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June 21st, 2011, 13:31
Two things I have heard about the Gogo boys in Thailand.

One is that a large proportion of Thai Gogo boys are straight. However I have only ever met one who actually claimed o be straight.

Another is that many or most gay Gogo boys have a Thai bf. Again I only know of one single incidence of where a Gogo boy was at all interested or attracted to Asians. They all claim that they are only attracted to farangs and could never sleep with another asian even I paid (something I can relate to as a Caucasian who is not attracted to my own race at all. I am about 99% rice queen nowadays).

Any comments to any of that?

June 21st, 2011, 13:37
I can't comment directly on straight go-go boys because the mamasans where I go most often know not to try to palm one off on me. I'd certainly not have said "most" in the Bangkok bars but then I don't go to them all and I've certainly never taken boys from Screwboy, Jupiter or Tawan, which reputedly have high proportions of straight boys. I can say however that when I ask a Thai boy whether he wants to watch Asian or Euro gay porn about two-thirds want Asian. It's sometimes more difficult if you offer Thai porn as I've had more than one shriek "Turn it off - he my friend".

June 21st, 2011, 13:50
Re the Thai bf issue you raise - I have heard many boys say to customers (over the years) that they only like farang etc etc, and I still hear it today. In many cases it is part of the experience - making you feel wanted and special , which is what makes them so great. I have met many, over the years, when out with Thai friends who bring their Thai bf along , and these guys are the ones who claim they only like farang -but who cares!
Regarding straight gogo boys - sure there are - there are many who are gay, and many in between. Make your expectationsw and needs well known, with the mamasan if necessary, and agreed with the boy, and enjoy!

June 21st, 2011, 13:57
I sometimes ask if there is a Thai boyfriend. If the answer comes back in the positive, I suggest a threesome. It worked out twice.

June 21st, 2011, 14:11
My ex was a Korean, and he was openly bitchy and quite racist against other Asians, but I also have and Asian friend who only likes other Asian guys (he is from Singapore).

I think it is personal preference when it is on their spare time, but I guess if it's a gogo boy on duty, well, lets say a Mercedes Benz dealer will still service your Toyota, mightn't be too fucking happy about doing it, but a lube job is a lube job as long as your paying.

June 21st, 2011, 14:11
I sometimes ask if there is a Thai boyfriend. If the answer comes back in the positive, I suggest a threesome. It worked out twice.I don't like threesomes but my Australian friend who does says that if he makes such a suggestion as often as not it's "Threesome yes, my boyfriend no!"

June 21st, 2011, 14:12
It's not his Thai bf you guys need to think about - it's his wife!

When you off for a LT - how many times have you heard phone calls bring made from your hotel bathroom?

He isn't phoning in next day's grocery order.


June 21st, 2011, 15:36
I like to think all the Gogo boys are getting around in their underwear back in their shared rooms and the hormones kick in and they engage in a lot of sucking and fucking but that's just a fantasy :p

June 21st, 2011, 15:39
I like to think all the Gogo boys are getting around in their underwear back in their shared rooms and the hormones kick in and they engage in a lot of sucking and fucking but that's just a fantasy :pI hope you didn't spray your computer monitor with your cum as you wrote that one.

June 21st, 2011, 15:59
I like to think all the Gogo boys are getting around in their underwear back in their shared rooms and the hormones kick in and they engage in a lot of sucking and fucking but that's just a fantasy :pI hope you didn't spray your computer monitor with your cum as you wrote that one.

What strange "boys" they seem to raise in Brisbane.


June 21st, 2011, 16:01
You haven't thought of this scenario yourselves? Who hasn't had this image?

June 21st, 2011, 16:07
You haven't thought of this scenario yourselves? Who hasn't had this image?

No, and, Me


June 21st, 2011, 16:14
I knew you'd say that. I guess I fell right into that one.

June 21st, 2011, 16:28
I knew you'd say that. I guess I fell right into that one.There's probably some porn producer has it as a story line somewhere.

June 21st, 2011, 16:35
Enjoy the Land of Smiles. Its a wonderful place and the boys adapt to almost any situation. Many of them have wives, children, and families that they support. They do things that we would not want to do and they casually call it work. Now it is time for me to go to work. When they go home? Well they go back to their families.
I like to enjoy my time with them and not give a hoot as to what awaits them when they leave me. Have a good time and try not to ask too many questions as I doubt you will get "hoinest answers". They read you and respond with an appropriate answer that they feel "you want to hear". In 10 years, I know of 1 boy that doesnt, hasnt lied to me and 4 years later, he still doesnt.
Wonderful Thailand.
:love4: :love4: :love4: :love4:

June 21st, 2011, 16:41
All part of the beauty of Thailand

June 21st, 2011, 23:22
I have heard about the Gogo boys in Thailand. One is that a large proportion of Thai Gogo boys are straight.
It's probably true that a portion of them are straight, judging by what's said here. But in my experience, the only gogo boy I've been with was definitely gay. There's a few others I've chatted with and all were gay. The idea that most are straight is probably inaccurate.

I only know of one single incidence of where a Gogo boy was at all interested or attracted to Asians. They all claim that they are only attracted to farangs and could never sleep with another asian even I paid (something I can relate to as a Caucasian who is not attracted to my own race at all. I am about 99% rice queen nowadays).
I know a very few Asians who prefer or like to be with Caucasians but I think they are in the minority and the vast majority of Asians prefer other Asians, as do I. I primarily like Asians but am also attracted to Latino and sometimes black guys. Rarely Caucasians. Brad Pitt does nothing for me.

