View Full Version : Abhisit to resign?

June 15th, 2011, 09:28
Democrat leader Abhisit (or Mark as he's known to his friends) has said he'll resign (http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/242242/abhisit-gambles-on-leadership) as Democrat leader if the Democrats lose as many seats to the Thaksinites as the polls suggest. Meanwhile Army chief Prayuth has gone on television urging voters to elect "good people" (http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/election/242238/gen-prayuth-urges-voters-to-back-the-good-people) into parliament to protect the monarchy and change the country for the better. As Abhisit was born and grew up in England (educated Eton and Oxford) we can assume he knows what a consitutional monarchy truly looks like. One of the accusations their opponents make against Pheu Thai is that they are all really republicans, so you can work out how the good General is urging voters to make their choice.

June 16th, 2011, 02:46
He can't resign. It took me 2 months to learn to pronounce his last name and I love saying it as it doesn't resemble the written version at all. It's just not fair.

June 16th, 2011, 10:48
But wait - there's more. He now says he's been misreported (http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/242441/abhisit-refutes-reports-of-resignation) and won't be resigning after all. Perhaps the Army has given him some quiet words of encouragement?