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June 4th, 2011, 06:16
There's a segment in another thread about whether JustMe's pricing policy at his bar (cheaper prices for Pattaya locals) is acceptable or not. I thought I'd set down a few thoughts about customer service in Bangkok based on my own experience. The guys and gals at my local Starbucks "recognise" me the moment I walk in. They know my name, my preference for coffee, even my favorite cookie. They don't give me a special price. I'm a repeat customer because I'm recognised. Likewise when I walk into Telephone Bar I head straight for my favorite spot; the waiter greets me as a regular customer, asks after friends (or boys) he's seen me with previously, and pretty much can predict what I'll have to drink. At @Richards they know I don't want a bowl of popcorn put in front of me. The manager of The Barbican recognises my friends (and me) and greets us by name whenever we turn up.

Moving on to the bars. Classic (in Soi Prostitute) and Solid (off Silom 6 - actually Naratiwas 1) are two of my favorites. This week I went to Classic with a visiting friend; the captain provided two containers for our bar chits. "I know farang like to pay for himself," he said when challenged, "So this make it easy" - a keen observation of the social habits of his customers. He also knows my name and the type of boys I like. He doesn't pester me to make a choice (often I'm just there for a drink or with a visitor), and knows there's no point in bull-shitting me about "he do everything" if I ask whether a boy is really gay or not. I should say that I do get "special price" drinks because I'm a regular (he'd rather sell me two drinks at a slightly reduced price than one at full price), but that's not why I'm a frequent visitor. In Solid the captain also knows my name and that I like to be left alone to make a selection (or not).

For the price-conscious - those "sleazy low-life dumb fuck creeps, bitching about their last prostitute failing to please them or something..." (in Beachlover's memorable phrase) living in reduced circumstances (http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/in+reduced+circumstances) in Pattaya, price may be everything, but I've always found price to be negotiable, even in bars. A few years ago I recall going to Dream Boy in Soi Prostitute between Xmas and New Year and being asked for some sort of entrance fee, which equated to the price of a drink plus 50% (the fee included a drink voucher). As I walked away saying "Expensive" (in Thai, one of the words of my 200 basic Thai vocabulary), the entrance price was immediately dropped to the standard drink price.

That's what customer service is about, for me - recognition. As Dale Carnegie wrote, "Nothing is so sweet to a person than the sound of their own name". Price is secondary but, particularly in Thailand, very much "up to you".

A note for those who think of themselves as politically correct and preach sermons on the topic: all conversations reported are either in English or my basic Thai vocabulary which gets me through most of these incidental social exchanges.

June 4th, 2011, 13:56
I should say that I do get "special price" drinks because I'm a regular
So yesterday when you were ranting and raving about a dual pricing policy, today, you admit to partaking in at least one.
We prefer to give our "regular customers" a VIP card so that all of our staff recognizes this customer because we do have some turnover in staff and we want our customer recognized each and every time. Also, with a card it avoids the possibility of spmeone giving their "freinds" discounts.

We run specials from time to time in publications as well as radio. Does that mean that everyone that runs a "coupon" ad, is dishonest and partaking in a "dual pricing policy"? How about a store that runs a page of coupons and you dont clip coupons? Isnt that dual pricing or should you give it to everyone whether they know about it or not? How about radio ads that offer discounts on large purchase items to those that produce military, veteran, police or government emplyee ID cards? Really, get off this kick because it is everywhere. Newspaper/radio ads, fliers that come to your home, discount cards (what about those without discount cards?) How about hotels all across the world (that includes Pattaya Gay Hotels) that run special rates in combination with other offers? Well if you are unaware of them and book online and dont mention the special, well you pay rack rate (normal price) or near there! Dont try to make me look evil because we run a radio ad aimed at Pattaya residents.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

June 4th, 2011, 14:14
So yesterday when you were ranting and raving about a dual pricing policy ... Perhaps you'd provide a quote of my "ranting and raving about a dual pricing policy" - by which I assume you mean my undisguised hostility to such a thing (chapter and verse please)?

