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June 30th, 2011, 09:43
In other threads members have mentioned arriving in Thailand with the latest copy of Spartacus gay guide in hand. Just over 21 years ago the same thing happened to me. It was april , my copy was 12 months old and had gone to press 6 months earlier than that. Currently Amazon has copies of the 2009 edition for sale.

But it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It changed my life and introduced me to gay places throughout the world, I would never have known about.

Whilst overseas recently I found an ad for the new Spartacus website and news that the Iphone app will be available shortly.

I am not up with all these modern phone applications and will leave it to younger people to explore.

Personally I think the online site is a must for all Gay Pattaya business owners to check out ,and gay businesses elsewhere of course.

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Spartacus ... 5289314169 (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Spartacus-Traveler/107085289314169)

June 30th, 2011, 10:16
Sadly this is something Spartacus should have done years ago, and they are now playing catchup and STILL trying to push their printed guides. The truth is there is a plethora of up to date and free online guides out there and Spartacus have failed to change their business model in response .... better late than never though I guess!

June 30th, 2011, 10:21
Have receved 2 PM in the first 30 minutes. That is how I got the facebook link.

Nothing found re Thailand except a german language post on the face book wall.

Thai Dyed
June 30th, 2011, 12:55
When John D. Stamford started publishing Spartacus Guide about 1970, for years it was the best gay guide in the world.

Since Bruno Gm├╝nder Verlag took it over many years ago, it doesn't even serve as good toilet paper. Don't waste your money buying this. Its website appears to be at least as dreadful as the guide and I shudder to think what the iPhone app will look like.

June 30th, 2011, 13:06
What are the alternatives ???

June 30th, 2011, 20:56
No idea what Spartacus used to be but the website looks nicely designed and is a good start as an online guide...

The hotel guide is interesting to browse through and has some hotels in Thailand: http://www.spartacusworld.com/hotels/asia/thailand

Problem is, all the articles seem to be in German. Has a nice concise one on Bangkok: http://www.spartacusworld.com/traveler/ ... gay-guide/ (http://www.spartacusworld.com/traveler/2011/06/bangkok-gay-guide/)

June 30th, 2011, 21:45
What are the alternatives ???
Thai Died is on the mark: Spartacus is a reference point who's time has past . . . perhaps like Lonleywombat, or you, or me (who would prefer to be 32 again).
The internet made it instantly (though not recognized at the time) obsolete. There is better, faster, and more up-to-date info on the net (surrounded by a lot of crud sticking to the walls): Spartacus is long forgotten.

July 3rd, 2011, 17:23
What are the alternatives ???
Thai Died is on the mark: Spartacus is a reference point who's time has past . . . perhaps like Lonleywombat, or you, or me (who would prefer to be 32 again).
The internet made it instantly (though not recognized at the time) obsolete. There is better, faster, and more up-to-date info on the net (surrounded by a lot of crud sticking to the walls): Spartacus is long forgotten.

Smiles I bow to your opinion as you are never wrong. But the gay guides on the net are often stale have not been updated for years, and not reliable. Examples close to us here DreadedNed and Utopia.

In the last few years I have had a number of trips to Europe , UK , US and Canada and was far from satisfied with the quality of gay advice offered on the net. Often hotels and hostels did not answer emails.

I looked for forums such as this, i.e abusive, full of failed comedians and out of work restaurant reviewers.

Spartacus was at least 6 months out of date when printed and two years by the time of next edition.At least you had an idea that is was current up to 2 years ago, as a starting point.

The Iphone application seems to offer timely and up to date info and maybe like Lazuras ,Spartacus might rise again.

But I am happy to be informed of up to date websites for Central Europe and South America. Spartacus was a disaster for me on my two trips to Japan, I will accept. Jguyusguy however was a good alternative.

July 5th, 2011, 15:40
In other threads members have mentioned arriving in Thailand with the latest copy of Spartacus gay guide in hand. Just over 21 years ago the same thing happened to me.21 years ago no Internet I have never read that book and dont understand what it can give me that the Internet cannot give me.

July 5th, 2011, 15:59
In other threads members have mentioned arriving in Thailand with the latest copy of Spartacus gay guide in hand. Just over 21 years ago the same thing happened to me.21 years ago no Internet I have never read that book and dont understand what it can give me that the Internet cannot give me.

