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August 13th, 2011, 10:59
Fortunately for every admirer of Air Chief Marshall Foo Foo (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8304660/WikiLeaks-cables-Thailands-royal-pet.html), it looks as though the government is putting a stop to the export (to "another country") of dogs for human consumption (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2011/08/13/national/Dogs-saved-from-dinner-tables-but-still-in-danger-30162662.html). However they may suffer a worse fate - they may (unlike Foo Foo) starve to death.

Thai Dyed
August 13th, 2011, 13:21
Fortunately for every admirer of Air Chief Marshall Foo Foo (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8304660/WikiLeaks-cables-Thailands-royal-pet.html), it looks as though the government is putting a stop to the export (to "another country") of dogs for human consumption (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2011/08/13/national/Dogs-saved-from-dinner-tables-but-still-in-danger-30162662.html). However they may suffer a worse fate - they may (unlike Foo Foo) starve to death.

Some great reporting from you here thonglor55! I always like to see both sides of the story.

But the slaughter of bulls and cows and pigs continues unabated. In fact they are bred for slaughter! Why no "Air Chief Marshall" for any of them? I think the only reason we don't eat dogs is that their meat is tough and not very good tasting.

Have you ever had a meal of dog? I did as a guest of Koreans once and I was told it was an example of the finest of culinary dog preparation, but I had to struggle to get through the dreadful taste and toughness of it. Maybe geneticists could breed a good tasting, tender dog? I am in no position to say. But out of fairness, I think we should give the bulls, cows and pigs a break too. Nay?


August 13th, 2011, 13:26
But out of fairness, I think we should give the bulls, cows and pigs a break too. Nay?I hadn't taken you for a sentimentalist TD? Perhaps you prefer feasting on the foetuses and uterus of plants?

August 13th, 2011, 13:36
I have it on good advice that Beachlover was reared on a diet that consisted exclusively of dog and kimchi. Those closest to him say the stench of it pervades his every pore and is what makes him so irresistible to those who are so dietarily inclined.

Thai Dyed
August 13th, 2011, 13:53
But out of fairness, I think we should give the bulls, cows and pigs a break too. Nay?I hadn't taken you for a sentimentalist TD? Perhaps you prefer feasting on the foetuses and uterus of plants?

Were I heading in that direction, I would go straight for the real thing. My fundamentalist Christian contacts keep inviting me to dinner, and I just may take them up on it. Why be sentimental at all? As long as you make one of their species "Air Chief Marshall" first. Nay? Hey thonglor55, if I were Air Chief Marshall, I'd let you eat me too, or at least tongue it. But no biting!

[attachment=0:3u3pcwzn]Christain food concepts.jpg[/attachment:3u3pcwzn]

August 13th, 2011, 14:22
I have it on good advice that Beachlover was reared on a diet that consisted exclusively of dog and kimchi. Those closest to him say the stench of it pervades his every pore and is what makes him so irresistible to those who are so dietarily inclined.That may explain his attraction for homintern.

Thai Dyed
August 13th, 2011, 16:36
thonglor55, maybe we are being all too sentimental as you have already stated, as well as too squeamish. Perhaps we should adapt the attitude that Beachlover does when he talks about "extracting value" which figures very strongly into his system of economics and human behavior. Perhaps we should look upon those lorry loads of dogs as a from a extracting value from an otherwise worthless item, in this case dogs. Perhaps we could extract even a much higher value among many Asians who prize the brains of monkeys? This could be a real money spinner for some smart entrepreneur like Beachlover!

There are even videos on Youtube that show the preparation of monkey brains which fall into three culinary categories:
1. the brain is eaten cooked,
2. the brain is eaten raw (occasionally directly out of the dead monkey's skull),
3. the brain is eaten fresh, spooned out of the skull while the monkey is still alive.

And who could doubt this ancient Asian wisdom, least of all from the Chinese who are poised to be our future leaders: "In China and Indonesia people are eating live monkey brains. It is believed that monkey brains provide a very good nutritional source for health. Monkey brains are often associated to the ability to cure male impotency. Some people even state that eating monkey brains will make us smarter."

This could prove to give Viagra and Cialis a good run for their money! It could well be the very reason that the Chinese outfoxed almost everyone in becoming so smart as to take over the world. I think there is a veritable fortune to be made here "extracting value" to use Beachlover's lovely concept.

The fact that a monkey is already a god in a major religion, would serve advertising purposes as well. And Hanuman would also serve well as an "Air Chief Marshall" since flying is one of his talents! This is a win-win situation all around!

