View Full Version : Obama administration delay the implementation of Fat Cat act

July 19th, 2011, 21:34
This is very good news for American expats and I hope that Jinks will allow this topic to stay in the main forum.
The so -called Foreign account compliance act adopted by US in 2010 would make it very difficult for all Americans (including expats) to have offshore accounts starting January 2013. It is now postponed till January 2014. I am pretty sure that Obama is doing it to avoid a huge backlash among expats during 2012 Presidential elections. People like Canadian FM Flaherty openly complained that the act would put huge burden on Canadian banks and would make it very difficult for couple of millions of Canadians having dual citizenship in Canada and US to maintain banking account in Canada.
The act itself is quite complicated and I do not think that it would be appropriate to discuss it here in detail. One expert said recently that this act would be comparable with Saudi government banninng US shops to sell pork to Saudi citizens in US...

Thai Dyed
July 19th, 2011, 22:36
But... but... I thought America was the land of the free. [attachment=0:x71fiips]Circle A Flag.jpg[/attachment:x71fiips]

July 20th, 2011, 02:41
The Act is meant to make it harder for the Rich and Corporations from hiding money "tax free" in overseas accounts. I don't think they had a few US Expats in Thailand in Mind when writing it.

July 20th, 2011, 09:25
This is very good news for American expats and I hope that Jinks will allow this topic to stay in the main forum.I'm an American expat and I don't believe the topic belongs here at all. This is the sort of pathetic plea that lonelywombat makes for posting topics that are Thailand-irrelevant. As a law it's almost completely uneforceable.

July 20th, 2011, 11:07
This is very good news for American expats and I hope that Jinks will allow this topic to stay in the main forum.I'm an American expat and I don't believe the topic belongs here at all. This is the sort of pathetic plea that lonelywombat makes for posting topics that are Thailand-irrelevant. As a law it's almost completely uneforceable.

I started my very modest career as a tax accountant, oh so so many years ago.
Whether or not this topic belongs in the thailand section is debatable.
Whether or not the US law is almost completely unenforceable I suppose is also debatable.

However, the US government is very active in chasing down the overseas accounts of individuals trying to dodge taxes in the US. Read up on the US government suing USB in 2009 to gain access to "secret" swiss bank account information. Basically, if financial institutions want to do business in the US they are required to reveal details about the financial dealings of their US customers...hmmm..sounds like the law is very enforceable.

Thonglor are you a tax accountant? No? I suspect not and are therefore not well informed on the subject.

July 20th, 2011, 14:12
Thonglor are you a tax accountant? No? I suspect not and are therefore not well informed on the subject.Only "experts" are well-informed??? Why wasn't I told? Is this a new posting rule - someone who is an informed layman cannot comment on topics until there's an ex cathedra pronouncement from an "expert"? Frankly the tax accountants I've met were earnest plodders and certainly not particularly well-informed on the likelihood that, unassisted, the IRS can detect tax evasion. As I recall, the only recent successes the IRS has enjoyed have been based not on their forensic skills whatsoever, but rather on a disgruntled bank employee stealing information from his employer and passing it on to various tax authorities. Certainly they enjoyed bully-boy tactics against the Swiss - perhaps they have Beachlover advising them - but people have now been "on notice" for several years to cover their tracks better. I don't think anyone needs to be a tax accountant to know such publicly available news.

July 20th, 2011, 15:19
Thonglor are you a tax accountant? No? I suspect not and are therefore not well informed on the subject.Only "experts" are well-informed??? Why wasn't I told? Is this a new posting rule - someone who is an informed layman cannot comment on topics until there's an ex cathedra pronouncement from an "expert"? Frankly the tax accountants I've met were earnest plodders and certainly not particularly well-informed on the likelihood that, unassisted, the IRS can detect tax evasion. As I recall, the only recent successes the IRS has enjoyed have been based not on their forensic skills whatsoever, but rather on a disgruntled bank employee stealing information from his employer and passing it on to various tax authorities. Certainly they enjoyed bully-boy tactics against the Swiss - perhaps they have Beachlover advising them - but people have now been "on notice" for several years to cover their tracks better. I don't think anyone needs to be a tax accountant to know such publicly available news.
You answered you own question. As a layman you are not as well informed as a tax professional. I would suggest that anyone with enough money to worry about tax evasion would be better served by hiring a good tax accountant skilled at hiding assets rather than relying on the layman advice proffered by some of our other posters. Just a thought.
For the rest of the US retirees in pattaya it appears there will be little to worry about. Though I am plodding and humble enough to state that even though I was a tax accountant...I do not know all.

