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June 6th, 2011, 14:52
Happy Place Go Go Bar Pattaya's Premier Drinking Bar now announces FREE OFFS after midnight!!

With 2 drink purchase!! This includes BOY DRINKS!
Come in any night, buy 1 drink, offer a boy a drink = Take a Go go boy or staff member Off, no Fee!

This Promotional Special runs now through november 15th.

June 6th, 2011, 15:18
I want the big guy who sits by the door....always looks a little lonely to me. :rolling:

June 6th, 2011, 15:52
I want the big guy who sits by the door....always looks a little lonely to meBut is he a wombat?

June 7th, 2011, 01:55
I suspect the bar will sell more drinks; the staff will get more offs, and the customers will save some money. Everyone's a winner!

June 7th, 2011, 02:49
I suspect the bar will sell more drinks; the staff will get more offs, and the customers will save some money. Everyone's a winner!


You are also in danger of becoming a ' busy fool ' where you achieve turnover but come the end of the month, no profit, coming from someone in the hospitality game, that's no fun at all.

However, it is not justme's core business, so it's not a matter of life or death to him.

June 7th, 2011, 04:39
Quite a generous offer and should bring in some business. Most likely good for the guys as well. I would tend to be a bit more generous due to the no off fee.

Holiday can not get here fast enough. I will do my best to rescue the poor gay scene from low season. Hang tight lads. :king:

June 7th, 2011, 04:51
Y Nov 15?

June 7th, 2011, 05:17
Y Nov 15?

I figured Nov 15th started going into a higher season. We have to play things by ear.

June 7th, 2011, 20:13
I don't see how this proposal can make justme a "busy fool" . If turnover is increased he is quids in as the loss of income from off fees will be more than set off by increased customers buying drinks. I think it's a good idea and at least someone is doing something different to try to attract more custom. Wish some ot the other bars could come up with some ideas.

June 8th, 2011, 00:48
Thank you Pennyboy.
The thought behind this new idea is that the bars get very slow after midnight. The show is long over from 10:30 - 11:15 and the boys and everyone seems to be getting sleepy. Especially me! Our main goal is to keep EVERYONE happy. Not too many offs happen after midnight, so hopefully this will make the boys happier as they have a better chance. The bar sells a few extra drinks, maybe the boy gets someone to go out with, and the customer saves a fee dollars. Hopefully, everyone is happy and the customers will come and prove me correct.

June 8th, 2011, 02:02

That works fine until you get the patient ex pats who sit with their one drink all the way through the show and after occupying the best seats in the house, wait till the bells strike midnight.They make sure that they have no eye contact with the waiters just in case one might dare ask them if they want another drink!!

They usually get there early, as they have already eaten early bird elsewhere on an early bird offer.

Then they wait like vultures who haven't eaten for a month. They pounce at one minute past midnight and are prepared to show you their watch if you argue the time with them!

They sit there menacingly glaring and intimidating any punters who attempt to make contact or speak with their chosen prey

Then before you know where you are, the boys they should and could have paid the off fee for earlier in the evening are gone F.O.C. and all that's left is an empty bar with the ugly ducklings! Sometimes it backfires and the boy is offed in normal hours but these guys are a breed on their own and a patient bunch! They'll be back tomorrow to repeat the exercise until thwey have saved that off fee.

The odd punter will pass after midnight, stick his head in the door, see there are no swans and the bar is as empty as a supermarket in Zimbabwe and they will bugger off too.

How do I know, because we've been there! tried things like this.

Of course many of the ' cheapies ' will be in total favour of anything that lowers prices for them and their immediate needs regardless of the long term implications for you.

Also, they then start the old routine outside the permitted hours using the excuse of, I am a good spender...why should I pay the off....I am here every other night....etc etc

You could always throw in a taxi home for them as well and most of the cheeky bastards would let you.

pennyboy- I actually didn't call anybody a busy fool, I ws referring to what could happen if that Policy were adopted, including myself from previous experience of this type of promotion.

As they say justme, it is your bar and so it is ' UP TO YOU '.................... :laughing3:

June 8th, 2011, 02:25
I can't see myself hanging around a bar till after midnight (or going into a bar) just to save the couple of hundred Baht off fee. I usually off a boy
early(ish) in the evening and have food and drinks somewhere. The 300 or 400 Baht off fee is a small part of my spending.

Of course, I might take advantage on my last night, when funds are low - I'm not above being a cheap charlie when it suits.

But at least the bar owner is doing something to encourage business - can't be a bad thing.

June 8th, 2011, 02:32
I can't see myself hanging around a bar till after midnight (or going into a bar) just to save the couple of hundred Baht off fee. I usually off a boy
early(ish) in the evening and have food and drinks somewhere. The 300 or 400 Baht off fee is a small part of my spending.

Of course, I might take advantage on my last night, when funds are low - I'm not above being a cheap charlie when it suits.

But at least the bar owner is doing something to encourage business - can't be a bad thing.