Actually, neither Spartacus nor the Internet gives you the best info.

The best move is to find a starting point from either of those sources and then ask real people.

Both Spartacus and many Websites (understandably) give prominence to those businesses which pay the most, where as Joe Soap might direct you to some very interesting places.


July 7th, 2011, 00:07
For those that have never seen the book or used it, it had a great deal of info and that included cruising areas, beats, rent boys and for all bars discos and saunas, directions on how to find and a description of the clientele.

YC young crowd, Mil military,music ,drag and so on.

For bars and other gay venues the way to get your free listing, fill out the details here


it is worth a look just to get an idea of the info that is planned.

It is so easy to damn something on this forum without trying to understand.

The new Spartacus is going live on Ipad and iphones, which should be up to date and extremely helpful for travellers.

July 8th, 2011, 11:13
Smiles I bow to your opinion as you are never wrong.
Will you crack a joke like this for us everyday, Lonely? I just pissed myself laughing - Thanks. :sign5:

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 8th, 2011, 18:20
When John D. Stamford started publishing Spartacus Guide about 1970, for years it was the best gay guide in the world.

Since Bruno Gm├╝nder Verlag took it over many years ago, it doesn't even serve as good toilet paper. Don't waste your money buying this. Its website appears to be at least as dreadful as the guide and I shudder to think what the iPhone app will look like.

perhaps..but when travelling one should always carry their own supply of toilet paper anyway, or so my mum said.

At least Spartacus Guide has survived the gutter rag formerly known as the News of The World ( best known for hacking the mobile phones of murdered children) which once claimed Spartacus Guide was a pedo's tool to find perversion around the world.

take comfort in that.

as they say..karma is a bitch ! :hello1:

July 8th, 2011, 18:53
Wasn't there a Dutch/Interpol Arrest Warrent issued for Stamford quite a number of years ago for possible involvement in child snuff movies?

Dolf Rik also told me years ago when he had his well-known restaurant, formally where Bruno's was situated in North Pattaya, that Stamford was in the habit of threatening to write negative reviews in his publication unless one 'subscribed' to be listed. Dolf actually refered to him as a very unsavoury character.

July 8th, 2011, 19:04
The good news is that whilst Spartacus has survived, the News of The World will be defunct after Sunday 10/7/11, having at last being caught going too far in hacking murder and terrorist victims telephones and bribing corrupt police officers. How utterly splendid!

However, the same news is bad news for SGT's favourite "journalist" and NoTW contributor. What a pity - I'm almost crying.


July 8th, 2011, 20:02
The good news is that whilst Spartacus has survived, the News of The World will be defunct after Sunday 10/7/11, having at last being caught going too far in hacking murder and terrorist victims telephones and bribing corrupt police officers. How utterly splendid!

It's just a cover, Murdoch is after BSKYB so needs some smartie points. The NOTW will reincarnate as The Sunday Sun or something similar very soon.

July 8th, 2011, 21:50
It's just a cover, Murdoch is after BSKYB so needs some smartie points. The NOTW will reincarnate as The Sunday Sun or something similar very soon.

That's the idea.

The sticking point may be is that there is an ongoing and continual assessment being undertaken prior to a decision on the sale of BSKYB - by the regulator Ofcom who is charged inter alia with determining that News Corporation is a "Fit and Proper" organisation before the sale can go through.

The political pressure is mounting from all sides, to "persuade" OFCOM that an organisation involved in such shenanigans cannot be "fit and proper"

Time will tell on that one.

Of course they will seek to launch a "new" Sunday paper - but I don't think it is imminent, it would be too obvious. Again, time will tell.


July 8th, 2011, 22:21
Well all I can say is that we used to sell Spartacus Guides in our stores. They were out of date, ran places to go that were closed and took forever to get new places in the guide. SG is correct. The best info is to ask live people.
I specifically remember going to Santa Domingo and EVERY listing they had was out of business. There was no current info on anything or anywhere to go that was current.

July 9th, 2011, 13:08
Well all I can say is that we used to sell Spartacus Guides in our stores. They were out of date, ran places to go that were closed and took forever to get new places in the guide. SG is correct. The best info is to ask live people.

:sign5: Are you suggesting that people might get some help from live people by asking for help from the bear pit.

The snarling ,backbiting and abusive comments when anybody asks for help from here , is at least one reason why Gay Pattaya is in such decline.