July 20th, 2011, 15:47
You answered you own question.Only a dullard could imagine that I was asking a question.

July 20th, 2011, 16:02
You answered you own question.Only a dullard could imagine that I was asking a question.

Why thank you. Being intentionally slow often has the intended effect.

Back to the original comment. It has been many years since I did tax but these laws are intended to catch people evading US taxes by parking their assets overseas.
If a person files their taxes every year and reports income from overseas accounts there would generally not be a problem.

July 20th, 2011, 16:20
As a law it's almost completely uneforceable.
Judging from your response you are not familiar with the law. When enacted, the law is easily enforcable. Either Foreign Financial institution enters the agreement with the Department of Treasure (which means a total disclosure about US
persons accounts with 50 K total holdings and MUCH MUCH more or closure of all US accounts) or 30 percent tax is withold by IRS on all dealings of the institution in US. In paricular, if you want to transfer funds from your US account to ANY account with Foreign institutionwhich did not enter above mentioned agreement , 30 percent will be withold as NONREFUNDBALE tax.
Talking about pathetic responses: ignorance may be a BLISS BUT NOT IN THIS CASE...

July 20th, 2011, 16:37
Talking about pathetic responses: ignorance may be a BLISS BUT NOT IN THIS CASE...Sure, if you want to leave a paper trail, go right ahead. You and the retired tax accountant are making the huge assumption that everyone abides by the rules. I certainly don't. What would be the point? Did you guys learn nothing about life growing up gay? Obeying the law is an option, not an obligation.

July 20th, 2011, 17:15
Talking about pathetic responses: ignorance may be a BLISS BUT NOT IN THIS CASE...Sure, if you want to leave a paper trail, go right ahead. You and the retired tax accountant are making the huge assumption that everyone abides by the rules. I certainly don't. What would be the point? Did you guys learn nothing about life growing up gay? Obeying the law is an option, not an obligation.
Who said that you will have the choice to obey or not to obey the rules? If you are American expat living in Thailand, when (and if)
the law is enacted you most probably will need to deal with only two scenarios: either your bank account in Thailand will be closed or whenever you make transfer funds from your US account to your Thai bank account, the US bank will withhold 30 percent of what you transfer to IRS and there will be no refund. It will be very difficult to avoid losses whether you obey the rules or not...

July 20th, 2011, 17:20
Talking about pathetic responses: ignorance may be a BLISS BUT NOT IN THIS CASE...Sure, if you want to leave a paper trail, go right ahead. You and the retired tax accountant are making the huge assumption that everyone abides by the rules. I certainly don't. What would be the point? Did you guys learn nothing about life growing up gay? Obeying the law is an option, not an obligation.
Who said that you will have the choice to obey or not to obey the rules? If you are American expat living in Thailand, when (and if)
the law is enacted you most probably will need to deal with only two scenarios: either your bank account in Thailand will be closed or whenever you make transfer funds from your US account to your Thai bank account, the US bank will withhold 30 percent of what you transfer to IRS and there will be no refund. It will be very difficult to avoid losses whether you obey the rules or not...

Damn...I suspect you are a much better accountant (or financial agent) than I ever was.
I am glad I did not make stupid comments like ...well some other poster who I predict will now come back with the classic school yard taunt...Oh yea...well says you!

July 20th, 2011, 17:39
Let me assure you that you are making assumptions about my banking arrangements that have no basis in fact. I guess you each run your life on those particular railway tracks but I do not. What's that line from Hamlet? Ah yes, "there are more things in heaven and earth, kittyboy and ikarus, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Less "philosophy", of course, more "lack of imagination". Can I suggest you read a few of the more racy online articles about covering your tracks and, generally, get out more. And, kittyboy, that also is not a question (cf. Miranda interviewing Andie in The Devil Wears Prada)

July 20th, 2011, 18:03
Let me assure you that you are making assumptions about my banking arrangements that have no basis in fact. I guess you each run your life on those particular railway tracks but I do not. What's that line from Hamlet? Ah yes, "there are more things in heaven and earth, kittyboy and ikarus, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Less "philosophy", of course, more "lack of imagination". Can I suggest you read a few of the more racy online articles about covering your tracks and, generally, get out more. And, kittyboy, that also is not a question (cf. Miranda interviewing Andie in The Devil Wears Prada)
I am glad to hear that you set yourself free from international banking system. You are apparently very savvy man.
I hope you do not mind if the rest of us who are not so savvy to continue to discuss the issues we are interested in. Or better yet, may be you kindly share with us some of your arrangements so that we could learn...

