View Full Version : Police checkpoints

May 7th, 2006, 03:18
Police set up mobile checkpoints for better performance in crime preventing.

Pattaya police could not rest when seeing a soaring number of crimes committed by teen gangs and motorcycle gangs in the city. Senior officers of Pattaya police detachment decided to do more of micro and mobile checkpoint units around the city. Officers said they believed that by setting up this micro and mobile checkpoints could help them confiscating weapons that motorcycle gangs usually carry. And, it would make tourists feel safe and have more confident in taking holiday in Pattaya city.

May 7th, 2006, 03:43
I sure hope the check points do more than check for helmets. I would appreciate all efforts to make Pattaya a safer place to play. Does anyone else ever wonder about the condition of the helmets that the motor bike guys give you to wear. It is a wonder I have not picked up some condition from wearing those well used helmets. Perhaps I'm the only one who has considered this sanitary problem.

May 7th, 2006, 05:48
those helmets and the sweaty hot padded ones you get at the go kart racing track.

I know the plastic is smooth on the baht bike helmets.
Hopefully the bugs fall out before the next rider?

May 7th, 2006, 20:52
My old secret for stinky helmets: carry a hanky or tea towel in your pocket, and put it inside the helmet before using it. It's not 100% failsafe, but it prevents you from having a stinky head, and has some redeeming psychological value.