Completely agree joe552,

Just pointing out the flip side dangers and playing Devils Advocate!!

As they say in Yorkshire ' A bit of summat, is better than a lot of nowt ' .... :laughing3:

June 8th, 2011, 12:34
I love that saying I AM ONE OF THE BIGGEST SPENDERS IN PATTAYA I heard it the second night I opened the Dragon and 1000 times since and its usually followed by an order of soda water please which then takes an hour to drink if not more, followed by a pleasant good night I will see you next week when I do not have a bad stomach you have got to love Pattaya. PS I will pretend I did not see you changing phone numbers with your chosen boy l o l.

June 8th, 2011, 13:46
What do you do if you see a customer change phone numbers with a boy//

personally i will become a bar owner soon and we must hit these people who do this.

June 8th, 2011, 14:08
Before I answer Tony's question, I want to comment on Mark.
When I opened up HP, I had in my stupid mind, why isnt anyone going after all the expats? Im going to do that because they are here day in and day out and I will have a customer base all year round! The other bars don't know what they are doing! WRONG! They sure as freaking hell know what they are doing!
I do my best to try to cut the expat a break, try to give them a wee bit more attention. It doesnt work They are never happy enough and want more and more. I think if I gave away free booze, they would still complain that the glass wasnt pretty enough or as you say, why arent the boys free?
People reading this should think about giving us a little break!

Now Tony.
I have meetings with my boys. I tell them that I pay 40,000 rent, 20,000 to the men in uniform to go away, 10,000 lawyer and electric, water and my payroll is about 37,000 every 2 weeks or 74,000 a month and dont forget radio 10,000 a month and magazines. This year I have had to replace 3 aircon units, 2 toilets and God knows how many uniforms and lasers and lights! Thats before I make one single baht. Extra for the show.
Do dont feel sorry for me, just understand is all I ask.

Personally, I do it because I like to play with the boys, like to enjoy time with my freinds and customers. I like owning a bar! It my hobby and it keeps me busy from sitting on the beaach all day and doing jack poop!

When I see a customer or boy trading phone numbers, I throw the boy out, mind you in a very loud voice so everyone hears and that there is no mistake about my policy, and then if the customer DARES say anything, I pick up his check bin and throw him out right with the boy.
Now, I tell the boys, my expenses are about 194,000. DONT YOU DARE TRY TO FUCK ME OUT OF A LOUSEY 300 BAHT!

Thank you all for listening and have a wonderful day!
:hello2: :sign5: :dontknow: :sign5:

June 8th, 2011, 14:24
I do my best to try to cut the expat a break, try to give them a wee bit more attention. It doesnt work They are never happy enough and want more and more. I think if I gave away free booze, they would still complain that the glass wasnt pretty enough or as you say, why arent the boys free?
... sleazy low-life dumb fuck creeps living in a bubble in Pattaya, bitching about their last prostitute failing to please them or somethingIs there a pattern emerging here?

June 8th, 2011, 15:12
I do my best to try to cut the expat a break, try to give them a wee bit more attention. It doesnt work They are never happy enough and want more and more. I think if I gave away free booze, they would still complain that the glass wasnt pretty enough or as you say, why arent the boys free?
... sleazy low-life dumb fuck creeps living in a bubble in Pattaya, bitching about their last prostitute failing to please them or somethingIs there a pattern emerging here?

Yes, both contributors have omitted the adjectives obnoxious and predatory from their description of many ex-pats in Pattaya - although Beachy may intended "creeps" to suffice.

These are the people who wink and leer, like a victorian tart, at any attractive boy you have with you, jingle their keys at him, follow him into the toilet, slip him their phone number, or even walk right up to him and try to start a conversation as if you were not there!


June 8th, 2011, 15:49
These are the people who wink and leer, like a victorian tart, at any attractive boy you have with you, jingle their keys at him, follow him into the toilet, slip him their phone number, or even walk right up to him and try to start a conversation as if you were not there!No need to discuss my personal habits in such detail, scottish-guy.

June 8th, 2011, 15:49
:sign5: well not even 2 days have gone by and maybe, probably, Kquill and the others might be right again!
One of my boys just came to my house for a little R & R, one of the only benefiets I get with this place.....
and informed me of the following......

A man came to the bar last night and drank or sipped and at 11:30pm (not midnight) demanded to take him off for free! Was that you Thonglor?
Anyway, he finally paid the off fee and then informed the boy whilst at their hotel for poverty stricken tourists, THE FOUR SEASONS that he wanted to take him to Cambodia for 2 days but wants the boy to HUSH HUSH and not tell the bar so he can avoid the off fee! :sign5: When the boy informed him that if he took off 2 days that he would have to pay the 2 days out of his pocket, the customer then informed him that instead of 1,500 baht tip, he needed to only give him 1,200 because it was just too expensive! :sign5: :sign5:
Thonglor, are you hanging out with Paperboy and Once Is Too Much again ?
UNBELIEVABLE, not even 2 days after the start.

