decides so don't forget this is an easy way for the guy to shortcut to make good money here in Thailand. On this occasion IMHO he should have been upfront with A447. There is a guy in A Bomb I've known for 3/4 yrs now who works the bar and a late night place who will be earning over 90,000 bht this month and it aint high season yet so don't feel too sorry for the Thai guys man. You must be looking through rose tinted glasses man.... :laughing3: I'm sure you would have felt the same many years ago on your first few visits here

My defence (as you call it ) is not clouded any due too length of time ( i think im just being releastic here guys ) !!--- my Main point is that the farang should not expect too much in what is simply a commercial sex transcation (but without the western commercial rules )
I am not condoning what Frank did --he did what he did for his own reasons ( and that is why he is stripping of to underwear in clubs )and YES i agree he should have been upfront with a447 --

But try to look it from The Thai boys eyes -ie -bars are quiet/ he knew from before a447 wanted longtime / so chances are if he told a447 he had to work at club he would not have been taken off == no money earned that night poss -- and that is what he is here for -- --so he is going to turn down the chance to make something --Ahhh no he wont !!!!!!!! --how many of us would do anyway diff if we were in the same situation ???? --ask yourself honestly now !!!

IM just saying that farang should not als count on that things will als go excactly as the farang wants -- In an ideal world the farang gets everything he wants (but we do get a hell of a lot !!!!!!!!! ) --but the Thai sex industry is not an ideal world --------Thats the reality !!!!

The boy that earns 90000 a month is rare as im sure u must know Leg -- i know guys here that have hardly anything !!!!!!! -- they are not all that damm lucky !!

October 18th, 2011, 01:17
I once had a conversation similar to this: "Can you suck my dick?" - "No sorry, I don't like sucking." - "Can I fuck you?" - "I don't like fucking." - "Are you sure you are gay?"). Furthermore, sex with moneyboys was better than with non-moneyboys on my last holiday, I will continue collecting date to see if this trend continues

My how very forward of you !!! having/starting a conversation with "can you suck my dick" --- so based on the "data you have collected " to date --
(priceless ! :laughing3: ) might i enquire as to how sucessful this chat up line has been for you ?? :wav:
(if you could enclose a few charts/graphs etc would be extremly helpful !! )

I should have added that we met via gayromeo, then we watched TV at his place, and then things got physical and the quote starts with what he said.

But try to look it from The Thai boys eyes -ie -bars are quiet/ he knew from before a447 wanted longtime / so chances are if he told a447 he had to work at club he would not have been taken off == no money earned that night poss -- and that is what he is here for -- --so he is going to turn down the chance to make something --Ahhh no he wont !!!!!!!! --how many of us would do anyway diff if we were in the same situation ???? --ask yourself honestly now !!!
My logic is the following: he (the boy) had a long time off (with long time tip) for shure, so why did he jeopardize it? Is the chance to get another customer worth the difference between long time and short time (or even worse reduced short time and an angry customer?)? There are some problems related to long time: tootbrush, clothes for changing for the next day and the inconvenience of sleeping away from home (and another roll in the hay in the morning). On the other hand, they have a better shower than at home and can sleep in a real bed. Given the current economical situation, boys should be grateful for a long time off!

I once had a boy offed for long time, but he wanted to leave after sex. So I paid him short time (1000 Baht), he asked for additional money for taxi, but I didn't give him any, I offered him to stay over night for 1500 Baht long time and take the bus the following day (or even better: stay with me for day, free food and entertainment), no way! It's a mystery to me!

October 18th, 2011, 01:31
My how very forward of you !!! having/starting a conversation with "can you suck my dick" --- so based on the "data you have collected " to date --
(priceless ! :laughing3: ) might i enquire as to how sucessful this chat up line has been for you ?? :wav:
(if you could enclose a few charts/graphs etc would be extremly helpful !! )

I should have added that we met via gayromeo, then we watched TV at his place, and then things got physical and the quote starts with what he said.[/quote]

so no charts /graphs then Eh ???

