View Full Version : Facebook can track your browsing - possibly on SGT too

October 6th, 2011, 20:35
I noticed the Facebook icon's been added and appears in the top-right corner of each thread on SGT. Not sure if this was here before as I've only just noticed it.

The majority of posters on this site are anonymous and prefer to remain anonymous.

So you should be aware that Facebook allegedly has the ability to track your usage of this site, even after you've logged out completely from Facebook.

Explanation here:

Even if you are logged out, Facebook still knows and can track every page you visit that has Facebook integrated.
Read more: http://nikcub.appspot.com/logging-out-o ... not-enough (http://nikcub.appspot.com/logging-out-of-facebook-is-not-enough)

Reported here:

revelations that the site tracks its 800 million users even when they are logged out have embroiled Facebook in a global public policy... Nik Cubrilovic's blog post, which revealed that tracking cookies monitor Facebook users whenever they surf websites with a Facebook 'like' button....

Read the whole thing: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/techno ... 1l61i.html (http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/facebooks-privacy-lie-aussie-exposes-tracking-as-new-patent-uncovered-20111004-1l61i.html)

P.S. Feel free to move this to the Posting Discussion forum as I wasn't sure if this should be posted there or not.

Thai Dyed
October 6th, 2011, 21:30
The brilliant entrepreneurs at Facebook are extracting value with their business. They are to be complimented for their work in developing a spectacular tracking and spying system which is even useful to law enforcement agencies such as the CIA and FBI. This is an excellent way to keep an eye on what everyone is up to in order to protect society.

Why are you bothered by this Beachlover? Do you have something to hide? Eh? Or maybe you don't believe in entrepreneurial efforts to add and extract value? Maybe you are some kind of communist who would suppress free enterprise?

October 6th, 2011, 23:48
explanation here: http://nikcub.appspot.com/facebook-fixe ... ns-cookies (http://nikcub.appspot.com/facebook-fixes-logout-issue-explains-cookies)

facebook explains each cookie and reports on a fix from the above post.
bottom line, nobody's anonymity is being jeopardized. anyone overly concerned
can browse privately in firefox or chrome and clear cookies before and after.

October 7th, 2011, 00:45
I'll just say, maybe that's true for some sites, who link directly to the icon on facebook.com site. However, everyone please know, that's not true for SGT. The Facebook icon you see here is internally hosted, and linked at:

images/share/facebook.gif (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/images/share/facebook.gif)

Don't worry, Facebook can't tell you visited SGT. Besides, if you think Facebook has lots of info on you, just think what Google has! Searches, e-mail, images, docs, now Google+, and the list goes on, and on...

October 7th, 2011, 00:52
i always wear a pair of glasses and a hat when im online .. so no one can ever tell who i am :dontknow:

October 8th, 2011, 10:18
Thanks for clarifying Matt...

And yeah, I agree... The amount of info Google has on you is also freaky. I keep seeing Ads for stuff I've searched for, e.g. very specific travel destinations and products. I'm going to clear all my cookies and see if this changes.

October 9th, 2011, 13:34
Thanks for clarifying Matt...

And yeah, I agree... The amount of info Google has on you is also freaky. I keep seeing Ads for stuff I've searched for, e.g. very specific travel destinations and products. I'm going to clear all my cookies and see if this changes.

google adwords remarketing -- interest based advertising. it's not new. and it's nothing sneaky or blackhat at all. just displays relevent ads across the google network of advertisers based on google analytics data.

facebook apps provide similar controls for advertisers. the other day i sold a couple items on ebay and later noticed my facebook page had posts automatically generated from my ebay account. i didn't even know they were linked. different email addresses and login info. it all can seem like somebody's watching, but actually it's just automated data, and besides, who really cares?

October 10th, 2011, 22:43
Yeah I know about the Google thing... It's just that I've noticed it more and more lately. I actually think it's a good thing because you see ads, which are way more relevant to you and I end up clicking on a lot more of them this way.

March 19th, 2012, 11:38
I really do hope not if so I am dumping it, its getting old anyway, Too much stupid updates on their dogs cats and nothing really important to say. They keep on moving things up and making it more difficult to enjoy the site like it was in the beginning. Capitalism at its best. shall we call Obama and see if he can socialize things a little quicker.