June 4th, 2011, 15:40
That's what customer service is about, for me - recognition. As Dale Carnegie wrote, "Nothing is so sweet to a person than the sound of their own name". Price is secondary but, particularly in Thailand, very much "up to you".(quote)thonglor55

You wouldn't get any argument from Beachy here!

June 4th, 2011, 15:57
And still waiting for Justme to produce his evidence of my ranting and raving against dual pricing ...

June 4th, 2011, 17:02
Thonglor, I have a question for you. How many times have you been to my bar?

June 4th, 2011, 17:03
Thonglor, I have a question for you. How many times have you been to my bar?Produce your evidence of my ranting and raving about dual pricing and I'll be happy to tell you.

June 4th, 2011, 17:16
I will as soon as you tell me when you were at the bar and how many times. You will not drag me into yet another tiff without me being able to give a proper anser.

June 4th, 2011, 17:36
Thonglor, I have a question for you. How many times have you been to my bar?

Why dont you ask him how many times he has been to Pattaya. His history has been full of shit thrown at Pattaya and that he would under no circumstances to be dragged to the sin city .

June 4th, 2011, 18:01
I will as soon as you tell me when you were at the bar and how many times. You will not drag me into yet another tiff without me being able to give a proper anser.You clearly have nothing to proffer to support your baseless assertions; I went a couple of times when I was staying at Howards with my visiting friend from Australia (whom I've mentioned previously). Your turn.

June 4th, 2011, 18:13
I will as soon as you tell me when you were at the bar and how many times. You will not drag me into yet another tiff without me being able to give a proper anser.You clearly have nothing to proffer to support your baseless assertions; I went a couple of times when I was staying at Howards with my visiting friend from Australia (whom I've mentioned previously). Your turn.

... it was just the price that stuck in my head not the conditionsAnd anyone who advertises and thinks anything different is a fool and deserves all the bad press they get.

So you went "a couple of times" obviously when you had never even heard the ad on the radio, so you did not know what the special was or its conditions,you threw in that I deserved all the bad press I could get based on other peoples INCORRECT quoting of the radio ad and its conditions, and today you open a new thread and go on and on for what (4 - 5) paragraphs about ("justme's) discounts and customer service to "regualr customers when you had been there "a couple of times? To go on and on about your special cookie at Starbucks and people calling you by name etc, a direct implication of how poor our customer service is and you had been there what(?) once, twice(?) not even heard the ad or its conditions? You have "no idea" how we handle our customers or even our regular customers, nor have you heard the ad on the radio and yet you have felt the need, the urge to write about our customer service to regular customers and that we deserved all the bad press we could get.
No, not your turn, I would rather have this conversation with a regular customer.

June 4th, 2011, 18:41
We run specials from time to time in publications as well as radio. Does that mean that everyone that runs a "coupon" ad, is dishonest and partaking in a "dual pricing policy"?

If ANYBODY can use the coupons, then of course it's not dual pricing. If you exclude a group of people from using the coupons then it is dual pricing.

If your VIP discount card was available to ANYBODY then you would not be employing a dual pricing policy.

ANYBODY can purchase a discount card from Balcony, Panorama or Oscars. ANYBODY can take advantage of the many happy hours around town.

Only Happy Place penalises tourists by charging them a premium over and above what expats are charged. Personally, this fact would not stop me from visiting Happy Place, but I have spoken to several tourists who will not enter the bar on principle.

June 4th, 2011, 18:42
I'll be ur huckleberry

June 4th, 2011, 18:57
but I have spoken to several tourists who will not enter the bar on principle.

I take it that they also avoid Thai establishments that have the "thai person half price" system.

June 4th, 2011, 19:00
So you went "a couple of times" obviously when you had never even heard the ad on the radio.What a completely bizarre inference. My comment about the ad on the radio was in response to another poster's comment that the only thing that stuck in his mind was the offer and not its details. My comment was a completely generic one - anyone who advertises anything on the radio or television or even the newspapers and believes that the hearer/viewer/reader retains anything but the most fleeting and superficial details is a fool. It had nothing to do with you, your bar or your offer except in the sense that yours was an example of the genus. You must be totally paranoid to have taken any other meaning from it. The price of drinks in bars in Pattaya is half that of the bars in Soi Twilight; I could care less about your prices or your offers and I have never made a comment disapproving of price discrimination.