Those that want free drinks exchange numbers and not pay the offs, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!

June 8th, 2011, 15:53
A man came to the bar last night and drank or sipped and at 11:30pm (not midnight) demanded to take him off for free! Was that you Thonglor? Nowhere to hide {sigh}.

June 8th, 2011, 16:10
And long after it has been proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt that SURFLIAR ran down to the bar for purposes of trying to make the bar look bad and then running back home 40 minutes later to make a liabless post by saying he was scammed, I still have to listen to his crap!

SURFCREST you have been proven that you are lower than the expats we refer to. You did a decietful dishonest thing! Let it go, everyone knows that your credibility has gone INTO THE TOILET! WHY DONT YOU TAKE A POLL AND SEE IF ANYONE BELIEVES YOU.

Stop pointing out that I have 2 usernames. Big fucking deal. One for business and one personal! Eat shit and die already!

Delete messageReport private messageQuote messageRe: PS
Sent: Wed 8 Jun, 2011 3:11 pm
From: Surfcrest
To: justme

justme wrote: (months ago)
No, we are not moving forward with criminal charges cause I already told you the lawyer and Police major that we saw at station 9, a very good freind of ours,told us on numerous occassions that it was ill advised to go forward with this criminally because it would cost too much and take many years to go through the legal system and with appeals.

justme wrote: (today in a post)
20,000 to the men in uniform to go away, 10,000 lawyer

Surcrest in a PM today wrote:
Fuck youтАЩre dumb!


June 8th, 2011, 17:40
:sign5: well not even 2 days have gone by and maybe, probably, Kquill and the others might be right again!
One of my boys just came to my house for a little R & R, one of the only benefiets I get with this place.....
and informed me of the following......

A man came to the bar last night and drank or sipped and at 11:30pm (not midnight) demanded to take him off for free! Was that you Thonglor?
Anyway, he finally paid the off fee and then informed the boy whilst at their hotel for poverty stricken tourists, THE FOUR SEASONS that he wanted to take him to Cambodia for 2 days but wants the boy to HUSH HUSH and not tell the bar so he can avoid the off fee! :sign5: When the boy informed him that if he took off 2 days that he would have to pay the 2 days out of his pocket, the customer then informed him that instead of 1,500 baht tip, he needed to only give him 1,200 because it was just too expensive! :sign5: :sign5:
Thonglor, are you hanging out with Paperboy and Once Is Too Much again ?
UNBELIEVABLE, not even 2 days after the start.[/u][/b]


I won't say I told you so,you are like me 14 years ago, trying to give what you consider a fair deal and value for money!... :laughing3: :laughing3:

Now, where's my free taxi ride home.......TAXI...TAXI..... :laughing3:

June 8th, 2011, 17:50
ask madame, Im busy. Word has it that she has plenty of time on her hands right now but I dont think she will be getting a new ride each year anymore. :sign5:

June 8th, 2011, 17:55
justme i think its good you physically therow customers out,your a very big man obviously your size imtimidates people.
i really need you as a bodyguard/bouncer when i buy up some siunne plaza baers /bars and as a standover man,i will pay good money.

June 8th, 2011, 18:06
Sweetie, if and when I am ever able to move on from this endevour, I wont be doing this or anything else in Pattaya!
:sign5: :sign5:

June 8th, 2011, 18:15
i prefer to employ gay farangs as bodyguards and standover men,i will just have to keep looking.

June 8th, 2011, 18:42
And I just realized that whoever the "customer" that tried to cheat the bar out of the off fees for the next two days with this boy, must be a SGF member because he was waiting for midnight. Well the ads have not come out in the magazines for this offer yet. I only posted it here.

OK who wanted to take him to Cambodia and not pay the 300 baht?? Fess up!!

June 8th, 2011, 18:49
what will you be doing to them when u find them,maybe its not the right thing to start hitting them like you do,you should write a email to the moderators

June 8th, 2011, 18:54
Who said anything about hit? at my age and my health, I am the last person that can hit anymore! The mod has nothing to do with this.
Its just obvious to this person that if/when they return, as the boy has ALREADY told me what he TRIED to do, that he will gladly give me a signal to tell me who the guy is. and then the "customer' will be kindly shown the way to another bar.

June 8th, 2011, 23:46
It's a pity that, even if "Scrooge" is thrown out, we still won't know who he is on SGT.

And, for the record, I have never been to Cambodia (I'm waiting on kquill opening up!) - so I am hardly likely to invite a boy for 2 days.

Not that I would try to cheat ANY bar out of the off fee anyway


June 9th, 2011, 00:11
No Scottish, not you. More info..... the guy is from Singapore.

June 9th, 2011, 00:29
And long after it has been proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt that SURFLIAR ran down to the bar for purposes of trying to make the bar look bad and then running back home 40 minutes later to make a liabless post by saying he was scammed, I still have to listen to his crap!

justme wrote: (today in a post)
20,000 to the men in uniform to go away, 10,000 lawyer

Surcrest in a PM today wrote:
Fuck youтАЩre dumb!

