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View Full Version : Pattaya Bars Ordered Closed July 9 & 10

July 7th, 2011, 21:59
Tonight a circular was delivered to all alcohol serving establishments that stated that since there would be general elections for 2 city hall members, no alcohol could be sold or consumed in establishments July 9 & 10. That makes the 4th weekend in a row they have screwed us up and remember July 15 & 16 are Big buddah holidays!
Wow, what fun!

July 7th, 2011, 22:23
Is the thread title correct? I understood your post to just say that there could be no alcohol sales.

Not being allowed to serve alcohol is undoubtedly a kick in the ass to profits for the evening, but based on your ability to come up with promotional ideas my guess is that you could pull something off (no pun intended). My guess is you'll do OK, but it must be frustrating, business-wise.

My experience while out walking during Makha Bucha was that there was enough booze being served surreptitiously in coffee cups that you could smell it from the street, but that's a risk, I know.

Now, if club guys give up doing farangs for Asarnha Bucha (the Buddhist version of lent), places are really in trouble!

July 7th, 2011, 22:28
I assume thatt most bars will be closed 9th and 10th as stated. At this time we will try to be open for soft drinks and offs. We are waiting for our attorney's advice.

July 8th, 2011, 00:31
we have been told that we can be open for soft drinks only and that alcohl in coffee cups etc is highly risky .

July 8th, 2011, 02:28
.... alcohol in coffee cups etc is highly risky .

It is indeed, it spoils the taste of the whisky!


July 8th, 2011, 06:50
Since this election is confined to Pattaya, I'm sure Bangkok will be infested this weekend with the dregs of Pattaya's dipsomaniac farang population. :alc:

Is this good news for the bar owners and cheap guest houses of the capital?

The shabby, sea-side yobbos should be warned that Bangkok boys don't take kindly to being pawed and groped by smelly cheapskates and they won't do it for 500 Baht.

Just friendly advice :thefinger:

July 8th, 2011, 07:55
Rude as usual, eh?
Pattayas Finest go for 1000- 1500. Even the beach boys go for at least 1,000 unless you are talking about some skanky ones who are desperate and go for about 800, but you already know that. The whole point of your post was to act clever, antagonistic, and condecending and have a feeling of superiority. While you posts have improved since you were banned from SGF as Cedric, where you were vulgar and out of control, you still aint cute, aint funny, aint clever. Still have a ways to go. Try harder!

I also find Pattaya boys to be sweet, kind, generous and willing to help unlike many Bangkok Boys that want to get in and get the money and get the fuck out with time to spare to run back to the bar to get another falang.

:occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9:

July 8th, 2011, 12:47
I have to agree with Justme on this one - generally speaking I find Pattaya boys far less mercenary than those in BKK.

Roger, the fact that a BKK boy may charge more to be fucked does not make him any less of a prostitute, dear.

I'd have though a man of your advanced years would know that. :rolling:

July 8th, 2011, 13:48
.... I also find .....many Bangkok Boys that want to get in and get the money and get the fuck out with time to spare to run back to the bar to get another falang.

Why do you find this surprising? You own a mirror, don't you?
Not Cedric

July 8th, 2011, 13:52
I find those fairground mirrors show me to my best advantage!


July 8th, 2011, 15:30
I love looking in the mirror! I also like it when a real big fat one walks down the street and makes me realize that I am not as fat as some!

Now Roger/Cedric.... I told you before, you fool NOBODY! Cedric was more rude and vulgar than you. Slightly. Yes, as obnoxious and nasty as you. Cedric (male first name) was banned for telling f\uck you to a few too any people here on SGF and within a few hours of getting the boot, Roger appears (another male first name) both talking about bars in Bangkok and both as obnoxious, catty, and vulgar as can be BUT after getting the boot, you have toned it down a wee bit.
Now, if anyone thinks different, let me know.
Until then, keep working at it Cedric. you DO have the abilities to make good posts and be a likeable person.