So what they "all" tell you is most likely a load of crap. Might be true for a few of them but the idea that all of them could never sleep with another Asian is completely ridiculous.

I like to think all the Gogo boys are getting around in their underwear back in their shared rooms and the hormones kick in and they engage in a lot of sucking and fucking but that's just a fantasy :p
Would you feel comfortable doing it with your close mates and colleagues, even if they were good looking? I think it does happen sometimes but from what I've heard chatting to a few, the answer would be no in most cases. You don't really want to be doing your friends. It just feels awkward.

June 22nd, 2011, 00:46
One is that a large proportion of Thai Gogo boys are straight.
I can confirm. The interesting thing is that in my limited experience I had more fun with the straight ones than with the gay ones.

However I have only ever met one who actually claimed o be straight.
I ask "do you like boys or girls", which circumvents defining "gay", "straight" and I always get a clear answer.

June 22nd, 2011, 03:51
I would agree with BL that most Thais actually prefer Asians but I have found that suh Thais are usually not involved much in the farang scene.

I have met Thais such as my ex who was not at all involved in any commercial scene (I never gave him a baht the whole time we were together he never asked. His family were reasonably wealthy). He is obsessed with constantly having casual sex with farangs and the first time he slept with a Thai was after 7 years in the gay scene exclusively sleeping with farangs. He said he could not get turned on and could not get an erection at all even though the Thai was very hot he saw no appeal in the experience.

As far as commercial boys go I have found that in less farang oriented scenes such as that in siphon Kwai the boys are more interested in Asians and more reluctant to go with farangs.

A lot of visitors have a very farang centric view of Thailand whereas in reality the farang scene is a minuscule part of the Thai gay scene and both the gay scene and the commercial scene are much larger in the Asians for Asians scene which farangs don't see so much of.

June 22nd, 2011, 04:07
I understand Thais not liking farangs but what I don't understand is farangs who I have met who come to se Asia specifically for the gay scene and say that in general they are not attracted to Asians.

As for not being attracted to farangs. I dont like farangs either no matter how hot thy supposedly are.

It also confuses me why the gay scene in my own city largely considers Asians to be undesirable. They take me along as a decoy to occupy the Asians and keep them away from them :p

June 22nd, 2011, 12:09
I understand Thais not liking farangs but what I don't understand is farangs who I have met who come to se Asia specifically for the gay scene and say that in general they are not attracted to Asians.

As for not being attracted to farangs. I dont like farangs either no matter how hot thy supposedly are.

It also confuses me why the gay scene in my own city largely considers Asians to be undesirable. They take me along as a decoy to occupy the Asians and keep them away from them :p


June 22nd, 2011, 15:32
..what I don't understand is farangs who I have met who come to se Asia specifically for the gay scene and say that in general they are not attracted to Asians...

That's an easy one - they come for the availability of sex - the fact that they are not particularly attracted to the provider of the sex is of secondary importance.

Men have been having sex with people they find unattractive since the dawn of time - and since the invention of beer, there has been absolutely no stopping them!


June 22nd, 2011, 22:31
A lot of visitors have a very farang centric view of Thailand whereas in reality the farang scene is a minuscule part of the Thai gay scene and both the gay scene and the commercial scene are much larger in the Asians for Asians scene which farangs don't see so much of.
Totally agree... A lot of gay visitors keen on the commercial sex scene also dive straight into it and then wonder why they have all these problems with Thais being dishonest, drug addicts, having emotional issues and financial problems etc.

The answer's simple. They're hanging around the lowest rung of Thai society. You would have the same issues if you spent all your time with bogans, yobos, white trailer trash and other dysfunctional desparate people in your home country.

It also confuses me why the gay scene in my own city largely considers Asians to be undesirable.
Really? I get hit on by a LOT of Aussie caucasians and turn them all down. No interest at all. Most Asians I know living here prefer to be with other Asians. There are a few who like to be with Caucasians too.

June 23rd, 2011, 01:00
The majority of people seem to be attracted to their own race. Unfortunately, I don't belong to them, as a Caucasian I am attracted to far-east Asians. This has advantages (If I can't find a Thai who's easy, I can find one who's cheap) and disadvantages (Thailand is so xxxxing far away from Europe!).

June 23rd, 2011, 03:12
A lot of visitors have a very farang centric view of Thailand whereas in reality the farang scene is a minuscule part of the Thai gay scene and both the gay scene and the commercial scene are much larger in the Asians for Asians scene which farangs don't see so much of.
Totally agree... A lot of gay visitors keen on the commercial sex scene also dive straight into it and then wonder why they have all these problems with Thais being dishonest, drug addicts, having emotional issues and financial problems etc.

The answer's simple. They're hanging around the lowest rung of Thai society. You would have the same issues if you spent all your time with bogans, yobos, white trailer trash and other dysfunctional desparate people in your home country.

It also confuses me why the gay scene in my own city largely considers Asians to be undesirable.
Really? I get hit on by a LOT of Aussie caucasians and turn them all down. No interest at all. Most Asians I know living here prefer to be with other Asians. There are a few who like to be with Caucasians too.
I think Asians are very popular in the Sydney and Melbourne scenes maybe because those cities are more open minded. My friends in Brisbane are always being hit on by Asians and rejecting them (quite bluntly. Lucky I am here to comfort them). It is perceived that Asians are not 'manly' enough and the myth o Asians having a small penis is alive and well. There's a lot of older rice queens in Brisbane but in the mainstream scene Asians get a pretty hard time. Some Asians here are chasing other Asians but most seem to be chasing the white guys.