LOL... Is he still sending you love letters, Justme? I'm jealous! Oh, Surfscum used to send me these long 1,000 word+ PMs ending with, "your loving friend". He would gush on and on about his wonderful "multiple billion dollar company" life and how my life must be so miserable in comparison.

I think he was desperate to be my sugar daddy! He must think all Asian boys are poor. :rolling:

June 9th, 2011, 00:36
These are the people who wink and leer, like a victorian tart, at any attractive boy you have with you, jingle their keys at him, follow him into the toilet, slip him their phone number, or even walk right up to him and try to start a conversation as if you were not there!
Surely not! According to some people, Shitsville only has respectable, upstanding expats! There's not a single sleazy creep in sight and anyone who makes such observations is lying and has never been there! :rolling:

But yes, in all seriousness, there are too many farang in Pattaya and Thailand like that. They go around assuming every Thai boy is a prostitute. F*cking disgusting creeps.

OK who wanted to take him to Cambodia and not pay the 300 baht?? Fess up!!
ROFL... That is great.

June 9th, 2011, 07:37
Seriously, all this scheming to save a 300 Baht/$10 USD charge. Unbelievable.

Perhaps a much different perspective as a frequent visitor, but IMO Pattaya is the best value around. If you can't afford the fee, stay outa da bar.

June 10th, 2011, 16:18
Whoever was trying this stunt is a sad pathetic creature. It really winds me up - I love my six or so weeks annually in Pattaya, and I want the bars to succeed, so I can continue to enjoy my holidays.

June 10th, 2011, 16:28
Whoever was trying this stunt is a sad pathetic creature. It really winds me up - I love my six or so weeks annually in Pattaya, and I want the bars to succeed, so I can continue to enjoy my holidays.

Quite right!!

People like him ought to avoid the off fee by picking up their prostitutes through Gay Romeo, then sneaking out the Internet Cafe without paying!


June 14th, 2011, 23:06
If I may make a clarification on the policies here,
First is that this has been posted to SGF long before it is due out in the publications (July 5) and therefore this offer has been made to SGF members only.
If it is after midnight and you have bought a drink for yourself and maybe another for the person you are with, you need to REQUEST a free off, just saying that you saw it on the internet.

If you are wanting to take MORE than one boy off, the policy is 2 drinks per off.
Once the adverts in the magazines come out, it will be automatic to all customers.

Thank you

June 14th, 2011, 23:38
If I may make a clarification on the policies here,
First is that this has been posted to SGF long before it is due out in the publications (July 5) and therefore this offer has been made to SGF members only.
If it is after midnight and you have bought a drink for yourself and maybe another for the person you are with, you need to REQUEST a free off, just saying that you saw it on the internet.

If you are wanting to take MORE than one boy off, the policy is 2 drinks per off.
Once the adverts in the magazines come out, it will be automatic to all customers.

Thank you

Have you seen a uplift in off's after midnight recently? Or is it too early to comment?

June 15th, 2011, 01:38
There have been a few and there has been a mix up in the policies by one or two customers as well as my staff. I had a meeting with them today to go over the policies again to make sure that they understand how and when it works. You know we live in Thailand and English is not their native tongue so the policies were not really understood. They are now and we expect that the offs will go way up after the two magazines come out.
we have now joined with OUT! Magazine to hopefully benefit both. Thank you for asking!

June 17th, 2011, 23:46
How much does the off-fees contribute to the turnover of a gay bar? If its contribution is negligible, but the efforts to enforce the off-fee (by bar-owners) and to avoid the off-fee (by customers) are huge, it would be best for everyone to abandon off-fees. Well, not for all: People who moan about off-fees will have to find something else to moan about and I guess people who are not prepared to pay the off-fee are poor tippers as well. And without off-fee, there is no business transaction between bar and customer (apart from the drink), so neither has proof for the off (if something goes wrong).

June 17th, 2011, 23:59
Off fees are essential to the bar. Many bars at this point with the off fee are below break even. Some lucky bars are at a break even or a little above.
Go go boys and the staff are all paid a salary. The off fees cpmpensate the bar for the salaries. If the off fees are eliminated 100% the go go bars and host bars would just all close.

June 18th, 2011, 00:02
How much does the off-fees contribute to the turnover of a gay bar? If its contribution is negligible, but the efforts to enforce the off-fee (by bar-owners) and to avoid the off-fee (by customers) are huge, it would be best for everyone to abandon off-fees. Well, not for all: People who moan about off-fees will have to find something else to moan about and I guess people who are not prepared to pay the off-fee are poor tippers as well. And without off-fee, there is no business transaction between bar and customer (apart from the drink), so neither has proof for the off (if something goes wrong).


You would have a system collapse if you did that policy and nothing to hold the boys or control them regards salary, however small it is.