July 20th, 2011, 18:29
I am glad to hear that you set yourself free from international banking system.Another foolish assumption.
You are apparently very savvy man.Correct.
I hope you do not mind if the rest of us who are not so savvy to continue to discuss the issues we are interested in.Don't let me hold you back; it's clear you have a lot to learn.
Or better yet, may be you kindly share with us some of your arrangements so that we could learn...Are you mad? That's what gets people locked up, boastingly giving details of their arrangements. Besides, what's in it for me?

July 20th, 2011, 20:23
I am glad to hear that you set yourself free from international banking system.Another foolish assumption.
You are apparently very savvy man.Correct.
I hope you do not mind if the rest of us who are not so savvy to continue to discuss the issues we are interested in.Don't let me hold you back; it's clear you have a lot to learn.
Or better yet, may be you kindly share with us some of your arrangements so that we could learn...Are you mad? That's what gets people locked up, boastingly giving details of their arrangements. Besides, what's in it for me?
Did I tell you that I avoid any kind of discussions with jerks? This is my last response to your idiotic posts.

July 21st, 2011, 09:20
Did I tell you that I avoid any kind of discussions with jerks? This is my last response to your idiotic posts.Yet you call yourself after someone who flew too close to the sun; clearly you only re-learn the lesson after you've been singed again! :dontknow:

July 21st, 2011, 09:56
Did I tell you that I avoid any kind of discussions with jerks? This is my last response to your idiotic posts.Yet you call yourself after someone who flew too close to the sun; clearly you only re-learn the lesson after you've been singed again! :dontknow:

The implication being that ikarus was burned by you. That would make you a flamer. A hostile and insulting poster. Good to know.

Unlike yourself thong most of the old darlings in Pattaya do not model themselves after the teenagers in Rebel without a Cause so they do not spend their time "hiding" their activities. Instead they spend their leisure on more productive pursuits..like drinking and whoring.

Yes Yes Thonglor I agree you are the special case. A very special case but we are not talking about you and your special case (or needs..I know baby you are special but can we talk about you later...there there).

The more general issue is that most people if they file their taxes and report their income from international sources they will have no problems.
I may have this wrong if so I would be happy to have an INFORMED source correct me...hmmm...Ikarus your thoughts?

July 21st, 2011, 13:37
The implication being that ikarus was burned by you. That would make you a flamer.Actually, it makes me a sun in this dull little solar system; a flamer, so I'm told, is an outrageous drag queen (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=flamer) but I doubt that you get out often enough to have encountered such creatures. As well, you have confused imply and infer but I suppose tax accountants probably don't understand that distinction either
The more general issue is that most people if they file their taxes and report their income from international sources they will have no problems.Most people lead pedestrian lives and I guess they're comfortable with that.

July 21st, 2011, 22:48
The implication being that ikarus was burned by you. That would make you a flamer.Actually, it makes me a sun in this dull little solar system; a flamer, so I'm told, is an outrageous drag queen (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=flamer) but I doubt that you get out often enough to have encountered such creatures. As well, you have confused imply and infer but I suppose tax accountants probably don't understand that distinction either
The more general issue is that most people if they file their taxes and report their income from international sources they will have no problems.Most people lead pedestrian lives and I guess they're comfortable with that.

Nice to see that you have abandoned your original incorrect statement and gone for the ad hominen approach...much more sensible given the weakness of your original statement. And yes poor me daft enough to use the word flamer correctly. Yes my very special needs friend you are a superstar and I lead a quiet and desperate life in comparison. Do you feel better with the public stroking...there there...special boy.

I stand by my original comment that for everyone except superstar rebels like thong...the law being discussed is easily enforced but I do not believe US expats have to get overly worried. But as I always say...I could be wrong.

July 22nd, 2011, 09:31
I stand by my original comment that for everyone except superstar rebels like thong...the law being discussed is easily enforced but I do not believe US expats have to get overly worried. But as I always say...I could be wrong.As I stand by my original comment - observing the law is an option, not an obligation and it's only easily enforced because you set out to be law abiding or you're spectacularly careless. There's no "could" about it - you are wrong. Why do stories about people being caught and prosecuted get into the newspapers? Because they are the exception, not the rule - they're put there, in part, so as to frighten everyone else into compliance and conformity, and in your case it has proved to be spectacularly successful.