I should add that your extensive contretemps with Surfcrest and now scottish-guy on this Board confirms to me that you are, indeed, almost certainly clinically paranoid and I have made it clear to you in a number of posts that both of those episodes have provided me with considerable entertainment. I now find that you are the fat oaf that was seated outside the bar when I went there.

June 4th, 2011, 19:04
I take it that they also avoid Thai establishments that have the "thai person half price" system.

I don't imagine they would knowingly frequent a bar that charged them twice what the Thais were charged, as there's always another bar that won't rip them off.

June 5th, 2011, 00:08
Your comment was made within the scope of people taking issue of our pricing policy and the ad on the radio giving Pattaya full time residents a discount.
There was nothing partanoid about that. In fact your comment right after someone called it "bait and switch" was that a business doing that deserved all the bad press it could get. Maybe it was YOU that should have made it clear as to whom you were taking aim at and not leaving it out there for people to draw the conclusion that you were switching what everyone else was talking about.
Secondly, you confirmed it by opening yet a NEW thread and beginning it with making the association that this was in conjunction to the conversation in the other thread about JUSTME and the topic of customer service. you went on to describe that you did not need these discounts and how recognition and calling you by name etc, was your customer service. IF you had not wanted anyone to draw the conclusion that you were taking aim at our customer service, maybe you should have left the name JUSTME out of the first sentence and continued with Customer Service and the bars and not written in JUSTME, then nobody including me would take offense that you were taking aim once again.

As far as our pricing policy, open our MENU any time. We afford permanent residents of Pattaya as well as regular customers a discount. The same as in the USA, we have sticker price on goods, gasoline, etc. We offer a DISCOUNT on cash purchases and sticker price for credit cards. We dont charge this stupid 3% extra. Its improper according to credit card companies and your merchant credit acceptance privs can be revolked. Well we offer a DISCOUNT to regualr customers and Pattaya Residents.
They keep the bar going on a 365 day a year basis. We appreciate our tourist visitors but they are here for 2 weeks and they get charged REGULAR MENU PRICES.
End of subject.

June 5th, 2011, 00:33
As far as the Scottish and Surfliar incident, dont even try it as you will lose that one.

There was no lie big guy....why you continue to bait another long drawn out argument is beyond me...especially considering how foolish you've come out looking each and every time......let it go!
There is no substance to the many threats you have PM'ed my either.

One lie I recall is this........


June 5th, 2011, 00:36
I take it that they also avoid Thai establishments that have the "thai person half price" system.

I don't imagine they would knowingly frequent a bar that charged them twice what the Thais were charged, as there's always another bar that won't rip them off.

Bangkok bars charge 300 baht for water, drinks beer etc and 250 baht for the second. Most Pattaya bars charge 150 - 180 for water and drinks. Our MENU PRICE for water, coffee, tea, soda is 100 baht (almost 50% off) and our drinks are 150 baht whereas most places are 180. Most bars charge 1500 to 1800 for bottles of 100 Pipers and ours is 1,200, so I would not consider our bar "a rip off". A regular customer or resident gets a discount even off those discounted prices!
I would consider the tourist saving money even at MENU PRICES.

June 5th, 2011, 00:42
It ws a lie Surfcrest a bold evil liable lie. A scam, an evil plot to seek to bring harm when you knew it was a lie. You were proven wrong by 2 other SGF longtime members and then switched your story to "I think" thats what I gave them. You still have yet to view the photos that proved you were a bold face liar.
You said on this board that if it were proven you lied, "I will resign my membership to SGF". You havent. If I were the owner of this board and saw what you did, I would have thrown you off. Maybe you should take a poll and see how many people believe your lie or believe the CCTV footage reports of the 2 members.
Not even Scottish defended you after the 2 SGF members viewed the footage and reported you were a liar and should be SUED.

As far as bringing your name into it, I suggest you read back and see it was Thonglor55 and NOT me. Get your facts correct.
:thebirdman: :thebirdman: :thebirdman:

June 5th, 2011, 01:38
Someone needs to find their "happy place" and I suspect it is at the bottom of a bottle or thorozine tablets.

