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View Full Version : Stroganoff 2

June 25th, 2011, 07:36
Have been twice this week to Stroganoff 2. Set 4 course for 290 baht: Too many choices to enter for each course, al served in a clean and well run place. Think it's the same guy from Soi Yamato.

The owner is on site, so any problems/q's can be answered/dealt with quickly. The Staff are helpful, even remembered what I had ordered 2 nights previously!

Drinks reasonable, 1/2 Red (Chilean) 380, beers from 80.

Located next to the Family Mart on Prat Hill (can't spell the full name but you all know the big hill), well in fact between the 2 Family Marts, but next door to the one nearest to Pattaya Beach end of the road. Park next door infront of the house which has signs saying "No Parking:...the place is empty.

June 25th, 2011, 12:10
Do they serve Mission district style burritos?

June 25th, 2011, 15:03
Do they serve Mission district style burritos?
So do you see what kind of an ass you are Narakmak?
:blackeye: :blackeye: :blackeye:

June 25th, 2011, 15:06
At least I ain't a pimp.

June 25th, 2011, 15:40
At least I ain't a pimp.

In my universe being a pimp is a step up from being a food snob.
From a pimp in pattaya you can get a decent drink, a nice show, and a bar boy.
My experience with food snobs is your can get bored to the point of self-mutilation by the endless drone of their self-referential food talk.

June 25th, 2011, 15:45
I can't help it if you have no standards on food. That's your loss. I made no secret, I do not admire those who profit from peddling other people's flesh although I have nothing against the sex workers themselves.

Anyway, back to Stoganoff, I used to regularly eat at the in town Stroganoff. It has always been decent enough and surely good value.
However the last few visits were very disappointing.
One time a main dish that was cooked so poorly it had to be sent back, and when reserved was even worse.
A visit after that, appetizer tasted like a refrigerator and the main dish, a steak of some kind, was small appetizer portioned.
Because I used to enjoy the place, I will give it one or two more chances, but my suspicion is that there has been some kind of major change in operations. But we'll see. I was surprised to hear they have opened a second one, as the first one seemed to have really slipped.

June 25th, 2011, 15:50
Until somewhere starts serving PORRIDGE and HAGGIS, then as far as I'm concerned - each of the multiplicity of amateur restaurant critics on SGT can stick his restaurant recommendations up his arse!

That's all.


June 25th, 2011, 15:53
Until somewhere starts serving PORRIDGE and HAGGIS, then as far as I'm concerned - each of the multiplicity of amateur restaurant critics on SGT can stick his restaurant recommendations up his arse!

That's all.

I like your passion!

June 25th, 2011, 16:19
At least I ain't a pimp.
Oh that is really intilligent! First we start insulting people because their views are different and now look, you are really getting lower than lowest of lows.

June 25th, 2011, 16:25
At least I ain't a pimp.
Oh that is really intilligent! First we start insulting people because their views are different and now look, you are really getting lower than lowest of lows.
The truth hurts?

June 25th, 2011, 19:22
I am posting this here and under Mexican as I am being attacked uhder both.
1. Now you dont like this place either....I am starting to see a pattern here.
2. you have respect for prostitutes but not the person who owns a bar, serves customers drinks and allows the boys to work from it in a nice clean honest enviornment.....real smart.

I have repeatedly asked for your QUALIFICATIONS which makes you an EXPERT on Mexican food, and you repeatedly dodge giving answers, thus I expect that your expertise lies in the same way as mine does.
I have been picking up and lying down with prostitutes and young guys since I was .... well going to bed with boys since I was 10 and picking up males prostitutes since I was 17. I am an EXPERT in the field of gratification and while I dont have a degree.......
I am an expert.

I have been frequenting Pattaya bars for the last 10 years and while I am NO EXPERT at having one of these bars, I do enjoy what I like and I feel that having an establishment that is hassle free, nice and courteous and having many young men that work there..... well....I am not an expert but I am well schooled.
Are you only well schooled in the field of Mexican and now Stroganoff foods or do you hold some culinary degree??

June 25th, 2011, 21:21
Narakmak comes off as a BadBoyBilly clone..which is the worst of the worst. If you have nothing good to say it is better to say nothing at all

June 25th, 2011, 22:51
Narakmak comes off as a BadBoyBilly clone..which is the worst of the worst. If you have nothing good to say it is better to say nothing at all
Is that someone I should know? A friend of Gorden Ramsey?

June 25th, 2011, 22:54
Amazing...all this from a comment about a restaurant...and not as reported a reccommendation!

June 26th, 2011, 01:27
he said in the other thread that he wrote reviews in 2 different publications before he retarded....I mean retired. I can assume that any real good publication would not allow you to write in 2 different ones unless your reviews were not of a high standard or publication.
maybe he wrote his reviews in Highlights? (USA Childrens find the word magazine)

Thanks for taking me to Sams, now you need to take me to Strganoffs 2!

June 26th, 2011, 01:36
Highlights doesn't publish restaurant reviews. Your abuse is coming off very lame now, I do hope you realize.

June 26th, 2011, 09:49
I am well aware thtat they don't. I was a joke ding dong!
If you think Kevins and my responses to your putting yourself out as an "EXPERT" sound bad, you should read your own tirades.

Recently I had the pleasure of Googling Food Critic.
They are "journalists first" who have an "understanding" of ingredients.
They eat a meal and then form their "opinions". They are "not experts", have "no formal training" and are "not chefs". There are no specific qualifications, degrees or licensing.
As a matter of fact, as long as you can WRITE WELL, anyone can go into the field of being a food critic!