Try again but no joking next time.

July 9th, 2011, 15:29
When John D. Stamford started publishing Spartacus Guide about 1970, for years it was the best gay guide in the world. .

In 1972 I stayed at England's '1st Gay Hotel' John Stamford's B&B home in Brighton, when the early 30 page Spartacus guides were just beginning. Later on whilst living in Bruxelles, and visiting Amsterdam every 2nd weekend I continually ran into John and had to listen to his constant paranoia about police spy cameras in popular toilet facilities, etc., His rating of places was very personal, the places that got the biggest raves where someone [no doubt blind drunk] 'offed' him! Some places got scrubbed because he was not treated like royalty.

But I agree that the Spartacus Guides that he presented in the late 70's were sensational.

Is he still alive, does anyone know?

July 9th, 2011, 16:06
Are you suggesting that people might get some help from live people by asking for help from the bear pit.

The snarling ,backbiting and abusive comments when anybody asks for help from here...
When I posted a question about laundry and got lots of helpful replies last year, YOU and Lonely were the only ones being abusive: gay-thailand-f9/laundry-silom-charged-per-kilo-t19985.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/laundry-silom-charged-per-kilo-t19985.html)

So you're not just a dopey fuckstick. You're a complete hypocrite too.

July 9th, 2011, 16:53
So you're not just a dopey fuckstick. You're a complete hypocrite too.

I think it's sometimes referred to as a convenient memory.

July 9th, 2011, 17:46
So you're not just a dopey fuckstick. You're a complete hypocrite too.

I think it's sometimes referred to as a convenient memory.

When you two finally tie the knot, can I be maid-of-honour?

I've already bought a new hat in anticipation.


July 9th, 2011, 18:17
Now,now Scotty perhaps if you removed that paper bag someone might, but only might, fall for you or would that be fall about laughing :occasion9:

July 9th, 2011, 18:20
Now,now Scotty perhaps if you removed that paper bag someone might, but only might, fall for you or would that be fall about laughing :occasion9:

You know perfectly well that in Pattaya the contents of one's wallet dictates whether or not one is attractive - nothing to do with what's inside your paper bag.


July 9th, 2011, 19:06
I am still waiting for somewhere to post ,where poeple wanting info on gay pattaya can go live and ask for help, as suggested as an alternative to buying any guide. Surely they dont mean Sawatdee. :sign5:

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 9th, 2011, 20:53
The good news is that whilst Spartacus has survived, the News of The World will be defunct after Sunday 10/7/11, having at last being caught going too far in hacking murder and terrorist victims telephones and bribing corrupt police officers. How utterly splendid!

It's just a cover, Murdoch is after BSKYB so needs some smartie points. The NOTW will reincarnate as The Sunday Sun or something similar very soon.

and it will be a flop..believe me. The British public may be many things but being taken for fools won't wash. He should have sold the NoTW. bad move.

July 9th, 2011, 22:19
So you're [Andrewcraig] not just a dopey fuckstick. You're a complete hypocrite too.
I think it's sometimes referred to as a convenient memory.
True. The other problem is Andrewcraig doesn't have a convenient brain.

July 10th, 2011, 11:26
Beachlover you are giving examples by your own posts as to why anybody wanting LIVE info on where to go and do things in Thailand, should not come to this forum.

Scottish-guy said, get info from [friendly forums] live rather than out of date books or websites. I asked where they should go as this forum is not friendly to people seeking info. Not one forum has been suggested.

You personally proved why.

July 10th, 2011, 13:57
Scottish-guy said, get info from [friendly forums] live rather than out of date books or websites.
I think the relatively static (like Spartacus and Utopia) and the dynamic user-driven information sources (like SGT) both have their role. Useful in different ways.

anybody wanting LIVE info on where to go and do things in Thailand, should not come to this forum.
Honestly, if that's what you really think why don't you fuck off instead of continuing to participate here?

Why do you keep bitching? Worse, why do you keep CONTRIBUTING to the bitching that you are bitching about?! That just makes you a complete hypocrite.

this forum is not friendly to people seeking info.
Again, you're just bitching irrationally and non-constructively.