You would then find all other rules abandoned and boys not bothering at all to turn up at the venue. It just would not work and I could list many more reasons but there are to many.

June 18th, 2011, 00:13
You would have a system collapse if you did that policy and nothing to hold the boys or control them regards salary, however small it is.

You would then find all other rules abandoned and boys not bothering at all to turn up at the venue. It just would not work and I could list many more reasons but there are to many.
I am not sure about that but I can guarantee it would fall apart if the boys were not salaried and what one refers to as "sideline" which means that they recieve no salary and thus they can work whatever days and hours they choose. We tried that and it was disasterous.
The boys need rules and discipline or you have utter kaos. Never knowing how many will show up or none show up and when.....awful.

June 18th, 2011, 01:20
Scenario A

I go into a bar in the UK.

I pay ┬г3 for a beer.

The lowest paid staff are being paid ┬г6.50 an hour.

The other overheads (Rent, Corporation Tax, Local Tax, Licenses, National Insurance, VAT, paid staff holidays etc) are enormous

The bar makes a healthy profit without pimping their staff


Scenario B

I go into a typical bar in Boyztown

I pay ┬г3.50 for a beer (150B)

The vast majority of staff are being paid say ┬г0.35 per hour (3000B per month / 26 days/ 7 hours per day).

The other overheads are low by western standards (especially host bars)

And the Bar owner insists that he has to pimp every staff member every 3 days (on average)
in order to get the staff salaries back in order to to break even?


How come?

Is it simply a matter of footfall, or lousy management, or what?

:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

June 18th, 2011, 01:34
Scenario A

I go into a bar in the UK.

I pay ┬г3 for a beer.

The staff are being paid ┬г6.50 an hour.

The other overheads (Rent, Corporation Tax, Local Tax, Licenses, National Insurance, VAT, paid staff holidays etc) are enormous

The bar makes a healthy profit without pimping their staff


Scenario B

I go into a typical bar in Boyztown

I pay ┬г3.50 for a beer (150B)

The staff are being paid ┬г0.35 per hour (3000B per month / 26 days/ 7 hours per day)

The other overheads are low by western standards

And the Bar owner protests that he has to pimp his staff to make a profit?

How come?

:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:


When were you last in the UK seeing the pub closures on a daily basis because there is no profit left??? Sky TV sports alone in an average pub is ┬г300 per week.

TODAY.........Carlsberg announced that NEXT WEEK Carlsberg Tetley Brewery in Leeds will close down permanantly. Reason given, lack of demand and decreasing sales.

Bars in Pattaya do have electricity bills, licences, VAT ( Well I did) monthly tax bills, Police bills, (plenty of them) , Showboys and DJs who certainly don't work on your suggested salaries by any means, show costumes ( expensive and continually upgraded) FREE ADMISSION which clubs in Europe don't do and this forms a CONSIDERABLE amount of the revenue where there is live entertainment.

If the bars are rented, which many are, rent reviews from unsympathetic landlords (all Countries) and so forth............

There are bars in Pattaya that don't pimp staff, Le Cafe Royale for one and what happens???...............they pimp themselves!

June 18th, 2011, 01:41

I know, any you know that MANY bars in Pattaya pay a "waiter" 3000B per month or LESS - especially the host bars.

Yes they pay senior staff more - so does every other bar in every other country, nothing unique there

The management routinely fine the boys if they are late in arriving, and if they don't show (maybe sick) then they more often than not don't get paid.

It is stetching the point to say that the overheads in a host bar in Boyztown are the same as for a showbar - I deliberately used the words "a typical bar"


June 18th, 2011, 01:44

I know, any you know that MANY bars in Pattaya pay a "waiter" 3000B per month or LESS - especially the host bars.

Yes they pay senior staff more - so does every other bar in every other country, nothing unique there

The management routinely fine the boys if they are late in arriving, and if they don't show (maybe sick) then they more often than not don't get paid.

It is stetching the point to say that the overheads in a host bar in Boyztown are the same as for a showbar - I deliberately posted "a typical bar"


OK THAT'S ME OFF THE HOOK THEN!!!............. :laughing3:

June 18th, 2011, 10:27
I have always wondered does the bulk of the profit come from the off fees or the drinks sold?

June 18th, 2011, 10:40
Kevin, you forgot the awful "key money" each year! And a typical waiter gets 3,000 baht per month. Gee I am overpaying at 4,500. Yes employees get cut because they dont show. Someone else has to be paid to do their job. Dont forget Scottie that in " low season" and hard economic times, a bar still needs about 20 - 30 boys and they only get 5 - 10 offs! Dont think that just because they have 25 boys that ALL the boys get offed so they make a huge profit.
Drinks? Well after you pay your DJ 8,000 baht, your 4 waiters 4,500 each, your 3 doormen 4,500 each, cashier 8,000, 2 bartenders (regular and backup) electric, police, rent, repairs (oh those awful repairs) the water, emptying the septic tanks, management..... hmmm I wonder where all that imaginary profit goes? If you all think that its because poor management or something, why arent so many of you in the bar business? :sign5:

June 18th, 2011, 10:44
A very cute friend of mine who works at Happy Place claims that he very rarely gets offed. Is this typical? That would suggest that the sale of drinks are a very important part of the profit process.

