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View Full Version : Financial Report -- TAKE CARE!! fundraiser 8 August 2011

August 10th, 2011, 09:28
We are pleased to report the following breakdown of the funds raised by TAKE CARE!! at the CORNER BAR fundraiser on Monday evening 8 August 2011:

-- RECEIPTS FROM AUCTION (TAKE CARE!!тАЩs share of the тАЬ1/3-2/3тАЭ auction) тАУ 13,168 baht

-- GRAND TOTAL == 37,675 baht

TAKE CARE!! sends special thanks to the management and staff of CORNER BAR тАУ such great hosts!!!!, the many venues that provided prizes for the lucky ticket draw, those who provided items for the auction, Monty for his unique auctioneering skills, Jack Levy of MLG Insurance for sponsoring the B-BOYZ (WOW!!!) and to all who attended and provided their support.

These funds will enable TAKE CARE!! to fund the purchase of more than 3,000 safer sex packs for distribution to gay venues in the Pattayaland, Sunee Plaza and Jomtien Complex areas.

See ya next time тАжтАжтАж TAKE CARE!!

August 11th, 2011, 00:38
Ah, brilliant. So after starting three separate threads to flog this big "FANTASTIC" event here...

1. It raised a little over $1,000

2. The auction drummed up an average of approx $30 per item, of which only $10 (a third) goes to the charity.

3. According to some, a local artist's paintings were auctioned for barely 10% of their worth. The winning bids BARELY covered the artist's out of pocket costs for materials/framing, let alone the long hours of labour/skill to produce these paintings.

4. The auction raised 13,168 baht for the charity. But didn't a local business donate TWO 15,000 baht vouchers for, which full proceeds were to go to charity? What were the winning bids on these vouchers? Their combined value of 30,000 baht contrasts bleakly with the mere 13,168 generated from the auction and 37,168 raised in total.

Now be objective and compare input with output here...

With 39 auction items donated, a large contribution of works to auction from a local artist, performance donated, insurance donated, copious food and drinks donated and flogging the event on multiple forums... the result is raising a little over a thousand bucks and a bit of "feel good" energy.

August 11th, 2011, 12:42
Beachlover, what is your point? I suppose you are insinuating that we locals are skinflints by so under giving to Take Care. Might I point out that Take Care accepts Paypal contributions from those who wish to help this very worthy cause. After your post, I assume you will be making such a donation to close the gap between what was raised at the affair and what you feel should have been realized. I'm not a member of Take Care, but I thank you in advance for your gift.

August 11th, 2011, 15:56
the result is raising a little over a thousand bucks and a bit of "feel good" energy.Which is 1000 bucks more that Take Care now have to help safe sex than they would have had if there had not been a fundraiser. Irrespective how well it 'could' have done, at least it came up with actual cash! not just a waffle of hot wind from a mouth-on-a-stick and no cash! with zero 'feel good' energy...only negatives.
Beachlover, what is your point?It's just another excuse for the rant-a-day flooder to rack up the post tally. That's all.

According to Corner Bar the total was on a par with the last 2 events at around Bt37,000 baht and Bt40,000 baht. If organising money for this charity had been left to you beachflooder, instead of around bt114,000 CASH being available for the cause, there would have been precisely NIL baht, 0 baht, 0 Australian Dollars. Try putting your ranting skills into something more positive for a change.

August 11th, 2011, 22:28
RichLB, I've addressed your off road concerns below.

Now maybe you or someone else can address the issue objectively... What's your take on the following two facts?

1. Some have said the paintings donated by a local artist were auctioned for as little as 10% of what they would have got if sold via their usual channels.

2. A local business donated 30,000 baht worth of vouchers in full for the auction, yet the entire event only raised 37,675 baht.

what is your point?
I thought I'd start by highlighting a few facts and see if others can volunteer some conclusions, like yours below...

I suppose you are insinuating that we locals are skinflints by so under giving to Take Care.
No, that's you saying that. I would never criticise someone for giving little to charity or choosing not to part with their money at a charity auction. It's their choice.

Take Care accepts Paypal contributions... I assume you will be making such a donation
Why the hell would I donate to this charity? I rarely visit Pattaya and don't patronise its sex industry. It's also an unregistered charity, which to my knowledge (no info on their site) is not subject to regulatory audits by authorities. Everything is at face value.

I'm only saying this to address your demand - not to put anyone off donating. I have no opinion on whether it's a worthy cause.

cash! not just a waffle of hot wind from a mouth-on-a-stick and no cash! with zero 'feel good' energy...only negatives.
Try putting your ranting skills into something more positive for a change.
Getting you out of bed is always a positive reward, Alaan. :rolling:

August 12th, 2011, 10:19
After changing my mind and saying I would prefer not to donate anything to this particular event for the third consecutive time in a row I was told that would be no problem my bar would be taken off the list that condoms are donated to.
YES I did tell the guy collecting where to stick his condoms after a remark like that but they end up there anyway I suppose.
Donations should be voluntary.

August 12th, 2011, 12:09
After changing my mind and saying I would prefer not to donate anything to this particular event for the third consecutive time in a row I was told that would be no problem my bar would be taken off the list that condoms are donated to.
YES I did tell the guy collecting where to stick his condoms after a remark like that but they end up there anyway I suppose.
Donations should be voluntary.