Let's see... Out of 50 threads on the first page of this forum we have:

15 threads where people ASKED for specific info on Thailand have got good info in reply (30%):
What is happening to the old Chez Vicki
The Iphone, Thailand and the Gay Traveler. Is there an app?
Tarntawan Place
Toi - Le cafe Royale (still new... sure someone will reply with info soon)
Phuket accommodation ??.
Straight Gogo boys and sticky rice
Gogo boys in phuket
Any Up Dates On Nature Boys
Image limos
Membership denied on Baht Stop
Gangster's Moll
Bob the BUilder
Sleep Apnea
Meeting the boyfriend's mother

18 threads where people have pro-actively offered good info (36%):
Pattaya Bars Ordered Closed July 9 & 10
Things Monty does not want to tell you.
The Pour House Jomtien worth a visit.ballon chasers night
New owner[s]--- La Cage????
Wondered what happened to Richard Burk formerly of Amor
Big Banana Contest at Happy Place! July 22 11pm
Jomtien area and bars.
bars closed this w.e.does not apply to Sunee and to Boyztown
Observations from a recent Thailand/Pattaya trip.
A REAL Mexican Restaurant in Pattaya Thailand! (big discussion also)
new eattery
Ding Dong the Wicked Witch Has Been Officially Retired
JustYou - Famous on the Pattaya Gay Weekly Report
Big Banana Contest at Happy Place! July 22 11pm
Happy Boys Bar, Birthday Party Tuesday June 28.
Dodger's Trip Report
baht-stop is now back online

11 threads which are primarily discussion only (22%):
Ludicrous prices in BKK go go bar(s)
Spartacus now online and soon iphone app.
NotTheNation takes the piss out of Thai politics
"Unpredictable Farangs"
Gay rights - this election!
Well, Thaksin's sister is now the #1 in Thailand...
The return
Violence in red shirt protests: Why do some farang deny it?
POLL: Females in gay go-go clubs
Preperation for my return to Thailand!

1 thread where a new poster just wanted to thank everyone for useful info! (2%):
Trip to Thailand - thanks for forum info

5 misc other threads (10%):
Sad news
pictures from Khorat - not house picks
More carnage on Thailands roads.
Full monty?
House construction in Korat for Gay man

I think it's a pretty good balance...

In the 3-4 years I've participated, you have NEVER stopped bitching and complaining about something. You complain there's too many arguments. Then you complain there's too few posts. Then you complain some people make too many posts. Then you complain the mod isn't doing enough. Then you complain why some threads aren't locked or deleted. Now you complain because people voice opinions, which others may disagree with...

Can you not see how childish and hypocritical your constant bitching and moaning is? Would you like to put up another forum as an example of something better?

What's worse is you've NEVER offered a practical suggestion on HOW you'd like this forum to be managed. All you do is bitch and complain...

July 10th, 2011, 15:33
You really have got the rags on today. too much time on your hands.

You seem to think that your commentary on everything and everyone is better for the forum, than info on what is going on and news for expats and visitors. This was a useful thread and you have to buy into it with my suggestion long ago that you wash your own smalls if laundry prices are so outrageous, and carry a light weight iron. You were screaming your tits off you could not find a laundry that would give you a quote for washing by dry weight. Come on petal.

I guess that Grindr does not work for lesbians so you are not interested in Spartacus on line. an application that promises to update for subscribers.

Why the comments about the old printed version is considered relevant I dont know.
I think it has great potential.

July 10th, 2011, 15:47
1. I haven't uttered a single word of criticism about Spartacus or your original post.

2. I think a balance between straight facts/info and discussion/banter is healthy.

3. Not sure how a simple 3-line question translates to "screaming your tits off".

4. I had no issue with your laundry suggestions in this thread. I was simply pointing out your hypocrisy in posting abuse and then complaining about others doing the same.

5. So again, would you like to explain your moaning below? If you believe that why do YOU continue to come to this forum?

anybody wanting LIVE info on where to go and do things in Thailand, should not come to this forum.

July 10th, 2011, 15:51

I love it I love it I love it.

The bully is getting it up up her pussy.

July 10th, 2011, 17:38
:sign5: I love it I love it I love it. The bully is getting it up up her pussy.

Andrew are you old enough to be using this site?

July 10th, 2011, 17:42
Andrew at least you are male, and proud of it. Welcome back.

July 10th, 2011, 18:09
Holy shit!!!

Beach, come on now, how SAD are you?