June 18th, 2011, 10:49
While some boys get offed 2 or 3 times a month, others get offed 4 out of 6 nights. I have one boy who is a shock if he isnt off every night he works.
How should I say this..... He says he only gets offed once or twice a month? Maybe so, but did he also promise you if you smoke him he wont come in your mouth! :sign5: or that his mother/father needed a life saving operation? Please dont believe anything boys in ANY bar tell you. :sign5: and only 25% of what the mamasans tell you and 10% of what the doormen tell you.

June 18th, 2011, 10:57
I am generally skeptical when the boys say they rarely get offed as it tends to be part of the story of 'I have no money not have customer' so who knows what the truth really is.

I know my boy is a little picky and will avoid eye contact with customers he doesn't like the look of although if they somehow get him to sit down with them he will not refuse a request to off him.

June 18th, 2011, 11:02
brisboy, I ove you.
The boy is not in the bar only waiting for you. It is his job to tell you whatever he thinks will make you happy. He is in love with you and you alone for the time you pay him for. If he is to be a bottom, well so be it, a top so be it, just changing gears so to speak. They are professional. Whatever it takes to seperate you from your money. Dont get all hung up on your emotions. Have fun with them, enjoy yourself and then send them hime to mama. :sign5: :alc:

June 18th, 2011, 11:11
I try not to get emotionally involved and to just enjoy it for the fun game that it is. I respect them as human beings and as 'employees' but certainly don't feel any need to commit to any of them. I have made mistakes in the past. We all learn eventually.

June 18th, 2011, 11:15
PS and dont think that a bar "owner" will tell you a different story either! :sign5: If you tell a bar owner that he says he hasnt had an off all month, well they will tend to agree, no matter what is the case etc etc etc.
Dont consider it an all out lye Bris. Most of them are not there for deep emotional relationships. Their "job" is to please you and make you happy. They are in a way "therapists". Psycholgical couselors, and most of them do their job exceptionally well. As I said before they are professionals.
Dont try to think outside the 3 hour or all night that you take them for. just enjoy the time you spend with them because they are trying to give you the best that they can. Most boys.

June 18th, 2011, 11:22
Lying isn't lying when it's done by a whore monger.

June 18th, 2011, 11:25
They do a great job for the most part :D

June 18th, 2011, 17:24
brisboy, I ove you.
The boy is not in the bar only waiting for you. It is his job to tell you whatever he thinks will make you happy. He is in love with you and you alone for the time you pay him for. If he is to be a bottom, well so be it, a top so be it, just changing gears so to speak. They are professional. Whatever it takes to seperate you from your money. Dont get all hung up on your emotions. Have fun with them, enjoy yourself and then send them hime to mama. :sign5: :alc:

It is because they are so good at their job that the emotional part is tough to resist. :sign5:
Bit of a "catch-22" that is

I try not to get emotionally involved and to just enjoy it for the fun game that it is. I respect them as human beings and as 'employees' but certainly don't feel any need to commit to any of them. I have made mistakes in the past. We all learn eventually.

Well said. I learn more with each trip. I really do like most of the boys I meet up with...great spirits and full of life....and incredibly sexy. Amazing Thailand !!

June 18th, 2011, 17:42
And many of them really like you back! They will not go with you if they dont like you.
You are right though, the emotions get in the way everytime. I believe we all come from a part of the world where we developed emotions. Emotions that they were taught were the key to getting what they wanted and they learned it unbelievably well. We were all taught the difference between right and wrong and truth from a lie. They were taught to ie to get what they wanted and that there is no right from wrong. Sad but even I love them all the time and get caught.

June 18th, 2011, 20:51
Off fees are essential to the bar.
I find this hard to believe. The off fee is in the range of twice or thrice the price of a drink, and as far as I can judge, most boys go home most of the time without an off. But see it merely from the perspective of a tourist.

You as a bar owner have the numbers: what is the ratio of income for a bar drinks / off fees? I would estimate between 20 and 50.

Well after you pay your DJ 8,000 baht
Skip the DJ. Music is too loud in most bars I visited, how about a bar with no music at all (or low level music like in massage parlours? From an endless tape or computer? Unless your boys really dance to the music). Maybe thatтАЩs a business idea? A no-music bar?

Please dont believe anything boys in ANY bar tell you. :sign5: and only 25% of what the mamasans tell you and 10% of what the doormen tell you.
And believe how much of what bar-owners tell you? ROFL

June 18th, 2011, 21:33
Off fees are essential to the bar.
I find this hard to believe. The off fee is in the range of twice or thrice the price of a drink, and as far as I can judge, most boys go home most of the time without an off. But see it merely from the perspective of a tourist.