July 22nd, 2011, 18:17
I stand by my original comment that for everyone except superstar rebels like thong...the law being discussed is easily enforced but I do not believe US expats have to get overly worried. But as I always say...I could be wrong.As I stand by my original comment - observing the law is an option, not an obligation and it's only easily enforced because you set out to be law abiding or you're spectacularly careless. There's no "could" about it - you are wrong. Why do stories about people being caught and prosecuted get into the newspapers? Because they are the exception, not the rule - they're put there, in part, so as to frighten everyone else into compliance and conformity, and in your case it has proved to be spectacularly successful.
Well thong you are just one special needs guy and it appears that in your mind the rules don't apply to you. You might even believe that the cosmological constant asymptotes to near zero in your presence but your reality is not supported by the facts. There there dear boy good effort and just like the special olympics everyone gets a shiny blue ribbon for trying.

July 22nd, 2011, 20:23
... it appears that in your mind the rules don't apply to you.You really do struggle don't you? I've never said the rules don't apply to me. I've said it's my choice whether I observe those rules - two quite different things.

The laws of the USA (your country and mine) state that it is illegal for its citizens to travel to another country for the purpose of having sex. Do you obey that law? I don't; I'm guessing most Americans who post here don't. Some may think the law does not apply to them. I think that law does apply to me; however I'm prepared to ignore the law. In Thailand prostitution is illegal. I think that that law also applies to me; however I'm prepared to ignore that law as well. How about you? Do those laws apply to you and you're prepared to ignore them, or do they not apply to you? It's exactly the same principle I'm applying to the tax/banking laws of the US.

July 22nd, 2011, 21:45
... it appears that in your mind the rules don't apply to you.You really do struggle don't you? I've never said the rules don't apply to me. I've said it's my choice whether I observe those rules - two quite different things.

The laws of the USA (your country and mine) state that it is illegal for its citizens to travel to another country for the purpose of having sex. Do you obey that law? I don't; I'm guessing most Americans who post here don't. Some may think the law does not apply to them. I think that law does apply to me; however I'm prepared to ignore the law. In Thailand prostitution is illegal. I think that that law also applies to me; however I'm prepared to ignore that law as well. How about you? Do those laws apply to you and you're prepared to ignore them, or do they not apply to you? It's exactly the same principle I'm applying to the tax/banking laws of the US.

That is right baby you are special and can ignore all the rules you want. Yes Yes I know you are special. You can bend the rules to your will as you are soooo strong.

Unless you completely avoid the world banking system including ATM machines or you have a fake identity the foreign account compliance act is not a law that even you the mighty thong can easily ignore.

I know baby it is hard to imagine...there there.

July 23rd, 2011, 04:19
Unless you completely avoid the world banking system including ATM machines or you have a fake identity the foreign account compliance act is not a law that even you the mighty thong can easily ignore.I guess that law just hasn't caught up with me yet. Perhaps you can give them a nudge? We can see from this thread what a great ass-licker you are, I'm sure the IRS will be grateful if you extend your obsequies to them. Don't they have a program for that?

July 24th, 2011, 05:52
Unless you completely avoid the world banking system including ATM machines or you have a fake identity the foreign account compliance act is not a law that even you the mighty thong can easily ignore.I guess that law just hasn't caught up with me yet. Perhaps you can give them a nudge? We can see from this thread what a great ass-licker you are, I'm sure the IRS will be grateful if you extend your obsequies to them. Don't they have a program for that?
Give me your name and SSN and I would be happy to turn you in to the IRS for tax evasion. The hefty reward for turning in Rebel without a Cause tax evaders like you would be a nice incentive. They would take away your cigarette packet rolled up in your t-shirt and rolled up levi 501 jeans ala james dean.

But you thong are a special needs boy so maybe they would go easy on you and let you keep our crayons for art therapy.

July 24th, 2011, 07:43
Give me your name and SSN and I would be happy to turn you in to the IRS for tax evasion.Let us all know your email address (I can't PM so you'll have to publish it here) and I'll be happy to oblige. By the way, if I recall correctly, you don't need my name and Social, and SSN is a much more reliable identifier, right? I'd publish it here publicly but I believe that's against Forum rules, and besides it's important that you get the reward (don't they offer 10% of the amount recovered?) and we wouldn't want ikarus or Beachlover or someone like that getting away with what's rightfully yours.

July 24th, 2011, 07:59
I have to support the Thong - genuine pooves of a certain age have lived their lives on the basis of "The Law" being optional/non-applicable.