LW, I think Beachlover has waaaaaaaay too much time on his hands!!



July 10th, 2011, 18:54
Let's see... Out of 50 threads on the first page of this forum we haveWHAT!!!? Is this for real? a list of thread topic headings? BL you REALLY need to get something more in your life, anal doesn't even start to describe your post. I'm begining to have serious doubts about just how much of a life you actually have outside the forums. Last couple of days when logging on all i see is a line of BL postings whether you have anything relevant or interesting to say or add to the thread or not,it's as if you feel obliged to post on just about every thread.
Holy shit!!! Beach, come on now, how SAD are you? LW, I think Beachlover has waaaaaaaay too much time on his hands!!Have to agree with this. Though wouldn't go quite as far as this.......................

July 10th, 2011, 21:17
WHAT!!!? Is this for real? a list of thread topic headings?
Jesus Christ... To copy/paste/sort that list took about 2-3 mins, probably less time than it took to write your entire post.

Are you turning into a Moaning Nelly like LW too? Sounds like you agree with Lonely Wombat's whining that people seeking info on Thailand should NOT come to this forum. Why don't you fuck off elsewhere then?

July 10th, 2011, 21:21
..Why don't you fuck off elsewhere then?

She can't - her broomstick is in for a service.


July 10th, 2011, 21:42
She can't - her broomstick is in for a service.:occasion9:

Do you think she uses the same place for getting it serviced as the man in a skirt? It's scary just to think about it,,,

July 10th, 2011, 21:59
She can't - her broomstick is in for a service.:occasion9:

Do you think she uses the same place for getting it serviced as the man in a skirt? It's scary just to think about it,,,

If either them them were being serviced personally, it would be beyond scary.

One in a frock and one in a pink t shirt? - fuck sake!

July 10th, 2011, 23:20
Why don't you fuck off elsewhere then?Oh dear we seem to be a victim of our own hype about not being abusive. Crack in the facade BL? well no hypocracy there then. Please, have another rant at my expense you sound as if you need it. Been posting here way long before your appearance, it'll take more than some whippersnapper's tantrum for me to 'fuck off' as you quaintly put it, however you might want to give that some consideration yourself. If you could take your sidekick with you, the forum would i'm sure be MORE than grateful.
She can't - her broomstick is in for a service.Wow this is SO funny! never heard it before! SO original, that back-catalogue of yours must be choc full of such mirth, recycling recycled tat. broomstick.... service.....hilarious! fantastic...bravo! your regular audience will be so chuffed to see you have't lost it...still razor sharp! Any chance you could disable a few fingers to give us few days/weeks/months to recover our composure before we see some more of your 'entertainment'.

one in a pink t shirt? - fuck sake!Thats a black tee with pink writing, get the facts right it's all there. All you need is functioning eyes and brain, however i do realise how much of a challange that may be for you given that i'm led to believe you've got a fizzog just made for face furniture, and the brain we already know about.
Do you think she uses the same place for getting it serviced as the man in a skirt? Glad you could make it Combat, never one to ride on coattails are you? only joking! we all know you've made a career out of it! although i see your material has remained at it's normal consistancy, i.e. dim and witless, the three stooges just wouldn't be the same with only 2 of 'em! Well nice to see the 'little gang' back together again. THE flooder, THE Troll and THE dimwit. Being set upon by the 'little gang', excuse me for not giving a toss.

July 10th, 2011, 23:38
What a tirade as usual!

If I was there in person, I'd offer you an exceptionally large hanky to wipe the foam from your exceptionally large mouth.

Would you like me to make it a pink hanky - to match the writing on your T shirt (gotta get that right!)

:laughing3: :laughing3:

July 10th, 2011, 23:42
Being set upon by the 'little gang', excuse me for not giving a toss.

If you don't give a toss then why spend so much time foaming at the mouth, brush it off and get on with life, taking stuff like this seriously might well damage your, well whatever.... :occasion9:

July 10th, 2011, 23:58
Well, if he's going to start foaming at the mouth again we may as well go all out for a result... :hello1:

Been posting here way long before your appearance, it'll take more than some whippersnapper's...
Bet you were paying young prostitutes to stick your cock up their arse long before I left high school too... weren't you?! :rolling:

July 11th, 2011, 01:49
Right on Q! the 'flock' arrive in strict order, all apparently with the instructions to follow the 'foaming at the mouth' line!

