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View Full Version : That offensive thread and the flag.

June 29th, 2011, 20:05
Ref the flag:

If a fort flew the flag upside down, it alerted anyone outside the fort that the fort was in distress, or under attack.

In reference everything else....One must remember we ain't in Kansas anymore. :iroc:

For all the budding historians and knowlegable ex-pat brits.....

Upsidedown 1 or 2 ?[attachment=1:3tciwm6l]uk1.jpg[/attachment:3tciwm6l][attachment=0:3tciwm6l]uk2.jpg[/attachment:3tciwm6l]

Khor tose
June 29th, 2011, 23:11
Too easy upside down is "2". Of course if you are in Australia upside down would be "1" :hello1:

June 29th, 2011, 23:45
No idea, jinks, and even less interest as I refuse to recognise that butcher's apron you are waving about :rolling:

Alba gu br├аth


June 30th, 2011, 05:46
No idea, jinks, and even less interest as I refuse to recognise that butcher's apron you are waving about :rolling:

Albanian Guano Breath

Sore loser ... ever since Culloden :laughing3:

June 30th, 2011, 15:10
Sore loser ... ever since Culloden :laughing3:

I educated you about Culloden earlier but it obviously hasn't sunk in.

I'm offering a remedial class for those with special needs, and I have put your name down for it.

Please proceed to Room 101 after classes on Friday.

June 30th, 2011, 19:07
Oh goody. I knew that St. Andrew's cross would come in useful for you.

Now repeat after me "Roger's been a naughty boy" "Roger's been a naughty boy"


June 30th, 2011, 19:09
Id like to roger that naughty boy!