No Mark,

You asked to be removed as you did not need our "greasy condoms", and we did as you asked.

Most venues, not all, that receive condoms from us had no problem in giving us some voucher to help us help the boys.

August 12th, 2011, 12:14
That is an out right LIE.

And you should be ashamed of yourself.

August 12th, 2011, 12:18
Oh shit . . . not the 'Battle of the Condoms' now, as if battles weren't already in favour on every thread, with Beachlover playing a well-confused Richard lll.
" ... My rubber's greasier than yours. Mate ... "

August 12th, 2011, 12:37
Now maybe you or someone else can address the issue objectively... What's your take on the following two facts?

1. Some have said the paintings donated by a local artist were auctioned for as little as 10% of what they would have got if sold via their usual channels.

My Response - I have no idea what those items would have sold for in a traditional outlet. However, if in fact, they were so savagely discounted at the auction, I'm surprised the person who held that opinion did not snap them up as the supposed profit margin was substantial.

2. A local business donated 30,000 baht worth of vouchers in full for the auction, yet the entire event only raised 37,675 baht.

My Response - From my understanding, that is correct. I guess the market for cosmetic surgery was not there at this event.

what is your point?
I thought I'd start by highlighting a few facts and see if others can volunteer some conclusions, like yours below...

I suppose you are insinuating that we locals are skinflints by so under giving to Take Care.
No, that's you saying that. I would never criticise someone for giving little to charity or choosing not to part with their money at a charity auction. It's their choice.

My Response - But isn't that exactly what your initial post is doing? You point out that the funds received from this event fell far below what you thought should have been generated. If not a criticism of attendees, what IS your point?

Take Care accepts Paypal contributions... I assume you will be making such a donation
Why the hell would I donate to this charity? I rarely visit Pattaya and don't patronise its sex industry. It's also an unregistered charity, which to my knowledge (no info on their site) is not subject to regulatory audits by authorities. Everything is at face value./quote]

My Response - Hopefully, you would donate to this charity because you care about the welfare of the guys who work in the sex industry and may not be able to afford condoms. Given that you felt legitimate in criticizing how little others gave, it seems logical that your own generosity would exceed theirs - in spite of the rationalization of no regulatory audits (as if there are any such things in Thailand).

August 12th, 2011, 14:24
No, that's you saying that. I would never criticise someone for giving little to charity or choosing not to part with their money at a charity auction. It's their choice.
isn't that exactly what your initial post is doing?... If not a criticism of attendees, what IS your point?
Why do you assume I would criticise or only criticise the attendees when there's multiple stakeholders including the organisers, auction donors, venue/ food/ beverage/ insurance providers, performers, auctioneer and more? All I did in the first post is compare the input of resources with the output delivered...

The resources put into the event include the venue, food, beverages, auctioneer, insurance, performance, 23 pieces of misc art, 14 signed artworks worth 10 times more than they were auctioned for and 30 thousand baht worth of services from a local business...

... anyone looking at this objectively and without bias can see the result of raising a little over $1,000 - an amount less than the value of the resources put in - is a disappointing if not irresponsible utilisation of resources.

There's some interesting facts being revealed on another forum: http://gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php? ... 45&start=0 (http://gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3345&start=0)

This is what the partner of the local artist who donated 14 signed paintings had to say...

Even with getting 2/3 of the take, the money from some paintings barely covered the cost of framing, never mind the other materials he used and the time he spent on them.... his paintings sold for 10% of their worth which barely covered his materials, not to mention his 30+ years learning his craft.

August 12th, 2011, 14:34
if in fact, they were so savagely discounted at the auction, I'm surprised the person who held that opinion did not snap them up as the supposed profit margin was substantial.
I believe the person who held that opinion is the artist's partner.

Hopefully, you would donate to this charity because you care about the welfare of the guys who work in the sex industry and may not be able to afford condoms. Given that you felt legitimate in criticizing how little others gave, it seems logical that your own generosity would exceed theirs
1. No where did I criticise how little others gave.

2. Your logic's flawed. You may personally empathise more closely with sex workers if you frequently interact with and use them. But I don't. So no, I don't care any more about the welfare of sex workers than I do about disadvantaged youth, medical research, disaster aid, orphans, restoring eyesight in developing countries or a dozen other worthy causes I've supported. I don't feel any special desire to contribute to this cause, audited or not. I'm just an impartial observer.

in spite of the rationalization of no regulatory audits (as if there are any such things in Thailand).
If it's true that Take Care is an unregistered charity and not audited by regulatory authorities (since its site makes no mention of it) then it's worth noting what someone, who is known for being quite generous, said on another forum:

I would not donate to Take Care or other charities in Pattaya. There are too many ways to scam money and I don't want my money to be spent that way. Perhaps Take Care is not one of those charities. But, I would still not give money to them...

Seriously, many years ago I went to a charity event and I handed over 250,000 baht to the organizers. It was never counted in the total for that night. It just mysteriously vanished. So, I guess I do have a bad taste in my mouth for these events. I will attend dinner and functions where I think there is a good cause. But, I will never repeat the same mistake again by giving cash to any group in Pattaya. Regardless of whether anyone agrees or not, Pattaya is prime for scams. And, I don't want to be a part of it.

YES I did tell the guy collecting where to stick his condoms after a remark like that but they end up there anyway I suppose.