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September 22nd, 2011, 19:45
Are all boys who work in -- go go bars gay ?

I would like to know the answer to this question ,I wonder if all the boys in the go go bar a gay ,or do some of them put up and shut up just for the cash !

I know a couple of girls who have farangs boy friends and once they go back home she,s with her girlfriend -liking it up - the dosh that is .
(this question might sound a bit weird ) From a straight guy ... But if they needed the dosh would they do it ?
Anyone know the answer to this ?

A post not about house building...

September 22nd, 2011, 19:50
No, they are not. It is impossible to say for sure but my own personal estimate is that about 50 percent are straight. That percentage is even higher in some of the bars.

September 22nd, 2011, 19:50
On the slight chance that it's a serious question, about 98 percent of the working boys who don't have fake tits are straight. The other 2% are asexual.

September 22nd, 2011, 20:07

I'd put the split at about 80% "gay for pay", or ' buy sexual ' (if you buy them something, they're sexual), and 20% actually gay.

They don't seen to have the hang ups about it like Westerners.

Also, you must take into account, these guys are playing with the ladyboys in their home villages as youngsters for money, way before they get to the likes of Pattaya!

They are no strangers to the sex scene nor do they arrive as virgins in Bangkok and Pattaya as some posters like to imagine.

By the way Alan, the ladyboys invariably are better hung and handier with a trowel.................. :laughing3:

September 22nd, 2011, 20:07
Stick to building Alan....

September 22nd, 2011, 20:25
I'll defer to Kevin's numbers. And especially the notion that these fellows don't arrive in Pattaya wondering what to do with that appendage they're planning to rent out.

September 22nd, 2011, 20:38
Most are straight, selling themselves is simply a way to earn a living......in many cases if they are blessed with the best assets avery good living...way better than a 7-11 employee or heaven forbid construction worker...although the latter have heavenly bodies

September 22nd, 2011, 22:46
Sounds like a good number of them aren't gay...

All the ones I've met (granted, not many) were gay though.

September 23rd, 2011, 02:10

I'd put the split at about 80% "gay for pay", or ' buy sexual ' (if you buy them something, they're sexual), and 20% actually gay.

They don't seen to have the hang ups about it like Westerners.

Also, you must take into account, these guys are playing with the ladyboys in their home villages as youngsters for money, way before they get to the likes of Pattaya!

They are no strangers to the sex scene nor do they arrive as virgins in Bangkok and Pattaya as some posters like to imagine.

By the way Alan, the ladyboys invariably are better hung and handier with a trowel.................. :laughing3:

Hi Kevin
Whilst you have undoubtedly a huge amount of experience in the bar scene - i would disagree with your 80% "gay for pay"

When i visit bars like Mic My, Funny Boys, Cupidol, David, Lucky 7 i can see that well over half of the boys working in the bars are gay, and a fair percentage above that are bi.

There is a very small percentage of 100% Poochai working in any gogo bars
In my opionion around 50% of the guys in the bars are gay, 20% are Bi, 20% are asexual and 10% are completely straight (maybe even homophobic!)

The late night bars such as NAB or Dave do not attract many straight boys - unless they are with a farang... so its quite easy to spot the gay boys there after their shift in the gogo

Agree with you about the sex with the ladyboys in the village though!
Most of the time all it needs is 60B for a bottle of white whiskey!

September 24th, 2011, 00:23
I would be inclined to believe that the gay percentage is higher than 20 % as well. Some people believe that if a guy is not a mincing ladyboy he must be straight, but that is not necessarily the case.

I remember going back to a guy's room once - he was a fairly masculine type. I felt he might be straight.

Wheh we got to the room, we ended up perusing his small porn collection.
Some of it was straight, but I was almost surprised to see that some of it was gay, too. I asked him if a farang had given the gays ones to him, but he had gotten them all himself.

It is hard for anybody to really know, but if you are with a guy for a while you get to form an idea. I have tended to go for guys with more masculine type of mannerisms, and have come to the conclusion that of even the more masculine-acting guys are often fairly bisexual, at least in the bar-boy business.

September 24th, 2011, 01:51
Have you thought that maybe he got the gay porn so that he could "learn"what was expected in gay sex??
2 years ago I fell in lust with one of the fuck show performers, a short butch number with a pony tail, bottomed mostly, performed in the 1st bar on the right as you walk into soi twilighyt, the one with all the mirrors and very loud music and real cold aircon, the DJ has an extremely annoying habot of interrupting the music.
I hired him for 3 days and rode him non stop, claimed he was straight with a wife and children in BKK, never got a hard on but was one of the best bottoms I ever had the pleasure of mounting; he picked up all his tips from gay porn....a true professional.
In fact he pleased me to such a degree that I actually tipped him...usually I just pay the upfront agreed amount....but when someone whips your condom of after fucking and gives you a tongue bath...well...

