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June 20th, 2011, 17:40
Is it true that there's hidden cameras everywhere and international agents filming inside the bars?

Some might say if you're not doing anything wrong what do you have to worry about.... but if you just happen to be in a bar that turns out to be a dodgy place it would be cause for concern to be associated with such a place.

June 20th, 2011, 18:05
absolutely true - and your retina is secretly scanned as you enter the bar, fed back to a central database and later analyzed to track your movements.

June 20th, 2011, 18:08
Is it true that there's hidden cameras everywhere and international agents filming inside the bars?

Some might say if you're not doing anything wrong what do you have to worry about.... but if you just happen to be in a bar that turns out to be a dodgy place it would be cause for concern to be associated with such a place.


It would have been funny if they filmed the famous shows in the Holiday 2, I was usually at the front on my visits cheerleading!!, and bollocks to them,, the guys in there were of age and knew what they were doing. The Thai decency laws, well, that's another matter, and a problem for the bar not me!

Plenty of these arseholes running around getting the dirt on others for their ' International agencies ' have been caught time and time again doing exactly the same themselves.

Anyway, I don't think it's true as bar owners would be shooting themselves in the foot if they did.

June 20th, 2011, 18:31
absolutely true - and your retina is secretly scanned as you enter the bar, fed back to a central database and later analyzed to track your movements.

Sounds like the "big freedom" from big american country....

June 20th, 2011, 18:38
Brisboy82 - every day there are a number of International Agents sitting around Sunee - but fortunately they are easy to spot.

Simply keep your eyes open and you will be able to identify them easily:

1. They usually wear an leather trench coat, hat, and metal-framed glasses.
Variations on this are: an ill-fitting wig, or sometimes a false nose or lip.
2. They often sit outside a host bar - ostensibly reading a newspaper.
Tell-Tale signs are doing this when it's dark, the newspaper being upside down or having eye-holes cut out.
3. Beware of anybody who appears to be whispering into their jacket -
they are most likely using a covert communication device.
4. On passing by such people, listen out for the whirr and click of an automatic camera.
5. If one of these people sits uninvited next to you at your table and states matter-of-factly "Zay say ze daffodils are very beautiful in Amsterdam at zis time of year" - that is your cue to leave immediately.

To help, I have attached a photo (below) of the sort of person to look out for - I snapped him last week as he tried to look inconspicuous in a certain Sunee bar (which shall remain nameless to protect the innocent).
But be aware also of the CIA "drones" flying overhead - you could be caught on camera taking a fem boy with a 24in waist to your hotel. Imagine what the wife and kids would make of that!


June 20th, 2011, 23:23
ah holiday bar - I remember being in there one night during showtime - my friend andI being "well oiled" he suddenly started a running commentary like a horserace - and "And here they come on the final furlong, with insider racing to a final climax" etc etc - you had to be the there!! Seedy yes, decent probably not, but great fun!

June 21st, 2011, 00:12

June 21st, 2011, 02:32
AeroVironment nano drone Hummingbird

Steve Rambam: Privacy is dead тАУ get over it

"In 2006, privacy expert Steven RambamтАЩs two hour panel was disrupted by federal authorities who arrested him at the conference just prior to its commencement. In the end, he was completely vindicated and went on to finally give his talk several months later to a packed house at a local university. This year, Steven will be on for three hours, in part to make up for what you may have missed last time, but mostly because what he says about the state of privacy in our society will captivate you. Since 1980, Pallorium's investigators have successfully closed more than 9,500 cases, ranging from homicide investigations to missing persons cases to the investigation of various types of sophisticated financial and insurance frauds. Steven Rambam has coordinated investigations in more than fifty countries, and in nearly every U.S. State and Canadian province. Steven specializes in international and multi-jurisdictional investigations, and within the past few years he has conducted investigations in Israel, South Africa, Holland, France, England, India, Mexico, Guatemala, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Germany, Abu Dhabi, China, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Jordan, Vietnam and Brazil, among other locations."

Part I (2:03) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3079242748023143842#

Part II (1:10) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2219573359400519690#

June 21st, 2011, 03:06
This holiday bar sounds like a lot of fun where was it exactly? Good boys has a pretty big sleaze factor but not to quite that extent.