You as a bar owner have the numbers: what is the ratio of income for a bar drinks / off fees? I would estimate between 20 and 50.

Well after you pay your DJ 8,000 baht
Skip the DJ. Music is too loud in most bars I visited, how about a bar with no music at all (or low level music like in massage parlours? From an endless tape or computer? Unless your boys really dance to the music). Maybe thatтАЩs a business idea? A no-music bar?

Please dont believe anything boys in ANY bar tell you. :sign5: and only 25% of what the mamasans tell you and 10% of what the doormen tell you.
And believe how much of what bar-owners tell you? ROFL

From what I can remember, there are numerous beer bars with either no music, or music that is fairly mellow. Not quite a fair comparison with a gogo bar, which is what justme is running.
I can't imagine a gogo bar without jammnig music. It is just part of the vibe. Agreed that some are too loud, but soft music and gogo do not mix.

And again from memory, Happy Place is one of the better ones for having the guys actually dance instead of doin the shuffle.

June 19th, 2011, 00:29
I find this hard to believe. The off fee is in the range of twice or thrice the price of a drink, and as far as I can judge most boys go home most of the time without an off. But I see it merely from the perspective of a tourist.
So right. You are the tourist and you are guessing.

You as a bar owner have the numbers: what is the ratio of income for a bar drinks / off fees? I would estimate between 20 and 50.
Yes, I have the numbers and you too can have the numbers when you buy this bar.

how about a bar with no music at all Maybe thatтАЩs a business idea? A no-music bar?
what an absolutely .... oh I cant go there.

And believe how much of what bar-owners tell you? ROFL
There is little to LITTLE TO NO interaction between the customers and the owners, my dear. But if the boy tells you that he hasn't had an off in 2 weeks or that he just artrived from Ison and has no money, or that he won't do this when your gone, well if you think I or another owner is going to tell you otherwise, you just keep thinking about it. As I said before, it is all a matter of what you want to hear and believe. We are all here to make the customer happy.

and in closing, you are the gentleman that just bragged that he kept a boy all night and only paid him 200 baht. It was in the thread that was something like cheapest tips given or something like that. You are lucky that everyone let it slide.

June 19th, 2011, 18:14
and in closing, you are the gentleman that just bragged that he kept a boy all night and only paid him 200 baht. It was in the thread that was something like cheapest tips given or something like that. You are lucky that everyone let it slide.
I did not brag, I just mentioned that it seemed appropriate to me at the time it happened.

June 19th, 2011, 18:34
I did not brag, I just mentioned that it seemed appropriate to me at the time it happened.
No my dear, lets call a spade a spade and stop trying to put makeup on it.
YOU OPENED A THREAD. You told EVERYONE what you did. And then you had the stupidity to say that you should have gone back and asked for your off fee back! First off, I would think that there is NOBODY on this board that would have the stupidity to put something like that in writing, let alone OPENING A THREAD and admitting to it. If you thought you had justification THEN, it is obvious that you are implying that now you think you were wrong, so why the heck would you OPEN A THREAD and tell everyone what you did? Its because you STILL think you are right. Thats why you added at this point that in hindsight, you should have approached the bar for a refund.
As Kquill said and others, you should take your ass back to the bar and see if he still works there and apologize and explain that you did not know better and give him the rest of his money and if the boy isnt there, your heart should tell you to divide 800 baht or so and give it out to the boys that are there as a tip. A tip in case any other idiots ever did something like this. Remember Ying Yang. What comes around, goes around. That would be a gentleman thing to do. You have not seen ONE SINGE SGF member say that you were right, now did you? Take it as a hint.
Your wrong, dead wrong, and as Kquill said, you are lucky that the kid did not beat the holy piss outta you and take what he could find in the room or even kill you. These boys usually support families with the money that they earn, buy their rice and food each day or, yes, even drugs in some of the bars.
They are sweet and kind and they want to please, but fuck with their money???? Shit I have never done it in the 10 years I am here!

June 19th, 2011, 18:38
you are the gentleman that just bragged that he kept a boy all night and only paid him 200 baht.
I did not brag, I just mentioned that it seemed appropriate to me at the time it happened.
Yes, you deserve some credit for being honest about it but do you understand it was the wrong thing to do now? The boy did nothing wrong - didn't lie or steal. You didn't set any expectations or agreement with him beforehand. At the end of the day, you took up his time and should've paid him properly.

June 19th, 2011, 19:02
I have just finished reading the post above and especially his post from
gay-thailand-f9/trip-report-2010-2010-bangkok-pattaya-t20005.html ...
I swear to GOD he is the customer from hell and needs urgent care. I mean urgent psychiatric care!

June 19th, 2011, 20:09
And then you had the stupidity to say that you should have gone back and asked for your off fee back!
No, read again what I wrote:

I read or heard stories of farang claiming the off-fee back if the did not as agreed in the bar.
This is a mere statement.