September 24th, 2011, 05:33
Some people believe that if a guy is not a mincing ladyboy he must be straight, but that is not necessarily the case.
Totally agree... With most of my friends who are gay, you wouldn't be able to tell they were gay if you were just meeting them and didn't already know that.

2 years ago I fell in lust with one of the fuck show performers, a short butch number with a pony tail, bottomed mostly... I hired him for 3 days and rode him non stop... never got a hard on but was one of the best bottoms I ever had the pleasure of mounting;... he pleased me to such a degree that I actually tipped him... whips your condom of after fucking and gives you a tongue bath...well...
Wow... so that's your idea of love huh? :rolling:

September 24th, 2011, 10:25

Way too much information provided in your last post in my view!

My delicate cheeks are rosy red just reading it............

September 24th, 2011, 17:01
Beachlover...I wrote fell in "lust"....not love!!

September 24th, 2011, 18:56
According to the gay boys themselves (my sources being mainly fem boys/ladyboys) the percentage of gay versus str8 on the working scene is about 50% - which is pretty close to my own observations.

It would be interesting to know what the percentage of gay versus str8 farang punters would be. Many claim to be gay, although from what I've observed, some would be more appropriately classified as "perverts". Many of these twisted idiots stopped coming to town when they cleared the young kids off the sois - but you still have those who claim to be gay, although have absolutely no desire whatsoever in having sex with a gay partner. Thus, the evolution of the term "man-boy" which is nothing more than a term used by those who pay to have sex with str8 guys - not merely as a definition of a masculine gay boy as some would like you to believe.

The way I see it - half of the working boys and half ther farang punters are gay. Pretty good balance if you ask me. As far as the other half is concerned...I have always felt sorry for the str8 boys having to deal with the "man-boy stalkers", but it's a living I guess.

September 25th, 2011, 01:47
I don't care if a gogo guy is gay, straight or bi. I am only going to spend 1 to 2 hours with them so why get so invested in their sexual orientation?

I will admit that I did off a few guys that were supposed to be straight just to see if I could turn them on. It worked out better than I hoped with one of them having an orgasm in the middle of foreplay. He was so upset with himself that he refused to leave until he had enough energy to prove to me and himself that he was the man that he claimed to be! So when the morning came he was ready to begin again, only this time there was no foreplay! He just wanted to prove a point! He tried to bang me hard into the mattress changing positions similar to what you would see in a Bangkok sex show. One moment he is on my back huffing in my ear. Next thing I know he is pumping away and his feet are on either side of my head shoved into my pillow giving him leverage to continue his hard paced banging! Then I am being crab walked to the edge of the bed and.... Oh... The memories!

Well he must have told the guys at the bar about our time together because the next night when I sat down, so many of the guys were clamoring for me to off them. Many of the customers sitting near me were even amused by their boldness. Some were so forward that it made me blush. And to top it off, the host came to sit with me and made it clear to me that he knew what went on with me and the guy I offed the night before and that many of the guys want to go with me.

I did off another guy that night but he was not letting me have my way. He said no to the wine and candlelight massage while listening to smooth jazz. He would not give in to my seduction as I crawled all over his body licking, sucking, kissing while in search of his "Spot". He was simply there to fuck and go. So once I gave in that is what he did. But just because we did not shake the earth does not mean that it was not memorable. I like to think that I can still remember every guy I have had sex with in Thailand. I may not be able to remember their names but I can remember every encounter.

What do I care if they are straight or gay? I don't... :glasses7:

September 25th, 2011, 05:16
Bucknaway wrote:

Next thing I know he is pumping away and his feet are on either side of my head shoved into my pillow giving him leverage to continue his hard paced banging!

If his feet are on either side of your head what was he banging??? Either his legs were 8 feet long or you're a midget - and I know you're not a midget...55555.

That "crab walk" line was just too funny!!!

September 25th, 2011, 05:23
Bucknaway wrote:

Next thing I know he is pumping away and his feet are on either side of my head shoved into my pillow giving him leverage to continue his hard paced banging!

If his feet are on either side of your head what was he banging??? Either his legs were 8 feet long or you're a midget - and I know you're not a midget...55555.

That "crab walk" line was just too funny!!!

How dare you stick your finger into my "Misty, Water-colored Memory" :rolling:

It's how I remember it from 6 years ago :tongue3:

September 25th, 2011, 11:01
Are all boys who work in -- go go bars gay ?