My Asian friends in Sydney and Melbourne seem to be a lot more confident and successful on their nights out. Mind you they seem to be mostly dating white men in their 30s rather than 20s.

June 23rd, 2011, 03:14
A lot of visitors have a very farang centric view of Thailand whereas in reality the farang scene is a minuscule part of the Thai gay scene and both the gay scene and the commercial scene are much larger in the Asians for Asians scene which farangs don't see so much of.
Totally agree... A lot of gay visitors keen on the commercial sex scene also dive straight into it and then wonder why they have all these problems with Thais being dishonest, drug addicts, having emotional issues and financial problems etc.

The answer's simple. They're hanging around the lowest rung of Thai society. You would have the same issues if you spent all your time with bogans, yobos, white trailer trash and other dysfunctional desparate people in your home country.

It also confuses me why the gay scene in my own city largely considers Asians to be undesirable.
Really? I get hit on by a LOT of Aussie caucasians and turn them all down. No interest at all. Most Asians I know living here prefer to be with other Asians. There are a few who like to be with Caucasians too.
I think Asians are very popular in the Sydney and Melbourne scenes maybe because those cities are more open minded. My friends in Brisbane are always being hit on by Asians and rejecting them (quite bluntly. Lucky I am here to comfort them). It is perceived that Asians are not 'manly' enough and the myth o Asians having a small penis is alive and well. There's a lot of older rice queens in Brisbane but in the mainstream scene Asians get a pretty hard time. Some Asians here are chasing other Asians but most seem to be chasing the white guys.

My Asian friends in Sydney and Melbourne seem to be a lot more confident and successful on their nights out. Mind you they seem to be mostly dating white men in their 30s rather than 20s.

June 23rd, 2011, 08:08
Years ago, when I was vacationing in Phuket, a waiter at the Boat Bar caught my attention. He reminded me of a former boyfriend from Bali. We struck up a conversation and he asked me to wait for him when the bar closed. I did wait and we spent the night having fun and being spontaneous and silly. He asked if I would return to the bar the next night and I told him I would. When I came to the bar, I saw him talking to a very attractive, very masculine Thai guy. I waited out of the direct line of sight for him to finish his talk with the guy and notice me. He did notice me and came over to talk to me. As we talked I notice the guy he was talking with looking our way. I went out side and noticed my friend talking to the cute guy again and the cute guy kept looking my way and I got the feeling he was not too happy with me.

I made myself comfortable outside and the cute friend of the waiter also came outside and sat down. Soon my waiter friend delivered a beer to his friend and came to take my order. I ordered a beer and asked about his friend. I also asked if it was his boyfriend? He whispered a serious "NO". I giggled and asked him why he whispered "NO" and we both laughed. I told him I wanted to buy his friend a drink and that seem to make him happy. His friend came over and introduced himself and told me that he was a cousin of the waiter. We continued to have small talk till I got up to leave to visit the other bars.

Later that night my friend told me that his cousin was looking for me and told me that he thought I was a nice guy. I was sure that they were dating but they professed otherwise. So again me and my waiter friend spent the night together again. In the morning he asked if he could see me again? I told him that it was my final night in Phuket and I would leave the following morning. I invited him to dinner and he accepted.

Later in the day I received a call from him asking if his cousin could join us for Dinner? I told him I would love for him to join us and I also told him that I know that he is his boyfriend and I don't mind. He asked how I knew and wanted to know if his boyfriend told me? I told him I could tell because his friend looked at him with love eyes.

We all had dinner together and they both fussed over me to be sure that I was happy. After dinner we went for drinks and soon my friend had to go to work. They asked if I would come to the bar that night and I told them I would.

Later that night I found them both at the Boat Bar and they both were happy to see me. As my waiter friend worked, his boyfriend told me that he wanted us all to have fun tonight as he pulled my hand to his crotch. I played hard to get and told him that I didn't want to make his boyfriend mad. He assured me that it would not be a problem and that he will work it all out and for me not to say anything. Throughout the night he flirted with me which his boyfriend picked up on and put him in a bit of a sour mood. I managed to sooth things with him by telling him that his boyfriend was trying to make him jealous to see if he still loved him like he use to.... That did the trick and he was back to being playful and fun.

When the bar closed, my waiter friend tried to get his boyfriend to leave us, but he was not leaving and somehow we ended up at my hotel room. They went into the bathroom to talk. My friend came out and asked me if his boyfriend could sleep in the room with us and I told him yes. So we all showered (Separately). Drank the beer I had in the room talked and did a little bit of show and tell. We soon began to play a form of truth or dare but all I remember are the dares because I told more lies than truths.... So we were sucking and being sucked. They put on a fuck show for me before making me a part of it! All too soon we noticed the sun coming up and we tried to sleep in a tangle of arms, legs and wandering hands.

In the morning I was to go to the airport and they offered to drive me. I took them up on their offer and when we got to the Airport, I gave them the money I would have paid for a private car. We exchanged e-mail addresses but....... You know.....

So... Um... What were we talking about? :sign5:

June 23rd, 2011, 08:15
The majority of people seem to be attracted to their own race. Unfortunately, I don't belong to them, as a Caucasian I am attracted to far-east Asians. This has advantages (If I can't find a Thai who's easy, I can find one who's cheap) and disadvantages (Thailand is so xxxxing far away from Europe!).