July 8th, 2011, 15:46
" ... Cedric (male first name) was banned for telling f\uck you to a few too any people here on SGF ... "
Using that criteria, why hasn't Beachlover been banned?
I doubt that either jinks or the new owner would be banning anyone for using the word 'fuck'. Fuck, we'd all be deep-sixed in a matter of days, and the Board would be comprised of only Bao-Bao and PeterUK: REAL gentlemen, they.
The former has never used a decent swear word in 8 years on Sawatdee, and the latter's most egregious sojourn into vulgarity was a long-ago topic he started about why Thai guys never fart.

July 8th, 2011, 15:59
My dear Smiles.... Cedric posted many a vulgar, nasty and obnoxious post. They were so vulgar and so nasty, and directed at SGF members. He baited SGF members into answering his stupid , childish posts and then attacked them with horrible, vulgar attacks directed at them. The most vulgar one I read was on one day and his username was deleted about 2 hours after he posted it. A few hours later Mr Roger appeared with the same obnoxious and nasty comments, but curbing his vulgarity and posts against people slightly.

I am sure that jinks could shed light on this but probably would not as it would breach confidentiality on Roger, but he could at least confirm or deny that CEDRIC was booted and maybe why.

July 8th, 2011, 21:41
I am sure that jinks could shed light on this but probably would not as it would breach confidentiality on Roger, but he could at least confirm or deny that CEDRIC was booted and maybe why.

Psalm 26:2

July 8th, 2011, 21:43
Psalm 26:2

You're a priest?

This explains everything!


July 8th, 2011, 22:03
I am sure that jinks could shed light on this but probably would not as it would breach confidentiality on Roger, but he could at least confirm or deny that CEDRIC was booted and maybe why.

Psalm 26:2


Revelation 2:23

July 8th, 2011, 22:08
I am sure that jinks could shed light on this but probably would not as it would breach confidentiality on Roger, but he could at least confirm or deny that CEDRIC was booted and maybe why.

Psalm 26:2

Revelation 2:23
Great jinks.
We wont pick on him too much. i forgot, he is a good family man. He has a young son Lawrence, and takes him everywhere. Was even looking for a hotel in Bangkok that would allow children and I recommended the Shangri la as they have staff that will watch kids and buffets aimed for children.

July 8th, 2011, 23:29
" ... Cedric (male first name) was banned for telling f\uck you to a few too any people here on SGF ... "
Using that criteria, why hasn't Beachlover been banned?
I doubt that either jinks or the new owner would be banning anyone for using the word 'fuck'. Fuck, we'd all be deep-sixed in a matter of days, and the Board would be comprised of only Bao-Bao and PeterUK: REAL gentlemen, they.
The former has never used a decent swear word in 8 years on Sawatdee, and the latter's most egregious sojourn into vulgarity was a long-ago topic he started about why Thai guys never fart.
My father used to tell me swearing was evidence of a lack of education, but after the decade I spent partnered with a sailor I could tell him I'd learned plenty of useful words and phrases. :rolling:

Seriously, though - Roger's comment (as silly as it was) was really more of a poke at the cheap customers who mistreat the boys - not the boys themselves. People really need to read before ranting.

July 9th, 2011, 02:43
I am beginning to understand Beachlovers comment before regarding someone trying to sound like they are a person who dislikes brawls but seems to interject into them all, submit his views and then trying to discretely withdraw himself from them when in fact he is getting into the brawl himself.

That being said, I am part of the Pattaya community that one was referred to and I dont feel that my comments were "ranting" . There are some 500 baht cheap charlies here as well as in Bangkok and the areas all throughout Thailand. to say that Pattayas community will invade bangkok i swarms to offer 500 baht is an insult.
Nuff said. Roger/Cedric has been put out as to his other identity before and still will be.

July 9th, 2011, 06:32
Nuff said. Roger/Cedric has been put out as to his other identity before and still will be.


Revelation 2:23 Read it again ...

Congratulations on showing the entire board that you don't comprehend what you read. :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

July 9th, 2011, 15:33
Nuff said. Roger/Cedric has been put out as to his other identity before and still will be.
Come on, it's pretty obvious Roger is Cedric. He registered on the same day Cedric was booted. His first post is pretty much right in character with the kind of posts Cedric was making: gay-thailand-f9/who-here-truly-monogamous-t20732-45.html#p219855 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/who-here-truly-monogamous-t20732-45.html#p219855) ... No point denying it.

Don't know the exact reason why Cedric was booted but he was posting all kinds of deranged stuff, worse than BadBoyBilly/Tonyfromkent.

Having said that, I like most of Roger's posts and he is entertaining so no point harassing him about his deranged past every time he says something you disagree with. I think the Pattaya thing was more said in jest and not a serious statement, but then I'm not a gogo bar owner so I understand if someone who is might be offended.

July 9th, 2011, 17:42
If jinks started banning people simply because they were deranged, I can think of several contributors who would be out on their ear.

<The above persons may insert scottish-guy quote, followed by smart-arsed comment HERE>


July 9th, 2011, 18:46
I am beginning to understand Beachlovers comment before regarding someone trying to sound like they are a person who dislikes brawls but seems to interject into them all, submit his views and then trying to discretely withdraw himself from them when in fact he is getting into the brawl himself.

hey I am starting to understand that beachlover is not what he says he is, but is probably an middle age female with a grudge against gays . all of this crap about prostitutes and Sunee starts to make sense.

July 9th, 2011, 20:21
Hey I am starting to understand that beachlover is not what he says he is, but is probably an middle age female with a grudge against gays . all of this crap about prostitutes and Sunee starts to make sense.

If I was you lonely I'd order another bottle of whatever it is that you are already consuming!

July 9th, 2011, 21:53
Hey I am starting to understand that beachlover is not what he says he is, but is probably an middle age female with a grudge against gays . all of this crap about prostitutes and Sunee starts to make sense.

If I was you lonely I'd order another bottle of whatever it is that you are already consuming!

Looks like you are having a poseiden moment as well. Aint love grand.

Yes I am having a drink or three as the closure was incorrect. Most bars are open.

July 9th, 2011, 22:23
hey I am starting to understand that beachlover is...

Monty like many others who were regular posters here, refuses to post on sawatdee because of the abuse and bullshit from a handful of posters. Maybe you could think of a name or two that fits that description.
Looks like your name fits that description perfectly, Lonely. Are you complaining that YOUR own behaviour is the reason Monty doesn't post here? :rolling:

July 9th, 2011, 22:26
I think the Pattaya thing was more said in jest and not a serious statement, but then I'm not a gogo bar owner so I understand if someone who is might be offended.
It read to me as being in reference to the less desirable or "cheap charlie" folks who may have gone to BKK as an alternative to spending an evening without drinking in a bar, too... and not the residents, expats or bar owners of Pattaya in general. It just reinforced my point about people needing to read a little more carefully before going off on a tangent.

So, what DID happen there tonight? Was it business as usual, or not?

July 9th, 2011, 23:41
How would Beachlover know?
Or was it a question for all?

July 9th, 2011, 23:51
The police DID hand out notices to all the bars. We recieved one, so LONELY'S comment that we were INCORRECT, is incorrect. The police brought and served the notices. That being said, tonight many of the local bars called city hall and were informed that CONTRARY to the letters that were served, the only bars that needed to be closed were in Moo 9 where the election was and not the other sections of Pattaya. Go make sense!! Well we served alcohol along with many of the other bars. I did hear that some bars did close puruant to the hand delivered notices and I did hear that most of the bars if not all the bars in Jomtien were closed and I think they are in Moo 12 but not sure.
Dont know, dont get it, dont care. Not my fault.

July 9th, 2011, 23:58
.. I did hear that most of the bars if not all the bars in Jomtien were closed ..

Ah, no effect on the usual Jomtien atmosphere then.


July 10th, 2011, 00:17
So it was just another tempest in a "tea" pot, then.
Ah, Thailand! :cheers: Glad the sky didn't fall after all.

July 10th, 2011, 11:31
The notices were delivered by the BIB as justme stated. The notices in the 7-11 and supermarkets started to be removed around 1600.

A big stuff up and no criticism of justme's post was implied.

Rolling Stone
July 15th, 2011, 21:55
Not sure my question is entirely on topic. If we foreigners (visitors) are not buddist nor Thai, are we going to be in trouble if caught drinking by Thai Police, say in a coffee bar, in those days when the bar(s) are not supposed to sell alcoholic drinks? I would not think that way, but Thailand is an "amazing' territory (most time in good ways). Any thoughts?