June 5th, 2011, 05:46
Your comment was made within the scope of people taking issue of our pricing policy and the ad on the radio giving Pattaya full time residents a discount.As I can see you're not very bright, I accept your explanation that you mistook my general comment about advertising to be a specific comment about your bar given the context of the thread. Perhaps you can buy me a drink next time I'm in Pattaya?

June 5th, 2011, 06:16

The bar belongs to justme and his Thai partner,M. as does the say in any promotions they wish to implement, end of!

Policies on discounts vary enormously between bars as does the way they are implemented or distributed.

Dual pricing does take place especially in Hotels, where they will have a price of a rack rate, Internet discount rate,corporate rate, group rate, local rate, hoteliers rate, those who know it ain't busy rate, those that don't know or care how many is in, but always want a discount, at any rate, and the rest of us

Some of the posters making references to Starbucks etc. are not really relevant. These are global companies who indeed set the prices within a band per area/Country based on many factors such as income,average salaries,location, etc. they do not allow people to set or implement individualistic policy as these are set by the brands owners/management team to ensure their perception of the brand is not tarnished by outlets going out and doing their own thing to pull in the punters, but in the meantime cheapening or devalueing the brand itself. Therefore, this is a non comparison to start with.

They play an active role in how the brand is portrayed and usually strict policies are in place regards promotional activities and discounts.

This does not apply to average joe in Pattayaland Soi 2.I have seen bar owners give many forms of discount on rooms, booze,boys with the comment starting and finishing with ' He is a good punter ' No, these discounts do not apply to the general public.

I was paying 1,000 baht a taxi to BKK, when everyone else paid 1400 baht, why? because I lived there, and there was a chance I had the power to send punters to them or to others at a future date. It as a case of ' you scratch my back and I'll wash yours ' or anything else required to keep you happy because it was small independent units operating these cars. It's a tough old World,especially in low season and those boys intend to survive it by any means possible.

I would not have got that deal from Thai Limousine service. It has a price and image to maintain, as well as explanations and paperwork in triplicate for a stick of air freshener, if it were to be purchased by the driver

At the end of the day, you decide with your feet what you wish to do, but it is his bar, so therefore the place sinks or swims on his say so.

June 5th, 2011, 06:25
Your comment was made within the scope of people taking issue of our pricing policy and the ad on the radio giving Pattaya full time residents a discount.As I can see you're not very bright, I accept your explanation that you mistook my general comment about advertising to be a specific comment about your bar given the context of the thread. Perhaps you can buy me a drink next time I'm in Pattaya?

I went to Justme's bar when I was in Pattaya a few months back. The owner is a decent guy. In my opinion into emotional outbursts as demonstrated on this board. He also came across that way in person. He seems to be a reasonable guy trying to run a bar and doing a decent job of it. I suspect it is a difficult business and I applaud his efforts. I agree with Mr. Quill if you don't like the guys pricing go somewhere else. As I recall there are still many bars open in pattaya.

Anyway, I had a good time. He did buy me a drink so maybe my opinion is purchased for the price of a beer.

However, the boys working for him with the big hair should be dipped head first into water to deflate their hairdos.

June 5th, 2011, 08:57
Some of the posters making references to Starbucks etc. are not really relevant.My comments (as I started the thread) are about customer service and the point I made (which clearly is lost on some people) is that customer service and pricing are two independent variables. I keep going somewhere because of their customer service, which in the ways I was pointing out was about non-price-discriminatory customer recognition. justme seems obsessed about pricing and probably thinks that's the same as customer service. I could have made equally valid comments about Burger King as Starbucks, neither of which (as you correctly but irrelevantly point out) have any say over their prices (and neither do the waiters at Telephone Bar as far as I'm aware). What local managers of those global brands (and any manager of any retail outlet who cares) can control is customer service.