Regarding the spy issue. I believe that many western countries have federal police in pattaya and also NGOs and media etc. So what are the odds you are in a bar sitting with a boy and he looks a bit younger than his age somebody could record it. Has anybody known such situations to lead to problems back home? I know that my own country is in constant witch hunt mode and it doesn't take much to get trouble started.

June 21st, 2011, 06:59
how appropriate, a video on no privacy
posted on google video

June 21st, 2011, 12:24
So what are the odds you are in a bar sitting with a boy and he looks a bit younger than his age somebody could record it. Has anybody known such situations to lead to problems back home?

zero odds. not a chance. go ahead, you're safe.

June 21st, 2011, 12:56
So what are the odds you are in a bar sitting with a boy and he looks a bit younger than his age somebody could record it. Has anybody known such situations to lead to problems back home?

zero odds. not a chance. go ahead, you're safe.

Not so fast!

Brisboy82 is getting a little paranoid over the "International Agents" - but he mention the media:

I recall many years ago (maybe 15-20) a UK National newspaper sent undercover reporters to Pattaya.
The newspaper concerned was/is a Sunday scandal sheet (and the biggest-selling in the UK) - so you can imagine what they were hoping to find!
They photographed and filmed covertly in a number of bars in Pattaya - many of which no longer exist.
They then published the photos (I don't recall they even disguised the faces) in the newspaper.
The customers were clearly identifiable in the photos and I think the story even featured on TV.
The "boys" were likely all legal age, but as you know Thai boys can look considerably younger and this was played upon.
The language used was along the lines of "...the fat, corpulent businessman sat at a table ogling and leering at a succession of near-naked young boys who looked no more than 14" - you get my drift.
As soon as the story appeared, anyone who was going to be damaged by it found that they had been.
It didn't matter a flying fuck that the boys may in fact be perfectly legal - the damage had been done.
I recall that one regular contributor to this forum had his photo published - he may choose to add to my recollection of events. or not - but I doubt it had any impact on him personally.
I've no idea what, if any, problems the story led to for the other people in the photos and no doubt some here will defend such media tactics - I'm just saying that whilst Brisboy82 ought not to be paranoid about International Agents, he does have a point as far as the media is concerned.


June 21st, 2011, 13:26
I've no idea what, if any, problems the story led to for the other people in the photos and no doubt some here will defend such media tactics - I'm just saying that whilst Brisboy82 ought not to be paranoid about International Agents, he does have a point as far as the media is concerned.Let's not forget that the whole Facebook philosophy on privacy, as stated by Mark Suckerfuckerburgerking is "If you're doing something you don't want others to know about then maybe you shouldn't be doing it". I know Beachlover doesn't have a Facebook page in case his parents find out he's what you Brits call a "shirtlifter" (or is that a "pillowbiter"?).

June 21st, 2011, 13:48
....or a "Sausage Jockey".


June 21st, 2011, 13:51
zero odds. not a chance. go ahead, you're safe.
I believe it was about 18 months ago that Pattaya City Council initiated a requirement that applicants for new or renewal bar/entertainment licenses install surveillance cameras in the facility. I donтАЩt know how that panned out. On another orum, some have said that those who did install cameras either keep them turned off or pointed away from the action. If you are unhappy about the possibility of being recorded at some activity you do not want to share with the world at large, I suggest you turn to a better source of information, such as the owner of Corner Bar in Sunee Plaza. He is usually very forthcoming on information about that end of the business.

There are one thing you should remember about asking advice on a forum:
No poster is under any obligation to be truthful or accurate. Very often they are not.

Another thing to remember is that every person working in a bar has a cell phone and each cell phone is a potential video recorder. So, surveillance camera or video camera, you might want to exercise prudence when making choices in public.

June 21st, 2011, 14:15
...I believe it was about 18 months ago that Pattaya City Council initiated a requirement that applicants for new or renewal bar/entertainment licenses install surveillance cameras in the facility. I donтАЩt know how that panned out. ....

Following recent events - everybody on this forum now has a detailed knowledge of "how that panned out" in one bar at least!

:rolling: :rolling:

June 21st, 2011, 14:20
]Let's not forget that the whole Facebook philosophy on privacy, as stated by Mark Suckerfuckerburgerking is "If you're doing something you don't want others to know about then maybe you shouldn't be doing it".

To which my response is:

"In that case, how often do you masturbate in front of your mother?"


June 21st, 2011, 14:29
]Let's not forget that the whole Facebook philosophy on privacy, as stated by Mark Suckerfuckerburgerking is "If you're doing something you don't want others to know about then maybe you shouldn't be doing it". "In that case, how often do you masturbate in front of your mother?"A rather facile response - there are lots of things I don't do in front of my mother that are no secret to her. My parents didn't fuck in front of me either. You are confusing modesty with privacy.

June 21st, 2011, 14:34
I'm disappointed - I thought you might reply:

How often do you masturbate in front of your mother?

Never, I always let her go first


June 21st, 2011, 15:15
Resignation -- It was announced on 25 July 2006 that Browne would stand down as chief executive of BP in December 2008. There had been press speculation that he had wished to continue beyond this date, but he made it clear that he did not wish to do so. On 6 January 2007, Browne won his first interim injunction against the allegations by his former partner Jeff Chevalier being published. He later disclosed being "terrified" that his sexuality would be revealed publicly. A week later it was announced that his retirement date had been brought forward to July 2007 and that he would be succeeded by Tony Hayward. In April 2007, after a court case lasting over four weeks, Browne appealed to the Judicial Committee of the House of Lords, who ruled that he could not prevent Associated Newspapers from printing allegations about his romantic life and alleged misuse of company funds. Lord Browne resigned from BP on 1 May 2007, and resigned as a non-executive director of Goldman Sachs on 10 May 2007.

At the time he faced allegations that he had supported his partner, Canadian Jeff Chevalier, throughout their four-year relationship, and when Chevalier moved back to Toronto at the end of the relationship, that Browne paid for 12 months of a lease on an apartment. Browne says he felt he was under pressure to resign due to UK newspaper Mail on Sunday revelations about his personal life and relationship with Chevalier. As part of a statement made at the time of his resignation, he commented: "In my 41 years with BP, I have kept my private life separate from my business life. I have always regarded my sexuality as a personal matter, to be kept private. It is a matter of deep disappointment that a newspaper group has now decided that allegations about my personal life should be made public."

Browne faced charges of perjury for lying to the court over how he met Chevalier. Browne in a deposition to the court initially said the pair had met when they were both exercising in Battersea Park. Browne later admitted this was a lie. He acknowledged that he had actually met Chevalier via a commercial gay escort website, Suited and Booted. However, Mr Justice Eady, the presiding judge in the case, said he decided not to refer the matter to the Attorney General with regard to possible perjury charges, as disclosure in the judgement of Lord Browne's behaviour was "probably sufficient punishment", adding Browne's тАЬwillingness to tell a deliberate lie to the court, persisted in for about two weeks, ... is relevant in assessing his own credibility ... So too is his willingness casually to 'trashтАЩ the reputation of Mr Chevalier and to discredit him in the eyes of the court".

BP chairman, Peter Sutherland, said that a review into claims that company assets and resources had been abused were "unfounded or insubstantive".

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... s-lie.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-452194/Seedy-website-centre-Lord-Brownes-lie.html)

June 21st, 2011, 15:24
I can see where this is going with the media.

I just thought that considering the negative focus that western countries have placed on sex tourist you would expect one of their moves to be discreet surveillance inside
The Gogo bars.

I was in this one bar where this guy was sitting there showing no interest in the boys and halfway through his drink stood up near the counter and finished it there and paid his bill and left in a hurry. Does that not strike anybody as odd? Or is this common behavior for someone to enter a Gogo bar and order a drink before taking a look aloud an being anxious to leave?

I don't have much experience with Gogo bars hence the paranoia. I know Thailand authorities tend to turn a blind eye een though prostitution is technically illegal but I am more concerned with the western authorities causing more general
Immigration issues (watchlists regarding sex tourists etc)

June 21st, 2011, 15:41
I am more concerned with the western authorities causing more general Immigration issues (watchlists regarding sex tourists etc)And you're on every single one of them. :rolling:

June 21st, 2011, 18:24
So what are the odds you are in a bar sitting with a boy and he looks a bit younger than his age somebody could record it. Has anybody known such situations to lead to problems back home?

zero odds. not a chance. go ahead, you're safe.