Rolling Stone
July 15th, 2011, 22:03
based on your (justme's) ability to come up with promotional ideas my guess is that you could pull something off (no pun intended)
I certainly agree with your observation.

July 15th, 2011, 22:53
For Big Bhuddist days on the 15 & 16 bars are supposed to be closed again. The 16th isnt as important as the 15th and happy Place is expected to be OPEN on the 16th selling soft drinks.
The answer to Rolling Stones question is, according to the law, NO ESTBISHMENT is supposed to sell you any type of alcoholic beverage on the 15 & 16th and while you may or may not get in trouble, the establishment very well might.

It sucks. What can I say. Think about the last 2 weeks the elections. Bars only could sell soft drinks. Well we are not Thai citizens so who the fuck cares if we get drunk. We dont vote! But according to the law, nobody could sell alcohol to anyone. This is the 3rd or 4th weekend the bars have had to close. Fucking wonderful.

Rolling Stone
July 15th, 2011, 23:30
For Big Bhuddist days on the 15 & 16 bars are supposed to be closed again. The 16th isnt as important as the 15th and happy Place is expected to be OPEN on the 16th selling soft drinks.
The answer to Rolling Stones question is, according to the law, NO ESTBISHMENT is supposed to sell you any type of alcoholic beverage on the 15 & 16th and while you may or may not get in trouble, the establishment very well might.

It sucks. What can I say. Think about the last 2 weeks the elections. Bars only could sell soft drinks. Well we are not Thai citizens so who the fuck cares if we get drunk. We dont vote! But according to the law, nobody could sell alcohol to anyone. This is the 3rd or 4th weekend the bars have had to close. Fucking wonderful.

Well said, justme. If you ARE open tomorrow, I shall drop by to have a soft drink or two (it sucks by the way or preferably something else in a paper cup as they always do in Bangkok). Let's do whatever that comes our way in time. And cheers!

July 16th, 2011, 02:14
It sucks. What can I say. Think about the last 2 weeks the elections. Bars only could sell soft drinks. Well we are not Thai citizens so who the fuck cares if we get drunk. We dont vote! But according to the law, nobody could sell alcohol to anyone. This is the 3rd or 4th weekend the bars have had to close. Fucking wonderful.
What can you say? One would hope you'd say "Mai pen rai... it's just part of doing business in an unpredictable place such as Thailand."

My guess is that people have known what the Buddhist (and other) holidays were for 2554 for a year or so, so really the only surprises was the extra election, I believe - I'm sure someone will let me know if I'm wrong. It's unfortunate for ALL club owners, I'd say, but so it goes.

I can't imagine how it could, but I hope it doesn't put any worthwhile places out of business not being able to openly sell alcohol for a few nights.

July 16th, 2011, 04:14
Thank ypu Bao Bao. It is people like you that attack EVRY post I make with your critiques and wisdom and comments putting each post down that have made me sick and tired of this board. And as you told me prior, the same goes back to you....there is NO NEED TO RESPOND!

July 16th, 2011, 04:21
You call THAT an 'attack'?? :crybaby:

You have a low tolerance (and totally suspect definitions) for anyone who disagrees with you on anything ... and that being the case I suggest (for you own sanity) you indeed should actually pack up your bags and bugger off: you have a brittle personality just doesn't mesh with this particular message board, or, I suspect, any other.

July 16th, 2011, 07:19
You call THAT an 'attack'?? :crybaby:
I guess he took it personally again. It wasn't my intent, and he'd read it he'd have seen I only quoted him for reference and didn't point at him: it was a hope that those panicking (from any area) could take a few deep breaths and put things into perspective. You can't fight City Hall - or Thai logic, in some cases - so all one CAN do is say mai pen rai.

As in this case, so mai pen rai.

July 16th, 2011, 11:33
I happened to be in Cairo maybe 10 years ago during a "dry" muslim day and I can assure you the law was far more stricly enforced than in Thailand, where I could enjoy a black soda in a cup last night !