View Full Version : Gogo boys in phuket

July 7th, 2011, 03:32
Have heard that the Gogo bar scene in Phuket is quiet compared to pattaya and Bangkok. What is the scene like in
Phuket? Are there many skinny femboy types in the bars or only the older muscle boy types?

July 7th, 2011, 06:27
You'll find the skinny, femmy types mostly in Passport pub and Tangmo.

I have found some stunners in Mama San bar - beware of rip-off drink prices in there but on the plus side the smell of cats piss has died down over the years.


July 7th, 2011, 09:34
You'll find the skinny, femmy types mostly in Passport pub and Tangmo.

I have found some stunners in Mama San bar - beware of rip-off drink prices in there but on the plus side the smell of cats piss has died down over the years.


Are these Gogo bars or host bars (I like both bar types)

July 7th, 2011, 12:05
[In my defence for what now must seem the very odd comment below, perhaps I may point out that the previous poster had referred in his post as it was originally written to "goo" bars, an easy typo to make, and only changed the text to "gogo" after I had posted the following. My mild witticism has now, as a consequence, lost all its meaning.]

May we assume that a "goo bar" is so-called because of the sticky mess you find on the floor after a satisfied customer has left the premises? Nature Boys might be a good example!

July 8th, 2011, 02:28
I found a wonderful small gogobar in Phuket about three weeks ago. Nice boys for everyone taste, the cutest mamasan on Thailand - a 20 y/o boy with a very nice face - and a surprising show with just enough sex and very innovative. This bar is next door to Connect Bar and is called Yes ! Bar, and I can only warmly recommend it please note that I do not even know whether the owner is thai or farang ....

I also confirm that Mamasan Bar has many stunners in his staff although not much discipline.
Tangmo was a disappointment and My Way like it had always been. If you like rough isaan motorsai drivers, go to Passport Bar.

All in all a nice change from the Pattaya and Bangkok scene.

July 8th, 2011, 02:35
... If you like rough isaan motorsai drivers, go to Passport Bar....

I can't agree with that.

I have been going in there for several years - I am not in the least attracted to the type you mention, and if that was all that was on offer I would not go.

Yes, he does have 2 Che Guevara lookalikes and a couple of other muscley boys but he always has several smaller, skinny, fem types as well.

The other bar you mention "Yes!" - is more or less opposite Tangmo and is it open on 2 sides? I'm trying to place it.

July 8th, 2011, 04:22
I found a wonderful small gogobar in Phuket about three weeks ago. Nice boys for everyone taste, the cutest mamasan on Thailand - a 20 y/o boy with a very nice face - and a surprising show with just enough sex and very innovative. This bar is next door to Connect Bar and is called Yes ! Bar, and I can only warmly recommend it please note that I do not even know whether the owner is thai or farang .... Yes have to agree with you there llz, visited Yes! in October last and found it very welcoming indeed, small bar but all the guys seemed to have good personality, enthusiatic mamasan and boys. So thats a good 9 months they've kept up the consistancy. Tangmo, previously my favourite Patong agogo was a huge disappointment, not that many boys and I was the ONLY customer on the occassion I visited something I had never seen in years of visiting the place.

On my visit in October although I did enjoy some of the Patong bars/a gogos I must say that the soi which Galaxy night club and Issan Lat Prao are on with karaokes and a couple of boy clubs was where I enjoyed myself best. One of the waiters I have known for a while in Patong went with me around that soi and I really enjoyed everywhere we went.

July 10th, 2011, 17:51
Galaxy night club is new to me. I plan to go soon to Phuket. I am sure this was posted a while ago but was not interested then

Please more details.

July 10th, 2011, 18:35
Galaxy night club is new to me. I plan to go soon to Phuket. I am sure this was posted a while ago but was not interested then Please more details.It's a late night club in the same vein as NAB, Dave Man, Hollywood in that it is a place where Thais head for after normal bar hours, be they customers or those from the bar trade looking for fun after work. It's more like the Hollywood model in that there is (an excellent) live band as well as the DJ. High tables for dancing round with of course some high stools, whiskey sets are the order of the day but beer/alcopop bottles available.

Like the other dance clubs there are boys looking to hook up, but turning up on your own looks a bit predatory and I always go with friends (gay or not), and if not already fixed up for the night can always find some guys to chink glasses with and 'get to know' better. As for directions, I can't remember the name of the soi as I always just as the motocy or tuktuk to take us to Galaxy and everybody knows where, but it's at the far end of patong towards Holiday Inn and the same soi as Alcazar (which I dont know if still open or not). Open to about 3am or longer depending the mood of the local officials. Many of gay boys go there in groups as usual, and some you may have seen in the agogo bars or beerbars around Patong, will be there if not already taken for the night so there is potential.

Contrary to comments here about the tuktuk mafia, you can certainly barter the price around Patong later in the evening when the tourists are tucked-up in bed and the pickings are slimmer for the mafia, but from Paradise it's still going to be Bt100-Bt150 for tuktuk and i've used motocy for Bt50, all bets are off if the rain starts! Often however if you do take a friend along, even if just for the company till you hook up and he getting a fun night for free, many boys who work aound Paradise have motorcycles and often you'll get a lift there. A couple of waiters in the bar of my guesthouse have offered to take me in the past having already had drinks or tips at the bar. I personally just find the guys in Patong alot more 'easy going' in their attitude.

Hope this helps.