September 22nd, 2011, 23:21
Has anyone tried downloading any of these movies yet?

September 23rd, 2011, 10:46
Haven't tried any of these links but have never had an issue with stuff downloaded from Fileserve or Filesonic (the links above look like they're from another site). I've heard some can contain a virus but never experienced it myself so proceed AYOR. Maybe scan each file before opening it.

Go to http://www.hotfilesearch.com and type in what you want. This site searches files from Hotfile and Filesonic and is usually pretty reliable. You can also use http://www.filestube.com (this trawls a whole bunch of file sharing sites) but search results from this tend to be messier and less relevant.

With FileSonic, it's worth paying to become a premium member as you can download multiple files at once and it makes downloading a million times faster.

In case anyone's wondering why this random user decided to so considerately post a bunch of movies... I think (not 100% sure) some of these file sharing sites have programs where people who upload files get commission when people download them. Hence, they have some incentive to get as many people to use their download links as possible.

Of course, this is blatant piracy too. I went through a phase when I refused to download stuff like this. Now I'll only download if I've already bought the DVD and have it at home (more convenient watching stuff off my hard drive as it's always with me) or if there's really no convenient way to legitimately rent or stream it locally... just a personal choice.