What a tirade as usual! If I was there in person, I'd offer you an exceptionally large hanky to wipe the foam from your exceptionally large mouth.
Would you like me to make it a pink hanky - to match the writing on your T shirt (gotta get that right!)Yet it's still considerably smaller than your cavernous cakehole. And if you were there in 'person' it's unlikely your short little arms would reach as far past your torso to my mouth, as my understanding is that you are a rather 'portly' shortarse. Foaming at the mouth!! hanky...pink.....not in any way contrived for the limp punchline delivered...yet another disappointing effort from Le Tosseur.

If you don't give a toss then why spend so much time foaming at the mouth, brush it off and get on with life, taking stuff like this seriously might well damage your, well whatever.... Sorry Coattails-Combat you're just TOO irrelevant for any kind of direct reply. See below. Foaming at the mouth re:SG!!

Well, if he's going to start foaming at the mouth again we may as well go all out for a result... newalaan wrote:Been posting here way long before your appearance, it'll take more than some whippersnapper's... Bet you were paying young prostitutes to stick your cock up their arse long before I left high school too... weren't you?! Result BL? call THIS a result? it's utterly disappointing, nothing but more sickening abuse from the hypocritical one, is'nt this exactly what you were accusing Lonelywombat of? high school BL? i don't think anyone is falling for that old chestnut! nobody here actually believes you are ALL you claim to be BL with the exception of Combat that is.....having rather more mutton than brain in his head. Re:Combat Foaming at the mouth!! for christ's sake you three, is there going to be ANY originality from any of you?

How could I possibly take the ramblings of tweedle-dee, tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dumber seriously Combat? It's just too funny, laughing AT rather than with the 'flock' ba baa baaa...which incidently is THE perfect Thai word to cover all three numbskulls.

July 11th, 2011, 02:03
Oh dear, she is worked up.isn't she!

I fear that if Oldalaana clenches her arse-cheeks any tighter, her jewel-encrusted butt-plug may disappear altogether!


July 11th, 2011, 02:30
Oh dear, she is worked up.isn't she! I fear that if Oldalaana clenches her arse-cheeks any tighter, her jewel-encrusted butt-plug may disappear altogether!I see the 'portly' reference has got to you then? It seems my information may be credible after all. The face furniture accurate too? Getting in a splutter are we? 'fraid i'm no expert on butt-plugs but in your case there would have to be quite some deliberation as to which end would be the most applicable.....either/both? Your replies go from insipid to dreary, but do however manage to maintain the consistant lack of anything amusing or indeed interesting in them. When can we expect one of your foul-mouthed diatribes? soon i hope as they are way funnier than the content of your 'normal' replies.

Where are the other two 'flock' members? I realise it takes Combat's brain power a little longer to reach and move the keyboard fingers, and BL will have to work himself up into a fluster before we get the good quality abuse that only real hypocrites are capable of.

July 11th, 2011, 02:52
Oldalaana, nothing you could say or do "gets to" me - don't flatter yourself.

And get better information.


July 11th, 2011, 03:32
Oldalaana, nothing you could say or do "gets to" me - don't flatter yourself.Really? Your eagerness to post and tell me that, indicates otherwise.

We both know the 'information' is correct. Or are you denying the fizzog furniture? However I can understand just how your massive ego probably denies you the wherewithall to admit you are not a slim bunny.

July 11th, 2011, 03:59
There is only one thing "we both know" - that you don't have any "information" at all, only that which you have sought out and swallowed hook, line, and sinker from SGT forum.

Stop trying to kid yourself (and possibly other gullible people) that you have any knowledge of me whatsoever beyond the persona I have created on SGT.
It has been tried, dear - a modern-day Yalta conference was called by the Boyztown Gang (and I don't mean the ones who sang "Can't take my Eyes off You") and it got nowhere, so your idea of picking little snippets from SGT and sticking them together with some very poor quality sellotape indeed hardly cuts the mustard.

Now, if I were you I would be more concerned with your appearance and identity, and in remembering to take your medication at the right time - quite obviously you are remiss in administering regularly the anti-psychotic drugs you are on - hence your erratic and rabid behaviour on this forum.

Toodle-oo the noo.