Not so fast!

Brisboy82 is getting a little paranoid over the "International Agents" - but he mention the media:
blah, blah, blah...
Brisboy82 ought not to be paranoid about International Agents, he does have a point as far as the media is concerned.


ummm... i was being facetious. duh. the troll's a dumbass for asking a stupid question.
he's basically waiting for the more seasoned sunee sexpats to tell him which bars he can
go to for underage sex without fear of being busted. in which case, i hope he feels
comfortable fondling all the fresh-off-the-farm-boys he can find.


June 21st, 2011, 18:46
I never asked anything about which bars to go to. I'm not even in Thailand. I simply asked if being in a bar in uber plaza considering the reputation of the place would be likely to cause problems considering that it's such a notorious place and the witchhunt mentality is pretty much a matter of guilty until proven innocent.

I have no interest in visiting underage bars. It seems sunee plaza is not safe at all an that's sad since it is a nicer and friendlier more laid back place than boyztown.

I have been watching this forum for quite a while and it seems that new members are always accused of being trolls and people are always accused of being pedos. Clearly this is a very hostile environment for new members so how is the site supposed to survive?

June 21st, 2011, 18:52
Clearly this is a very hostile environment for new members so how is the site supposed to survive?

555+ are you kidding!? that's what this board thrives on!
here's a clue tho... if you don't want to be accused of being a troll/pedo
when posting about underage boys and getting caught, then stop posting
about underage boys and getting caught. i love when guys say they're not
interested in such things, but that's all they talk about. so fucking rediculous.

June 21st, 2011, 19:03
Well I never mentioned underage boys so not sure where exactly you got that from.

June 21st, 2011, 19:07
So what are the odds you are in a bar sitting with a boy and he looks a bit younger than his age somebody could record it. Has anybody known such situations to lead to problems back home?

of course you didn't, sweetie. like i said, you have absolutely nothing
to worry about.

June 21st, 2011, 19:12
Well I never mentioned underage boys so not sure where exactly you got that from.

You have to remember that some of the guys on here believe themselves to be mind-readers.

Basically it doesn't matter what you actually post, they will just take whatever meaning they want from it anyway.

For a lot of them it simply boils down to judging other people by their own standards - I'm not saying that applies to Netrix specifically.


June 21st, 2011, 19:31
So what are the odds you are in a bar sitting with a boy and he looks a bit younger than his age somebody could record it. Has anybody known such situations to lead to problems back home?

of course you didn't, sweetie. like i said, you have absolutely nothing
to worry about.

As I said if a boy 'looks younger than his age' particularly to western eyes. How do you prove they are over 18 if you're not even in Thailand anymore.

I'm still suspicious about the guy who was sitting in the bar and showed no interest in the boys and then got up and finished his drink standing at the bar and then left in a hurry. Suspicious behavior!

June 21st, 2011, 20:56
There are one thing you should remember about asking advice on a forum:
No poster is under any obligation to be truthful or accurate. Very often they are not.
You're absolutely correct, but each time something similar is added to one of the regular extended schoolyard quarrels here it seems to be missed. I've tried a few times myself.

Is there the possibility of you being on camera? Yes. Is it a probability or a certainty? You'll probably never know. Ask a club owner and you may get an answer you choose to believe, but it's up to yoooouuuu. My suggestion would be to assume it's true if it matters to you - and behave accordingly.

June 22nd, 2011, 03:04
There are one thing you should remember about asking advice on a forum:
No poster is under any obligation to be truthful or accurate. Very often they are not.
You're absolutely correct, but each time something similar is added to one of the regular extended schoolyard quarrels here it seems to be missed. I've tried a few times myself.

Is there the possibility of you being on camera? Yes. Is it a probability or a certainty? You'll probably never know. Ask a club owner and you may get an answer you choose to believe, but it's up to yoooouuuu. My suggestion would be to assume it's true if it matters to you - and behave accordingly.