I would like to know the answer to this question ,I wonder if all the boys in the go go bar a gay ,or do some of them put up and shut up just for the cash ! ...

Two gogo bars I used to attend regularly, Adam's Apple in Chiang Mai and Top Man in Soi 2, Silom, regularly had visits form Thai Ladies looking for a group of boys to take home to perform with their friends at a private party......about half of the working boys would clamour to be included, the other half almost shrinking away. I guess that is a good indication. Some of the shrinkers appeared to be very straight, and some of those who wanted to be in it were slightly delicate, but that has never been an indication!

September 25th, 2011, 13:22
I think the overwhelming majority of boys in the go go bars and massage venues are straight. I visited a massage venue in Pattaya a number of times some years ago where the boys and customers shared the same change area. I could not help but notice that every boy had a picture of a naked girl on the inside door of their locker.

September 25th, 2011, 18:06
Bucknaway wrote:

It's how I remember it from 6 years ago

I completely understand. Like you, I am counting the days until "adventure time" and the dreams I've been having lately include everything from a dozen naked boys tangled around me like snakes with their slippery tongues exploring every orifice - to a sexual encounter with a young buddhist monk with a 3 foot cock doing the moon-walk across my living room floor...LOL... :rolling:

Yes, it's holiday time again...where dreams become a reality and reality becomes a dream.

September 25th, 2011, 23:02
you still have those who claim to be gay, although have absolutely no desire whatsoever in having sex with a gay partner... those who pay to have sex with str8 guys... I have always felt sorry for the str8 boys having to deal with the "man-boy stalkers", but it's a living I guess.
Sounds like you're talking about the Undaunted/Man4allseasons of the world... I agree. They're f***ed up sad cases and the only thing they aspire to is self pleasure. They're incapable of any genuine sexual interaction and have no desire whatsoever to bring any pleasure to others.

I wouldn't get much out of having sex with someone who isn't equally attracted to me but I guess that's what prostitution delivers.

Beachlover...I wrote fell in "lust"....not love!!
Sorry, you're right... My bad. :happy7:

September 26th, 2011, 00:18
Interesting and intellectual topic and the discussions are very constructive.

Let me give the topic a little twist. Taken for granted that at least 60% of them are gays; "How many % of them really enjoy sex with farangs/tourist"?.

In my observations they enjoy sex more with thier own kind, meaning Thais with Thais. This is specially the 100% gay fem types. They do go for money with us but they take that money :snorting: and enjoy real sex with the Masculine Thai guys?

Any views/experiences?

September 26th, 2011, 02:14
....?????????? why would u assume that a Thai prefers another Thai...??, I run screamong from anythinmg that looks like a Ricky Martin/Tom Cruise cross as thats exactly what I look like...only better...and hung...naturally.....I want different...don't wanna fuck my brother...givr me blondes...asians...not south europeans..thats like incest...

September 26th, 2011, 03:19
Interesting and intellectual topic and the discussions are very constructive.

Let me give the topic a little twist. Taken for granted that at least 60% of them are gays; "How many % of them really enjoy sex with farangs/tourist"?.

In my observations they enjoy sex more with thier own kind, meaning Thais with Thais. This is specially the 100% gay fem types. They do go for money with us but they take that money :snorting: and enjoy real sex with the Masculine Thai guys?

Any views/experiences?

I think it all depends on the chemistry. If a guy is attracted to another guy they are going to have fun. If a guy is not attracted to another guy than every touch is a chore.

September 26th, 2011, 20:14
I bar find a lesbian once in Bangkok , she was soon converted back :thumbleft:

September 26th, 2011, 20:21
I bar find a lesbian once in Bangkok , she was soon converted back :thumbleft:

Alan are you trying to say that one's sexuality is a choice and that gay people can be converted into hetro's or vise versa? If so I think you should stick to building houses mate....

September 27th, 2011, 00:46
I was honestly on the fence for a while... thought I was bi and wasn't sure which way I wanted to lean but knew I definitely wanted to explore my gay side.

The weekend that really changed that for me was one night in Singapore with some of my straight mates. They're all Australian but working all over the place so we organised to catch up in Singapore. Everyone flew in and we had a few big nights out (Singapore has GREAT nightlife). On the last night I picked up this sexy Singaporean girl on the dance floor at one of the Clarke Quay nightclubs and had a great time getting to know her. We had sex later that night and it was ok.

What really did it was the next night I was in Bangkok and picked up a cute Thai boy at one of the discos... he came back to my room and we must've been doing it for 3-4 hours because by the time we finished the sun was coming up.

