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View Full Version : SPICE is the newly named National Gay Magazine StickyRice

May 6th, 2006, 11:59

Press Release:

The premiere issue of the upgraded and improved national Gay Magazine (Thai Guys-Sticky Rice, now SPICE!) is now 100% in color. It is packed with new columns and colorful maps and will be available at your favorite Gay venue from May 12th.

Why did we change our name? Why call it Spice? Well, some did not like the old name, some thought the name meant Asians who like Asians, but in truth, it was not representative of what we are. We hope to Spice up your life by giving you added news & features to enjoy your time in Paradise! We also wanted a name that was short, easy to remember, easy to pronounce by Foreigners & Thai also. The name change shows our intention and determination to give the best news and lifestyle information to Gay Tourists and Ex-pats who live here. We want to provide good maps and information on the main Gay areas and also interesting articles from top international writers about topics pertinent to our lifestyle. We will continue to cover events in our communities and support the Gay organizations and charities, whether they are advertisers or not, as this is a publication for and about our community here in Thailand. You will see many new features in this issue such as: Ask Darika-advice on Love & Life, your personalized Horoscope, Foods & recipes from different parts of the country (this issue features Central Thailand), Travel in Style, a glimpse into the lives of Interesting people from our community, D├йcor & Lifestyle along with all the features we have already introduced since taking over the management this past January.

We have a new website at www.spicemag.net (http://www.spicemag.net) which is still a work in progress and will contain most of the content of our magazine (including articles, maps, destination guides and classifieds), the old site at www.stickyrice.ws (http://www.stickyrice.ws) will continue to operate by another management.

Check this issue for details about the winner Cliff of Washington DC, who gave us our new name, SPICE! If you have any comments or suggestions, we would appreciate to hear from you. Send them to us at: editor@spicemag.net.

May 6th, 2006, 14:29
Happy to hear about the hot new recipe magazine! Will it have a Q and A section where we can ask where to buy turmeric?

Sorry, couldn't help myself there.

It seems like a pretty good name, as we all know, Thai boys can be pretty spicy, especially if you kiss them right after they have eaten a plate of fried hot chile grasshoppers!

So, SPICE it is!

Chok dee mahk mahk

and it is so much better than STICKY RICE, but then that wasn't a high bar to jump, eh?

May 6th, 2006, 15:43
and call it Prik?

May 6th, 2006, 16:11
If we may judge the magazine by its cover, it looks as though the folks at Spice have found a new designer as well -- I love the new, clean look (well, the cute model doesn't hurt either...).

May 6th, 2006, 17:48
Prik is a Thai word for pepper and often you hear it called prik tai.. Clever pun Edith and I hope you enjoy prik every day to
spice up your life...

American Teacher-old
May 6th, 2006, 18:04
I like it. I like it a lot!


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May 6th, 2006, 19:52
The title is catchy, and the layout of the cover is very nice!

(However, the model on the cover looks odd ... as if he has extra-terrestrial genes almost)

May 6th, 2006, 22:42
The coverboy looks fine to me. Very fine indeed! He looks too serious though, he needs to smile.

May 6th, 2006, 22:48
The coverboy doesn't look very Thai to me. Chinese perhaps but still good looking.

May 6th, 2006, 23:06
Looks like a northern boy, I'd guess Chiang Mai.

May 7th, 2006, 15:46
Prik is a Thai word for pepper and often you hear it called prik tai.. Clever pun Edith and I hope you enjoy prik every day to spice up your life...

Thank you for your kind thoughts and same-same to you.
BTW: I do. Tonight, it was Italian. I am easily assimilated as well as of rather eclectic tastes. (I hope, in trying to clean that up I didn't obfuscate the gest.)

BTW: I think the Spice boy is quite comely*. The androgynous look may be, at least in part; the result of close cropping*.
*No pun(s) intended.