I am lucky.. I am not attracted to any race in particular. One thing I like about Thailand is that it is like a gay buffet. You can have Thai in the morning, Swiss in the afternoon, African after brunch, Russian just before dinner, Israeli after dinner, German in the evening and Thai at night.

I will admit that I refuse to have sex with fellow American's while in Thailand because it just feels wrong.

June 23rd, 2011, 08:27
Speaking of the boys being straight. There certainly appears to be much less definition of gay and straight in the region. I was seeing this guy in luang prabang and I asked him if his brother was Fay and he said no. Later on I said I like his brother an e said 'ok you can have my brother' and I asked again if the brother is gay and he said 'yes sure he gay'!

June 23rd, 2011, 09:11
You would have the same issues if you spent all your time with bogans, yobos, white trailer trash and other dysfunctional desparate people in your home country. Or beachlovers.
... I asked him if his brother was Fay and he said no. Later on ...he said 'yes sure he gay'!Possibly he didn't understand that "Fay" and "gay" is the same thing. Maybe his brother's name isn't Fay??

June 23rd, 2011, 09:49
You would have the same issues if you spent all your time with bogans, yobos, white trailer trash and other dysfunctional desparate people in your home country. Or beachlovers.
... I asked him if his brother was Fay and he said no. Later on ...he said 'yes sure he gay'!Possibly he didn't understand that "Fay" and "gay" is the same thing. Maybe his brother's name isn't Fay??

Well I don't know but he said I could fuck him :p I didn't though I was too busy with his friend no time left for his brother.

June 24th, 2011, 09:47
if you ask-the Thai way, the right questions you get the answers. Most are single. The top of the dream-the best paid from soi Hotmail, will mostly have girlfriends-bargirls too, or are already married with them.
The sleep in a packed dorm is more likely the Pattaya set-they know their trade soon enough to keep the joys for the customers. Like that boy once who said he would come 4 times-actually he made it to 5, though 2 would have been enough for me.

June 24th, 2011, 09:55
if you ask-the Thai way, the right questions you get the answers. Most are single. The top of the dream-the best paid from soi Hotmail, will mostly have girlfriends-bargirls too, or are already married with them.
The sleep in a packed dorm is more likely the Pattaya set-they know their trade soon enough to keep the joys for the customers. Like that boy once who said he would come 4 times-actually he made it to 5, though 2 would have been enough for me.

I'm always amazed how well they perform considering you'd think they'd be tired of it. It's not as if they are doing it purely for pleasure. And if sone are really straight I don't get that at all. There's no way I could get an erection for a female so I don't know how a straight Thai can perform for some gross old farang

June 24th, 2011, 10:18
Totally agree... A lot of gay visitors keen on the commercial sex scene also dive straight into it and then wonder why they have all these problems with Thais being dishonest, drug addicts, having emotional issues and financial problems etc.
WOW Beachie, that's a fucked up comment!
I know alot of boys (obviously) that are sweet, kind and gentle and in the prostitution business. To lump them all together and say that all the prostitutes which would include beach, bar, go go boy, street, everyone, was dishonest drug addicted with emotional and financial problems is a bit biased.
Sure, many prostitutes hang out all night in bars looking for their next trick. Drugs are prevelant. Booze is also. Most Thai people, prositute or not have emotional and financial problems.
I drug test all my boys in a "pick the red ball" type of process each week and most are drug free and clean BY CHOICE!
Many are nice just trying to earn a buck or Baht.Sure, they are lazy and want to take the easy way out instead of getting a construction or labor job but dont lump them all together and call them all drug addicts and dishonest!
Some probably but not all.
:gy: :gy: :gy: :gy:

June 24th, 2011, 12:59
Ask most gay farangs visiting Bangkok what is the most popular gay club, and they will quickly say "DJs!". Wrong. The most happening gay club is called "The Fake Club" near JJ Market. Packed with young gay thais and you're unlikely to see a single farang face there.

June 24th, 2011, 14:11
Ask most gay farangs visiting Bangkok what is the most popular gay club, and they will quickly say "DJs!". Wrong. The most happening gay club is called "The Fake Club" near JJ Market. Packed with young gay thais and you're unlikely to see a single farang face there.

and Club ICK. full of university boys. :bounce:

June 24th, 2011, 15:09
Totally agree... A lot of gay visitors keen on the commercial sex scene also dive straight into it and then wonder why they have all these problems with Thais being dishonest, drug addicts, having emotional issues and financial problems etc. WOW Beachie, that's a fucked up comment! It's Beachlover - you're surprised??? He's already admitted to having taken a money boy precisely once in his life (thus making him an expert).

June 24th, 2011, 15:25
Totally agree... A lot of gay visitors keen on the commercial sex scene also dive straight into it and then wonder why they have all these problems with Thais being dishonest, drug addicts, having emotional issues and financial problems etc. WOW Beachie, that's a fucked up comment! It's Beachlover - you're surprised??? He's already admitted to having taken a money boy precisely once in his life (thus making him an expert).

I guess Beachy doesn't realise that his description of dishonesty, drug use, financial and psychological issues applies to a sizeable proportion of young, gay men (especially those on "the gay scene") in every city in the world.

Not everybody is a high-flying young executive or working for daddy's Company, Beachy.
Most don't lead the life of Riley, jetting round the capitals of the world - wake up and smell the coffee dear.

I am saddenned by a significant number of them - whom I have known personally - who have ended up as suicides due to the problems Beachy arrogantly dismisses.


June 24th, 2011, 16:10
I guess Beachy doesn't realise that his description of dishonesty, drug use, financial and psychological issues applies to a sizeable proportion of young, gay men (especially those on "the gay scene") in every city in the world.My Australian friend helps out with a group called Beyond Blue (http://www.beyondblue.org.au/index.aspx?link_id=4.1167) that addresses young people, including gay people, with these problems. It is sad that people still engage in the stereotypes Beachlover uses.

June 26th, 2011, 13:38
To lump them all together and say that all the prostitutes which would include beach, bar, go go boy, street, everyone, was dishonest drug addicted with emotional and financial problems is a bit biased.
I agree. Except, that's not what I said. My opinion is that prostitutes have a higher propensity to have those issues. Pretty similar to what you said yourself...

Sure, many prostitutes hang out all night in bars looking for their next trick. Drugs are prevelant. Booze is also... Sure, they are lazy and want to take the easy way out instead of getting a construction or labor job...
... and often, this is related to what led drew to prostitution. It doesn't mean they're ALL drug addicts or dishonest. It just means they just have a more likely to be dysfunctional than the rest of the Thai population. Dysfunctional doesn't mean they lie or take drugs. It can mean they're lazy, disorganised or any number of other things.

The issue I have is when farangs spend most of their time with prostitutes and unskilled service workers and then lump all Thais together with them... The common characteristics they encounter themselves - disorganised, poor planning skills, unambitious, uneducated, lack empathy, poor logic, only in the relationship for the money (common with prostitutes) etc. - aren't characteristic of all Thais... Yet they go around generalising all Thais only sleep with you for the money or all Thais will have sex for cash.

There's nothing wrong with spending most of your time with this segment of the population but you need to be aware that there are other types of Thais out there. Imagine if a Thai went to America and spent all his time with racist rednecks? There's different segments of the population in Thailand just as there are in the States.

For the most part, the gogo boys and moneyboys I've spent time with were lovely people. Many may be dysfunctional in one way or another (not necessarily drugs or dishonesty), but this doesn't mean they're not lovely people. I can differentiate between the two things. I'm pretty open minded to them being prostitutes and try to look at this objectively.

I wrote out some thoughts about using and being a prostitute in Thailand sometime ago... gay-thailand-f9/sex-and-relationships-with-prostitutes-t20569.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/sex-and-relationships-with-prostitutes-t20569.html)

June 26th, 2011, 13:41
I wrote out some thoughts about using and being a prostitute in Thailand sometime ago... gay-thailand-f9/sex-and-relationships-with-prostitutes-t20569.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/sex-and-relationships-with-prostitutes-t20569.html)Based on the single time he's taken off a Thai money boy!!

June 29th, 2011, 15:50
Two things I have heard about the Gogo boys in Thailand.
One is that a large proportion of Thai Gogo boys are straight. However I have only ever met one who actually claimed o be straight.
Another is that many or most gay Gogo boys have a Thai bf. Any comments to any of that?

I guess the answers on this topic merely show who is interested in which types of go-go boys. Personally I would not spend a cent on an effeminate boy, gogo or nogo, however I am sure that all of them if not most have or want boyfriends, so what?

It is the totally straight acting boys that command the most attention, from me and most customers though probably not from users of this site. I have found that most of them have girlfriends not boyfriends, even wives and babies, although many also develop a long term association/friendship with a gay man regardless...starts for just money but develops into real friendship...I have a few.

There was once a famous spunk who worked as a waiter at Le Cafe Royale, Pattaya, by his late 20's [still looking like late teens in those short short shorts], with a wife and three children, he had been working there ever since leaving high school, 4 different farang tourists who visited Thailand annually, all believed that they were putting him through 'college' with their monthly bank transfers.

June 29th, 2011, 16:27
Are you proposing the "spunk" (what a weird description) as an example of financial motivation progressing into a "real friendship"?

Hope not - he just sounds like a using bastard to me.
Not only to the four idiot farangs but also the wife and kids.

But I can imagine the attraction to him by a number of farang queens who yearn to be used and abused down on their hands and knees like dirty, filthy, worthless, bitch-whores..
I understand they even pay extra to be cursed at during the rodgering.


June 29th, 2011, 18:02
But I can imagine the attraction to him by a number of farang queens who yearn to be used and abused down on their hands and knees like dirty, filthy, worthless, bitch-whores..
I understand they even pay extra to be cursed at during the rodgering.

Absolutely DISGUSTING!
What did you say his name was, I cant find someone named Spunk.
:sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

June 29th, 2011, 18:30
But I can imagine the attraction to him by a number of farang queens who yearn to be used and abused down on their hands and knees like dirty, filthy, worthless, bitch-whores..
I understand they even pay extra to be cursed at during the rodgering.

Absolutely DISGUSTING!
What did you say his name was, I cant find someone named Spunk.

Try searching for cottaging or toilets or toiletsex

June 29th, 2011, 22:36
I guess the answers on this topic merely show who is interested in which types of go-go boys. Personally I would not spend a cent on an effeminate boy, gogo or nogo, however I am sure that all of them if not most have or want boyfriends, so what?

It is the totally straight acting boys that command the most attention, from me and most customers though probably not from users of this site. I have found that most of them have girlfriends not boyfriends, even wives and babies, although many also develop a long term association/friendship with a gay man regardless...starts for just money but develops into real friendship...I have a few.
Ok, outside the gogo boy scene there's plenty of guys who are gay but straight acting (i.e. not fem acting). I'm one of them. Isn't that the case with gogo boys too? Surely, there are gogo boys who are genuinely gay and straight acting too.

Personally, I don't get why you'd want to be with a boy who is genuinely straight and not interested in guys at all. How would that interaction work?

June 29th, 2011, 23:13
Really, you dont understand? You are pulling my leg! :dontknow:

June 30th, 2011, 05:47
Personally, I don't get why you'd want to be with a boy who is genuinely straight and not interested in guys at all. How would that interaction work?

It doesn't work very well at all! What I see happening is the gay sex tourist just servicing these guys and not getting any real pleasure. If you visit Tawan bar in Bangkok you see it all the time. Unless, of course you get them to flip, then that's a different matter! :evil4:

June 30th, 2011, 07:27
It is the totally straight acting boys that command the most attention, from me and most customers though probably not from users of this site. .

Personally, I don't get why you'd want to be with a boy who is genuinely straight and not interested in guys at all. How would that interaction work?

Every day when ever I am out I see straight boys Id like to have. You dont know for sure if a boy is straight, curious or unsure, but it sure is interesting to ponder. I have had my share of straight boys, one on the night before he got married , I have never stopped and will never stop looking.

I enjoy the chase.

June 30th, 2011, 21:09
Personally, I don't get why you'd want to be with a boy who is genuinely straight and not interested in guys at all. How would that interaction work?
It doesn't work very well at all! What I see happening is the gay sex tourist just servicing these guys and not getting any real pleasure. If you visit Tawan bar in Bangkok you see it all the time. Unless, of course you get them to flip, then that's a different matter! :evil4:

Really, you dont understand? You are pulling my leg! :dontknow:
Ok, I understand how it would work physically... I just don't get what pleasure you get from being with a genuinely straight guy who has absolutely no interest in being with another guy (Lonely's bisexual example above doesn't count). How does that interaction/relationship work? Also imagine it might be awkward. I don't know...

June 30th, 2011, 22:58
Beachie my dear, if you are a "bottom" the interaction works very well!
:happy7: :happy7: :happy7:

July 1st, 2011, 00:23
Well, why should I, in noncommercial or commercial situations, be together with a straight, when it is so more nice, at least for me, to be together with a gay/bisexual.?

I have tried to be with a straigt 2 times in the last 15 years, and it was a disaster both times.
But okay, I am not the one who put my ass in the air, and at the same time pay to be fucked by a straight guy, who has to think about his GF, and tells himself that a hole is a hole, when he fucks through.
But each to his own.

I am just happy that my gay radar is still working.

July 1st, 2011, 00:40
But each to his own.
So glad you understand that your "opinion" and what you "enjoy" may just not be for everyone in every situation. I guess thats what makes the world go around.

July 1st, 2011, 03:17
Is there a power trip involved when sleeping with a straight guy? Since there would be no sexual interest at all from them Sleeping with another male just pure exploitation and nothing more. Same most likely applies for many gay ones too but at least there's a possibility that a gay moneyboy could be aroused by the experience.

July 1st, 2011, 03:36
at least there's a possibility that a gay moneyboy could be aroused by the experience.

He would have to be somewhat younger and not one of the many old, fat, smelly guys that you see in Pattaya! :lam:

July 1st, 2011, 03:46
Is there a power trip involved when sleeping with a straight guy?

Power trip?

Maybe - but maybe not in the direction you think.

Many who are attracted to str8 boys/guys are bottoms - they want fucked, hard, rough, by somebody who doesn't give two shits about them and who is just using them as a facility.

Get it now?


July 1st, 2011, 03:53
at least there's a possibility that a gay moneyboy could be aroused by the experience.

He would have to be somewhat younger and not one of the many old, fat, smelly guys that you see in Pattaya! :lam:

Indeed if you're an old farang they probably won't be that into it either way. I know one old guy who is fat and bald and still believes that the moneyboys are actually turned on. it's hard to see how.

Oh well we will all be old some day. I will at least try and stay fit

July 1st, 2011, 03:55
Is there a power trip involved when sleeping with a straight guy?

Power trip?

Maybe - but maybe not in the direction you think.

Many who are attracted to str8 boys/guys are bottoms - they want fucked, hard, rough, by somebody who doesn't give two shits about them and who is just using them as a facility.

Get it now?


It sounds a lot like the European guys who go to places like morocco to be used by the local sexually frustrated guys.

July 1st, 2011, 03:56
50 years ago maybe, when Morocco was in its heyday.

July 1st, 2011, 03:57
they want fucked, hard, rough, by somebody who doesn't give two shits about them and who is just using them as a facility.


And sometime you can be wondering, why they want to use that fat, white and hairy ass, even as a facility.
Hmm, maybe I think a goat would be better and tighter. :snorting: :sign5:

July 1st, 2011, 03:59
50 years ago maybe, when Morocco was in its heyday.
I know guys who have been there recently and the boys were all over them and wouldn't leave them alone. Similar experiences in Egypt and even Palestine.

July 1st, 2011, 04:02
they want fucked, hard, rough, by somebody who doesn't give two shits about them and who is just using them as a facility.


And sometime you can be wondering, why they want to use that fat and hairy ass, even as a facility.
Hmm, maybe I think a goat would be better and tighter. :snorting: :sign5:

Well I wasn't speaking from experience, darling - unlike yourself with the goat, maybe.

And the reason str8 boys/guys want or are prepared to use a fat hairy ass, is for the same reason you get your cock sucked in Thailand - cash money.


