View Full Version : Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn

June 12th, 2011, 05:18
Why am I not surprised?

"Psychology Today" (www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-big-qu ... -male-porn (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-big-questions/201106/homophobic-men-most-aroused-gay-male-porn)) reports a study that found "Heterosexual men with the most anti-gay attitudes, when asked, reported not being sexually aroused by gay male sex videos. But, their penises reported otherwise. Homophobic men were the most sexually aroused by gay male sex acts."

It seems Sigmund Freud was right.

June 12th, 2011, 10:04
Whatever obsesses you most is most likely to be the thing you fear about yourself. Take those who vent about pedophiles, for example.

June 12th, 2011, 14:22
Whatever obsesses you most is most likely to be the thing you fear about yourself. Take those who vent about pedophiles, for example.

Yeh and those who vent about forum bullies too!

Khor tose
June 12th, 2011, 16:49
Whatever obsesses you most is most likely to be the thing you fear about yourself. Take those who vent about pedophiles, for example.

Boy I've seen some crap statements in my life but this one takes the cake. Comparing the condemnation of sexual activity between adults, with rape between an adult and a child is beyond bizarre. :crazy: :crazy: They call this symbol "crazy" but in your case "wacko" would be more appropriate. Obviously you have never dealt with an abused child, or lack all sense of compassion or both. Let me carry your stupid logic further. If you are against murderers, you must be a murderer at heart. If you are against rape then you must be a rapist at heart and if you are against idiots like you then you must be an idiot at heart. This last sentence you will quote and say, yes your are, as that is your not to clever style. :thebirdman:

June 13th, 2011, 04:51
Whatever obsesses you most is most likely to be the thing you fear about yourself. Take those who vent about pedophiles, for example.Comparing the condemnation of sexual activity between adults, with rape between an adult and a child is beyond bizarre.Clearly you don't understand the use of the word obsess (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/obsess) which I used in its ordinary sense. I was merely talking about the behaviors of repressed individuals not whether one approves or disapproves certain behaviors. They are two entirely different things.

Khor tose
June 13th, 2011, 13:31
Whatever obsesses you most is most likely to be the thing you fear about yourself. Take those who vent about pedophiles, for example.Comparing the condemnation of sexual activity between adults, with rape between an adult and a child is beyond bizarre.Clearly you don't understand the use of the word obsess (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/obsess) which I used in its ordinary sense. I was merely talking about the behaviors of repressed individuals not whether one approves or disapproves certain behaviors. They are two entirely different things.

es, I do understand the word "obsess" but still do not read your statement as benign. However, I will take your word that you did mean your statement to be only about a special fixation. In that case I do apologize for my harsh comments, as I usually do enjoy many of your comments, even if I may have misunderstood this one.

June 13th, 2011, 14:54
... but still do not read your statement as benign. It was intended to be objective - benign or malign are irrelevant value statements. For the record I regard pedophilia as a form of mental illness and until we find some chemical way of treating the condition we don't have much option but to lock the perpetrators away for the term of their natural life. (That does not mean prison).