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View Full Version : More carnage on Thailands roads.

July 2nd, 2011, 04:14
Yet another bus accident which sadly is all too common on Thailands roads:


Thai Dyed
July 2nd, 2011, 13:02
Yet another bus accident which sadly is all too common on Thailands roads:

OK. So I guess the 1,200,000 road deaths that take place globally are less common? Is that the idea? Or is that more common too? Maybe something I should just get used to? Or scream bloody murder?

If people's energies are consumed worrying about all sorts of imaginary dangers, will they have any reason to worry about real dangers? I'm already worrying overtime about terrorists, political agitators, pedophiles, Castro, Chavez, airplane crashes, gay marriage, and collapsing economies that I can't spare any time for worry about motor vehicle crashes.

Maybe I should think more about the possibilities of Symphorophilia?

Should I reread J. G. Ballard's book Crash?

July 2nd, 2011, 13:56
Maybe I should think more about the possibilities of Symphorophilia?

You really are a fool, obviously you have no idea about the number of deaths caused on Thailands roads by unqualified, drugged up and drunk drivers. This is a forum about Thailand if one wants to report a road accident in "The Island of Nowhere" then it might be posted in the Global Forum as you keep doing with stories about how gays are doomed! ......'Symphorophilia', now only a sick fuck like you could think of that.

Thai Dyed
July 2nd, 2011, 14:24
Maybe I should think more about the possibilities of Symphorophilia?

You really are a fool, obviously you have no idea about the number of deaths caused on Thailands roads by unqualified, drugged up and drunk drivers. This is a forum about Thailand if one wants to report a road accident in "The Island of Nowhere" then it might be posted in the Global Forum as you keep doing with stories about how gays are doomed! ......'Symphorophilia', now only a sick fuck like you could think of that.

You posted news from an English newspaper reporting on the deaths of English tourists. Why didn't you put this in the Global Forum, you first class dipshit? A Thai road accident is pretty thin news and has nothing to do with GAY THAILAND which is the name of this forum. Were the boys gay? Maybe you were having a fling with them combat? If that's the case, then it belongs in Gay Thailand forum. Otherwise vade et caca in pilleum et ipse traheatur super aures tuo.

[attachment=0:2zz103xl]Bruno, Max and Conrad.jpg[/attachment:2zz103xl]

July 2nd, 2011, 15:15
You posted news from an English newspaper reporting on the deaths of English tourists.

Because it happened in Thailand dip shit. Wait a minute, it happened in Thailand, but to visiting falangs, and was a report from an English Newspaper so it's not about Thailand...You continue to prove yet again what a complete moronic fool you really are.

It's a sad story, but being the sick fuck that you really are, you have to belittle those who tragicly losts their lives. It's not the first time your sick mind has done this in here and with a creep like you it won't be the last.... :sign3:

Thai Dyed
July 2nd, 2011, 15:35
Because it happened in Thailand dip shit.

But this forum is Gay Thailand. I want to know what this has to do with Gay Thailand? Fuckstick.

Now back to my Symphorophilia studies.


July 2nd, 2011, 15:48
Thailands traffic death rate is over five times that of the UK. But then you have families of four/five/six and teenagers riding motor scooters on the motorway so the statistic is probably skewed.

July 2nd, 2011, 15:57
But then you have families of four/five/six and teenagers riding motor scooters on the motorway so the statistic is probably skewed.

Anything that combat reports on is bound to be skewed.

July 2nd, 2011, 15:59
Now back to my Symphorophilia studies.

You are one sick dipstick...

Thailands traffic death rate is over five times that of the UK. But then you have families of four/five/six and teenagers riding motor scooters on the motorway so the statistic is probably skewed.

One only has to read the road death statistics from New Year and Songkran in Thailand to understand just how many die on the roads. Again a lot of it comes down to inadequate laws, driving whilst drunk or drugged, unqualified drivers of large vehicles and poor road sense. To anyone who has lived in Thailand for any length of time the deaths caused in/by bus accidents is no laughing matter, even Thais are weary of travelling by coach, but due to a lack of funds have no other way of getting from A to B.

July 2nd, 2011, 16:20
it comes down to inadequate laws, driving whilst drunk or drugged...

Oh yes, we need more laws, more police and more prisons. See what a great job America has done with the "War on Drugs" on which it has spent over 1 trillion dollars since its inception, and the drug situation has become exponentially worse. America exported this mentality to Thailand and worldwide. We can all see how successful it has been. So the solution to a program which has been an abject failure is to continue on that ill-fated path.

And America still has 40,000 highway deaths a year with all its laws, all its police, and all its prisons and tight regulations regarding vehicles and driving, drugs and alcohol.

Thai Dyed
July 2nd, 2011, 16:48
Now back to my Symphorophilia studies.

You are one sick dipstick...

Why yes, combat. I dip my stick every chance I get. Isn't that the very reason so may gays come to LOS?

But you my dear combat are a dipshit and a symphorophobe as well. Maybe you might find this therapeutic:


July 7th, 2011, 23:07
Forget about Thai Dyed, Combat... He's a psychotic freak. More content jumping up and down about gay bashings and how everything is getting worse for gays. :rolling:

Yes, those were very tragic deaths. Saw it mentioned in the news a few days ago because of the controversy behind one journalist's disgusting comments: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -boys.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2010753/Guardian-columnist-Kia-Abdullah-Tweets-cruel-taunts-death-gap-year-boys.html)