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October 1st, 2011, 21:40
I am curious as to what anyone thinks of this story.

http://www.pattayamail.com/localnews/ir ... stite-6563 (http://www.pattayamail.com/localnews/iranian-version-of-crying-game-ends-badly-for-transvestite-6563)

October 1st, 2011, 22:12
1st Thought.) Fucken losers can't afford their own prostitute each, and need to share one between the four of them?

2nd Thought.) Lowlife scum.

3rd Thought.) She's a transvestite prostituting him/herself in Pattaya. Little tough to get shocked and dismayed at the treatment you received.

What can I say? Welcome to the world.

October 1st, 2011, 22:25

Yes, I have to agree with you. What did either of them expect?

October 3rd, 2011, 15:40
Yep... Just a really classy bunch of guys in a really classy town! :rolling:

Cdnmatt has summed it up!

October 3rd, 2011, 16:41
It seems the problems with "katoeys" on Beach Rd at night deal with mostly Arab or Persian men who aren't too "street wise" about this "third gender" -- but what do you expect? These sex starved tourists come from a countries where there is a lot of segregation between woman and men; women are mostly covered in an abya (Arab countries) a scarf in Iran; many (note: I did not say all) men from this area look at "women" as second class citizens. Even if these Iranians were "tricked" into thinking "it" was a "woman", why beat the crap out of him?

October 3rd, 2011, 17:03
Interesting these stories about a "" prostitute "going back to a room with an Arab, and finding 3 0r 4 more waiting to be serviced, for the same price, have been around for 10/15 years. That has not changed . The question was it price or looks or availability that lead to the selection.

Arabs dont have the money that westerners have. They dont have the awareness of the third sex as well. They are naive.

Maybe the Pattaya council should try and communicate with the Arab tourist as to what happens and what is expected.

October 4th, 2011, 09:58

That is one meeting I would like to attend.

October 4th, 2011, 14:57
They dont have the awareness of the third sex as well. They are naive.

I would say after spending many years working in Arabia that Arabs are far more aware of transvestites/cross-dressers/third sex or whatever one wishes to call them than you might think Lonely. Persians or Iranians too, but of course like most countries run by tyranical clerics etc.. it is more underground. This of course gives no one the right to beat somone up just because they are of another sexual persuasion. Crimes such as this one are by no means associated with just Thailand, but wherever they happen the culprits deserve the full weight of the law on their shoulders.

Arabs dont have the money that westerners have

How do you come to the conclusion that Arabs (these guys were not Arabs but Persians/Iranians) don't have the money that Westerners have? There are a lot of Westerners who manage to get to Thailand and then look around for the cheapest possible way/s to get their 'rocks' off. We have a few Cheap Charlies who post in SGT asking and telling us that...

October 4th, 2011, 20:51
the culprits deserve the full weight of the law on their shoulders.Totally agree! Bunch of filthy low lifes... :drv:
They were seeking a cheap f*** and now they're going to get f***ed! :hello1:

There are a lot of Westerners who manage to get to Thailand and then look around for the cheapest possible way/s to get their 'rocks' off...
That's true... Farangs who are losers in their home country will still be losers in Thailand. The difference is in Thailand, there's various factors to "cushion" the effects and they can sort of live in a comforting bubble removed from reality if they choose.

October 5th, 2011, 03:48
When I was on my way to Sunnee I met an arab man with a ladyboy that looked like arabian woman :dontknow:

Well he/she was dressed like arabian woman but didnt look like a Thai .

Arabian guys love to fuck ladyboys since they can not touch women in their home countries. Strange world