June 5th, 2011, 09:08
Thonglor, customer service is very good to request, the problem however is when the customer goes to the point of taking it too far. It is difficult enough when you have to try to corral 40 staff members all with different personalities and different moods and behaviors.
Place on top of that the customers that want the drinks for next to nothing when you have to pay almost 50,000 baht for a show as well as rent, the men in uniform every month, the lawyer, the key money and on and on. Yes, Sunee is cheaper because they dont have as much to pay
Add to the above trying to keep hundreds of customers happy. Its too cold, its too hot, the music is too loud, and of course 2 real originals.... (sorry if you recongnize yourself) I was having fun until your staff sprayed whatever he sprayed (air freshener after the fire show), made me choke and I will never be back. Another original.... I have been here twice and its too full, nowhere to sit... I wont be back! I even heard that one customer wont come back because all our boys had pubes!

I believe in my heart I do my best and I try my best to listen to every customer and give them the best that I am able to. It aint easy.
I apologize to anyone that thinks that they have recieved anything less from either my bar, myself or my staff.
I also have my moments, my periods, my outbursts, my moods. Thats not an excuse its just human.

June 5th, 2011, 09:32
My comments (as I started the thread) are about customer service and the point I made (which clearly is lost on some people) is that customer service and pricing are two independent variables. I keep going somewhere because of their customer service, which in the ways I was pointing out was about non-price-discriminatory customer recognition..

After many years in hospitality, I have to agree with thonglor55. Customer service and pricing are two totally different issues. The ideal customer is the repeat customer, full price, no discount and no fuss. The examples he gave were just that.

I have found that the volume of discount drinks/food needs to be substantial, as it carries very little of no profit when you take in staff costs etc. If discounting becomes the major part of your business, then customer service has to be minimal or you end up making no profit at all. Margins these days are extremely tight, and people that do not understand the differences between customer service and discount pricing, are in for a rough time.

June 5th, 2011, 10:14
I would think that running a brothel is a thankless task, and one where customer service and retaining repeat business are most difficult. The owner has no control over service standards once the boy is alone with his customers (ie. after the "off" fee has been paid), nor can he guarantee that the boy and the customer won't make a deal to cut out the pimp through meeting up outside bar hours, thus avoiding the off fee altogether. As I've remarked on a number of occasions, many boys seem to have no qualms about passing over their mobile number in the bar itself so the bar loses even the initial "off" fee, and many boys (I can attest) spend their afternoons on Gayromeo (not to mention an hour or two after the bar closes at 1 am or whatever). I imagine that's one reason why boys are fined for not turning up for duty and must fulfil a quota of "off" occasions in order to remain on the strength. Maybe the bar management figure that a punter buying an initial drink for the boy covers the risk of out-of-bar contacts anyway

Personally I have no time for amateur dramatics nor for fuck shows, so such things are wasted on me (I try to leave before the show begins unless I'm being hospitable for a visiting friend); I guess some bars feel they must do such things to draw the punters or/and to keep the boys amused but it's a punishing cost on the overheads and I doubt a rigorous cost-benefit analysis would find it justified in some cases. On the other side, bars such as some of the bigger ones in Soi Prostitute must be relying on the punters who swarm in ten or fifteen minutes before the main show, buy a single, outrageously priced drink, and flee as soon as the show is over, to justify the cost of the show and probably pay their rent. However bars in Silom 6/Naratiwas 1 (all quite small) manage without a show altogether and can charge almost Pattaya-level drink prices.

June 5th, 2011, 10:28
True Thonglor. We have found that we are screwed if we do have a show and screwed when we dont. We have tried to look at the customers who dont come in due to no show and customers who leave as a result of the show. We have found that it appears as though the "show" wins. My "personal" opinion when we opened the bar and for the first few months was to have no show, that it was not worth it. As with any other decision, afterwards, you look back on it and see that you may have erred.
No decision is iron clad. No decision is the right one and no decision is perfect. All one can do is to know in their heart that they gave it their best shot.

Now as if the bar isnt enough, between my last post and this one, my love showed up at my door drunk as a skunk and bleeding profusely from everywhere. Another motorbike accident and off to the emergency room. Now I am back, getting dressed to go back. I have nothing further to say, I am sorry again but this is not a priority.

June 5th, 2011, 11:06
We have tried to look at the customers who dont come in due to no show and customers who leave as a result of the show. We have found that it appears as though the "show" wins. My "personal" opinion when we opened the bar and for the first few months was to have no show, that it was not worth it. As with any other decision, afterwards, you look back on it and see that you may have erred.

Once the show decision was made, a decision on whether the bar can carry discount drinks at the same time, should have been made. Whether the discount was available only to those with a member card, those who showed a Thai driving licence or it was advertised on the radio, in gay publications and door signs. Personally I would have increased drink prices when you introduced the show.

The return or regular expat is your target market. How to keep them happy is the big question. A friend of mine with a small bar that uses swipe cards for employees to enter drinks, uses the same software to record his regulars purchases. You seemed to have collected a few venues that give out vouchers, be selective as to who you give them to and then only to your regulars.

If you do not have a computerised bar, perhaps to the valued customer say a half price off now and again.

June 5th, 2011, 11:49
Once the show decision was made, a decision on whether the bar can carry discount drinks at the same time, should have been made. Whether the discount was available only to those with a member card, those who showed a Thai driving licence or it was advertised on the radio, in gay publications and door signs. Personally I would have increased drink prices when you introduced the show.

The return or regular expat is your target market. How to keep them happy is the big question. A friend of mine with a small bar that uses swipe cards for employees to enter drinks, uses the same software to record his regulars purchases. You seemed to have collected a few venues that give out vouchers, be selective as to who you give them to and then only to your regulars.

If you do not have a computerised bar, perhaps to the valued customer say a half price off now and again.
So are you a paid consultant in the pattaya bar business or do you just give free advice to bar owners?

June 5th, 2011, 12:00
Thanks Lonley but a "computerized bar" would not help solve any one of "customer satisfaction problems" that have been addressed nor the "subject of pricing."
But thanks for your input.

June 5th, 2011, 12:18
So are you a paid consultant in the pattaya bar business or do you just give free advice to bar owners?

No I am replying on topic to the original post and adding my opinion as to the difference between customer service and pricing discounting. Just as I suppose you were doing in that late night bar in Sunee with George.

I have had more than just a few PMs in the last few days, on this subject from a bar owner. At least I am trying to be constructive not negative like you.

June 5th, 2011, 12:26
No I am replying on topic to the original post and adding my opinion as to the difference between customer service and pricing discounting. Just as I suppose you were doing in that late night bar in Sunee with George.

I have had more than just a few PMs in the last few days, on the subject from a bar owner. At least I am trying to be constructive not negative like you.

I will take that as an absolute NO, you are not a paid consultant in the pattaya bar business and and an absolute YES, you are giving free advice to bar owners.
Thanks for making that clear.

June 5th, 2011, 12:41
so pleased I have made your day.

June 5th, 2011, 16:55
Someone needs to find their "happy place" and I suspect it is at the bottom of a bottle or thorozine tablets.

* like * we need a "like" button! :laughing3:

June 5th, 2011, 17:20
Thanks Lonley but a "computerized bar" would not help solve any one of "customer satisfaction problems" that have been addressed nor the "subject of pricing."
But thanks for your input.

having installed over 100 POS systems throughout Thailand, I can assure you they do!

June 5th, 2011, 17:32
Thanks Lonely but a "computerized bar" would not help solve any one of "customer satisfaction problems" that have been addressed nor the "subject of pricing."
But thanks for your input.

having installed over 100 POS systems throughout Thailand, I can assure you they do!

When I bought my restaurant in 2001, POS was fairly new but it immediately proved its worth.
The info it gave re the sales of food, drinks and other items could be balanced against the till nightly.
The input of invoices, wages and other overheads gave a concise picture of how wqe were operating.

But the important thing was the ability to be able to accurately track the costs against sales.
The systems pay for themselves and I cannot understand those who oppose the installation because of "cost"

It does not cost it saves and pays for itself very quickly.

June 5th, 2011, 17:42
Thank you for that "off topic" information.
The topic here is not theft, balancing the budget or anything even remotely close. The topic is "customer service" and maybe a little bit of giving the customer some sort odf loyalty discount or promotion. While a POS system can certainly keep track of promo type sales, the basic topic here is customer service, but thanks for the insight on POS Systems.