July 1st, 2011, 04:03
50 years ago maybe, when Morocco was in its heyday.
I know guys who have been there recently and the boys were all over them and wouldn't leave them alone. Similar experiences in Egypt and even Palestine.

What about Syria and Libya?


July 1st, 2011, 04:08
[quote="scottish-guy":nnvvnz91]50 years ago maybe, when Morocco was in its heyday.
I know guys who have been there recently and the boys were all over them and wouldn't leave them alone. Similar experiences in Egypt and even Palestine.

What about Syria and Libya?


Maybe Syria. The middle east has always been unstable but people still travel there when they can.

July 1st, 2011, 04:19
I found nothing in Marrakesh on my only visit but had a nice time in Tunisia a few years ago. Now that they've (Tunisia) had their 'revolution', maybe they'll be more visible? Still, you can't beat the openness of Thai boys.

July 1st, 2011, 04:20
Go to Tunesia if you want your ass pounded by straigt boys.

At least they know in the Middle East that a hole is a hole.
Maybe it is the suggestion to the members here and on other boards, like Undated, who are bitching about that there are no menboys in Sunee. :headbang:

July 1st, 2011, 12:42
I have not been in this thread for a day or two and seems like it has exploded. I will try and put my comments where I can and catch up.

Power trip? Maybe - but maybe not in the direction you think.
Many who are attracted to str8 boys/guys are bottoms - they want fucked, hard, rough, by somebody who doesn't give two shits about them and who is just using them as a facility.
Get it now?
Unbelievably right on the mark! Im begining to like you SG!

It sounds a lot like the European guys who go to places like morocco to be used by the local sexually frustrated guys.

50 years ago maybe, when Morocco was in its heyday.
Nope. I was in Morrocco just about 5 or 6 years ago and had everyone and anyone. It was still great!

And the reason str8 boys/guys want or are prepared to use a fat hairy ass, is for the same reason you get your cock sucked in Thailand - cash, money
Oh My God, she really is a genius on this subject!

I found nothing in Marrakesh
If you didnt find anything maybe you did not look. They were in the market, and all over, like dogs in heat! I will say the best area was Agadir and an outlying beach in Tagasut. Famous for boys and gays. The straight boys fucked the hell outta ya, and then went off, not caring if you got off or not. Later that night they returned with thier freinds and more! $10 US You MUST understand that boys in Arab nations cannot touch the girls. Oh the punishments they will endure! Soooo the older boys fuck the younger boys etc etc etc. Well when they see a falang that not only wants to suck thier dick and get fucked But will give them $10 also??? As they have nothing. They are in HEAVEN and so is a bottom!
Oh the memories!
:sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5:
And you are exactly right SG. Guys that like straight boys are usually bottoms, want to get thier ass pounded and everything else and they dont give a flying fuck about if the boy is having a good time or not. Just service them. Get them off and goodbye I want to sleep or look for more!
:snorting: :snorting: :snorting: :snorting: There is a GOD!

July 1st, 2011, 15:13
Let's get this right - I say Morocco was in it's heyday 50 years ago and the comment is "No - I was there 5 years ago and I got fucked.." - how does that prove anything unless you visited 50 years ago and have a valid comparison to make, or unless you have listened to/read first hand accounts of Morocco in the 1950/60s?

:dontknow: :dontknow:

Other than that, we are (for once) in complete agreement.


July 1st, 2011, 15:19
Let's get this right - I say Morocco was in it's heyday 50 years ago and the comment is "No - I was there 5 years ago and I got fucked.." - how does that prove anything unless you visited 50 years ago and have a valid comparison to make, or unless you have listened to/read first hand accounts of Morocco in the 1950/60s?

:dontknow: :dontknow:
I am sorry. (bowing)
What I meant (and you know I have problems with what I am thinking and what cums out on my keyboard...... what I thought you meant was that Morocco was excellent 50 years ago and really is either so so or just ok or not at all now. What I meant, was that Morrocco is still going strong last time I was there. And to say I got fucked, dear, is the understatement of the world.
Joe said he couldnt find sex. Well just a little bit of looking and they were 10 deep in the room!
It and Rio de Janerio are excellent!! But becareful in Rio, while they are like elephant trucks, its dangerous!
:sign5: :snorting: :sign5: :snorting:

July 1st, 2011, 15:24
Personally, I don't get why you'd want to be with a boy who is genuinely straight and not interested in guys at all. How would that interaction work?

I guess that falls into the 'never tried so will never know' category!

Ignoring all their boasting, straight teen boys very rarely have sex with girls [opportunity, knowing how to chat up, etc. etc].... and often finish up marrying the first one they do get off with! All those years from early teens, thousands of nights, as horny hell and only a self wank to satisfy...then one night in the right/wrong circs a friendly hand/mouth on their cock and you suddenly have a sexual animal, aroused like you could never imagine. Amazingly almost all will respond in kind, almost believing that they must do what they woudl expect a girl to do, moaning, gasping, thrashing, and even more amazingly often rolling over!

The ones that do actually get off all the time with many different girls [not just one]are a different group but so into sex [as in any time, any day, as often as possible] are usually so unihibited that they also do not care who it is with!

Of course the hotbed of sex with straight boys is competition sport, more individual than team but not exclusively. So many hours with training the body, little time for social things and looking for an outlet, any outlet. No doubt part of the reason why so many sporting coaches have sex with them, apart from building very close ties [it is the others in the group who do not get offered action who usually spill the beans!]

July 1st, 2011, 15:30
I just cant believe the intelligence on the board today!!