[attachment=0:z0d926xn]Air Chief Marshall Hanuman.jpg[/attachment:z0d926xn]

August 13th, 2011, 17:33
Perhaps we could extract even a much higher value among many Asians who prize the brains of monkeys? This could be a real money spinner for some smart entrepreneur like Beachlover! Perhaps you don't know that for many years injections of monkey glands were supposed to rejuvenate the elderly? In a review of Edmund White's City Boy: My Life in New York During the 1960s and '70s (http://blog.outinprint.net/2011/02/28/city-boy-my-life-in-new-york-during-the-1960s-and-70s--edmund-white-bloomsbury-usa.aspx) the reviewer mentions that White befriended Ted Morgan, the biographer of another gay writer, Somerset Maugham
... who recounted that toward the end of his life, Maugham had тАЬтАжlost his mind to Alzheimer's though he was pumped full of youth-enhancing monkey glands. Virile and hyperactive but incapable of thinking, the once witty and ironic author would greet guests at the gates of his Riviera compound by presenting them with a welcoming handful of his own shit."Could this be another business venture for Beachbore? I'm not sure that monkey glands would be much help for posters who have lost their mind, such as talibalaan, either.

August 14th, 2011, 01:34
Warning: Graphic content

I have it on good advice that Beachlover was reared on a diet that consisted exclusively of dog and kimchi.
Piss off. I hate kimchi and I have never eaten dog meat while sober...

The one time I MAY have tried dog meat was when I was unbelievably drunk one night and it wasn't in Thailand...

It was the night after visiting this place, a butcher specialising in dog meat (yes, we were backpackers and went in to have a gawk):


Close up, it looks like one good reason not to eat dog meat is how labour-intensive it is to cut up the meat:


The next night, we were all unbelievably drunk on the local brew (some kind of wine or whisky sold in plastic bottles) and trying all kinds of stuff at this streetside BBQ store, as you do...

I THINK I tried everything in this photo. Basically, if it had a skewer in it, I ate it and I do remember someone mentioning dog meat. :rolling:


Can anyone guess what country this is?

August 14th, 2011, 02:01
Yup, it's graphic - but I've seen animals prepared for food before and this is just the same, really. Never felt the desire to knowingly eat dog, but I was told that I did once - after the fact.

Interesting pictures, though. I don't have a guess as to where they were.

BTW - you forgot to black out the image of yourself in the reflection on the bottle. (Razzing you there, Beachlover)

August 14th, 2011, 04:18
I was yakking with Khun Suphot (Smile's better half) one day and asked him if he ever ate dog meat. He said only once and that it wasn't intentional (his friends were having a barbeque, he specifically asked them if it was dog as he didn't want to eat any of that, they told him it wasn't, he tried a little, and then he barfed it up when his friends laughed and told him it was dogmeat).

Anyway, I understood from Pot that very few people in his home area (Surin Province) ever ate dog. I asked him if people that actually ate dog would even eat their own friggin' pets. He said "heck no" or words to that effect. "Well, then, what dogs do they eat?" I inquired. Pot answered: "Well, if they don't like their neighbor and the neighbor is away in town, they might eat the neighbor's dog!" Still funny as hell to me.

August 14th, 2011, 07:14
couple years ago a magazine there had a layout picture
of 4 freshly killed field mice- unskinned.
intended to be cooked and served with rice.

August 14th, 2011, 13:10
Piss off. I hate kimchi and I have never eaten dog meat while sober...Perhaps Beachbore is one of those "half decaf half regular skinny soy latte" types.

August 14th, 2011, 17:55
Piss off. I hate kimchi and I have never eaten dog meat while sober...Perhaps Beachbore is one of those "half decaf half regular skinny soy latte" types.

Only Pansies drink coffee in any form.

Good strong TEA is the drink for real men (like me)


August 14th, 2011, 18:06
Only Pansies drink coffee in any form.

I'm a happy pansy then......

August 14th, 2011, 18:07
And look at what just showed up in the Daily Mail:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... scued.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2025402/The-heart-breaking-pictures-1-000-dogs-stuffed-cages-sold-meat--theyve-rescued.html)

1000+ dogs being sold from Nathom and Si Songkhram districts up to Vietnam for consumption. heh, anytime Kim gets pissed off at our dog he always issues the threat, "You want to goto Nakhom Si Songkhram?!?!?".



August 14th, 2011, 23:23
Interesting pictures, though. I don't have a guess as to where they were.
It was a remote area in Vietnam... I wonder if the dog was exported from Thailand.

I asked him if people that actually ate dog would even eat their own friggin' pets. He said "heck no" or words to that effect. "Well, then, what dogs do they eat?" I inquired. Pot answered: "Well, if they don't like their neighbor and the neighbor is away in town, they might eat the neighbor's dog!" Still funny as hell to me.
When I did a week staying with hill tribes in the remote North of Thailand, they said they tend to eat dogs, which are naughty or being a nuisance. If the neighbour's dog is harassing their chickens, they give it a couple of chances to behave before it gets BBQ'd.

My guide lives in one of the villages we slept in. He said when he leaves home, his farewell to neighbours is "don't eat my dogs" but they still do...

Remember these dogs aren't the nice, healthy, fluffy puppies we're used to. They're scrappy animals given a few scraps of food each day... no grooming or vet care.

Above: I slept in the open that night so I was actually glad one of these dogs decided to sleep at my feet to fend of snakes and other creepy crawlies.

Above: Probably less meat than a chicken on this one... it was in one of the more barren and depressing-looking villages we walked into.