June 26th, 2011, 09:54
They eat a meal and then form their "opinions". They are "not experts", have "no formal training" and are "not chefs". There are no specific qualifications, degrees or licensing. Correct, they are customers giving a customer's view of the restaurant. The last thing I want is some pretentious twat talking about the ingredients, the subtle flavors, etc. etc. I want to know if the meal was value for money and the service was good and unobtrusive (or whether they went home with the waiter, but that's probably asking too much).

June 26th, 2011, 10:07
They eat a meal and then form their "opinions". They are "not experts", have "no formal training" and are "not chefs". There are no specific qualifications, degrees or licensing. Correct, they are customers giving a customer's view of the restaurant. The last thing I want is some pretentious twat talking about the ingredients, the subtle flavors, etc. etc. I want to know if the meal was value for money and the service was good and unobtrusive (or whether they went home with the waiter, but that's probably asking too much).

My problem exactly with food snobs. They want to bore the fuck out of each other with pretentious bull shit about the mystical quality of the food experience, when I want to talk about the sublime quality of the waiters ass and the sublime pleasure that awaits me as I go home and wank off to the memory.
(being too old to really have a chance except in thailand where I can probably pay for the sublime ass).

June 26th, 2011, 12:59
I can assume that any real good publication would not allow you to write in 2 different ones
Not defending Narakmak but lots of writers/journalists submit their work to multiple publications.

June 26th, 2011, 22:44
I can assume that any real good publication would not allow you to write in 2 different ones
Not defending Narakmak but lots of writers/journalists submit their work to multiple publications.
Yes Beachie BUT the GOOD ones get contracts which usually state that it belongs only to one.

June 26th, 2011, 23:04
Did I say two cities at the same time? You guys have even more time on your hands than me.

June 28th, 2011, 02:47
Whatever happened to the Queen of the Bangkok food review, Dame Sanitree na Pakin. Perchance she had a heart attack after an all day breakfast.

June 28th, 2011, 05:14
Well I guess thr bottom line is that as there is no prev reg training, no license, no schooling etc only that you are a good jourlalist and desire to be a food critic, well I guess I can be too! In fact, so can ANN LANDERS! Is she still alive?

June 28th, 2011, 06:21
Let's face it, anyone and everyone is a food critic. Now with the internet there are many restaurant reviews written by many "food critics," none of whom have any special training. Someone claiming to be a food critic is merely a self-aggrandizing snob.

June 28th, 2011, 15:31
Let's face it, anyone and everyone is a food critic. Now with the internet there are many restaurant reviews written by many "food critics," none of whom have any special training. Someone claiming to be a food critic is merely a self-aggrandizing snob.
Or sometimes people passionate and very informed about food. It's a free market of information. Deal with it.

June 28th, 2011, 15:39
It's a free market of information. Deal with it.
These are the type of remarks that get people riled up and angry. YOU need to deal with it.
Dont put yourself out there as an expert and that nobody else can have an opinion on basic budget style restaurants. Your posts here and your posts in Mexican food, as well as your comments long ago about me when you had never even met me or visited my bar, make you out to ne a very ignorant, self-righteous, snob who I and most other people would never want to meet or get to know.
That being said, it is no wonder why you seem to sit at home all day and night and post post post away.
maybe you should reflect on your posts, attitudes and attempt in the later years of your life to try to develope "freinds" although I am sure maybe yoi have one or two that think you are fabulous!
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

PS As well is your picture box. I and many other people might be agnostic, but we dont embrouider it all over our shirts and display it everywhere. Your right though.

June 28th, 2011, 16:23
Everybody's a shrink. Yes, I am an evangelist for atheism. Is that a problem for you mate?

June 28th, 2011, 17:05
See always on the offensive, always right, always your view is the only one.
IF you READ what I wrote above, but you didnt same as Kquill's, you would see that I said I was agnostic also. Without religion. The only difference between your being agnostic and mine is that you wear yours on your shirt sleeve for everyone to see and of course only my "opinion" but in order to antagonize and pick an arguement with others. I just dont see the need for people that disagree with Christianity to walk down the street with a big re X through the word Chrisianity or the Jewish star or any of the millions of other religons. Its definately meant to antagonize just like the asshole at the end of my street displaying the American Flag upside down. While I am not a gun ho patriotic flag waving American, I do find it distasteful to display my countries flag upside down.
I think you are just trying to be an argumentative snob, but I think we have already addressed that. :occasion9:

June 28th, 2011, 18:33
I'm the furthest thing from a snob that you could possibly imagine, girlfren ...

June 28th, 2011, 19:02
I'm the furthest thing from a snob that you could possibly imagine, girlfren ...

You may not be a snob but you are someone who denies that other people have the right to their own subjective opinions and must agree with yours which makes you an ignorant self important twat.

June 28th, 2011, 19:17
Let's face it, anyone and everyone is a food critic. Now with the internet there are many restaurant reviews written by many "food critics," none of whom have any special training. Someone claiming to be a food critic is merely a self-aggrandizing snob.
Or sometimes people passionate and very informed about food. It's a free market of information. Deal with it.

The irony of course is that you would deny people who disagree with you the ability to participate the free market of information.

For a free thinking god denying man that is pretty stupid.
Are you an Anti intellectualist as well as a god denier?

June 29th, 2011, 02:52
I'm the furthest thing from a snob that you could possibly imagine, girlfren ...
Two things here..... unbelievable that you cant even finish spelling it and second, guess what?? I am not your GIRLFREIND. Maybe you call yourself and other people cutsie little names like PET, and KITTEN oh and what about POODLE..... maybe you like to be referred to as girlfreind but you see, even though I dont use it much, I have a cock between my legs and I am a man.
See you can help but disrespect people for their right to voice their opinion.

PS I aint even your "BOYFREIND".