View Full Version : TIP FOR BOYZ BOYZ

May 4th, 2006, 03:14
Having just returned from the Land of Smiles, and i have some very explosive tales to tell, which will come in a later post. My first statement from my travels, regards BOYZ BOYZ, in Pattaya. Management please take note. I object to being forced to give TIP, to a waiter every time i visit your establishment. On the occasion i did not give gratitude i was greeted in a very rude manner. I will never visit again, and i must say so will many other visitors, if this is how you run a business. As for Pattaya, i must say how surprised i was to see it deteriorated since i was last there in January. Too many Russians and i have never seen so many low class farangs. I am sad to say i will not been visiting again in the foreseeable future and have no desire to return.

May 4th, 2006, 03:40
Russians are new for the market in Pattaya, and yes very low class. But a lot off money to spend !
Boyz boyz boyz, i did tip good and i was treat like a king last feb. and mars but if my tip was low ... I do not now whats happens ?

May 4th, 2006, 03:55
You are never FORCED to give a tip. But I do know what you mean, there is a lot of pushy service about. Don't if you don't want to. There are lots of bars all over the place anyway. If you are treated rudely, move on to another.

May 4th, 2006, 04:24
My ex BF had a computer monitor fall from above and hit him on the head in there lol - one of the staff had an accident.

Lucky hes thick headed and was only shook up.........the management didnt seem overly bothered until i called the police........ needless to say we didnt tip and whoever "their" police major or higher is was suitably dealt with. One good thing did come from it...............a lot of the boys that work there regularly say hello in the street etc and ask how is my friend lol

i didnt hold a grudge - still popped in again.

May 4th, 2006, 06:23
You didn't tip and you saw too many low lifes. LMTU is right...you are looking in the mirror.

May 4th, 2006, 13:18
Why would you not want to give a tip this as in most parts of the world it what the staff live on.

I don't know why that is my problem to worry about, and I don't feel at all obliged to tip for bad, mediocre or even average service - if they want a tip they should try providing service that deserves it.

rewarding bad service with a tip just forces standards even lower - you will have to serve yourself soon and they will still expect a tip!


May 4th, 2006, 13:21
Why you object? Do you think there are not low lifes in Pattaya?
Its FULL of them. Along with some gentlement.

May 4th, 2006, 13:25
Tipping or not tipping at a Thai bar is your own personal business, and if the staff at a bar are rude because you are not feeling like tipping, try some other bars, they are a dime a dozen.

May 4th, 2006, 18:23
As for Pattaya, i must say how surprised i was to see it deteriorated since i was last there in January. Too many Russians and i have never seen so many low class farangs. I am sad to say i will not been visiting again in the foreseeable future and have no desire to return.

You visit a third world country with third world prices and expect the standards of Monaco?

Can we assume that your stayed at the Royal Cliffe to maintain the standards that you expect the riff-raff that you saw and obviously upset you to aspire to. Places like Pattaya do not need the snobbish tourists when others are just trying to enjoy themselves.

Ever thought that the Russians who bring millions of Baht into Pattaya think that there are too many Europeans for their liking? You obviously did not bother to do any research as even the most basic questions would have revealed that the Russsians hit town in late
December - April.

I rate this as one of the most petulant and stupid posts that was supposed to contain serious comments I have ever seen on these boards.

Please tell us you are not from the UK, I don't think I could bear having to apologise for a fellow Brit making stupid remark like that.

I hope the rest of the 'explosive tales' that you threaten to post are a bloody sight more intelligent than this posting of yours.

May 4th, 2006, 19:52
Well all I know is that I've never been to Pattaya, but after reading an article in last weekends newspaper on the murder of a New Zealander there about 10 days ago, (and reading all the posts in here) I'm not bloody likely to go either. Russian mafia, Swedish thugs, Pakistani con-men, and that's before you get to the Thai robbing, bashing and butchering farang, my God who in their right mind would want to go there??

The place appears to me to be little more than a crime ridden cesspit.

May 4th, 2006, 20:37
Another Nutter where are they all coming for this week,

Quote:- "i have never seen so many low class farangs"
Stop looking in the mirror, dont judge others, same as yourself. ass hole.

Quote:- 'I am sad to say i will not been visiting again in the foreseeable future and have no desire to return".

Yippee lets all have a party, you must be of no good to any business with your attitude, go to Blackpool UK with the rest of the plebs, but I hope you dont ware one of those "Kiss Me Quick Hats" Im sure you had on .

Stay away we dont want your sort here, any way, how did you come here when your signing on the social security, I thought you could not leave the country.
My way of life.
1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happen.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less

let me tell u, the news, and the facts, its up to you how you interpret it. no Rumors here

Important before you read my Posts you should know.
Olny srmat poelpe can read this.
# I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
# The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at
# Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it denos't mtater in waht oredr the ltetres in a
# wrod are, the olny iprnoatmt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be
# in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed
# it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
# lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I
# awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!


Why don't you drop all that senseless junk that follows all your incomprehensible posts.
The attiutude you claim to live by is contradicted by your posts.
Saying one should free their heart from hatred and then call them an asshole is really something.
Perhaps cut and paste it to your mirror to remind yourself how you should be,
rather than how you perceive others to be.