The difference between the girl in Singapore and the boy in Bangkok the next night was too much to ignore. The girl was fun and I enjoyed it but it was just sex. Mostly mechanical and kind like ploughing a soft, silky piece of meat (not offense to her). Where as with the boy it was all passion and deeper lust and connection. We had an amazing night. Totally different... so right there I made up my mind.

Up until then I'd always thought I'd explore my gay side and then do the whole wife and family thing later... Now I'll do the same, except with a guy who I know I will love more deeply.

Taken for granted that at least 60% of them are gays; "How many % of them really enjoy sex with farangs/tourist"?.
Zero or close to zero.

That's why they're called prostitutes. That's what prostitution is. It's guys getting paid to have sex with people they're not attracted to at all most of the time. It's the same with the straight gogo bar scene right?

But if you're talking about Thais who genuinely hook up with foreigners, I'd say most prefer to have sex with other Asians (as is natural). There's certainly some who like to hook up with Caucasians and other races but in most cases this means guys their own age with similar standard of looks etc. (if it is a genuine hook up).

September 28th, 2011, 06:49
I bar find a lesbian once in Bangkok , she was soon converted back :thumbleft:
Its true ... :headbang:

September 28th, 2011, 15:54
why worry if a guy is gay straight or bi .. its what hes pad to do
how mny of us on here get paid to do something we like doing ?id imagine most of us are slaves to the wage

September 29th, 2011, 00:29
how mny of us on here get paid to do something we like doing ?
Well I do... It makes sense to find something you like doing.

Steve Jobs said...

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you havenтАЩt found it yet, keep looking. DonтАЩt settle."

September 29th, 2011, 06:35
how mny of us on here get paid to do something we like doing ?
Well I do... It makes sense to find something you like doing.

Steve Jobs said...

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you havenтАЩt found it yet, keep looking. DonтАЩt settle."


Steve Jobs work with Apple is a bit different to being a bus driver in Clapham Junction!!

September 29th, 2011, 14:19
Steve Jobs work with Apple is a bit different to being a bus driver in Clapham Junction!!

Agreed and one should always remember that it is only those with money that say money is not important in life, you would never hear someone who scrapes by day to day trying to make a living say such a thing!

September 29th, 2011, 17:33
Being straight and having to do a job like that's like being a gay man and having to have sex with a woman -- and on average a fat old woman :crybaby: lol lol.....Rather drive a bus myself !!!

October 1st, 2011, 11:44
Being straight and having to do a job like that's like being a gay man and having to have sex with a woman -- and on average a fat old woman :crybaby: lol lol.....Rather drive a bus myself !!!

But when driving a bus is not gonna cut it in terms of financial, being straight, I would probably force myself to have sex with a man - even on average is a fat old man.

October 1st, 2011, 14:53
Interesting and intellectual topic and the discussions are very constructive.

Let me give the topic a little twist. Taken for granted that at least 60% of them are gays; "How many % of them really enjoy sex with farangs/tourist"?.

In my observations they enjoy sex more with thier own kind, meaning Thais with Thais. This is specially the 100% gay fem types. They do go for money with us but they take that money :snorting: and enjoy real sex with the Masculine Thai guys?

Any views/experiences?

I think it all depends on the chemistry. If a guy is attracted to another guy they are going to have fun. If a guy is not attracted to another guy than every touch is a chore.

I think its very hard to put a % figure on how many really enjoy sex with farangs/tourists - pretty much-every sexual encounter between 2 people is going to be different from another 2
I think you can only go on our own experiences --- -and how you preform /what you do etc -- are the both of you sattisfied at the end of the session etc
Yes they take our money but it doesnt mean they dont enjoy the sex !!!!depends on how you take care that they get pleasure also !!

Re Thai only liking Thais --not automatic ----1 example -2 guys i know well- not the 100% gay fem type , both gay,both the small build similar to the fem types (both versa bottom )
1 yes his pref is Thai /Asian only --and the other guy is into Farang men,will only ever watch farang porn etc --

October 3rd, 2011, 15:10
Another relevant question is, what percentage of farang punters do you think are selfish in bed and don't give a toss how much pleasure their gogo boy for the night receives?

pretty much-every sexual encounter between 2 people is going to be different from another 2... Yes they take our money but it doesnt mean they dont enjoy the sex !!!!depends on how you take care that they get pleasure also !!
I agree with these bits...

I doubt any or many would enjoy having sex with all farang tourists in general but they might enjoy a few individual encounters.

Steve Jobs work with Apple is a bit different to being a bus driver in Clapham Junction!!
I had to look that up! Sounds like an interesting movie... will watch it.

Don't get me wrong... income is critical. But finding what you like and/or liking what you do go a long way to deriving a good income from it.