I don't care if the bar itself has cameras as the bar already knows what we are all there for. My only concern is whether authorities from the west are in there secretly folding so they can launch a bunch of accusations based on their own assumptions about the staff and clientele. It's the western world that's on a witch hunt.

June 22nd, 2011, 04:11
I have seen customers just sit, pay no attention to those on stage, and then leave without finishing a drink. Not unusual. If you do see a customer playing with a boy then likely they are not a spy! Sometimes I do observe other customers sitting alone and question myself as to their motives. Shy or spy?

June 22nd, 2011, 06:17
My only concern is whether authorities from the west are in there secretly folding so they can launch a bunch of accusations based on their own assumptions about the staff and clientele. It's the western world that's on a witch hunt.
You certainly wouldn't have to look far to find stories about law enforcement visiting foreign countries in an effort to find alleged criminals who are suspected of having fled from where the original accusations were made. I seem to remember such media reports being mentioned on SGT, but it could have been GT or TV.

I don't agree with your "everybody's there for one thing" theory, but I will go so far as to agree that there seem to be more groups from the West that feel they know what's proper for everyone else - damned fool religious/morality fanatics that they are.

Nevertheless, you're safe to assume there's surveillance of one stripe or another in any "grey area" places or establishments, and act accordingly. You don't really think some club owner is going to go to prison rather than cooperate (i.e. run cameras or turn over CCTV tapes) with the Boys in Brown or INTERPOL, do you?

June 22nd, 2011, 06:38
I was in this one bar where this guy was sitting there showing no interest in the boys and halfway through his drink stood up near the counter and finished it there and paid his bill and left in a hurry. Does that not strike anybody as odd? Or is this common behavior for someone to enter a Gogo bar and order a drink before taking a look aloud an being anxious to leave?

think it's called boring bar syndrome. how else to check out a bar and its contents.
at least a drink was purchased. many don't even bother- guess I shouldn't either.
not every customer is out to off a boy in every bar.
fairly obvious to most of us here, evidently not others.

however in your case i am certain they were just
keeping tabs on your activities to report back
to their superiors.
some spies will just check out the contents of the bar
(and you) and just leave without purchasing a drink-
budgets are tight.

June 22nd, 2011, 09:21
I have seen customers just sit, pay no attention to those on stage, and then leave without finishing a drink. Not unusual. If you do see a customer playing with a boy then likely they are not a spy! Sometimes I do observe other customers sitting alone and question myself as to their motives. Shy or spy?I've sometimes walked into a bar, ordered a drink then look around, thought "Oh christ!" and left as soon as I finished the drink. The only time I went to Screwboy they had to run after me to pay for the drink, so eager was I to get away.

June 22nd, 2011, 09:51
I have seen customers just sit, pay no attention to those on stage, and then leave without finishing a drink. Not unusual. If you do see a customer playing with a boy then likely they are not a spy! Sometimes I do observe other customers sitting alone and question myself as to their motives. Shy or spy?I've sometimes walked into a bar, ordered a drink then look around, thought "Oh christ!" and left as soon as I finished the drink. The only time I went to Screwboy they had to run after me to pay for the drink, so eager was I to get away.

I had that experience in golden cock I was the only customer and their hands were everywhere! I tried to finish my drink asap.

June 22nd, 2011, 10:30
So what are the odds you are in a bar sitting with a boy and he looks a bit younger than his age somebody could record it. Has anybody known such situations to lead to problems back home?

of course you didn't, sweetie. like i said, you have absolutely nothing
to worry about.

As I said if a boy 'looks younger than his age' particularly to western eyes. How do you prove they are over 18 if you're not even in Thailand anymore.

I'm still suspicious about the guy who was sitting in the bar and showed no interest in the boys and then got up and finished his drink standing at the bar and then left in a hurry. Suspicious behavior![/quote


June 22nd, 2011, 10:39

As I said if a boy 'looks younger than his age' particularly to western eyes. How do you prove they are over 18 if you're not even in Thailand anymore.

I'm still suspicious about the guy who was sitting in the bar and showed no interest in the boys and then got up and finished his drink standing at the bar and then left in a hurry. Suspicious behavior![/quote


It seems like that. Apparently even checking ID is insufficient as so many fakes around

June 22nd, 2011, 16:04
Actually on that ( semi serious ) note - could someone just remind me what the minimum date "should" be in the Thai calendar on a guys ID to ensure that he IS of legal age in Thailand - and thats not that I ever intentionally try to cut it anywhere near to the wire so to speak but sometimes with some Thai guys it's just so damned hard to tell. Thanks.

