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September 28th, 2011, 03:39
this just came into my head and i thought i would ask the question on here.
lots of us visit thailand and many live there on this board, loads of you now have thai lovers and lusters
and i would imagine quiet a few of you maybe have become buddist.
so after falling in love with thailand enough to go live there or vist once or twice a year, how many of you would like to be born again a thai? meaning that you could be born into poverty in the land that many of us belive to be paradise.
just a little something to shake you up :)

September 28th, 2011, 08:00
Why do you say be born a "poor" thai? Not all thai are poor, in fact some have more money than all of people here on this message board. You're assuming and it's offensive.

September 28th, 2011, 08:34
Wouldn't a fairer question be "How many of you would prefer to be born poor in Thailand as opposed to being born poor in your home country?" My choice would be Thailand.

September 28th, 2011, 08:45
I once visited some relatives in South Carolina back in the 80's. They had dirt floors in their house. One of the rooms had fabric as a wall. Chickens ran wild but they were happy and their kids were happy. Sure we had modern things and they may have been poor in modern things but I didn't see them as if they were poor and pitiable. I simply saw that they lived different than myself.

If they live to be 100 and die happy and never owned an Iphone, new car or a microwave, does that mean anything?

I could live in a shack with a stick roof and a hand dug well to drink from, and as long as I had my family, friends and a heart filled with contentment than I would be rich in life even if I never knew about electricity.

September 28th, 2011, 15:03
Why do you say be born a "poor" thai? Not all thai are poor, in fact some have more money than all of people here on this message board. You're assuming and it's offensive.
i didnt say that atall if you would like to re-read what i did say you will realise that.
i also do not own a car or a microwave so i for sure am not a materialistic person and never will be.
cant see the point in driving when i can walk and the baht bus is so much more fun;)
i agree with bucknaway and richb i really have never understood why anyone from one of these wonderful countries wants to go somewhere where its grey and wet most of the time! even if it does mean benifits galore.

September 29th, 2011, 01:01
how many of you would like to be born again a thai? meaning that you could be born into poverty in the land that many of us belive to be paradise.
Why do you say be born a "poor" thai? Not all thai are poor, in fact some have more money than all of people here on this message board. You're assuming and it's offensive.
He did say "could be born into poverty". Otherwise I'd agree. There's plenty of Thais who earn more than most people on this board.

Wouldn't a fairer question be "How many of you would prefer to be born poor in Thailand as opposed to being born poor in your home country?" My choice would be Thailand.
Yeah, I agree that would be a fairer question. I would rather not choose but if I had to I'd rather choose Australia, not Thailand. If you are poor in Australia and most of the West you still enjoy a minimum standard of living. You'll have a decent education, a roof over your head and access to healthcare. You won't starve.

Being piss poor in Australia means earning $40k/year and having a fairly modest lifestyle. Where as being piss poor in Asia really means being piss poor. You might not know where your kids' next meal is coming from, getting ill is double the nightmare due to medical costs and you're very vulnerable to being wiped out by injury, natural disaster and other problems. There's no safety net and it takes a lot more grunt to work your way out of poverty.

September 29th, 2011, 05:18
A very good topic. Good discussion, but dont let the emotions to take over.

The world is a complex place with varied attractions rom every corner. As a gay how would you approach this question from your current prespective.

Currently, the western world provides the economic advantage point from being a gay in that country. Gays have the most disposable income. So as a gay traveller they have the most advantage on spending caps.

Thailand offers what the west can not offer with the money you have ..... the smile, love, care, emotions, etc when it comes to gay relationships.

So the question is whether when you are born again, will china be the hot gay spot and weather indian gays who would have the most disposable income.

September 30th, 2011, 00:53
so after falling in love with thailand.....how many of you would like to be born again a thai?
I'm not in love with Thailand, but I like many things more in Thailand in in Europe. I travel to Thailand because I like Thai boys, so it wouldn't make any sense to me to be born again as a Thai.

September 30th, 2011, 08:12
so after falling in love with thailand.....how many of you would like to be born again a thai?
I'm not in love with Thailand, but I like many things more in Thailand in in Europe. I travel to Thailand because I like Thai boys, so it wouldn't make any sense to me to be born again as a Thai.
well if you like thai boy then being born in thailand wouldnt be such a bad thing as you wouldnt have to travel thousands of miles to get there .. and im pretty sure most thais given the choice and money would prefer to be with other thai boys ... care to think again :happy7:

September 30th, 2011, 09:26
The idea of being born again is rubbish and thai buddhisms are all superstiton anyway why would you want to be reborn in a corrupt country with no education and not great health services for the majority of the people. Crazy idea.

October 6th, 2011, 05:33
Notice to the Author

Thailand is not a poor country as definedby the western economics 50 years ago.

Ater 50 years, today the most poorest contries in the world are USA, UK, Europe and most people who lie poorly are in those countries.

I am sure we need to be current and not live the lost pride that was 50 years ago. :hello1:

October 6th, 2011, 09:04
If you are going to post something why not take a short while to research what you are posting about?
Nothing is said about you being a Thai Buddhist that you will be re born in Thailand.
Secondly one is supposed to gain merit throughout ones life earning less merits put it crudely reward points towards you next life the more merits earned the better life yours will be when reincarnated and yes some Buddhist believe Buddhist people born with appalling illness or mental illness may have been bad in their previous life. No idear how the reincarnated cat gets its merits so do not ask.
Not my point of view and not my belief just believe people should not spout off about any religion before doing some research.

October 6th, 2011, 15:11
cheers mark.. no need to get so upset tho.. i wasnt going to ask that question in a temple or anything like that . . it just came in my head after id been to the pub for a few hours.. you may also have noted i didnt say anything about it being about thai buddists but more about people who love thailand coming back as thais ...i wish more people would take time to read and study the post before making a comment on it!!!