I've met all kinds of people working in routine jobs who love what they do. I had an Iranian taxi driver who told me he loved what he did. We were driving over the Harbour Bridge when I asked him if he enjoyed it and he gestured up at the structure above us and asked me, how many people get to drive through the most beautiful city in the world? He said at the end of every week, he gets to put $50 in his son's moneybox and $50 in his daughter's moneybox and went on to say all the things he loved about his job. A truly happy man.

My first part time job while at university was something a lot of people would dread to do (not going to say what it was). I loved every minute of it.

October 4th, 2011, 11:12
Cannot say I have ever met or know of a homophobic guy working in a gay bar.
Cannot really say I have met any homophobic Thais whiles I have been here either may be I look to butch for them to speak their mind. :dontknow:

October 4th, 2011, 11:33
I've met all kinds of people working in routine jobs who love what they do. I had an Iranian taxi driver who told me he loved what he did. We were driving over the Harbour Bridge when I asked him if he enjoyed it and he gestured up at the structure above us and asked me, how many people get to drive through the most beautiful city in the world? He said at the end of every week, he gets to put $50 in his son's moneybox and $50 in his daughter's moneybox and went on to say all the things he loved about his job. A truly happy man.

My first part time job while at university was something a lot of people would dread to do (not going to say what it was). I loved every minute of it.

Go on ,let me guess!! A prostitute at The Wall. :hello1:
Of course the Iranian taxi driver would be happy driving a Taxi in Sydney. Its called 'Freedom' from what he probably left behind, so I am sure that he loved what he did.

October 4th, 2011, 14:07
Cannot say I have ever met or know of a homophobic guy working in a gay bar.
Cannot really say I have met any homophobic Thais whiles I have been here either may be I look to butch for them to speak their mind. :dontknow:

No, I don't think that is it :evil4:

October 4th, 2011, 16:23
Beachlover wrote:

My first part time job while at university was something a lot of people would dread to do (not going to say what it was). I loved every minute of it.

I think people who set goals for themselves - and are self-motivated to achieving those goals - tend to enjoy their work much more than those who don't place a light at the end of their tunnel. I enjoyed sweeping floors and waiting on tables at a small diner in Chicago's financial district when I was 14 - enjoying every minute if it - because I knew if I worked hard enough one day they would be waiting on me. I could have been turning tricks for easy money (I had plenty of offers) but couldn't stomach getting in bed with an old man...and at that age 30 was considered old. I often think about this from a working boys perspective.

October 4th, 2011, 20:56
Go on ,let me guess!! A prostitute at The Wall. :hello1:
Would that please you? :rolling:

Of course the Iranian taxi driver would be happy driving a Taxi in Sydney. Its called 'Freedom' from what he probably left behind, so I am sure that he loved what he did.
Valid point. But there's plenty of taxi drivers from Iran and other problematic countries who aren't that happy. I take cabs 15 to 20 times a week so I have a lot of exposure them!

I think people who set goals for themselves - and are self-motivated to achieving those goals - tend to enjoy their work much more than those who don't place a light at the end of their tunnel.
I noticed two kinds of people working at my first job... people doing it with no end in sight and people who were there temporarily on their way to somewhere else (e.g. students like me). The former were often in survival mode and latter tended to be more positive.

October 5th, 2011, 04:24
Are all boys who work in -- go go bars gay ?
Since you asked, the answer is no.

October 6th, 2011, 12:14
Very few people end up in jobs and careers that they are truly passionate about or truly enjoy...those that are fortunate enough to find their niche invariably are hugely successfukl like the recently departed Steve Jobs...
As for the Oranian taxi driver, probably the fact that he was able to live in a fanatstic country like Australia with all it's western notions of personal choices and freedom made up for what I would consider to be an exhaustingly boring job....but please note that a taxi driver in Austrlia makes a good living income wise..we're not talking about a tul tuk driver in BKK who peddles his butt as a side line.
Back to the subject at hand...faced with watching rice grow and riding buffaloes and having no (minimal) income...I guess being a gogo boy and being ridden and earning an income they could only dream of back home...the reason why a stright boy will have sex with men is crystal clear...it"s a well paying job...

October 6th, 2011, 20:15
Very few people end up in jobs and careers that they are truly passionate about or truly enjoy
This has got to be one of the saddest things in life...

please note that a taxi driver in Austrlia makes a good living income wise
I doubt so. The guys who own the taxi plates (i.e. taxi license) and rent them out to drivers make good money, especially since the government strictly limits the number which may be issued. The drivers only take home a fraction of the takings after paying for taxi rental, fuel and other costs. It's a bottom of the rung job.