Thai Dyed
July 1st, 2011, 16:13
Let's get this right - I say Morocco was in it's heyday 50 years ago and the comment is "No - I was there 5 years ago and I got fucked.." - how does that prove anything unless you visited 50 years ago and have a valid comparison to make, or unless you have listened to/read first hand accounts of Morocco in the 1950/60s?

Most of the gay expats who lived in Morocco and made it their home for years left around 1972. Some moved East to places like the Philippines and Bali and others shifted for at least a while to Malta, Tunisia and Lebanon. Thailand was a bore (unless your were fluent in Thai) until the early 80s, and as far as I'm concerned, it peaked in 1995, or thereabouts, and has been on a slow decline ever since. There are a few places tucked away here and there where you can make your own world, but they are becoming rarer by the day. Lots of places have come and gone, but I know of none that returned to their former glory. Your mileage may vary depending on your personal quirks and preferences.
Sic transit gloria mundi

July 1st, 2011, 18:13
Sic transit gloria mundi

I didn't know Gloria was sick.


July 1st, 2011, 18:14
She is. She has had nothing to eat. You stole her grocery bag!

July 7th, 2011, 22:50
Beachie my dear, if you are a "bottom" the interaction works very well!
Well, I'm mostly a top but I will bottom occasionally if a really hunky super-handsome guy insists... :happy7:

I personally wouldn't enjoy it and would find it weird if the other guy wasn't wanting it too.

But I guess everyone is different and play off different energies as Scottish elegantly explains...

Many who are attracted to str8 boys/guys are bottoms - they want fucked, hard, rough, by somebody who doesn't give two shits about them and who is just using them as a facility.

Get it now?

[I know one old guy who is fat and bald and still believes that the moneyboys are actually turned on.
It's probably because the guy you know lives in a bubble of prostitutes and obliviousness... as is common in Pattaya.

Ignoring all their boasting, straight teen boys very rarely have sex with girls [opportunity, knowing how to chat up, etc. etc]....
I reckon you're right in most cases. Up until I gave up on girls (decided I was fully gay) last year, I'd been with around a dozen in total.

My mates who are also in their twenties don't hook up anywhere near as often as pop culture leads us to believe. Even the hot ones who have no trouble picking up chicks might only do it several times a year. The ones with standards (i.e. turn down the skanky ones) might do it even less!

July 9th, 2011, 13:28
Many who are attracted to str8 boys/guys are bottoms - they want fucked, hard, rough, by somebody who doesn't give two shits about them and who is just using them as a facility.

Get it now?

My mates who are also in their twenties don't hook up anywhere near as often as pop culture leads us to believe. Even the hot ones who have no trouble picking up chicks might only do it several times a year. The ones with standards (i.e. turn down the skanky ones) might do it even less!

Dont agree my straight mates that want to come with me to Pattaya, supposedly for the chicks, like lady boys.Interesting they make excuses for a boy with a cock, as long as he is going to have the operation, its OK. The chick with a dick my best buddy spent a lot of time with in Feb, is a top. I cannot expalin how his mind works. He likes to look like a chick, dress like one, wear makeup but prfers to top. Last october several straight mates on their first trip got to be confortable with geting oral from guys when pissed. BECAUSE GIRLS CANNOT DO HEAD A GOOD AS GUYS

When they found ladyboys who looked like girls and sucked cocks like guys ther were wrapped.

A lot of you guys have no experience with straight guys. Basically a hole is a hole and a head job is a head job. But as long as they are Thai.

Me I would never think of trying with a single one of them. Im still amazed they accept my activities as at home I have to be more discreet.

We have coined the expression GOS. gay over seas.

July 12th, 2011, 16:31
wow..lotsa opinions here, think we gotta realise that we are all wired differently, I enjoy buying boys as it puts me in control, prefer masculine trade, love it if they claim to be stright, enjoy the domination, the fact that they dont even get hard while I ride them, that its not what they really want, know some may frown upon my sentiments, but sex is not only physical...

July 14th, 2011, 02:17
I enjoy buying boys as it puts me in control... love it if they claim to be stright, enjoy the domination, the fact that they dont even get hard while I ride them... know some may frown upon my sentiments, but sex is not only physical...
Mental alright. :rolling:


July 18th, 2011, 00:20
Firstly i am constantly baffled & pleasantly surprised with the tolerance of the straight guys in los, its as if they will turn their hand to anything with hardly any inhibitions. i saw a straight guy drink coke out of another guys butt in a show, & he pulled back as he indicated holding his nose, to the guy that he was stinky in this area! so i guessing he hadnt cleaned his butt properly, yet the guy drinking the coke still went back to do it again!!! i will never get my head around this, especially as it came out of the inside of the guys hole also!! From this day on i have admired more & more how thai guys literally just get on with the job. My guess is that its in their jeans deep down that they are such a tolerant culture, who knows for sure?
i always think that straight guys are better kissers than fem/gay guys & yes such better too.

July 18th, 2011, 21:00
Guess the "live and let live" attitide of most Thai's combined with a total lack of oppprtunities in the countryside facilitates the whole process; afterall the vast majority are far from home and any judgemental family members or friends/neighbours; in the big citry we are all annonomous.
Th money to be made over rules their sexuality, it is a "job", not sex. In a good week a go go boy can earn more than a 7-eleven clerk does in a month; enables them to endure any humiliation ...as long as it's done behind closed doors and they get to save face!!
Have off├йd many a "top"go go boy only to have him grab his ankles for an extra 200baht...easy!!