June 5th, 2011, 17:49
Thank you for that "off topic" information.
The topic here is not theft, balancing the budget or anything even remotely close. The topic is "customer service" and maybe a little bit of giving the customer some sort odf loyalty discount or promotion. While a POS system can certainly keep track of promo type sales, the basic topic here is customer service, but thanks for the insight on POS Systems.

which really demonstrates you don't know what a POS can do for a business in terms of customer service - which is one of it's key selling points!

June 5th, 2011, 18:00
Thank you for that "off topic" information.
The topic here is not theft, balancing the budget or anything even remotely close. The topic is "customer service" and maybe a little bit of giving the customer some sort of loyalty discount or promotion. While a POS system can certainly keep track of promo type sales, the basic topic here is customer service, but thanks for the insight on POS Systems.

I cannot see where theft was raised. But the costing of any operation needs accurate figures,if a bar was working on the seat of the owners pants, then how can they understand what is profitable and what is not.

The original post was about customer service and pricing. If you do not know your margins on a daily/weekly or even monthly basis you are headed for financial disaster. The cost in real terms of discounting prices has to be timely and accurate or you are on a slippery slope.

Customer service and pricing are two totally different areas.

June 5th, 2011, 18:28
OK, whatever, I give up! Customer service and satisfying a customer relies in whole or part to POS systems which you sell and install. Nobody ever mentioned anything about profit margins and or a bar running by the skin of their teeth.

I am sorry, obviously my bar needs one in order to provide great customer service and have happy customers. It has noting to do with my charming personality and great disposition. :sign5:

Well I am off for another night of fun and adventure. Its that time. We shall see what tonight brings! maybe if I am lucky a buyer. Please! Buddah! :sign5:
:hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:

June 5th, 2011, 18:33
I thinks things are being made over-complicated here:

Running a bar is not rocket science - you can make it extremely difficult if you aren't even there or don't take a proper interest, but some of the most successful bar owners are not exactly in the running for Brain of the Century and they manage it with only a bare minimum of common sense.

SG's FREE Guide to Operating a Successful Bar

A = Input Trade price of a bottle of beer
B = Cost of overheads
C = Required profit
D - Cost of Incentives/Discounts
E = Retail price of a bottle of beer
F = Customer Demands
G= Customer expectation
H = Customer complaints
I = Customer Satisfaction
J = Retail Price to Customer #1
K = Retail Price to Customer #2
L = Retail Price to Customer #3
M = Total Net Profits
N = Prostitutes
O = Booze
P = Tobacco or recreational drugs
Q = Bliss

1.How to make a profit

A+B+(C-D) = E


2 - the only rule of incentives/discounts (E)

D must not exceed C/2


3. - How to make customers happy:



4. How to make Discounts work:

J/K/L must be completely unaware of each other
In the event that they find out, result = H


5. How to relax:

M - (Nx10) + (O+P) = Q

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

June 5th, 2011, 18:42
Some of the posters making references to Starbucks etc. are not really relevant.My comments (as I started the thread) are about customer service and the point I made (which clearly is lost on some people) is that customer service and pricing are two independent variables. I keep going somewhere because of their customer service, which in the ways I was pointing out was about non-price-discriminatory customer recognition. justme seems obsessed about pricing and probably thinks that's the same as customer service. I could have made equally valid comments about Burger King as Starbucks, neither of which (as you correctly but irrelevantly point out) have any say over their prices (and neither do the waiters at Telephone Bar as far as I'm aware). What local managers of those global brands (and any manager of any retail outlet who cares) can control is customer service.


My post took in all of the posters who answered your opening thread whether on or off topic.

You werre referring solely to customer service and what the managers can control and others were bringing in dual pricing into the mix on the same thread.

My answer was all encompassing to those who had contributed so as to neither answer each individual post one by one and be accused or personal attacks or hogging the thread.

Because that's the kind of way I saw/see it........ :sunny:

June 5th, 2011, 18:47
:sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5:
A true genius!
But you forgot the cost of a good laptop!!