Thats why you added at this point that in hindsight, you should have approached the bar for a refund.
Not at all.

I opened the tread to see what others think about it. Now I have confirmation that I was wrong. Can happen to anyone.
He who never made a fault rise his hand.

June 20th, 2011, 00:18
I opened the tread to see what others think about it.
I am offended by Christians attempt to paint this now as a question. There is nothing in the original post to suggest that he was asking for the "advice" of others on whether or not wha the did months ago to a boy was proper or not. A sham to cover up his unbelievably obnoxious strange selfish behavior.

The headline asks "lowest tip ever?" but goes on to say that he would never give anything under 500 baht....what a big spender.....but then specifically states "but once I did give 300 baht for a long timer. That is nt a question or asking for advice. It is a clear and concise statement.

Now he wants to change it around and say he was asking for advice only because he uis getting the piss taken out of him for being sso self centered and stupid.

June 20th, 2011, 07:38
Well Christian would you treat a rent boy/escort in the US/ Uk/ Czech Rep the same way? If you did you would get a very nasty , and I expect rather painful reality check. Therefore, are we to assume you are taking advantage of the great nature of this bar boy? You took up his time so you owe him. Respecting others really will make your trip far more enjoyable, and you will reap the rewards many times over.
Ok you made a mistake, so learn a lesson HOWEVER I have to say the tone of your original post was not one of repentance - humility is a great thing also sometimes

June 20th, 2011, 16:42

His post read like he wanted a round of applause for putting a young man in his place for not living up to his exacting requirements.

I have given street boys 200 baht with nothing required in exchange.

The man has no excuse whatosever for this type of behaviour and I hope he reddens in the face when he knows how downright disgusting his behaviour was, to treat another person so shabbily. ┬г4.00 for one night stay.

I personally know many of the sunnee boys and many of the boyztown boys of old, and there are not many that would have allowed you to get away with that without a strong reaction. (I neither approve of them using violence either, as that can become a ' One size fits all solution ') but your behaviour at the time I feel was wrong and your attitude since regarding the incident, no better.

It just adds and shows more the gentle nature and dispostion of the young man that he walked away. I've actually said more than I wanted,but this truly gets me down.

June 20th, 2011, 17:30
My final word on this subject:

The very fact that Christianpfc started a thread entitled "Lowest Tip Ever?" speaks for itself.

What that indicates to me is:

Firstly, that he is/was "proud" of what he did in tipping the boy 200B for an overnight stay.
Secondly, the question mark indicates to me that he was inviting others to try to 'Beat That!'

I believe and hope he is truly embarassed by the unanimous condemnation his action has received - that's why he is now trying to extricate himself from the content of his post.

Nobody with a shred of decency would have done as christianpfc did - and if that boy is still around (it was only 5 months ago) then christianpfc should make it an absolute priority to find him, apologise profusely, and make up a decent tip.

To tell the truth, if I knew who the boy was I would give him 1000B myself - so embarassed am I by christianpfc's conduct.


June 20th, 2011, 17:37
It's also worth remembering that the 'boys' all talk amongst themselves so word does travel about 'the sticky' farang and what he did so all in all he hasn't really done himself any favours at all.

August 4th, 2011, 22:45
Back on topic...

Hey, the boy in this ad for the free offs after midnight promo at Happy Place is good looking.

So many of the ads and promo photos for these Pattaya gogo bars have boys who aren't good looking (personal opinion only) so this one stands out...

The ad is from www.out-in-thailand.com (http://www.out-in-thailand.com)


August 5th, 2011, 07:15
Back on topic...
At the risk of incurring further wrath... this thread wasn't off topic, Beachlover, it died six weeks ago. Nice looking young man, though.

August 6th, 2011, 12:22
Back on topic...
At the risk of incurring further wrath... this thread wasn't off topic, Beachlover, it died six weeks ago. Nice looking young man, though.
I looked all over posting guidlines and could not find a single thing about how long it had to be before someone was not allowed to enter another post on a thread. Did you make that rule up yourself or are you just continuing to wage your private war about the business in question?

August 6th, 2011, 17:52
this thread wasn't off topic
You're kidding right? There's an entire page of ranting about ChristianPFC's "lowest tip incident" above my post.

This is strange thing for you to say when you are usually so sensitive and upset by threads getting off topic.

it died six weeks ago. Nice looking young man, though.
Thanks... but what's wrong with reviving it when relevant? Do you think I should have started a new thread instead, when there was a perfectly good thread about the topic already in existence? What's the logic behind both your statements?

Rolling Stone
August 9th, 2011, 19:33
I cannot help it.
My observations -
1. Bao bao could not be a bad buy - judging from what he has posted so far on this forum
2. BL posted endless comments - but I am not sure he has ever been to some places in Pattaya (not recently anyway or so I believe)
3. Justme is a shrewd business man - no doubt about it; but if he has some bit of humility he (and the bar in question) will be more appreciated
Comments are very much welcomed