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View Full Version : gayromeo and thailand

May 31st, 2011, 18:21
just wondering if the gayromeo website can be accessed from Bangkok - or any other part of LOS for that matter. I know that often in BKK this SGT board is banned. I figure gayromeo might be banned as it contains the word "gay."
I hope I'm wrong.

May 31st, 2011, 18:30
just wondering if the gayromeo website can be accessed from Bangkok - or any other part of LOS for that matterI would imagine there would be no problem simply based on the amount of Thai boys who are on it every day and use it instead of working in the bars. Apparently Thonglor55 also has a virtual 24 hour open line to gayromeo from his Thailand retreat so I would guess it's easily accessed. Anytime I used it while in Thailand there were no problems.

May 31st, 2011, 19:57
No it's not banned. I've used GR while in Thailand many times, and theres
a never ending supply of Thai boys using it 24/7. Last count I had 283
Thai guys' profiles saved in my favorites at gayromeo.com, LOL.

May 31st, 2011, 21:19
Care to recommend anyone?? Pls message me!!

May 31st, 2011, 21:26
A suggestion.
There is a facility to leave comments in a Boy's profile, the Guestbook.
It could be used to give the rest of us useful information. Now it tends to be used by some who clearly do not know the boy. Example -
'You are very handsome. Hope I meet you some day'

May 31st, 2011, 22:00
A suggestion.
There is a facility to leave comments in a Boy's profile, the Guestbook.
It could be used to give the rest of us useful information. Now it tends to be used by some who clearly do not know the boy. Example -
'You are very handsome. Hope I meet you some day'

The guestbook can be useful but the owner of the profile may delete the messages he doesn't appreciate....
So plenty of good comments are a good sign, but you hardly ever find negative comments.

May 31st, 2011, 22:41
Guestbook useful if not used to post general "I would like to meet you" messages.

Access to Gayromeo may be restricted by some ISP's

June 1st, 2011, 01:07
I wrote into some guestbooks of boys I met, but then I stopped doing so:

who would want to have sex with a boy who had sex with me?

June 1st, 2011, 01:23
...who would want to have sex with a boy who had sex with me?

We probably all have!!


June 1st, 2011, 15:00
Apparently Thonglor55 also has a virtual 24 hour open line to gayromeo from his Thailand retreat so I would guess it's easily accessed.Nice theory newalaan but all of my Internet access in Thailand is done using a VPN so I have access unrestricted by the whim of the Thai censors or a Thai ISP.

June 1st, 2011, 15:38
Nice theory newalaan but all of my Internet access in Thailand is done using a VPN so I have access unrestricted by the whim of the Thai censors or a Thai ISP.Yes, how niave of me, I should have stopped to consider the fact that in all aspects of your Thai existance you would need to be one step ahead of the authorities at all times. A post from Thonglor55 with actual useful information to others, now there's a thing!

June 1st, 2011, 16:03
Yes, how niave of me ... Yes, I'd keep playing to your strengths if I were you, and naivety is clearly one of yours. Or is that niavety? Perhaps spelling is not a skill that lay preachers require?

June 1st, 2011, 18:51
Yes, I'd keep playing to your strengths if I were you, and naivety is clearly one of yours. Or is that niavety? Perhaps spelling is not a skill that lay preachers require?Oh dear thonglor, scraping the bottom of the retort barrel are we? Yes, I see you are also clearly playing to your strengths, namely, the non-skilled, technical nit-picking, pedantic observation side of literature rather than the school of thoughtfully constructed or witty replies. More building-site labourer than architectural. Still, on the plus side, your vital 'picking up spelling errors' skill, is much preferred to the alternative of reading the normal dross which usually finds it's way into your posts.

June 1st, 2011, 20:41
Oh dear thonglor, scraping the bottom of the retort barrel are we?
Now where did I hear that before?

is that a decent descent
A spelling error? That's your big witty retort?

June 1st, 2011, 21:05
You could also use a VPN on your laptop or computer for that matter. Cost me around USD 5 per month - easy to set up, and redirects accessto the internet via the UK - I also now have full access to iPlayer and ITV etc which is on the internet. Very cheap. It also shows pages like BBC UK instead of BBC Thailand.

June 1st, 2011, 21:27
Now where did I hear that before?Just as boringly predictable is your appearance, is your usual mutton-headed lack of understanding of the obvious. An 'a' and 'i' round the wrong way in naive, does not change the word to another, nor alter the meaning or the understanding of the context, whereas your example produced a completely different word. So in answer to your query...it would seem you have'nt heard it anywhere before. Even if you had it's much more likely you would have read it rather heard it in a forum post.

June 2nd, 2011, 07:05
you would have read it rather heard it in a forum post.
Oh dear you are on your pedantic high horse today. Is that some sort of Presbyterian thing?

June 2nd, 2011, 08:20
Which VPN are you using? Some of the more popular ones don't have servers in Thailand.

June 2nd, 2011, 09:18
Which VPN are you using? Some of the more popular ones don't have servers in Thailand.That's the whole point. I'm IN Thailand and I'm by-passing the Thai censors by connecting via a VPN to a provider OUTSIDE Thailand.