May 4th, 2006, 21:49
BBB is well known for there rude staff. They have been there for years some of them. If you dont like the service dont tip and just dont go back.

May 5th, 2006, 06:01
For the attention of the followings Thaiquila, Let me tell u, Doug and last but not least Naughty But Nice. Let me just point out to you i do not be grudge giving a tip, but when it is expected every time you order a drink i object. And for your imformation, i have been travelling to Thailand for the last 14 years and visit 4 times a year. I am in a very fortunate position i have excess disposal income. I am not on the social and compared to some of the trivial rubbish which is posted on here, Naughty but Nice, my post was stating a fact. Get a life and stop being a stupid bitch. I have high standards and always have, so i will move from this childish behaviour. I will NOT be posting any further statments on here, i have a life and feel i am wasting my time, on this board.

May 5th, 2006, 06:53
I have just returned from Pattaya and had great service at BBB they opened the door for me..and sat me in the best spot every night.........and took great care of all my friends as well....and were very attentive to check with me if any of my friends were putting a drink on my bill.........of course I gave a good tip...because they gave good service........even let us bring in our own bottle of whiskey and just purchased our mixer........I think they prefer you but your bottle at their bar......they rarely let my drink get empty before checking with me for another one......I for one will be back again.....Thanks to Jim for his hospitality

May 5th, 2006, 07:01
Let me Tell U, if i was in Pattaya i would kick your arse and you would know about it. Lucky for you i won't be returning. And for your info i kick f*****g hard.

May 5th, 2006, 07:38
When people ask me what is happening the gay community, I answer WHAT gay community?

May 5th, 2006, 08:37
Some people get all the luck. When I was there last year for a day, I would have welcomed a Russian Mafia or three.

All I got were a couple of over tanned senior citizens from Recklinghausen the wife all saggy titties from hell,which she insisted on letting loose and the husband all lard and sweat with a desperate wondering eye the other one being closed for some reason, they and an English critter that I can only describe as a heritage site.

The English thingy was fully dressed for the beach it had a strange hair job like a skull cap, quite short and pinky grey,way too much blue eye shadow and pinky rouge seeping into the fine cracks and a diamond ear stud that set the whole granny barbie thing of perfectly. Only the legs were like matchsticks straddling a pelvis and completely without hair. The face looked sore like it had had been to Candle T spa for a chemical peel special or paw paw scrub once too often, so was thinned skinned and flush with spider veins and fresh abrasion wounds. Think Peter O' Toole in drag just before he dropped.

What time of year do the Russian "lads" come to play? Any chance I can learn some more "footie" I am almost a fan these days ?

May 5th, 2006, 08:46
Sounds like you were paying more attention to the English atrocities in the audience than the luscious Thai boys on stage.

May 5th, 2006, 11:06
There wasn't any-one else on the beach just a few deck-chair attendants and a person selling fishy things from a tray,they looked like oysters I can't be sure, but in that heat I decided to pass. Come to think about it there wasn't much beach either just row upon row upon row upon row of deck chair, under a canvas roofing,which made it very clammy in there smelling of yesterdays cooking oil and damp sand, I was even bitten by a mossy.
I heard tell Hua Hin is the new 'aya.

May 5th, 2006, 12:45
. I am not on the social and compared to some of the trivial rubbish which is posted on here, Naughty but Nice, my post was stating a fact. Get a life and stop being a stupid bitch. I have high standards and always have, so i will move from this childish behaviour.

As a frequent visitor you should be aware that things in Thailand should not be compared with the 'high standards' that you demand in your own country. You are fully aware of how things work here and your post was nothing more than a petulant, self-pitying composition.

The very fact that Pattaya continually attracts such a high volume of visitors, although it would appear not of the upper echelons of society that you have aspirations of one day socialising with, speaks volumes for how the majority of visitors feel about the city.

May 6th, 2006, 09:16
One solution, I have found that works, is to use the ignore feature.. You will never have to read posters who annoy you.. It tunes out the
those whom you choose and allows you to enjoy the board.. You are not the first or the last to find certain posters irritating and ignoring
them is the way I deal with them.. Every board has its personalities, some are witty, some are very informative, some share personal
experiences, some inform and some just like to stir things up and crave attention.. There is room for all and if one gets on your nerves
just ignore them.. Lmtu is usually a good sport and can dish it out and can take it... He has his fans and his detractors but he doesn't quit
and run.. This forum would be be poorer without him, althou I do know many who are less tolerant and would like to see him banned .. He really is a character and believe it or not has many people who like him and enjoy his company..
I have some posters on ignore so long , I can't remember why I ignored them and I know some find my posts irritating and no doubt some use the ignore feature to block catawampus cat.. You sound so frustrated and believe me kicking is not the answer but try the ignore feature and stay around..

May 6th, 2006, 09:45
Some people get all the luck. When I was there last year for a day, I would have welcomed a Russian Mafia or three.

All I got were a couple of over tanned senior citizens from Recklinghausen the wife all saggy titties from hell,which she insisted on letting loose and the husband all lard and sweat with a desperate wondering eye the other one being closed for some reason, they and an English critter that I can only describe as a heritage site.

Oh dear! lol. Looks like you had the misfortune of seeing one of England's old stately homos. I hope nothing fell off while he was there, did it? They have a tendency to crumble you know. :cheers: