View Full Version : Aquapoincs? Anyone?

September 30th, 2011, 12:21
Curious, anyone else here interested in aquaponics? If you don't know what it is, just Google it, or go here for a quick example:


Basically, very minimal startup costs, and the result is a mini eco-system that provides you with an unlimited supply of fresh fish and vegetables. Basically, the fish excrement is pumped up into the grow beds, the bacteria in the grow beds break it down into nitrates, which feed the plants. The bacteria and plants then clean the water, which filter back into the fish tank. All you have to do is feed the fish, and a tiny bit of electricity to pump the water into the grow beds, and to aerate the fish tank. You end up with a nice little cycle where the fish always have clean water, and the plants always have food, and round and round it goes.

Setting up a little test system in my patio now, to see how it goes. If that goes well, we'll setup a larger system in the village to (hopefully) provide the family with fresh fish & veggies indefinitely, for basically free. I know Kim's family is hurting, and I do want to help, but after living here this long, I've more than realized that just giving money doesn't help at all. They never use it wisely, constantly change their minds, every few weeks have a new big plan, etc. So money doesn't help, and I don't give anymore. Maybe 2000 a month, but that's it.

I think a good sized aquaponics setup that will feed 6 - 8 people could definitely help though. Just have to play with my test system, to learn from my mistakes, and make sure I know what I'm doing. Curious though, anyone else into aquaponics? Anyone ever setup a system in Issan before? Maybe for their Thai BF, or something similar? Seems like an excellent way to help.

September 30th, 2011, 12:35

A fab idea once you have got someone to explain the mechanics of it all to them.

Agree on your point about giving them money, it's wasted. Always has been, always will be. Give them fish, feed them for a day, teach them to fish, feed them for life!

I don't want to change a good post or diversify from it, but it goes along with these romantic notions of foreigners in the cities that the boys are sending money home to help the family.

If they are lucky enough to get someone that does send it home, as opposed to handing it over the bar in Hollywood Disco, it invariably is gambled away by their parents.

September 30th, 2011, 19:00
Seems like a perfect idea Matt, and shouldn't be too difficult to set up and explain to them once you have learnt the ropes. Years back I had two pits dug for a family in Soi Doa, Chanthaburi. Obviously it didn't work on that principle, they built some chicken house over part of the pits so that the chicken waste helped feed and nutrify the fish/water. The outlay wasn't really that much, but over a period of a year or so they grew into being able to feed themselves well and supply the local market with good fresh fish. Job well done, better than handing over money which would have ended up buying Black Label..

October 3rd, 2011, 14:30
Awesome idea and love the attitude Cdnmatt...

Yep, unfortunately there are persistent reasons why these kind of people stay poor and they don't go away overnight. No planning/foresight, poor decision making and hopeless follow through.

I have all respect for people who grow up in such a cultural environment but manage to see beyond that and work their way out of this perpetual poverty cycle.

I guess if you're going to "marry in to that" you have to adapt and deal with its frustrations and challenges. I have to admire your willingness to take the plunge, tolerance and adapting to the dynamics.

October 6th, 2011, 22:24
Really? Nobody? I thought this would have garnered at least some interest, or more than it did. But no? Better just to have a dick-waving competition at your local beer bar?

Farang 1: "I bought my BF an iPad"

Farang 2: "Yeah, well I bought my BF an iPad2!"

Farang 3: "Yeah, I bought mind a iPad2, iPhone, and a laptop!"

Farang 4: "Got you all beat. I took my BF to Singapore, bought him gold, a new laptop, and a new motorcycle. I just love him so much, he's really one of a kind, you know!"

Me to BF: "Fuck off, and go work if you want more money".

That seems like how it goes at least.