I have no respect whatsoever for "The Law" or "The Police" - other than in so far as the most heinous crimes - and I intend to continue along those lines until the end of my days.

Those who advocate the opposite, would do well to examine their own "activities" -many of which they will find to fall foul of "The Law".

:occasion9: :occasion9:

July 24th, 2011, 14:28
I have no respect whatsoever for "The Law" or "The Police" - and I intend to continue along those lines until the end of my days.:

Sounds very similar to some other Scottish people known in LOS Scotty....

July 24th, 2011, 18:49

I have no respect whatsoever for "The Law" or "The Police" - other than in so far as the most heinous crimes - and I intend to continue along those lines until the end of my days.
"But what is right, what is matter of right in a society, is voiced too тАУ in the law. Whatever the law may be, it must be respected by the тАУ loyal citizen. Thus the law-abiding mind of Old England is eulogized. To this that Euripidean sentiment entirely corresponds: 'We serve the gods, whatever the gods are.' Law as such, God as such, thus far we are today.
People are at pains to distinguish law from arbitrary orders, from an ordinance: the former comes from a duly entitled authority.

But a law over human action (ethical law, state law, etc.) is always a declaration of will, and so an order. Yes, even if I myself gave myself the law, it would yet be only my order, to which in the next moment I can refuse obedience. One may well enough declare what he will put up with, and so deprecate the opposite of the law, making known that in the contrary case he will treat the transgressor as his enemy; but no one has any business to command my actions, to say what course I shall pursue and set up a code to govern it. I must put up with it that he treats me as his enemy, but never that he makes free with me as his creature and that he makes his reason, or even unreaon, my plumb-line."

July 24th, 2011, 18:52
I have no respect whatsoever for "The Law" or "The Police" - and I intend to continue along those lines until the end of my days.:

Sounds very similar to some other Scottish people known in LOS Scotty....

HeHe I think you'll find those people have the utmost respect for the BIB - after all, they're the best that money can buy.


July 24th, 2011, 19:52
HeHe I think you'll find those people have the utmost respect for the BIB - after all, they're the best that money can buy.


I wouldn't quite call it 'respect' more like 'ownership'

July 25th, 2011, 01:02
But... but... I thought America was the land of the free. [attachment=0:2rnpcdc4]Circle A Flag.jpg[/attachment:2rnpcdc4]
Honey, Nobody goona get nutin fo free till Obama be gone, By the time he be finished with us the Arabs will have it all.

July 25th, 2011, 16:32
Honey, Nobody goona get nutin fo free till Obama be gone, By the time he be finished with us the Arabs will have it all.

Why are you talking like the big black momma housekeeper out of a Lana Turner movie?


July 26th, 2011, 07:24
I have to support the Thong - genuine pooves of a certain age have lived their lives on the basis of "The Law" being optional/non-applicable.
I have no respect whatsoever for "The Law" or "The Police" - other than in so far as the most heinous crimes - and I intend to continue along those lines until the end of my days.
Those who advocate the opposite, would do well to examine their own "activities" -many of which they will find to fall foul of "The Law".
:occasion9: :occasion9:

SG - At some level I agree that we often pick and choose the laws that we abide by and ignore many that we find are at odds with our lives. However, some laws are very difficult to avoid and or it is silly to try and other laws are very difficult to circumvent.

Most of us when we fly into thailand stand in line at immigration, smile at the officer, get our stamp and proceed along our way...because trying to avoid immigration by mailing ourselves in a large shipping container, or trying to sneak across the border is stupid. It is easier to comply with the law than to strike a pose and say I don't comply with silly laws while the immigration police are tossing you out of the country for being a silly fuck.

I have investments outside of the US and need to figure out how to comply with the mentioned law if it goes into effect. I went to Hong Kong to set up a bank account....they wanted my passport, social security number (a US national ID number), and a picture ID from the US..apparently in anticipation of the requirements of the new law. If a financial institution wants to do business with the US they apparently need to gather all that information.

OK..well it is easy to casually say that a law can be readily avoided...sure..just like immigration can be avoided but is it worth the hassle? and the consequences?
My opinion is thong has not idea about the law in question and wants to post using his james dean alter ego..fine no problem. But that does not help me figure out what to do.

I do have a picture in my mind though of thong going into the bank to make a transaction wearing his clown disguise to hide his real identity then changing quick as you like back to his james dean look and leaning up against the wall of the bank with a cigarette dangling from his mouth sneering at the customers as they walk in to conduct their financial business. Leaning on a cane of course and oxegen bottle at the ready for the bouts of emphysema.