October 18th, 2011, 17:08
my Main point is that the farang should not expect too much in what is simply a commercial sex transcation (but without the western commercial rules )

If that's rhe case, then maybe the boy should not complain if the farang feels the same way - and refuses to pay the agreed amount! Imagine the criticism such a farang would receive from you!

Martin, your logic is all over the place on this one.

October 18th, 2011, 21:01
I agree, Martin's logic is all over the place on this one... Yes, you can understand why the gogo boy did what he did but you can't excuse it can you?

I agree it looks like a shit job and they probably deal with a lot of complete wack jobs but no one's holding a gun to their head and forcing them to do this for a living... they choose to do it.

October 19th, 2011, 01:09
I agree, Martin's logic is all over the place on this one... Yes, you can understand why the gogo boy did what he did but you can't excuse it can you?

I agree it looks like a shit job and they probably deal with a lot of complete wack jobs but no one's holding a gun to their head and forcing them to do this for a living... they choose to do it.

Logic Dears(BL/A447) !!!!!!!!! -------------- its the Thai Gay sex industry -------who the hell ever said it had to be logical :dontknow: --and the longer many people live in Thailand will say that about a lot of things here -- logic does not come into life here it the same way as in the western world for many different circumstances -

Be my guest --try to impose western logic on the thais you meet -- best of luck !!

Christian --good point re the logic of why didnt he stay for the long term rate !!

Read my post Bl -- i said i didnt condone what he did ----
Lol i was looking at Frank last nite in The Club --i wonder what he would think if he knew his behaviour was generating such lively posts !!

October 19th, 2011, 03:17
"i was looking at Frank last nite in The Club --i wonder what he would think if he knew his behaviour was generating such lively posts !"

Perhaps you should tell him ! lol - and then at least he would know that just like thai boys in the go go bars us Farang all share stories and information about "bad thai boys" as well.....perhaps that would make him think twice before leaving early from somewhere the next time !! lol - except somehow I doubt that !!

October 19th, 2011, 15:22
its the Thai Gay sex industry -------who the hell ever said it had to be logical

Noone. We are talking about YOUR logic.

Allowing boys to do what they want simply because "that's the way it's done" does not achieve anything - except to let the boy think it is ok and to try to do it to other farang. Frank and others need to be taught a little responsibility; afterall,they are getting very well paid for their services.

try to impose western logic on the thais you meet -- best of luck !!

Martin, I am not trying to impose western logic on any Thai prostitute. I am just using the exasct same logic they use on us - you can have sex with me as long as you pay me. Simple proposition.

its a 2 way street

Martin, I couldn't agree more.

Perhaps you should tell him !

Yes, perhaps you should. And let him know that he missed out on 3 or 4 offs from me at 2000 baht per time. If he is so desperate for money, you'd think he'd jump at the chance. But then again, I find that many moneyboys only think about NOW and never give a thought to the future. They seem to live for today.

Up to them.

October 23rd, 2011, 19:22
A couple of my Thai friends came down to visit over the weekend and I didn't know where to take them since I usually go to Bangkok for my weekend fun. We don't like the go-go clubs and we are tired of the Venue and Boystown scene. We eneded passing by X-boys on soi 1??? and decided to see their show. It was NOT the typical show one would see in Pattaya...it leaned more like the ones you'd see on soi Twilight in BKK. Cock show, erotic dance scenes... I'd rate it 4 stars out of 5. It is not a "Venue" or "Boysboys" glitz of feathers and lip sync, but more on the raw side.

October 23rd, 2011, 19:49
Read my post Bl -- i said i didnt condone what he did ----
I know you didn't... but you tried to excuse and justify it and what's the point of that? We know why he probably did it and you're right about those reasons but it doesn't excuse it.

That kind of deceptive behaviour doesn't just happen in Thailand. It happen with service providers (not just prostitution) all over the world and is just wrong.

Anyway, no point arguing over it... I get your point about it being a shitty job with shitty customers and mostly agree with a447's reply above.