View Full Version : Foo Fighters tell "god hates fags" mob where to stick it

September 22nd, 2011, 23:46
The Foo Fighters take on protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church

The Foo Fighters were in Kansas City, Missouri USA over the weekend, to perform an arena show at the Sprint Centre. Kansas City also happens to be the home of the Westboro Baptist Church -- an independent church based out of Topeka, Kansas, well known for its extreme anti-homosexuality beliefs and subsequent picketing campaigns.

The church's controversial website (complete with upside-down American flag), states that the church opposes "the homosexual lifestyle of soul-damning, nation-destroying filth," and that "the modern militant homosexual movement" poses "a clear and present danger to the survival of America, exposing our nation to the wrath of God." Such beliefs have spawned the whimsically colourful picketing signs (often seen being waved by children), that commonly bear hateful slogans.

On August 30th, the church announced they would be picketing the Foo Fighters upcoming show. (This was nothing new for the church -- its followers regularly picket pop concerts in the area.) But according to the Huffington Post, the Foo Fighters got wind of the planned protest. And devised a counter attack.

On the afternoon of the show, the band rolled up on the back of a flat-bed truck opposite the protestors and performed their "faux-country trucker ode" 'Keep It Clean (Hot Buns)', whilst dressed in the same 'stache and hats outfits the band wore in their recent man-loving tour announcement clip.

Near song's end, frontman Dave Grohl announced from the stage, "God Bless America! It takes all kinds; I don't care if you're black or white or purple or green, whether you're Pennsylvanian or Transylvanian, Lady gaga or Lady Antebellum. Men loving women and women loving men and men loving men and women loving women -- you all know we like to watch that. But what I'd like to say is, God Bless America, y'all!"

Read the whole thing: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/mus ... 1kh3i.html (http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/music/the-foo-fighters-take-on-protesters-from-the-westboro-baptist-church-20110919-1kh3i.html)


One of my favourite songs from them...


September 22nd, 2011, 23:55
Nice one....

September 29th, 2011, 21:02
well we often say each to their own .. but this proves some dont deserve their own ... shame that satalite didnt fall in the middle of their so called church. nowt as queer as folk so the saying goes . and you'd guess most folk would prefer queers than freaks living next door!