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View Full Version : In Friday's BKK Post GURU Magazine

August 21st, 2011, 09:02
I was amazed to see this advertisement ...in the BKK Post ..... just waitin' for the comparable boy bar!!!

Thai Dyed
August 21st, 2011, 13:42
Available Russian women are becoming a regular feature in several Asian countries. They usually are the most expensive too.
If I were interested in Russians, I would go to Russia, and I would head straight for Saint Petersburg.

{naughty naughty underage photos removed - do not post them again - jinks}

August 22nd, 2011, 05:21

Thai Dyed
August 22nd, 2011, 20:18
Available Russian women are becoming a regular feature in several Asian countries. They usually are the most expensive too.
If I were interested in Russians, I would go to Russia, and I would head straight for Saint Petersburg.

{naughty naughty underage photos removed - do not post them again - jinks}

jinks: Those images you judged to be "naughty naughty" were taken from the site of one of New York's leading galleries, and were works created by one of Russia's leading fine arts photographers, Evgeny Mokhorev. He is based in Saint Petersburg and is deeply involved in the world renown fine arts community located in that city. Mokhorev's work is exhibited internationally and represented in leading museums, including the two works of art that you removed from my post.

The reason I would head straight for Saint Petersburg were I to visit Russia is that several artists including Mokhorev have invited me to do so.

http://nailyaalexandergallery.com/artis ... y-mokhorev (http://nailyaalexandergallery.com/artist/evgeny-mokhorev)

Nailya Alexander Gallery
41 E 57th Street, Suite 704
New York, NY 10022
Tel: 212-315-2211

August 22nd, 2011, 21:05
ART ok, but they are still underage IMHO.

Thai Dyed
August 22nd, 2011, 22:03
ART ok, but they are still underage IMHO.

There wasn't even any nudity involved, and it was very hard to determine the age of the youths to begin with since they were obviously teenagers, and rates of maturation vary widely. I've seen Thai boys in your advertising on this site that look even younger, and in the nude.

In one photo that I posted, the boy is wearing baggy shorts, and in the other nothing is showing below the navel. Am I to take it that you are going to remove any photos ever posted here that had an image of anyone who may be under 18, even if they are wearing clothes?

I can't see you scouring all those pictures posted in the past that have really young boys wearing Speedos. Of course, you are a moderator, and I certainly would never question your authority to do anything your little heart desires. But it seems absurd to be censoring photos that don't even contain nudity, are by well known artists, and are taken from major art galleries.

You once before removed pictures I posted in a thread about tourism in Mexico. In that case I had used a photo of deceased victims of drug wars that almost all of Mexico is notorious for. What board rule were you invoking in that instance since the corpses were obviously men in their 30s? Or is there an unwritten rule concerning the possibility of necrophilia?
You failed to express your "humble opinion" when you did that.

August 24th, 2011, 04:03
Thai dyed, nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to post on this forum; if you don't like the rules then kindly shuffle onto the next site. It's bad enough that most straights associate gay with deviant child rapists without post of photos of males who may be borderline.....

August 24th, 2011, 21:33
It's bad enough that most straights associate gay with deviant child rapists without post of photos of males who may be borderline.....

The blond in this photo appears to be beyond "borderline". Looks like he might be about 14 and he's very small, at least 6 inches shorter than the average boys around him. The one next to him would appear to be about 16 at most. I think anyone taking either of these two from the bar would be considered to be "deviant child rapists" by "most straights". I don't doubt that they have ID to prove they are of legal age, but this whole debate has turned into what something APPEARS TO BE and what MIGHT BE. At no point has reality entered into the discussion.

August 25th, 2011, 01:32
...At no point has reality entered into the discussion.

Of course not!

Imagine if either the mysterious owner or our esteemed moderator allowed FACTS to interfere with their editorial decisions - it's simply unthinkable!


PS By my reckoning the "blond" is well into his twenties by now - unless he has a double from years past in Sunee. Still cute though!

August 30th, 2011, 21:23
Thai Dyed...

1. You have a habit of posting photos and drawings depicting REALLY young boys here. Why the f*** you do that is beyond me.

2. You previously ranted against Sunee Plaza being cleaned up. It sounded like you were against any sort of law enforcement taking place in that sliver of filth. You'd rather it be left to its filthy, drug addicted, pedo street kid past.

3. You posted some disgusting thread about boys taking hormones to satisfy pedos.

4. Your idea of paradise is to have boys young enough to be your grandson hanging off each arm.

Sorry, but both you and Springco are f***ed in the head. You've lived in the Shitsville bubble too long and lost the ability to engage with mainstream society as normal people...