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Brad the Impala
August 16th, 2011, 19:37
If you ever find me anticipating with such relish a night out playing party games like these, I will certainly have reached my second childhood!

Have you ever seen where teams of boys (2 to a team try to bust balloons using their bodies). They need to push the balloons between their bodies until it breaks. The balloons have to be really full of air so they do break. The team breaking the most balloons wins. They can not use hands or feet.


Make up even teams...boys and farangs...the more to a team, the more fun.

For each team, take two table spoons and securely tie the end of a 3 - 4 metre length of smooth string to one of the spoons. Roll the string up onto that spoon then tie the end to the other spoon. Line the teams up and give the spoons to the first in line.

At the word go the first one threads the unwrapped spoondown his shirts and pants and out the bottom. The next in line threads the spoon up his pant and out the top of his shirt...and so on and so on until you have a spoon at one end and a spoon at the other. Once this is confirmed by the judge then the last person begins to roll up the string on his spoon as the spoon at the front begins it's erotic journey through the line. The team that gets their two spoons together wins.

It is permissable for team members to assist those who are having trouble...as there always is. Make sure the string is smooth as you don't want rope burns.

There's always the pass the apple game. Teams of boys line up and an apple (or orange or whatever) is placed under the chin of the first boy. He passes it to the next boy in line without using hands and so on down the line. The first team to get the apple to the other end wins. If the apple falls, it is returned to the front of the line and that team has to start all over again. Should lead to lots of body rubbing together as they to secure the apple under the chin of the next in line

Credit where credit is due. http://gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3318&start=40

August 16th, 2011, 19:46
Then someone comes in, and ruins all the excitement!

A comment on farang (including myself unfortunately) passing things: We probably cannot do it because our stomach will not permit us to get close enough together to pass anything.

heh, talk about a mental image. These huge farangs, with their bellies protruding 2 feet from their body, trying to pass something from their legs to this poor, tiny 19yo Thai guy. In his excitement, the farang rushes up, belly collides, and knocks the poor Thai right on his ass.

August 17th, 2011, 00:09
Oh christ... you just can't make this shit up. :rolling:

I know most people there live in a sleazy, prostitute-filled bubble and have no self awareness whatsoever but this takes them to a whole lower league!

Are we really seeing a bunch of fat, dopey, old farang who do little but lurch from prostitute to prostitute, talk about having their favourite boy prostitutes who are young enough to be their grandsons strip off and play kids party games at the next meet and greet?
Please tell me that's not what we're seeing here! :drv:

What's even classier is them arguing over a 100 or 200 baht entrance fee (do you realise that's $3 to $6?) and asking for donations of food. :rolling:

August 17th, 2011, 16:25
I clicked over to that forum earlier today just to check in since
I hadn't been there in a couple of months....

one look at the thread titles was enough for me to click the back
button. multiple topics like: peodophiles, HIV, and farang suicide...
not necessarily in that order. :tard:

August 17th, 2011, 16:48
This game can be part of a range of games:
2 boys against each other and each boy has to form the Union Jack using clothes from the people in the audience.
The boy that finishes first, well..........

August 17th, 2011, 21:16
This game can be part of a range of games:
2 boys against each other and each boy has to form the Union Jack using clothes from the people in the audience.
The boy that finishes first, well..........

Can I pay 1000B into the prize fund for the pleasure of setting the Union Jack alight?

It would make my day.

What's with all these ridiculous games anyway - one would think you're all ex-Scoutmasters (wouldn't surprise me actually)


August 17th, 2011, 23:24
I clicked over to that forum earlier today just to check in since
I hadn't been there in a couple of months....

one look at the thread titles was enough for me to click the back
button. multiple topics like: peodophiles, HIV, and farang suicide...
not necessarily in that order. :tard:
Like I said, a bunch of fat, creepy, old farang with zero self awareness, mediocre means and no productive ambitions, living in a sleazy bubble world and doing little but lurch from one prostitute to the next...

August 19th, 2011, 18:19
one would think you're all ex-Scoutmasters (wouldn't surprise me actually)

hahahahaha eww! i think i had that scoutmaster!