June 22nd, 2011, 16:20
Pattaya just passed an ordinence recently. All boys in the go go clubs must not only have there IDs on file with the club (a photo copy so police can see)
BUT BUT now another copy gets sent to the police and a background check done on the boys in the bar.

I guess that's another reason to keep patronizing the go go clubs and stay away from picking them up on the beach and Gay Romeo?
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

June 22nd, 2011, 16:54
Now another copy gets sent to the police and a background check done on the boys in the bar.

Another example of Amazing Thailand, prostitution is illegal, and the BIB now want copies of the bar boys ID's.....you couldn't make it up if you tried :occasion9:

June 22nd, 2011, 17:02
Now another copy gets sent to the police and a background check done on the boys in the bar.

Another example of Amazing Thailand, prostitution is illegal, and the BIB now want copies of the bar boys ID's.....you couldn't make it up if you tried :occasion9:
Who said the boys were prostitues my dear? I thought our customers just wanted a partner to go party with and show them around town or even play rummy with!
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

June 22nd, 2011, 17:25
Rummy - no.

Rumpy-Pumpy - yes.


June 22nd, 2011, 17:28
Actually on that ( semi serious ) note - could someone just remind me what the minimum date "should" be in the Thai calendar on a guys ID to ensure that he IS of legal age in Thailand - and thats not that I ever intentionally try to cut it anywhere near to the wire so to speak but sometimes with some Thai guys it's just so damned hard to tell. Thanks.

Anybody worth "offing" ought to have the "normal" date on their ID card, as well as the "Thai" date.

I think they'd have to be well over the hill (ie around 30) to just have the Thai date.


June 22nd, 2011, 17:44
Pattaya just passed an ordinence recently. All boys in the go go clubs must not only have there IDs on file with the club (a photo copy so police can see)
BUT BUT now another copy gets sent to the police and a background check done on the boys in the bar.

I guess that's another reason to keep patronizing the go go clubs and stay away from picking them up on the beach and Gay Romeo?
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

So that would actually ensure all the boys in all the bars are over 18? It would certainly make visiting the gogo bars a lot more relaxing, one less thing to worry about.

But would it really be enforced?

June 22nd, 2011, 17:53
I had that experience in golden cock I was the only customer and their hands were everywhere! I tried to finish my drink asap.Given your fantasies about what go-go boys might get up to in the dressing room (your other thread on straight boys and sticky rice) I'd have thought this would be getting close to your ultimate fantasy. Maybe they weren't playing with each other as well, and that's what you didn't like? What time and day of the week was this that you were their only customer?

June 22nd, 2011, 17:56
Actually on that ( semi serious ) note - could someone just remind me what the minimum date "should" be in the Thai calendar on a guys ID to ensure that he IS of legal age in Thailand - and thats not that I ever intentionally try to cut it anywhere near to the wire so to speak but sometimes with some Thai guys it's just so damned hard to tell. Thanks.

There is a 543 years difference between the Buddhist calendar and the Gregorian calendar.
Year 2011 in the West is year 2554 in Thailand. 2554 - 18 = 2536

June 22nd, 2011, 18:59
I had that experience in golden cock I was the only customer and their hands were everywhere! I tried to finish my drink asap.Given your fantasies about what go-go boys might get up to in the dressing room (your other thread on straight boys and sticky rice) I'd have thought this would be getting close to your ultimate fantasy. Maybe they weren't playing with each other as well, and that's what you didn't like? What time and day of the week was this that you were their only customer?

Exactly they were touching me and not eah other. There was also no Gogo to speak of. And the cute one had a really huge cock Which put me off (I know plenty of people would enjoy that but I find huge cocks a turnoff).

I was there around 9pm I think. Is ot unusual for it to be devoid of customers?