July 26th, 2011, 09:32
I do have a picture in my mind though of thong going into the bank to make a transaction wearing his clown disguise to hide his real identity then changing quick as you like back to his james dean look and leaning up against the wall of the bank with a cigarette dangling from his mouth sneering at the customers as they walk in to conduct their financial business. Leaning on a cane of course and oxegen bottle at the ready for the bouts of emphysema.You actually go into bank buildings?? How quaint.

July 26th, 2011, 11:41
I do have a picture in my mind though of thong going into the bank to make a transaction wearing his clown disguise to hide his real identity then changing quick as you like back to his james dean look and leaning up against the wall of the bank with a cigarette dangling from his mouth sneering at the customers as they walk in to conduct their financial business. Leaning on a cane of course and oxegen bottle at the ready for the bouts of emphysema.You actually go into bank buildings?? How quaint.

Thank you, High praise indeed. Yes...I do have quaint habits.

July 26th, 2011, 16:59

July 26th, 2011, 18:59
Honey, Nobody goona get nutin fo free till Obama be gone, By the time he be finished with us the Arabs will have it all.

Why are you talking like the big black momma housekeeper out of a Lana Turner movie?


you seen that one too, it was a test. I figured I would get about ten pages of insults for being racist

July 28th, 2011, 00:11
But... but... I thought America was the land of the free. [attachment=0:3nxg7z4q]Circle A Flag.jpg[/attachment:3nxg7z4q]
Honey, Nobody goona get nutin fo free till Obama be gone, By the time he be finished with us the Arabs will have it all.
Cannot agree with you more. Until this effeminate version of O. J. Simpson and Marxist by persuation is out of office nothing good can happen in America.

July 28th, 2011, 05:23
...Until this effeminate version of O. J. Simpson and Marxist by persuation is out of office nothing good can happen in America.



Ridiculous right-wing bilge.

There's a guy in Norway probably agrees with your analysis - but he's kinda tied up at the moment.

July 28th, 2011, 10:45
...Until this effeminate version of O. J. Simpson and Marxist by persuation is out of office nothing good can happen in America.



Ridiculous right-wing bilge.

There's a guy in Norway probably agrees with your analysis - but he's kinda tied up at the moment.
What do you know about America (and Norway for that matter) Scottish idiot? You are in my binge of jerks and consequently no further discussions with you.

July 28th, 2011, 14:51
... Marxist by persuation
What do you know about America (and Norway for that matter) Scottish idiot? You are in my binge of jerks and consequently no further discussions with you.You and I are both in the ikarus sin bin together scottish-guy. It obviously doesn't take much "persuation" (or possibly persuasion - I thought "No Child Left Behind" should have fixed such gaffes).

July 28th, 2011, 19:19
Well Thongy - since Ik the Dick thinks Obama is an effeminate marxist, I can only answer his question by saying that I obviously know more about America than he apparently does!

As for Norway, I'm guessing ditto.


July 28th, 2011, 23:03
What do you know about America (and Norway for that matter) Scottish idiot? You are in my binge of jerks and consequently no further discussions with you.

Must be hell Scotty, all these children refusing to discuss stuff with you. I hope you can sleep at night, and if you are not careful you'll have LMTU falling out with you as well. :nud:

July 29th, 2011, 02:07
What do you know about America (and Norway for that matter) Scottish idiot? You are in my binge of jerks and consequently no further discussions with you.

Must be hell Scotty, all these children refusing to discuss stuff with you. I hope you can sleep at night, and if you are not careful you'll have LMTU falling out with you as well. :nud:

Well I'm hopeful that LMTU will buy me a few drinks at some point - on the basis of self-assessment he seems incredibly generous, popular, and vivacious and I would say that I am incredibly deserving.


July 29th, 2011, 04:29
Well I'm hopeful that LMTU will buy me a few drinks at some point - on the basis of self-assessment he seems incredibly generous, popular, and vivacious and I would say that I am incredibly deserving:

One does hear that the only thing he gives for free are bj's in seedy toilets! Whatever, good luck but rather you than me,,,,

July 29th, 2011, 05:42
Well I'm hopeful that LMTU will buy me a few drinks at some point - on the basis of self-assessment he seems incredibly generous, popular, and vivacious and I would say that I am incredibly deserving:

One does hear that the only thing he gives for free are bj's in seedy toilets! Whatever, good luck but rather you than me,,,,

You mean he's telling porky pies?

Surely not.