June 5th, 2011, 19:12
..... the costing of any operation needs accurate figures,if a bar was working on the seat of the owners pants, then how can they understand what is profitable and what is not.

Does it help if the owner's pants are extra large?

June 5th, 2011, 20:47

If a bar owner acted and ran it like a proper business instead of spending all their time and money either upstairs with the latest import of boys in the room; or throwing it around in other peoples bars instead of watching their own, and incorporated a simple management system, such as quick books on their computer; and also checked their figures , maybe daily or weekly- they would know within one month, if they were losing, gaining or standing still.

It is just too difficult for some who must succumb to pleasures of the grape, the grain and the go go boy on a daily basis.

June 6th, 2011, 09:33
It is just too difficult for some who must succumb to pleasures of the grape, the grain and the go go boy on a daily basis.Any bar owner who cares to outsource the casting couch test for potential bar boys may contact me.

June 6th, 2011, 16:46
It is just too difficult for some who must succumb to pleasures of the grape, the grain and the go go boy on a daily basis.Any bar owner who cares to outsource the casting couch test for potential bar boys may contact me.

Not bad at all Thonglor,

:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:

June 6th, 2011, 16:53
Thonglor, this is probably the ONLY PLEASURE/benefit a bar owner might have. If we were to OUTSOURCE this, what would be the point of owning one of these venues!!

June 6th, 2011, 18:54
Thonglor, this is probably the ONLY PLEASURE/benefit a bar owner might have. If we were to OUTSOURCE this, what would be the point of owning one of these venues!!

It would keep Thonglor happy!

June 6th, 2011, 19:08
If it would change his attitude, well I might consider it!! :sign5:

June 6th, 2011, 20:01
Yawn Yawn --- 4 yes 4 pages of pure rubbish ,guys come on ,pull yourselves together --
justme leave your laptop down for a while --you seem soo easy to wind up to some on this board !!

June 9th, 2011, 00:18
There was no lie big guy....
Surfcrest, WHY do you keep proclaiming your innocence when it's clear you're guilty? You wrote a big scam story claiming you were short-changed 500 baht and spent over two months re-asserting this. CCTV footage shows you LIED. Two senior members of this site went there and VERIFIED the CCTV footage for everyone!

You then changed your mind and said you "were not certain" what you paid. This is admitting you lied because for two months prior, you repeatedly stated you were "sure" what you paid.

Would you like Unkie to post the footage of you for everyone to see? I believe he's allowed to do this now. I asked him to re-consider for the sake of peace and dignity (if you have any left), but you have this problem. It's fine if you don't want to admit you lied. Walk away. The problem is, instead of walking away, you continue to dispute him and claim you've never lied.

You can keep attacking me if you like - and I will keep taking the piss out of your creepy irrational stalking - but stop attacking Unkie with posts and PMs and pushing that you have never lied because more than one member has testified they saw conclusive evidence that you told a serious lie against that bar.

You've proven you're an extremely dishonest character. You were caught telling lies. Shut up... let it go... stop disputing what Unkie says and stop attacking him. Simple as that.

June 9th, 2011, 00:26
POS was fairly new but it immediately proved its worth.
The info it gave re the sales of food, drinks and other items could be balanced against the till nightly.
The input of invoices, wages and other overheads gave a concise picture of how wqe were operating.

But the important thing was the ability to be able to accurately track the costs against sales.
The systems pay for themselves and I cannot understand those who oppose the installation because of "cost"

It does not cost it saves and pays for itself very quickly.

the costing of any operation needs accurate figures,if a bar was working on the seat of the owners pants, then how can they understand what is profitable and what is not... If you do not know your margins on a daily/weekly or even monthly basis you are headed for financial disaster. The cost in real terms of discounting prices has to be timely and accurate or you are on a slippery slope.
Totally agree... Unkie might be too busy with other fires to be open minded to this. But a good POS system is essential to optimising any retail operation.

You need have the right metrics to make effective product, pricing, promotion and inventory decisions.

which really demonstrates you don't know what a POS can do for a business in terms of customer service - which is one of it's key selling points!
Why don't you go sell him one?