July 11th, 2011, 04:17
That's more like it! Simmering nicely...ready for that explosion
Stop trying to kid yourself (and possibly other gullible people) that you have any knowledge of me whatsoever beyond the persona I have created on SGT.Well why don't you put some money where that massive mouth is? Do you have face furniture or not? It's a simple, easy, straightforward question and not giving away so very much. So far you have avoided, body-swerved all over the place and now it seems you are getting MORE than a little 'worked-up' Come on lets just see how poor or otherwise the quality of my 'sellotape' is. Current indications are that I am 'on the money'!

Stop trying to kid yourself Why is it always the case that those who puff-out the hot winded advice are always those to whom that advice is most applicable.

swallowed hook, line, and sinkerIt also seems hook, line and sinker apply more to you at the moment! So a bodyswerve (again) on the face furniture or not? That reply on its own will tell just how much of a bullshitter you REALLY are.

This time don't bother with the distraction tactics of medication, anti-psychotic, erratic, rabid.......we've heard THAT waffle a million times before. Just hit us with an answer.........

July 11th, 2011, 04:24
The answer is NO.

So where does that leave your theory?


July 11th, 2011, 04:35
The answer is NO.But the truth is?
So where does that leave your theory?On track. At least I know for sure bullshitting is one of your more skilled attributes.

I reckon the TRUTH is YES to face furniture. But you have two possibilities here...EITHER you are bullshitting here OR bullshitting somewhere else. You can't have a persona WITHOUT face furniture and one WITH face furniture, unless of course you have dispensed with FF in favour of a medical procedure.

I'm on the money! yes?

July 11th, 2011, 04:48
So, you push me for an answer, and when I give you it and it's not the answer you want, you accuse me of lying.

Have you considered that there may be more than ONE scottish-guy in cyberspace?

:dontknow: :dontknow:

July 11th, 2011, 05:01
So, you push me for an answer, and when I give you it and it's not the answer you want, you accuse me of lying.I gave you alternatives, this answer is a body swerve. Nobody accused you of lying, it was bullshitting.

Have you considered that there may be more than ONE scottish-guy in cyberspace?NO!. And I didn't at any point say my information related to a cyberspace entity carrying the name Scottish-guy. Now i think I really am on the money! Maybe you have a twin? Why didn't you suggest that?

So lets be clear, you do not currently have face furniture? you have never had face furniture at any time in your life is that correct? Please answer without deviation, waffle or body-swerving. Sorry what comes after hook again?

July 11th, 2011, 05:07
I am devoid of face-furniture and it has always been so.

Happy now?

Is that clear enough or will you now want to know if I have a genetic predisposition to wearing face-furniture 30 years from now?

God Almighty, the things I do to indulge people,

July 11th, 2011, 05:28
Remind you of someone who's just a little itsy-bitsy wound-up again Scotty?


July 11th, 2011, 05:33

July 11th, 2011, 05:36
I just can't wait for the next instalment, coming soon to a forum near you..... :laughing3:

July 11th, 2011, 05:39
Happy now?Not entirely, as I am finding it difficult to disbelieve my 'credible' source. But given we are in anonymous cyberspace it may just have been naughty little 'gremlins' at play....however Does the 'line' "now move along (there?), nothing to see here" or suchlike mean anything to you?

It has been suggested to me that it might well. It may be showing another 'card in the hand' but I'm fairly sure I'm not heading down another blind alley. The 'other' cards will however remain close to the chest.

Remind you of someone who's just a little itsy-bitsy wound-up again Scotty? I very much doubt Beachflooder is as young as your picture. however yes I can see what you mean. Please don't bother SG he has enough on his plate at the moment. Now Combat, you know you are tuppence short of a shilling, so be a good little muttonhead and toddle back to the pen, you've been out far too long for your own good.

July 11th, 2011, 05:42
Truly he is the SGT Wolf Man.

Even a man who is pure in heart
and says his prayers by night
may become a wolf when he goes online
and gives SGT all his shite


July 11th, 2011, 05:51
Truly he is the SGT Wolf Man.:laughing3:

And when he's not.....


July 11th, 2011, 06:01
... I'm fairly sure I'm not heading down another blind alley....

That sums up the efforts/results to date, perfectly

Oldalaana, why do you even care whether I wear "face furniture", a wig, a frock, a false nose, tin legs, or clown shoes?
Do you not think this is all just a little bit obsessive on your part?
In comparison, I can assure you I don't spend any time at all wondering who you are.