June 22nd, 2011, 19:05
HUGE COCKS, Oh my what a turn off!!! And touching the you all over your body??
Now where did you say this bar was again?? Name??
:sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

June 22nd, 2011, 19:08
HUGE COCKS, Oh my what a turn off!!!And touching the you all over your body??
Now where did you say this bar was again??
:sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

55 I knew that would get a reaction. It was enormous! He wanted me to touch it! Terrible!

Golden cock in Silom

June 22nd, 2011, 19:13
I was there around 9pm I think. Is ot unusual for it to be devoid of customers?Maybe - it would depend on the day of the week.

June 22nd, 2011, 19:14
55 I knew that would get a reaction. It was enormous! He wanted me to touch it! Terrible!
Golden cock in Silom
WELL I will just have to go there straight away and check it out for myself. And if what you say is true, I will have to talk to the boy and tell him that making people touch it or lick it or WORSE, sit on it is just deplorable!! Do they have long time rooms?
:sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

June 22nd, 2011, 21:06
Bisboy82 I hope for your sake that this young man with the huge dick is available when another respondent to this thread travels to Bangkok to make use of his services. The last time someone posted about a huge dick in Bangkok that could not be located by said respondent all hell broke loose and the poster was accused of all manner of perfidy.

June 22nd, 2011, 22:45
When the prospective visitor aka Justme visits the Golden Cock he would be well advised to remember to wipe his feet at the entrance.....

...............on the way out!

And should there be short-time rooms, avoid, avoid, avoid.

The place is not only sleazy (which is fine) but filthy (which is not)

Having said that, when in BKK I always go there! But that's because it's one of the very few boy bars open in the afternoon.


June 22nd, 2011, 23:16
one of the few bars open in the afternoon

Yep, essential for someone from Scotland...

June 22nd, 2011, 23:20
one of the few bars open in the afternoon

Yep, essential for someone from Scotland...

Do you feel better now?


June 23rd, 2011, 00:27
I dont mind sleezy and I enjoy an afternoon roll in the hay better than night time (night time is for sleeping!) but I just dont know if I can s=do dirty.
Well time will tell. Well adios to Once Is Too Much so I guess everyone can get back to normal or watch which NEW MEMBERS join this week!
:sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

June 23rd, 2011, 03:18
Bisboy82 I hope for your sake that this young man with the huge dick is available when another respondent to this thread travels to Bangkok to make use of his services. The last time someone posted about a huge dick in Bangkok that could not be located by said respondent all hell broke loose and the poster was accused of all manner of perfidy.

Indeed it's a pretty serious matter. I'm really not a fan of huge cocks. This guy appeared to be bigger than those so called 'big cock shows' at twilight and he's not wearing those stupid cockring and condom combos

June 23rd, 2011, 03:30
55 I knew that would get a reaction. It was enormous! He wanted me to touch it! Terrible!
Golden cock in Silom

Brisboy; for someone who does not visit Thailand "just" for sex you do know how to find the best of the worst places for sleaze and sex.

June 23rd, 2011, 03:37
55 I knew that would get a reaction. It was enormous! He wanted me to touch it! Terrible!
Golden cock in Silom

Brisboy; for someone who does not visit Thailand "just" for sex you do know how to find the best of the worst places for sleaze and sex.

I've been visiting Thailand for years and had more than my fair hare of sex but this is gentlest year that I have actually visited the Gogo bars. It's all pretty new to me but not hard to find. I checked out the local bars and took in a few shows. It all fascinates me a bit because it's all new to me. It was my first time actually visiting as a single person. And the last as I am now coupled again (not with a Thai. I learned
My lesson about that previously).

June 23rd, 2011, 04:21
I've been visiting Thailand for years and had more than my fair hare of sex

So, you fuck like a rabbit???????????...................... :dontknow:

Brad the Impala
June 23rd, 2011, 04:38
I've been visiting Thailand for years and had more than my fair hare of sex

So, you fuck like a rabbit???????????...................... :dontknow:

Or squeal like a hare?

June 23rd, 2011, 04:42
I've been visiting Thailand for years and had more than my fair hare of sex

So, you fuck like a rabbit???????????...................... :dontknow:
So it would seem!

June 23rd, 2011, 08:59
never heard of a rabbit whale before

June 23rd, 2011, 09:05
never heard of a rabbit whale before
That would be funny if I was actually fat