:rolling: :rolling:

July 11th, 2011, 06:37
Does the 'line' "now move along (there?), nothing to see here" or suchlike mean anything to you? I thought so. Along with an avator change, just for me? I'm flattered. It would seem that paper bag has been torn away somewhat.
Do you not think this is all just a little bit obsessive on your part? Well It was your big mouth which rubbished the fact I may have some info, if you'd have kept a muzzle on that there would have been no basis to wind you up, however you are your own worst enemy with getting in that very last word, anyhow I imagine had none of that been close to the mark, you would have ceased replying ages ago, therefore your continued need to reply tells me all I need to know. Your replies match/outnumber mine so you need to be careful about throwing the word obsessive around.

and gives SGT all his shiteYou could well be referring to any of the 'flock' with this one, but i'll go with Scottish-guy since he has gone for broke with the body-swerve this time! I see not even the faintest mention of the above 'line' as in hook, line, just waiting for the 'sinker' I'll take that as a firm yes then! Now, all done are we or will you be having the last word again? Given you know full well at least some of my musings are correct. It would seem I know even more than the Boyztown Gang, whoever they are.
And when he's not.....yes I wondered where Beachflooder had got to, thanks for finding him Combat. He seems quite supple for someone as old as him. So Combat now that the text has baffled you completely any more little pictures to post in lieu? You seem rather good at that.

July 11th, 2011, 09:58
Result BL? call THIS a result?
Yep... I would call the 1,000+ word multi-post rant you wrote while I was in my Monday morning meetings a result. :hello1:

You got Scottish so excited he changed his avatar. :rolling:

July 11th, 2011, 13:53
So Combat now that the text has baffled you completely any more little pictures to post in lieu? You seem rather good at that.


July 11th, 2011, 15:40
You got Scottish so excited he changed his avatar. :rolling:

I decided that since Oldalanna is so obsessed with my identity I'd best just reveal myself once and for all!
Well, the new avatar is at least as accurate as the results of Oldalanna's information trawl.
I think she has finally lost her marbles - she now counter-accuses me of obsession because I reply to her ramblings :rolling:
Once she realises that her "informants" and "credible sources"" are actually just voices in her head, she will be on the long, slow road to recovery.
As for the ongoing "hook, line, and sinker" reference - whatever she thinks she is getting at is beyond my comprehension - maybe she thinks i'm a Filipino fisherman :dontknow:
It took approx 3 of her diatribes before I realised what she meant by "face furniture" - why can't she just speak plain English - although what can one expect from a looney tune who wears a pink T shirt (oops!)
And that's my final word on it.


July 11th, 2011, 15:57
OK let's all put up a REAL picture of ourselves.....

This is me, Dec 2006 when I smoked.

July 11th, 2011, 17:08
I do hope you don't drive wearing that jinks....The UK has enough on it's plate at the moment with Murdoch and his Red-Head consort wanting to be King and Queen :occasion9:

February 16th, 2012, 16:25
Hi guys,

I'm a bit late for the party but found this forum quite interesting.
I do remember that spartacus was a kind of standard and the only one well done source to get information about gay bars,
clubs and other locations worldwide.
Everything changes rapidly now. As internet took a lot of place in my life it became quite comfortable to access information via searching on google ans so on. But the spartacus guide remains for me classic reference for all of that.
I was pretty surprised how fast spartacus has started the iphone application version. It is supposed to be updated and more accurate as well even cheaper than a book.

Did you try the app? It is not perfect but something worth to try.

Personally I think the online site is a must for all Gay Pattaya business owners to check out ,and gay businesses elsewhere of course.

http://www.spartacusworld.com.. http://www.facebook.com/SpartacusGayGuide

February 16th, 2012, 19:10
I hope nobody believes the above post was anything other than an Ad for Spartacus :laughing3:

"Even cheaper than the book"? I should hope so - the book was f*cking extortionate at around ┬г20 for out of date info.


February 16th, 2012, 19:16
I gave it the benefit of the doubt. There is no refferer code or transfer link.
The poster, currently, does not have bad links in his profile.

February 21st, 2012, 12:34
Ah... this was a fun thread. :happy7:

Scottish... doesn't matter if it was an ad posted by Spartacus. It's on topic and helpful right?